Even the government itself admitted in the 70's there was a conspiracy to kill JFK.

as always,you show you worship propaganda.:lmao::lmao::lmao:

you are such an idiot you dont even know that the zapruder film was altered, many photography experts have concluded that. they talk about that in the book THE GREAT ZAPRUDER FILM HOAX.
It is interesting that there is more to Zapruder than is ever mentioned in the Great American Brainwashing Machine -- better known as the mass media.

Zapruder was influential in the Dallas business community, with ties to the far right-wing Dallas Council of World Affairs.

From the book, Family of Secrets, about the Bush Dynasty :

Zapruder is widely characterized as an innocent bystander, simply an onlooker who happened to capture historic footage that would dominate the evidentiary debate. Innocent he may well have been, but hardly unknown in Dallas intelligence circles.

It turns out that the short, bald recorder of history was also a former colleague of Mrs. de Mohenschildt; he worked with her at Nardis when she first moved to Dallas. Zapruder also sat on the board of Neil Nallon's Dallas Council on World Affairs. Like numerous figures in this story, he had a propensity for groups built on loyalty and secrecy, having attained the status of thirty-second-degree Freemason. The film he would make on November 22 would soon be purchased by Henry Luce, a Skull-and-Bones colleague of Prescott Bush and a devotee of Intelligence -- whose wife, Clare Booth Luce, had personally funded efforts to overthrow Castro. Henry Luce had warned that JFK would be punished if he went "soft on Communism." After quickly purchasing the original Zapruder film, Luce's Life magazine kept it in lockdown until New Orleans D.A. Jim Garrison successfully subpoenaed it in 1969.

[emphases added]
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^ noman expressing his unabated imbecility.

It comes as no surprise that a dullard of noman's tragically low intellectual capacity would be on the same page as 9/11 Rimjob. :lol:

noman is not only no man, he is of no worth.

as always,you show you worship propaganda.:lmao::lmao::lmao:

you are such an idiot you dont even know that the zapruder film was altered, many photography experts have concluded that. they talk about that in the book THE GREAT ZAPRUDER FILM HOAX.
It is interesting that there is more to Zapruder than is ever mentioned in the Great American Brainwashing Machine -- better known as the mass media.

Zapruder was influential in the Dallas business community, with ties to the far right-wing Dallas Council of World Affairs.

From the book, Family of Secrets, about the Bush Dynasty :

Zapruder is widely characterized as an innocent bystander, simply an onlooker who happened to capture historic footage that would dominate the evidentiary debate. Innocent he may well have been, but hardly unknown in Dallas intelligence circles.

It turns out that the short, bald recorder of history was also a former colleague of Mrs. de Mohenschildt; he worked with her at Nardis when she first moved to Dallas. Zapruder also sat on the board of Neil Nallon's Dallas Council on World Affairs. Like numerous figures in this story, he had a propensity for groups built on loyalty and secrecy, having attained the status of thirty-second-degree Freemason. The film he would make on November 22 would soon be purchased by Henry Luce, a Skull-and-Bones colleague of Prescott Bush and a devotee of Intelligence -- whose wife, Clare Booth Luce, had personally funded efforts to overthrow Castro. Henry Luce had warned that JFK would be punished if he went "soft on Communism." After quickly purchasing the original Zapruder film, Luce's Life magazine kept it in lockdown until New Orleans D.A. Jim Garrison successfully subpoenaed it in 1969.

[emphases added]
amazingly meaningless!
Zapruder is widely characterized as an innocent bystander, simply an onlooker who happened to capture historic footage that would dominate the evidentiary debate. Innocent he may well have been, but hardly unknown in Dallas intelligence circles.

