Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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Not proppaganda, Jose. Simple truth.

You still believe Moses was the instigator of Zionism?
He was herding the tribes toward Juarez?

The bible is fascinating literature (for those who read it) ----if
you read exodus carefully-----you note that the jews (or hebrews if you
prefer) are received with a kind of FAMILIARITY----something
like a group that left sometime in the past-----and now has
returned. Once in "CANAAN" they have----already---both
friends and opponents ------an existing situation. Of course
you have to read the book to know.....

Abraham ----in biblical literature is the first zionist. He purchased
HEBRON (by paying for it-----not "glorious" rape, murder and
pillage)----Hebron was the FIRST CAPITAL OF ZION----even sherri
would know that fact if she read the books of GENESIS AND EXODUS

Moses led the first ZIONIST MOVEMENT ---(he was born before
Jihad Sherri can't face the truth. Jesus was a Zionist, the New Testament is a Zionist Book, and the Old Testament is a 100% Zionist book, of which Jesus himself said he believes in, word by word.

Nothing she has posted in this thread has made a dent in that.

The reason Jihad Sherri struggles with this truth is it undercuts the very core of her warped ideology of hatred built on lies.

zionism was invented in 1890

The word YES but the concept has been around for a lot longer, and the ideology that is Zionism is lifted straight from the pages of the Old Testament/Tanaka
Luke 4*(New International Version)

Jesus Is Tested in the Wilderness

4*Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit,*left the Jordan*and was led by the Spirit*into the wilderness,*2*where for forty days*he was tempted[a]*by the devil.*He ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them he was hungry.

3*The devil said to him, “If you are the Son of God,*tell this stone to become bread.”

4*Jesus answered,*“It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone.’”

Luke 4 NIV - Jesus Is Tested in the Wilderness - Bible Gateway


Warning: Those who curse Israel will be cursed. Burn, Shia Sherri, burn.

Hmmmmm Jordan that country that was set aside for the muslim arabs from the British mandate. And yes Jesus was tempted by the devil and prevailed, while the chosen of your god failed and became a mental defective
Luke 4*(New International Version)

Jesus Is Tested in the Wilderness

4*Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit,*left the Jordan*and was led by the Spirit*into the wilderness,*2*where for forty days*he was tempted[a]*by the devil.*He ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them he was hungry.

3*The devil said to him, “If you are the Son of God,*tell this stone to become bread.”

4*Jesus answered,*“It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone.’”

GEE thanks sherri, You have AGAIN demonstrated that ----the real Jesus
(not your isa) was a PHARISEE Just about ever word ATTRIBUTED
to him -------(even by luke who did not speak aramaic) was derived
FROM THE PHARISEEs The jews of today----do the pharisee customs
and even "sayings" just as did Jesus. The statement "MAN DOES NOT
LIVE BY BREAD ALONE"----is repeated in the -----incessant "KIDDUSH"
ceremony-------a ceremony my hubby who ----never read the New testament---
having been born in a shariah cesspit------repeats every friday nite. If
there are kids around, he invariably says that which HIS father said----
whilst touching the bread to a bit of salt "MAN DOES NOT LIVE
BY BREAD ALONE"-------very very PHARISEE
Gee do baptists celebrate that concept too?. I think that pharisee
concepts fascinated the GREEK ----Luke
No idea where Zionists get such ideas.

2 Peter 3 - When Jesus comes again the earth will be completely destroyed.

This appears to be literal as the context is doctrinal instruction, not symbolic or poetic.

Since premillennialists insist on taking prophecy literally, let them do so here.

2 Peter 3

10*But the day of the Lord will come like a thief.*The heavens will disappear with a roar;*the elements will be destroyed by fire,*and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare.[a]

11*Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives*12*as you look forward*to the day of God and speed its coming.*That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat.*13*But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth,*where righteousness dwells.

2 Peter 3*(New International Version)

2 Peter 3 - The Day of the Lord - Dear friends, - Bible Gateway

If Jesus is not a Zionist, then why is Zion the first place His feet will touch the ground when He returns?
The New Testament says no such thing.

Revelation 1*(King James Version)

7*Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.

Revelation 1 KJV - The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which - Bible Gateway

If Jesus is not a Zionist, then why is Zion the first place His feet will touch the ground when He returns?

Who says so ya dopey fuck, you waiting on the return of Jaysus?

