Ever noticed how fat these people are that are coming into the country.

diets and health habits of people in cartel-ravaged countries (cartels who gain money and power by selling Americans their illicit drugs) are not going be nearly as good as people who live in countries that have more money and resources.
All of that is beside the point

The people pouring across our border with Mexico add nothing to this country and should not be here
No problem we have Obamacare....

Consequences of Obesity
  • All-causes of death (mortality)
  • High blood pressure (hypertension)
  • High LDL cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol, or high levels of triglycerides (Dyslipidemia)
  • Type 2 diabetes.
  • Coronary heart disease.
  • Stroke.
  • Gallbladder disease.
  • Osteoarthritis (a breakdown of cartilage and bone within a joint)
Email your response to that lardass cult leader, Trump asslicker.

On second thought, don't bother. He may run again.
So you think that access to healthier foods, resources and information in those countries is as good as ours.

Okay, got it.
We have access. We make choices. They choose high carb foods that are so common. It's a worldwide problem unless you make the choice. We DO all have choices
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I know that the obesity rates in America are higher than in most of Central and South America, so the OP is completely ignorant. And yet, folks are lining up to back him up.

Americans are more obese by choice. Those to the south of us don't have the information and resources that we do, and they don't have the choices we do.

So you could go after the ignorant and bigoted OP, but I don't see that happening. Why is that?
there's nothing bigoted or racist calling a big fat cow a big fat cow. Watch the videos.
"We need to know who these people are, where they are, what they're thinking, and most importantly, who agrees with them. That information is ugly, it's rough, but it tells us how far we still need to go as a society."
You know, M'58, that's an interesting concept.
We may differ on detail, but tend to largely agree.

And, it may be one of the motivations for my avatar to visit this site.
Like going to the zoo, so to speak. A peek into another world.
To see things that I never....or very seldom see......in my real-world reality.

We have three homes that we spend the year in......the farm, the pied de terre, and our winter-escape place......in none of those locales do I encounter the extremism, bigotry, and pure jackassery as I do on this gossipboard.
And by and large that aspect of our discourse here seems to come from Rightfield-thinkers, it seems to come from mostly Trump supporters.

I don't think the site has the bandwidth to adequately explore why that is. And why those with such vitriolic grievance-ridden views about America gravitate towards today's flavor of the GOP. I get it as to why such folks will come to an internet gossipboard and vent. They can do it anonymously, under a fake name, so there's not a lot of skin in the game.

I've always.....always.....identified my political views as 'conservative-leaning independent', a skeptical optimist. Arising no doubt from my farm childhood, and my business career....but today's iteration of 'conservativism' is a world unlike any I've experienced before. I ain't a Democrat. Always leaned more toward GOP candidates. But, man, there are some nutters as headliners in today's GOP.
They are akin to some of the nutters we occasionally encounter out in the world ----like the jackasses that fly a big blue flag with "F*ck Biden".* Or the maskless jackass who walked out of the Shop'n'Go the other day with a T-shirt that said "I ain't wearing no f*cking face diaper"!

*I saw an identical 'F*ck Biden' flag being carried by Trump mobsters at the Capitol on January 6th. So that was a 'tell', in my view. Not because I'm fan of Joe Biden, but a 'tell' on the nature and judgement of too many Trump supporters. It seemed consistent with what I have read on this venue.

So there is that.
n none of those locales do I encounter the extremism, bigotry, and pure jackassery as I do on this gossipboard
In betting many of us are your neighbors. We just keep our mouths shut because leftists love to cause trouble.

