Even McCrystal Says trump Is Dishonest. Won't Work With Him

Honesty & morality are no longer priorities.
They never were.

In other words republicans never cared about Monica. They had nothing on bill his economy was rocking so their fake outrage was just political. Republicans never were the morality party. They just say it to con the Bible thumpers. Why haven’t they banned abortion? It’s murder right?

We don’t care about stormy but it’s odd neither do you. Cheating on his wife when baron was 9 months old. Tsk
Honesty & morality are no longer priorities.
They never were.

In other words republicans never cared about Monica. They had nothing on bill his economy was rocking so their fake outrage was just political. Republicans never were the morality party. They just say it to con the Bible thumpers. Why haven’t they banned abortion? It’s murder right?

We don’t care about stormy but it’s odd neither do you. Cheating on his wife when baron was 9 months old. Tsk
"Caring" is one thing. Feigned outrage for partisan political advantage is another.
And they trash another war fighter.

How can ANY Vet support these freaks??
------------------------------------ 'mcrystal' collected a paycheck and perks for many years and now he is retired and on the dole . And as a a 'general' he probably socked lots of money away . And I don't think that he was ever wounded was he Lesh ?? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and mccrystal doesn't support Americans anyway as he works with gun controllers to take Americans Guns away Lesh .
Were YOU ever wounded?
-------------------------------------- none of your business , ---- but 'mccrystal' WAS a 'general' , did his job i guess , got paid for his work , retired on the Dole which is probably big money and now works against Americans [his employers] RIGHTS as a Gun Controller in 'gabby giffords' Gun Control Group Lesh !!
Last I checked he wasn't being offered a job in the adminstration so big woop turning down a job no one has offered you is hardly impressive.
Under the bus it is
What bus?
The bus you throw anyone who steps out of line and speaks out against the fuckup that is trump
How is saying not taking a job no one has offered you is not a big deal throwing someone under the bus? Throwing someone under the bus is the betrayal of a friend or ally given General McCrystal and I don’t know each other and have never worked together on anything makes your assertion I have thrown him under the bus exceedingly silly.
Trump's running outta yes men , and only 18 months in at that.....~S~

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