Even Right wing nutter channel votes to rejoin EU

My Taid liberated Belsen
My great grandfathers were both killed in WW1 and one of their brothers also died there. My great granmother got the telegram about her brother in the morning. In the afternoon she got the telegram about her husband.The price of sovereignty.

All of them would have preferred a united Europe that this stupid fuck hates so much.
You're talking shite, Remoaners are grave pissers. If you're talking the truth, you utterly disrespect your family.

Are you a member of the RMT? They're gonna support Corbyn, he'll probably run as an independent cos sham Labour booted him out. Go follow your 1970's Communist leader.
A member of my family in WW2 was one of the fallen, two others POWs, my Dad and his Brother fought in the War, against fascists and Nazis, not communists or socialists.
Pile of crap.

Listen, the vote was 2016, we came out the dictatorship in 2020. It was a democratic vote. So go and pick your toys up and put them back in your pram and move on. Until then, remoaning is dragging your life down. You need to learn to move on.

England became England in 927. For worse, Wales and Scotland are part of it, believe you me, I wish the English had a referendum because those two would be out. They're like turds stuck to ya backside. But the point is, throughout England's and the UK's history, the EU dictatorship was a handful of decades.

So anyone who can't live without the EU, go and live in an EU country, there's absolutely NO ONE stopping you. Please go because once you've gone, we no longer have to hear you fucking daily twining.

If it wasn't for the brave men and women of the UK and it's allies, you would be speaking German. And you want to give sovereignty away because the EU are wanting full integration. That's why Remoaners are grave pissers and if you try that, "My family in WWI/WWII......", bullshit, then you can shove it right up your disrespectful arse. The slight majority of the UK in 2016 respected and supported those that fought. So GFY.
Pile of crap.

Listen, the vote was 2016, we came out the dictatorship in 2020. It was a democratic vote. So go and pick your toys up and put them back in your pram and move on. Until then, remoaning is dragging your life down. You need to learn to move on.

England became England in 927. For worse, Wales and Scotland are part of it, believe you me, I wish the English had a referendum because those two would be out. They're like turds stuck to ya backside. But the point is, throughout England's and the UK's history, the EU dictatorship was a handful of decades.

So anyone who can't live without the EU, go and live in an EU country, there's absolutely NO ONE stopping you. Please go because once you've gone, we no longer have to hear you fucking daily twining.

If it wasn't for the brave men and women of the UK and it's allies, you would be speaking German. And you want to give sovereignty away because the EU are wanting full integration. That's why Remoaners are grave pissers and if you try that, "My family in WWI/WWII......", bullshit, then you can shove it right up your disrespectful arse. The slight majority of the UK in 2016 respected and supported those that fought. So GFY.
I am dealing with a deranged arshole, you unhinged prick, go and play with your Hitler Doll complete with full moving parts if you get my drift, we're done.
The prices in Britain is triple of those in my town. Besides, many dentists offer free 'examination and advice' as their marketing policy.

Maybe it can be sustained, who knows. The budget planning is quite difficult thing actually. As I can get, Britain has a vast number of deeply underfinanced things, such as roads, railroads, infrastructure, education and on and on.
What figure should the funding be for say the rail and NHS? What is that figure? What is it currently?

If you have a wasteful costly business and you throw more money at it, why do you still have a wasteful costly business?
I am dealing with a deranged arshole, you unhinged prick, go and play with your Hitler Doll complete with full moving parts if you get my drift, we're done.
You dirty grave pisser, Remoaners are the cancer on the UK. Get your pram toys and piss off to France, go and suck some EU cock. You'll probably love Hitler, just like the EU, he was a dictator too.
Tommy Tainant hey grave pisser, you tell me what the British Medical Journal said about the NHS years from 1997 to 2007?

Come on retard, those years under Blair, so it must have been fantastic; doctors, nurses, and the public in good spirits?? Financing went well?? So come on clown shoes, what did the BMJ conclude !!!! See if you can your bum buddy grave pisser Deadstick 's useless opinion.

(You thick gullible pricks)
You dirty grave pisser, Remoaners are the cancer on the UK. Get your pram toys and piss off to France, go and suck some EU cock. You'll probably love Hitler, just like the EU, he was a dictator too.

Did you see what’s going on in Brussels? lmao.
Did you see what’s going on in Brussels? lmao.
It's kicking off big style, retard Deadstick and retard Tommy love the little dictators in Brussels.

Funny how politicians surround themselves with police, bodyguards, and barbwire, lol.
Would the EU even take you malcontents back?
I think so. We would probably need to lodge a considerable bond. but we would be useful allies and rejoining would sort out a lot of issues for europe as well.
You can see the calibre of people who want out. They are not great intellects.
I think so. We would probably need to lodge a considerable bond. but we would be useful allies and rejoining would sort out a lot of issues for europe as well.
You can see the calibre of people who want out. They are not great intellects.
Then get to it while you can come up with the bond.
It's kicking off big style, retard Deadstick and retard Tommy love the little dictators in Brussels.

Funny how politicians surround themselves with police, bodyguards, and barbwire, lol.

Cow shit and eggs being hurled at EU officials. Hilarious.
Cow shit and eggs being hurled at EU officials. Hilarious.
I like how the farmers are keeping to the clean environmental pledge by setting tyres on fire, lol.

But to be honest, over the last couple of decades, governments are getting too big for their boots. Probably within the next couple of decades, if that, I wouldn't be surprised if a civil war kicked off somewhere with loads of politicians getting killed. They need to listen to and serve the people
It takes a day to get from Aberystwyth to Swansea by rail because our privatised railways are shite.
Here's a PDF link about the railways. You can see how passenger numbers tremendously took off due to privatisation. You can see how fares have climbed, under To y Blair as well, and the sudden upwards peak under Gordon Brown. Have a read, you will learn something. Anything else you need help with, just ask.

Oh, btw, when we were kids, early 70's, we used to get dragged to Allonby for our summer hols. The ancient shit pipe ran into the sea dumping crap out since Allonby was first founded. Sewage going into the sea has been going on since man squatted for his first dump.

But do carry on, your rants are both funny and amusing. Oh, my black wheelie bin blew over in high winds a few weeks back, can you blame that on the Tories too.....
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But do carry on, your rants are both funny and amusing. Oh, my black wheelie bin blew over in high winds a few weeks back, can you blame that on the Tories too.....
He is not funny very quickly . Rather , very sad .
So predictable, lacking insight and original thought.
Just a Copy and Paste merchant .

A perfect example of a little knowledge being an absolute disaster .
As my Dad used to say , -- a fifth rate barrack room lawyer .

imho .

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