Even Some Democrats see Insanity of Open Borders


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
ā€œThe way weā€™re doing it right now is catastrophic and is a recipe for disaster in the middle of a pandemic,ā€ said Rep. Vicente Gonzalez, one of the three Texas Democrats who represents part of the border most affected by spikes in migrant arrests and arrivals.


"The political anxiety surrounding the topic resonates well beyond Texas, even if immigration no longer rates as a front-burner issue in many of those places. In a recent Morning Consult poll of the popularity of Bidenā€™s executive actions, the immigration-oriented actions tended to be the least popular."


America keeps looking for signs of Sanity from Democrats. Here is a whiff of it coming from Latino Democrats in Congress as reported by the neo-Bolshevik Rag---Politico. Maybe there's Hope.
....it proves the Dems/''leftists'' minds are warped by the MSM/lies/myths/etc .....we should be cutting LEGAL and illegal immigration/etc----closing consulates/etc--for numerous COMMON SENSE reasons--not hate/etc
There is not any open borders that is a misused phrase used by globalist and stupid Republicans who don't understand the meaning and how the US has not had open borders since the first century of existence.
There is not any open borders that is a misused phrase used by globalist and stupid Republicans who don't understand the meaning and how the US has not had open borders since the first century of existence.
How would a nation have 20-40 million illegals residing in it without having an open border?
"We swear, we donā€™t want ā€˜open bordersā€™, we just donā€™t want a wall to divide us from Mexico, we want to provide wetbacks with safe havens, we want to give wetbacks the right to drive, we want to provide them with free education and healthcare, we want to abolish iCE, we want a pathway to citizenship for the 20-40 million illegal wetbacks here now, we want the 1.7 million DACA ā€˜kidsā€™ gifted a form of citizenship and we want wetbacks to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....we swear, we donā€™t want open borders."

You people can not continue selling your bullshit...Nobody sane is buying it.
ā€œThe way weā€™re doing it right now is catastrophic and is a recipe for disaster in the middle of a pandemic,ā€ said Rep. Vicente Gonzalez, one of the three Texas Democrats who represents part of the border most affected by spikes in migrant arrests and arrivals.


"The political anxiety surrounding the topic resonates well beyond Texas, even if immigration no longer rates as a front-burner issue in many of those places. In a recent Morning Consult poll of the popularity of Bidenā€™s executive actions, the immigration-oriented actions tended to be the least popular."


America keeps looking for signs of Sanity from Democrats. Here is a whiff of it coming from Latino Democrats in Congress as reported by the neo-Bolshevik Rag---Politico. Maybe there's Hope.

From the articleā€¦

ā€œOur party should be concerned. If we go off the rails, itā€™s going to be bad for us,ā€ Gonzalez said. ā€œBiden is going to be dealing with a minority in Congress if he continues down some of these paths.ā€​

One thing that jumps out at me right away, from the general tone of the article as a whole, but this quote in particular, is that this aversity to pandering to invading foreign criminals is not based on the concern that it ought to be, that such a policy is simply bad for America, and bad for the American people. Those Democraps expressing these concerns don't give a shit about that. They're just worried about the political repercussions, and how it will affect their own careers and their party.

Love him or hate him, I think one thing is undeniable about Donald Trump, as President, and that is that his policy positions were based on a sincere concern for what he believed was best for the country and the citizens thereof. How sharp a contrast it is, that we are now seeing between that and the Democraps, now that they are in power.
Biden's open borders policy is pandering to the millions of Democrat Voters who are Racist Latino Nationalist such as AOC.
They want to transform America into a Latino majority marxist banana republic like Venezuela.
It is another disgusting part of the Cancel Culture racism and bigotry of the Democrat Party.


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