Even "The Crown" gives in to unnecessary sex scenes......


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
A female member of the family is watching "The Crown," so I am too......it is funny watching the people we kicked out of this country and their issues........

Well....for almost 2 seasons, they kept gratiutious sex out of the series and just concentrated on the story......now, about 6 episodes in, where Princess Maggie is getting it on with a photographer, they have finally given in and shown sex for no reason......too bad, the show isn't bad, but even they finally gave in and lowered their standard...
I haven't watched the show, but what makes it gratuitous? Is any sex scene gratuitous?
I haven't watched the show, but what makes it gratuitous? Is any sex scene gratuitous?

IMHO, they are gratuitous if they go on for more than 30 sec. Yeah, we know, two people start kissing and taking each others clothes off, they are going to end up having sex. Just show them starting to kiss and then going off to the bedroom, and get on with the story.

I don't need to see them naked in the throes of passion in a movie for entertainment. If I want to watch sex scenes, that is what pornography is for.

How about less sex scenes and more car chases?

And yeah, a lot of times the car chase and action scenes are gratuitous as well, but at least they are fun to watch.
A female member of the family is watching "The Crown," so I am too......it is funny watching the people we kicked out of this country and their issues........

Well....for almost 2 seasons, they kept gratiutious sex out of the series and just concentrated on the story......now, about 6 episodes in, where Princess Maggie is getting it on with a photographer, they have finally given in and shown sex for no reason......too bad, the show isn't bad, but even they finally gave in and lowered their standard...

Usually that's a good indication ratings are tanking.....
Also when UFO's become part of the story
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Years ago I was watching the series "Rome" and my wife always accused me of watching it because of what she called porn in it.....All it was was a lot of dry humping, like that's porn.....
I haven't watched the show, but what makes it gratuitous? Is any sex scene gratuitous?

IMHO, they are gratuitous if they go on for more than 30 sec. Yeah, we know, two people start kissing and taking each others clothes off, they are going to end up having sex. Just show them starting to kiss and then going off to the bedroom, and get on with the story.

I don't need to see them naked in the throes of passion in a movie for entertainment. If I want to watch sex scenes, that is what pornography is for.

How about less sex scenes and more car chases?

And yeah, a lot of times the car chase and action scenes are gratuitous as well, but at least they are fun to watch.
Not everyone has a "hair trigger" man.
I haven't watched the show, but what makes it gratuitous? Is any sex scene gratuitous?

well...it was episode 16 or so......and up to this point they hadn't had any sex shown on screen.....
I haven't watched the show, but what makes it gratuitous? Is any sex scene gratuitous?

well...it was episode 16 or so......and up to this point they hadn't had any sex shown on screen.....

Like I said, if it goes over 30 sec. it's gratuitous. Me? If I want to watch naked people writhe around on the bed for 5 min, I'll watch porno.

Besides, sex scenes rarely add anything to the story, and it also takes away from the action.

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