But expect another backlash soon. Bide has caused a flood of people to come who have nothing in common with us. The only people in AMERICA who have less in common with this country is the American left. So FU and everything you've done to destroy this country. You are my enemy. You are not my fellow citizens
in none of those locales do I encounter the extremism, bigotry, and pure jackassery as I do on this gossipboard.
If you cant find leftwing extremism you simply arent looking

and now we have a third group - the smug, hollier-than-thou libs who blame everything on trump
We don't need ice down there. Looks like we need the State Brand Inspector.
Big fat cows coming across may have bangs
yeah I did notice that.... it means that they will all go on tax payer paid medical and cost a ridiculous amount of money just to keep them from dying of heart failure or diabetes. We are importing our own doom.....the Dems are importing future Democrat voters.

Yes, I'm half brown, married into another half brown family.

I know better. I know what these people are going through. I know what they lack, from birth. But you're certainly free to do your stuff. You answered my question, and that's all I needed.
This is not about hating someone. It is about not having our nation become from what is coming from a nation that has failed them.
You know, M'58, that's an interesting concept.
We may differ on detail, but tend to largely agree.

And, it may be one of the motivations for my avatar to visit this site.
Like going to the zoo, so to speak. A peek into another world.
To see things that I never....or very seldom see......in my real-world reality.

We have three homes that we spend the year in......the farm, the pied de terre, and our winter-escape place......in none of those locales do I encounter the extremism, bigotry, and pure jackassery as I do on this gossipboard.
And by and large that aspect of our discourse here seems to come from Rightfield-thinkers, it seems to come from mostly Trump supporters.

I don't think the site has the bandwidth to adequately explore why that is. And why those with such vitriolic grievance-ridden views about America gravitate towards today's flavor of the GOP. I get it as to why such folks will come to an internet gossipboard and vent. They can do it anonymously, under a fake name, so there's not a lot of skin in the game.

I've always.....always.....identified my political views as 'conservative-leaning independent', a skeptical optimist. Arising no doubt from my farm childhood, and my business career....but today's iteration of 'conservativism' is a world unlike any I've experienced before. I ain't a Democrat. Always leaned more toward GOP candidates. But, man, there are some nutters as headliners in today's GOP.
They are akin to some of the nutters we occasionally encounter out in the world ----like the jackasses that fly a big blue flag with "F*ck Biden".* Or the maskless jackass who walked out of the Shop'n'Go the other day with a T-shirt that said "I ain't wearing no f*cking face diaper"!

*I saw an identical 'F*ck Biden' flag being carried by Trump mobsters at the Capitol on January 6th. So that was a 'tell', in my view. Not because I'm fan of Joe Biden, but a 'tell' on the nature and judgement of too many Trump supporters. It seemed consistent with what I have read on this venue.

So there is that.
People who own three homes make up less than 1% of the American population and tend to live in a world detached from the norm. Your Data collection system needs some adjustment. This " Gossip Board " as you refer to it is not a peek into the outlier realm of make believe...it is a window into the reality that hides from public gaze..... This is who people REALLY ARE but would never show in their daily lives. There is a bg difference between the two.

Are you HALF WHITE? Like Obama?

I'm half brown too. 6 months out of the year, I'm pasty white. The other 6 months I'm brown
LOL....That's the thing that tickles me most about this place.....because I post the way I post everyone just assumes that I'm white...hahaha
Nobody can tolerate a person of color who holds conservative viewpoints....Not Black either....the rest I'll leave to mystery.

" This " Gossip Board " as you refer to it is not a peek into the outlier realm of make believe...it is a window into the reality that hides from public gaze"

Ummm, noper. I demur.

Flying a big blue flag with the words "Fuck Biden" on it (hell, I saw one truck with two such flags).......ain't a reality that is hiding from public gaze.
Such jackasses are, unfortunately, embraced by today's 'conservatives', today's 'Trump Supporters'.

One doesn't need to be a so-called 1-percenter, to recognize rampant jackassery among certain segments of the electorate.

No disrespect intended.


See post #26: "*I saw an identical 'F*ck Biden' flag being carried by Trump mobsters at the Capitol on January 6th. So that was a 'tell', in my view. Not because I'm fan of Joe Biden, but a 'tell' on the nature and judgement of too many Trump supporters. It seemed consistent with what I have read on this venue."
I dont know.....we're some lunkers here in the US.

