Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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Jihad Sherri can't face the truth. Jesus was a Zionist, the New Testament is a Zionist Book, and the Old Testament is a 100% Zionist book, of which Jesus himself said he believes in, word by word.

Nothing she has posted in this thread has made a dent in that.

The reason Jihad Sherri struggles with this truth is it undercuts the very core of her warped ideology of hatred built on lies.

zionism was invented in 1890
Zionism was "invented" when Moses led his people to the Promised Land, aka Zion over 3000 years ago, by the will of God.
Zionism emerged in the late 19th century in central and eastern Europe as a national revival movement, and soon after this most leaders of the movement associated the main goal with creating the desired state in Palestine
Zionism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
As usual, Islamic farthead Jos the Chos (fart in Farsi) doesn't bother going through what the link in his post actually says.

Major Aspects of Zionist ideals are in the Israeli Declaration of Independence

The Land of Israel was the birthplace of the Jewish people. Here their spiritual, religious and political identity was shaped. Here they first attained to statehood, created cultural values of national and universal significance and gave to the world the eternal Book of Books.

After being forcibly exiled from their land, the people kept faith with it throughout their Dispersion and never ceased to pray and hope for their return to it and for the restoration in it of their political freedom.

Impelled by this historic and traditional attachment, Jews strove in every successive generation to re-establish themselves in their ancient homeland. In recent decades they returned in their masses.


Since the first centuries CE most Jews have lived outside Land of Israel (Eretz Israel, better known as Palestine by non-Jews), although there has been a constant presence of Jews. According to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, Eretz Israel is a land promised to the Jews by God according to the Hebrew and Greek Bibles and the Quran, respectively. The Diaspora began in 586 BCE during the Babylonian occupation of Israel. The Babylonians destroyed the First Temple, which was central to Jewish culture at the time. After the 1st century Great Revolt and the 2nd century Bar Kokhba revolt, the Romans expelled the Jews from Judea, changing the name to Syria Palaestina. The Bar Kokhba revolt caused a spike in anti-Semitism and Jewish persecution. The ensuing exile from Judea greatly increased the percent of Jews who were dispersed throughout the Diaspora instead of living in their original home.
Zion is a hill near Jerusalem (now in the city), widely symbolizing the Land of Israel.
Readers take notice why Shia Sherri is a liar and a heretic. First she lies when she says the old testament is no longer valid. The old testament was Jesus' scripture. She claims this so she can feel comfortable saying "Fuck Israel". Second she says Jesus will not come back to Zion when the old AND new testament says he will. "On that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem, and the Mount of Olives will be split in two from east to west, forming a great valley, with half of the mountain moving north and half moving south" (Zechariah 14:4). and the new testament prophecy is found in the book of Romans 11:26. And so All Israel will be saved as it is written "The deliverer will come from ZION". Even the new testament says all Israel will be saved and Shia Sherri says Fuck Israel. JESUS IS A ZIONIST!!!! Choke on it Jew hater.
What?! Jihad Sherri just told us that the Bible says the Deliverer is a Philistine who will come from Philistia! Ha ha ha.
Having just said FUCK ISRAEL, another way to view mention of Israel in The New Testament as now constituting The Church, both Jews and Gentiles accepting Jesus as Messiah.

DO you even know which God your are worshipping you stupid idiot, it is the God of the Jews Yahweh who sent his Son Jesus ( joseph ) to live amongst men and preach the good word.
At this time I would like to quote Jesus when he said "forgive them Father, for they know not what they do". Jihad Sherri truly knows not what she is saying or doing.
Lunch Break!

There were 3 good arguments that Jesus was Black:

1. He called everyone brother.

2. He liked Gospel.

3. He didn't get a fair trial.

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was Jewish:

1. He went into His Father's business.

2. He lived at home until he was 33.

3. He was sure his Mother was a virgin and his Mother was sure He was God.

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was Italian:

1. He talked with His hands.

2. He had wine with His meals.

3. He used olive oil.

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was a Californian:

1. He never cut His hair.

2. He walked around barefoot all the time.

3. He started a new religion.

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was an American Indian:

1. He was at peace with nature.

2. He ate a lot of fish.

3. He talked about the Great Spirit.

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was Irish:

1. He never got married.

2. He was always telling stories.

3. He loved green pastures.

But the most compelling evidence of all - 3 proofs that Jesus was a woman:

1. He fed a crowd at a moment's notice when there was virtually no food.

2. He kept trying to get a message across to a bunch of men who just didn't get it.

3. And even when He was dead; He had to get up because there was still work to do.

Can I get an AMEN!!??
I see no real connection between the people of Israel in The Old Testament and the nation established in 1948 named Israel.

Great books to read more about this are Israeli Historian Shlomo Sand's books, that includes The Invention of the Jewish People.