It turns out that the short, bald recorder of history was also a former colleague of Mrs. de Mohenschildt; he worked with her at Nardis when she first moved to Dallas. Zapruder also sat on the board of Neil Nallon's Dallas Council on World Affairs. Like numerous figures in this story, he had a propensity for groups built on loyalty and secrecy, having attained the status of thirty-second-degree Freemason. The film he would make on November 22 would soon be purchased by Henry Luce, a Skull-and-Bones colleague of Prescott Bush and a devotee of Intelligence -- whose wife, Clare Booth Luce, had personally funded efforts to overthrow Castro. Henry Luce had warned that JFK would be punished if he went "soft on Communism." After quickly purchasing the original Zapruder film, Luce's Life magazine kept it in lockdown until New Orleans D.A. Jim Garrison successfully subpoenaed it in 1969.

[emphases added]

WOW!! What a coincidence thereby absolutely positively proving a consipiracy... but there is a much stranger coincidenece with this Kennedy thing than can be imagined... hold on to your seats while I lay it out for you...

Marylyn Monroe was in a famous TV video with JFK where she sang Happy Birthday Mr. President.

Marylyn Monroe was also in a movie with Jack Lemmon called "Some Like it Hot"...

You better sit down now.

Jack Lemmon had a supporting role in Oliver Stone's JFK!!

But wait, it gets scarier...

Oliver Stone's JFK also co-starred ... KEVIN BACON!!!

Yes, JFK is within 3 degrees of Kevin Bacon.

Coincidence? I think not!!!!
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You have a lot of nerve calling yourself a "Legaleagle"!!

If you or Daws had even ordinary knowledge of how criminal cases are built, or, having such knowledge, you had even ordinary decency, you would recognize that most cases are built of small facts put together with many other small facts to create a mosaic which may reveal the truth.

I made no grandiose claims for what I mentioned about Zapruder -- indeed, all overblown grandiosity is coming from you -- I just mentioned it as an interesting fact. If it has any significance, it must derive from its connection with the whole extreme right-wing cabal then active in Dallas.

However, Mr. Wise Impartial Legaleagle, you clearly do not wish to know anything about that!

"WHAT IS TRUTH? said Jesting Pilate,
And would not stay for an answer."

----Francis Bacon

You have a lot of nerve calling yourself a "Legaleagle"!!

If you or Daws had even ordinary knowledge of how criminal cases are built, or, having such knowledge, you had even ordinary decency, you would recognize that most cases are built of small facts put together with many other small facts to create a mosaic which may reveal the truth.

I made no grandiose claims for what I mentioned about Zapruder -- indeed, all overblown grandiosity is coming from you -- I just mentioned it as an interesting fact. If it has any significance, it must derive from its connection with the whole extreme right-wing cabal then active in Dallas.

However, Mr. Wise Impartial Legaleagle, you clearly do not wish to know anything about that!

"WHAT IS TRUTH? said Jesting Pilate,
And would not stay for an answer."

----Francis Bacon


WOW, so your conspiracy theory is fine, but mine is not? Do you not think it odd that Kevin Bacon is so closely related to all these people? Much more so than Zapruder... and you want to give him a free ride.... DISMISS IT OUT OF HAND AND RIDICUOLE ME!! HMMPH!

You are probably are employed by some right wing group trying to divert attention from the real culprits and are payed to post misleading posts on internet message boards whenever someone gets too close to the real culprits..


where is 911nut job??? he's overdue. well no worry you can catch him and his water pistol pal at this forum

XXXXX Delete link to other forum(s)
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Well, Legaleagle, why didn't you start by revealing that George W. Bush is a shape-shifting reptilian anti-christ from an alien demonic planet!!

That's far more believable than all the other garbage you conspiracy-denialists spew forth!!
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Well, Legaleagle, why didn't you start by revealing that George W. Bush is a shape-shifting reptilian anti-christ from an alien demonic planet!!

That's far more believable than all the other garbage you conspiracy-denialists spew forth!!

I did. I am not a conspiracy denier, I am a proponent of the the shape shifting reptilain alien thesis made famous by David Icke in his book The Biggest Secret (the biggest secret being that we are controlled by shape shifting reptilian aliens from the Constellation Draco. The head lizard is none other than Queen Elizabeth who eats children whenever she can... of course Bush is a lizard, as is Obama. Other prominent lizards include Hillary (of course), Kris Kristoferson and Box Car Willie. All of these can be substantiated by incontravertable evidence.