Oh most def..... the average US citizen is not a healthy specimen to be sure.... we are the ants beneath the feet of the Agricultural Giants like Archer-Daniels-Midland, Con Agra \, Pepsi-co, Tyson foods........the list goes on. They are all dedicated to the science of overfeeding the consumer for bottom line expansion which unfortunately also leads to the expansion of the waistline. .. I have to hand it to China..... you do not see Obese people there. I notice that every time I look at a picture of Chinese citizens.

You've spent years here being dishonest.

I laugh at the bigots and go on with my life. I usually put them on "ignore", like I did with you, but I can no longer do so.
You're free to point out any lies. For you to say that, I'm sure you'll be able to provide many examples.

You guys never seem to be able to do that.
Are you HALF WHITE? Like Obama?

I'm half brown too. 6 months out of the year, I'm pasty white. The other 6 months I'm brown
People always ask why I brown up so easy, so I got on Ancestry.com and found out 4 generations back my grandmother was a Cherokee Indian
You know, M'58, that's an interesting concept.
We may differ on detail, but tend to largely agree.

And, it may be one of the motivations for my avatar to visit this site.
Like going to the zoo, so to speak. A peek into another world.
To see things that I never....or very seldom see......in my real-world reality.

We have three homes that we spend the year in......the farm, the pied de terre, and our winter-escape place......in none of those locales do I encounter the extremism, bigotry, and pure jackassery as I do on this gossipboard.
And by and large that aspect of our discourse here seems to come from Rightfield-thinkers, it seems to come from mostly Trump supporters.

I don't think the site has the bandwidth to adequately explore why that is. And why those with such vitriolic grievance-ridden views about America gravitate towards today's flavor of the GOP. I get it as to why such folks will come to an internet gossipboard and vent. They can do it anonymously, under a fake name, so there's not a lot of skin in the game.

I've always.....always.....identified my political views as 'conservative-leaning independent', a skeptical optimist. Arising no doubt from my farm childhood, and my business career....but today's iteration of 'conservativism' is a world unlike any I've experienced before. I ain't a Democrat. Always leaned more toward GOP candidates. But, man, there are some nutters as headliners in today's GOP.
They are akin to some of the nutters we occasionally encounter out in the world ----like the jackasses that fly a big blue flag with "F*ck Biden".* Or the maskless jackass who walked out of the Shop'n'Go the other day with a T-shirt that said "I ain't wearing no f*cking face diaper"!

*I saw an identical 'F*ck Biden' flag being carried by Trump mobsters at the Capitol on January 6th. So that was a 'tell', in my view. Not because I'm fan of Joe Biden, but a 'tell' on the nature and judgement of too many Trump supporters. It seemed consistent with what I have read on this venue.

So there is that.
What we're seeing and experiencing is a distortion of the traditional Left-Right-Center template. A perversion. Informed, (relatively) honest competition of ideologies is what made this country great. But dueling realities is something entirely different, and it's corrosive.

We should have fucking seen this coming. This isolated alternate reality has its roots in the early days of Rush Limbaugh, who trained them to eschew and/or attack any media that disagreed with them, and his never-ending parade of copycats and knock-offs (and ultimately, of course, the internet). These people aren't traditional conservatives or liberals. They're so full of rage and frustration and paranoia and misinformation that we should have noticed. Trump did, and he ran with it.

I've said this many times: Whether it's a hardcore, illiberal regressive leftist or an obedient, mindless Trumpster, I may as well be trying to communicate with a wild-eyed Jihadi on the streets of Damascus. All we can do at this point is observe, try to advance a fundamental reality, and hope that this shrinks over time to be small enough to be put back where it belongs: The lunatic fringe.

But that will require that we pay close attention to what they say, and why.
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