Of course you see no connection. You are a Jew hating heretic and liar. You say you only believe the new testament. Your new testament says in Romans 11:26 that ALL ISRAEL will be saved. Not all Christians or all Jews, but ALL ISRAEL. It also says the deliverer will come from ZION. To a sane person, someone who comes from ZION is a ZIONIST. To a liar and heretic, the deliverer comes from Palestine.
Readers take notice why Shia Sherri is a liar and a heretic. First she lies when she says the old testament is no longer valid. The old testament was Jesus' scripture. She claims this so she can feel comfortable saying "Fuck Israel". Second she says Jesus will not come back to Zion when the old AND new testament says he will. "On that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem, and the Mount of Olives will be split in two from east to west, forming a great valley, with half of the mountain moving north and half moving south" (Zechariah 14:4). and the new testament prophecy is found in the book of Romans 11:26. And so All Israel will be saved as it is written "The deliverer will come from ZION". Even the new testament says all Israel will be saved and Shia Sherri says Fuck Israel. JESUS IS A ZIONIST!!!! Choke on it Jew hater.
What?! Jihad Sherri just told us that the Bible says the Deliverer is a Philistine who will come from Philistia! Ha ha ha.

That's because she has to lie, misquote and distort scripture in order to validate her hatred for Jews and Israel.
I see no real connection between the people of Israel in The Old Testament and the nation established in 1948 named Israel.

Great books to read more about this are Israeli Historian Shlomo Sand's books, that includes The Invention of the Jewish People.

Of course you see no connection. You are a Jew hating heretic and liar. You say you only believe the new testament. Your new testament says in Romans 11:26 that ALL ISRAEL will be saved. Not all Christians or all Jews, but ALL ISRAEL. It also says the deliverer will come from ZION. To a sane person, someone who comes from ZION is a ZIONIST. To a liar and heretic, the deliverer comes from Palestine.
Like I said, Jihad Sherri denies 75% of the New Testament, and 95% of the Old Testament.

Must be a requirement for a jihadist recruit who happens to also poses as a Christian.
Post-Zionist' Shlomo Sand has outraged many Jews by disputing the ethnic basis of Jewish identity. Rafael Behr*meets him in Paris

*Saturday 16 January 2010*19.05*EST

Sand's hands are depicting how most Jews are descended from converts who never set foot in the Holy Land. That has come as a bit of a surprise to many Jews and as a colossal affront to Zionism, Israel's national ideology. The modern Israeli state was founded on belief in a "Jewish people" as a unified nation, established in biblical times, scattered by Rome, stranded in exile for 2,000 years, then returned to the Promised Land.

But according to Sand there was no exile, and as he seeks to prove by dense forensic archaeological and historical analysis, it is meaningless to talk today about a "people of Israel". At least not if by that you mean the Jews.

Shlomo Sand: the man that Zionists love to hate | Books interview | Books | The Observer

I see no real connection between the people of Israel in The Old Testament and the nation established in 1948 named Israel.

Great books to read more about this are Israeli Historian Shlomo Sand's books, that includes The Invention of the Jewish People.
Post-Zionist' Shlomo Sand has outraged many Jews by disputing the ethnic basis of Jewish identity. Rafael Behr*meets him in Paris

*Saturday 16 January 2010*19.05*EST

Sand's hands are depicting how most Jews are descended from converts who never set foot in the Holy Land. That has come as a bit of a surprise to many Jews and as a colossal affront to Zionism, Israel's national ideology. The modern Israeli state was founded on belief in a "Jewish people" as a unified nation, established in biblical times, scattered by Rome, stranded in exile for 2,000 years, then returned to the Promised Land.

But according to Sand there was no exile, and as he seeks to prove by dense forensic archaeological and historical analysis, it is meaningless to talk today about a "people of Israel". At least not if by that you mean the Jews.

Shlomo Sand: the man that Zionists love to hate | Books interview | Books | The Observer

I see no real connection between the people of Israel in The Old Testament and the nation established in 1948 named Israel.

Great books to read more about this are Israeli Historian Shlomo Sand's books, that includes The Invention of the Jewish People.
Bullshit irrelevant crap.
I believe in a Jesus who is the truth and the life and the way and the only way to the Father.

Notice, no worship of a state called Israel is a part of that.

Worship of Nations is Idolatry.

Israel is The Church, Gentiles and Jews who accept Jesus as Messiah.

I see no real connection between the people of Israel in The Old Testament and the nation established in 1948 named Israel.

Great books to read more about this are Israeli Historian Shlomo Sand's books, that includes The Invention of the Jewish People.

Of course you see no connection. You are a Jew hating heretic and liar. You say you only believe the new testament. Your new testament says in Romans 11:26 that ALL ISRAEL will be saved. Not all Christians or all Jews, but ALL ISRAEL. It also says the deliverer will come from ZION. To a sane person, someone who comes from ZION is a ZIONIST. To a liar and heretic, the deliverer comes from Palestine.
Fuck you, Zionist scum.

