Anyone going to watch the Olympics this year?

No. I've never been a fan of the Olympics. Nothing but rigged. The big rich countries who can afford the best win the most medals while the smaller, poorer countries win few. The US has like a team of 100-200 while smaller countries have teams of like 10-20. Guess which teams win more medals? This is not really a good way to show who is better than who because the playing field is not fair.

The U.S. has 500 plus I believe. Some as few as 5. I'm not sure the solution if a country can't field a team.
It is like the NCAA Basketball tournament where Cinderella teams knock off the powerhouse teams
That is why people watch

The attraction of the Olympics is that even if you are from a small country…….If you can run fast or jump high you can still win
A lot less likely when the US can spend millions training people while the poor countries cannot.
If someone is doing a drag show and people in the audience are laughing at them, when they are not trying to be funny, you won't be smiled upon.
Most drag shows are, obviously, sexual in nature. Not all of them. The ones you see on TV have more to do with a beauty pageant than anything else, but your neighborhood adult gay bar with drag shows are overtly sexual.

Don't go.
If someone is doing a drag show and people in the audience are laughing at them, when they are not trying to be funny, you won't be smiled upon.
Most drag shows are, obviously, sexual in nature. Not all of them. The ones you see on TV have more to do with a beauty pageant than anything else, but your neighborhood adult gay bar with drag shows are overtly sexual.

have you been to a lot of drag shows?
So, it's one country's fault if they have a larger population than another?
It's not just population. The richer countries can spend millions training their athletes while the poorer countries cannot. Unfair advantage. And, each country should have a limit for the number of athletes, like no more than 20.
It's not just population. The richer countries can spend millions training their athletes while the poorer countries cannot. Unfair advantage. And, each country should have a limit for the number of athletes, like no more than 20.

there are more than 20 sports.
It's not just population. The richer countries can spend millions training their athletes while the poorer countries cannot. Unfair advantage. And, each country should have a limit for the number of athletes, like no more than 20.

The Olympics would last two days. People wouldn't show up as many events would never happen.
If I hear about anything interesting I'll see what's been posted on YouTube where I pay $16/month to go ad-free. I very rarely sit through anything having commercials other than Arizona Cardinals games.
It's not just population. The richer countries can spend millions training their athletes while the poorer countries cannot. Unfair advantage. And, each country should have a limit for the number of athletes, like no more than 20.
The US does not spend any federal funds "training their athletes." Stop whining.
The Olympics would last two days. People wouldn't show up as many events would never happen.
OK, but it doesn't change the fact that the whole process is unfair. And, I find it hilarious that they have had a food problem for the athletes because they were trying to limit their carbon footprint, when the whole entire affair raises their carbon footprint. But, the athletes should have limited food to make up for the very huge carbon footprint that the games make.
If I hear about anything interesting I'll see what's been posted on YouTube where I pay $16/month to go ad-free. I very rarely sit through anything having commercials other than Arizona Cardinals games.

watching the US women destroy Greece in water polo right now.
OK, but it doesn't change the fact that the whole process is unfair. And, I find it hilarious that they have had a food problem for the athletes because they were trying to limit their carbon footprint, when the whole entire affair raises their carbon footprint. But, the athletes should have limited food to make up for the very huge carbon footprint that the games make.

All seemed kinda silly I don't disagree.
Horrible story. No doubt.

But there are over 10,000 athletes representing 200+ delegations with all kinds of background stories. I’ll watch some of the sports but not all. Right now women’s biking is on.
If I was going to go to an adult theater/bar - it wouldn't be men dressed as women.

Yet you seem to have a shit ton of knowledge about drag did you come by that if not by experiencing them for yourself?

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