Sherri's New Testament says so ya dopey fucking Islamic terrorism supporter.
As I have said, with Jesus it was out with the old and in with the new.

A progressive revelation of God to mankind culminating with Jesus..

Message to Zionists/Israel, accept Jesus as Messiah or burn.



Does FUCK ISRAEL fit in here?
Having just said FUCK ISRAEL, another way to view mention of Israel in The New Testament as now constituting The Church, both Jews and Gentiles accepting Jesus as Messiah.
poor sherri----so depressed that she longs for the TWINKLING OF THE EYE ---
NOVA thing-------don't tell the JIHADOS-----they are waitng for the pig to smash
I see no real connection between the people of Israel in The Old Testament and the nation established in 1948 named Israel.

Great books to read more about this are Israeli Historian Shlomo Sand's books, that includes The Invention of the Jewish People.
As I have said, with Jesus it was out with the old and in with the new.

A progressive revelation of God to mankind culminating with Jesus..

Message to Zionists/Israel, accept Jesus as Messiah or burn.



Does FUCK ISRAEL fit in here?

Definitely Hesbo's shift now. :lol:

Caroline-----got that BRILLIANCE ? "out with the old and in with the new"

she makes herself seem like a "FLAPPER" of the roaring
twenties I can imagine her in a short shift dress----twirling
long beads and doing the CHARLESTON----an interesting era---
but about as mindless as the erstwhile fascination with LSD
No idea where Zionists get such ideas.

2 Peter 3 - When Jesus comes again the earth will be completely destroyed.

This appears to be literal as the context is doctrinal instruction, not symbolic or poetic.

Since premillennialists insist on taking prophecy literally, let them do so here.

2 Peter 3

10*But the day of the Lord will come like a thief.*The heavens will disappear with a roar;*the elements will be destroyed by fire,*and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare.[a]

11*Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives*12*as you look forward*to the day of God and speed its coming.*That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat.*13*But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth,*where righteousness dwells.

2 Peter 3*(New International Version)

2 Peter 3 - The Day of the Lord - Dear friends, - Bible Gateway

If Jesus is not a Zionist, then why is Zion the first place His feet will touch the ground when He returns?

Have you noticed anything about the description of the end times. Don't you think that it describes thermo nuclear Armageddon with the heavens disappearing and the elements catching fire. The Earth laid bare means that nothing will be left alive. Specially your arab muslims who will die of radiation sickness brought about by iran unleashing its nuclear arsenal on the M.E.

Is that what you want Isreal destroyed along with Egypt, Saudi, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq
If Jesus is not a Zionist, then why is Zion the first place His feet will touch the ground when He returns?

Who says so ya dopey fuck, you waiting on the return of Jaysus?

Now, now, Joey, many of us realize that you are on pins and needles awaiting for the Twelth Imam to jump out of the well. While you are waiting, you have been having some fun with your Taqiyya on this forum.
Readers take notice why Shia Sherri is a liar and a heretic. First she lies when she says the old testament is no longer valid. The old testament was Jesus' scripture. She claims this so she can feel comfortable saying "Fuck Israel". Second she says Jesus will not come back to Zion when the old AND new testament says he will. "On that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem, and the Mount of Olives will be split in two from east to west, forming a great valley, with half of the mountain moving north and half moving south" (Zechariah 14:4). and the new testament prophecy is found in the book of Romans 11:26. And so All Israel will be saved as it is written "The deliverer will come from ZION". Even the new testament says all Israel will be saved and Shia Sherri says Fuck Israel. JESUS IS A ZIONIST!!!! Choke on it Jew hater.
Having just said FUCK ISRAEL, another way to view mention of Israel in The New Testament as now constituting The Church, both Jews and Gentiles accepting Jesus as Messiah.

DO you even know which God your are worshipping you stupid idiot, it is the God of the Jews Yahweh who sent his Son Jesus ( joseph ) to live amongst men and preach the good word.
I see no real connection between the people of Israel in The Old Testament and the nation established in 1948 named Israel.

Great books to read more about this are Israeli Historian Shlomo Sand's books, that includes The Invention of the Jewish People.

Even better one is the Bible which deals with the Jewish God Yahweh and his son Jesus. The Jesus of the Bible would find no difference between his beliefs and the beliefs of the modern Jews. When he does come back he will wail in despair at the fake followers of his teachings and the evil way in which they stigmatise his people. You are destined for the fires of hell
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