Post-Zionist' Shlomo Sand has outraged many Jews by disputing the ethnic basis of Jewish identity. Rafael Behr*meets him in Paris

*Saturday 16 January 2010*19.05*EST

Sand's hands are depicting how most Jews are descended from converts who never set foot in the Holy Land. That has come as a bit of a surprise to many Jews and as a colossal affront to Zionism, Israel's national ideology. The modern Israeli state was founded on belief in a "Jewish people" as a unified nation, established in biblical times, scattered by Rome, stranded in exile for 2,000 years, then returned to the Promised Land.

But according to Sand there was no exile, and as he seeks to prove by dense forensic archaeological and historical analysis, it is meaningless to talk today about a "people of Israel". At least not if by that you mean the Jews.

Shlomo Sand: the man that Zionists love to hate | Books interview | Books | The Observer

I see no real connection between the people of Israel in The Old Testament and the nation established in 1948 named Israel.

Great books to read more about this are Israeli Historian Shlomo Sand's books, that includes The Invention of the Jewish People.
Bullshit irrelevant crap.
There is simply no Truth whatsoever in a Zionist

I see no real connection between the people of Israel in The Old Testament and the nation established in 1948 named Israel.

Great books to read more about this are Israeli Historian Shlomo Sand's books, that includes The Invention of the Jewish People.

Of course you see no connection. You are a Jew hating heretic and liar. You say you only believe the new testament. Your new testament says in Romans 11:26 that ALL ISRAEL will be saved. Not all Christians or all Jews, but ALL ISRAEL. It also says the deliverer will come from ZION. To a sane person, someone who comes from ZION is a ZIONIST. To a liar and heretic, the deliverer comes from Palestine.
Like I said, Jihad Sherri denies 75% of the New Testament, and 95% of the Old Testament.

Must be a requirement for a jihadist recruit who happens to also poses as a Christian.
Fuck you, Zionist scum.

Post-Zionist' Shlomo Sand has outraged many Jews by disputing the ethnic basis of Jewish identity. Rafael Behr*meets him in Paris

*Saturday 16 January 2010*19.05*EST

Sand's hands are depicting how most Jews are descended from converts who never set foot in the Holy Land. That has come as a bit of a surprise to many Jews and as a colossal affront to Zionism, Israel's national ideology. The modern Israeli state was founded on belief in a "Jewish people" as a unified nation, established in biblical times, scattered by Rome, stranded in exile for 2,000 years, then returned to the Promised Land.

But according to Sand there was no exile, and as he seeks to prove by dense forensic archaeological and historical analysis, it is meaningless to talk today about a "people of Israel". At least not if by that you mean the Jews.

Shlomo Sand: the man that Zionists love to hate | Books interview | Books | The Observer
Bullshit irrelevant crap.
I'm sorry, I don't have sex with animals. Try your mosque, Jihad Sherri.
There is simply no Truth whatsoever in a Zionist

Of course you see no connection. You are a Jew hating heretic and liar. You say you only believe the new testament. Your new testament says in Romans 11:26 that ALL ISRAEL will be saved. Not all Christians or all Jews, but ALL ISRAEL. It also says the deliverer will come from ZION. To a sane person, someone who comes from ZION is a ZIONIST. To a liar and heretic, the deliverer comes from Palestine.
Like I said, Jihad Sherri denies 75% of the New Testament, and 95% of the Old Testament.

Must be a requirement for a jihadist recruit who happens to also poses as a Christian.
Well ya, sure, the truth is just oozing out of ya, ain't it?

Freak. Ha ha ha.
Romans 11:26 is addressing Jews who ultimately shall accept Jesus as Messiah. Salvation comes only through belief in Jesus. See John 3:16. It's in my Signature line.
I believe in a Jesus who is the truth and the life and the way and the only way to the Father.

Notice, no worship of a state called Israel is a part of that.

Worship of Nations is Idolatry.

Israel is The Church, Gentiles and Jews who accept Jesus as Messiah.

I see no real connection between the people of Israel in The Old Testament and the nation established in 1948 named Israel.

Great books to read more about this are Israeli Historian Shlomo Sand's books, that includes The Invention of the Jewish People.

Of course you see no connection. You are a Jew hating heretic and liar. You say you only believe the new testament. Your new testament says in Romans 11:26 that ALL ISRAEL will be saved. Not all Christians or all Jews, but ALL ISRAEL. It also says the deliverer will come from ZION. To a sane person, someone who comes from ZION is a ZIONIST. To a liar and heretic, the deliverer comes from Palestine.
Last I checked Israel was in the Middle East. LOL
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