Well, Legaleagle, why didn't you start by revealing that George W. Bush is a shape-shifting reptilian anti-christ from an alien demonic planet!!

That's far more believable than all the other garbage you conspiracy-denialists spew forth!!

I did. I am not a conspiracy denier, I am a proponent of the the shape shifting reptilain alien thesis made famous by David Icke in his book The Biggest Secret (the biggest secret being that we are controlled by shape shifting reptilian aliens from the Constellation Draco. The head lizard is none other than Queen Elizabeth who eats children whenever she can... of course Bush is a lizard, as is Obama. Other prominent lizards include Hillary (of course), Kris Kristoferson and Box Car Willie. All of these can be substantiated by incontravertable evidence.

It's a good thing the Lizard King didn't get elected.


The Destruction of America came to that House called White, but filled with dark corruption, where on a basalt throne, black as that realm whence Evil comes, sat One who, in Pride and Petulance, glared ---- and whined ---- and whose frown, and wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command told well that He, Prince of Lies ---- from whose noisome lips has never fallen a word of truth ---- schemed how to ensnare the feet of those who walk in simple faith.

And at his feet crouched there, that Black Beast, whose every panting breath was ruddy, crackling flame: Barney, Hound of Hell!


9 farts on this thread from the trolls since I was last here I see.:9:

You have a lot of nerve calling yourself a "Legaleagle"!!

If you or Daws had even ordinary knowledge of how criminal cases are built, or, having such knowledge, you had even ordinary decency, you would recognize that most cases are built of small facts put together with many other small facts to create a mosaic which may reveal the truth.

I made no grandiose claims for what I mentioned about Zapruder -- indeed, all overblown grandiosity is coming from you -- I just mentioned it as an interesting fact. If it has any significance, it must derive from its connection with the whole extreme right-wing cabal then active in Dallas.

However, Mr. Wise Impartial Legaleagle, you clearly do not wish to know anything about that!

"WHAT IS TRUTH? said Jesting Pilate,
And would not stay for an answer."

----Francis Bacon
yeah he should change his user name to LYING EAGLE.hee hee.
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your handlers sure pay you well for your ass beatings you are getting on this thread Dawgshit.
another handjob classic ! who beat my ass? no of you wankers have ever come close.:eusa_liar:

But you don't understand. 9-11 I.J. thinks that whoever has the most emoticons in their posts is the winner. Therfore, you lost.

Hey Numan,I love how Dawgshit denys reality that thats the ONLY reason he comes back here is he is well paid for the constant ass beatings he gets here while trolling.whats REALLY hysterical though is he denys that he hasnt had any ass beatings on this thread.:lmao::lmao: he runs off everytime he is cornered with this video not trying to ounter the facts there were multiple shooters and says he hasnt lost.comedy gold.:lmao:

and whats really hysterical even MORE so is that predfan troll ignores what the title of this thread says because it proves he is a troll and is clueless in his ramblings that oswald is the lone assassina thats why just like dawgshit,he wont touch that link or watch any of those videos i have posted 0on this thread since he knows he is cornered.:lmao::lmao::lmao: making up crap about smilesy as his rebuall.hee hee.
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as always,you show you worship propaganda.:lmao::lmao::lmao:

you are such an idiot you dont even know that the zapruder film was altered, many photography experts have concluded that. they talk about that in the book THE GREAT ZAPRUDER FILM HOAX.
It is interesting that there is more to Zapruder than is ever mentioned in the Great American Brainwashing Machine -- better known as the mass media.

Zapruder was influential in the Dallas business community, with ties to the far right-wing Dallas Council of World Affairs.

From the book, Family of Secrets, about the Bush Dynasty :

Zapruder is widely characterized as an innocent bystander, simply an onlooker who happened to capture historic footage that would dominate the evidentiary debate. Innocent he may well have been, but hardly unknown in Dallas intelligence circles.

It turns out that the short, bald recorder of history was also a former colleague of Mrs. de Mohenschildt; he worked with her at Nardis when she first moved to Dallas. Zapruder also sat on the board of Neil Nallon's Dallas Council on World Affairs. Like numerous figures in this story, he had a propensity for groups built on loyalty and secrecy, having attained the status of thirty-second-degree Freemason. The film he would make on November 22 would soon be purchased by Henry Luce, a Skull-and-Bones colleague of Prescott Bush and a devotee of Intelligence -- whose wife, Clare Booth Luce, had personally funded efforts to overthrow Castro. Henry Luce had warned that JFK would be punished if he went "soft on Communism." After quickly purchasing the original Zapruder film, Luce's Life magazine kept it in lockdown until New Orleans D.A. Jim Garrison successfully subpoenaed it in 1969.

[emphases added]

excellent stuff there Numan,thanks for posting that.:clap2::clap2::clap2: Yeah I read that book Family of secrets but I somehow forgot this part you mentioned on Zapruder.I knew he was a freemason but I forgot Baker mentioning that fact how he was connected to George Demoranschilds wife.amazing stuff there.so much for the innocent bystander role the media has always made him out to be all these years portraying him as though he was a patriot for getting the film shot on video. No wonder he handed it over willingly to Henry Luce the editor of time magazine,cause as you know,they were a lobbying firm for the CIA.

again,excellent find,i totally forgot all about that part in that book.The thing I really enjoy about Bakers book is that it is objective and not one sided which is my only beef with the jfk bush connection video is it seems to be republican driven.All it does is talk about BUsh and Nixons involvement in it but leaves out how LBJ,NIXON,AND CONNOLY the night before the assassination were at a dinner party at the home of one of the oilmans ranches who was friends with LBj.This book not only discusses Nixon and Bushs connections to it but also discusses how Lbj had a long standing friendship with Bush srs father Prescott Bush was just like Bush,also had ties to the CIA.Baker really puts LBj in the picture as well. His book is not republican driven one bit at all.
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Is 9/11 Rimjob still lying and claiming (falsely) that the GOVERNMENT "admitted" anything?

That never happened, of course.

In REALITY (which twoofer asshole lying sacks of shit like 9/11 Rimjob run away from), one House Committee asserted such shit.

That one committee is NOT the government. At BEST, it is a small part of a small part OF the government.

But lying asshole twoofer cocksucker shit-munching idiots like Rimjob will never admit that they are wrong.
The CIA is the citizens of the USA's greatest enemy.

so very true.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

many of the sheople here are in denial about this.

they dont even get it that the HSCA investigation in the 70's even THEY concluded reluctantly,that there was a second shooter involved when evidence surfaced at the last moment there were more than 3 shots fired.

It was set up because most people were not believeing anymore in the magic bullet theory and they knew there was a conspiracy so the government found themselves a NEW patsy concluding his assassination was the result of a probable conspiracy and elements of the mob were involved.

Problem was,when the investigation was winding down,two CIA men came forward and said-we did it,where do you want to go with this investigation? but the committe of course ignored them and did not puruse that lead of course since it pointed towards government involvement.

also about years ago or so,one of the burglers who was arrested in the watergate burgley who ran covert operations for the CIA for Nixon when he was vice president,he had his son tape record him and he gave a death bed confession that he was indeed in dealy plaza that day as part of a CIA operation to kill Kennedy.you'll never hear of that mentioned from the CIA controlled media though of course.here is his interview.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUecqrHoj3I]E Howard Hunt Hidden Messages: JFK Assassination Confession - YouTube[/ame]

I notice that the magic bullets theorists have no comment about this post of mine or the video or that other video i posted that proves there were multiple gunman there that day and it was a CIA operation.evade,evade evade is their tactics as always. the truth hurts so they shoot the messenger.:lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl:

one of the agent trolls getting desperate i see that the truth is getting out that his handler sent him here to fart again so soon.:lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl: they keep whining and crying in defeat like the monkey trolls they are not even touching the facts.:D

where did they learn to debate,the keystone cops? they be laughed out of a debating hall within one minute the way they debate.you got to actually try and refute the facts your opponent presents.
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