Ever See A RAT Crying Crocodile Tears?

800,000 people in DACA, plus parents, how many invaders are there? The invasion has been going on for years while we didn't look. Now we have millions of invaders ready to challenge the right of possession. Whose country is it? Is it the United States of America or the United States of Mexico.

Pack them all up, every one. Take them out of their cribs, nursing homes, schools, dig them up by the roots and send them back.
BOTTOMLINE--------> For 800,000 people with a path in maybe 5 years, he has the wall, AND unlinks chain migration, meaning their parents COULD be deported.

I don't know about the parents since most of the dreamers were adults anyhow:

https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/USCIS/Humanitarian/Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals/USCIS-DACA-Characteristics-Data-2014-7-10.pdf

According to this government report, the average age of a dreamer is around 25 years old. Most were not little children not knowing up from down. Here is the breakdown:

Ages 19 and under (18 is a legal adult in this country) ......................256,800
20 to 24...............................................................................................169,000
25 to 29.................................................................................................74,600
30 and over...........................................................................................10,500

Don't let anybody get away with crying over the children because over half of them were not children at all. It's unclear how many were actually 17 and under, but it's well more than half.

What ARE you going to do when none of the Dreamers are deported?

What ARE you going to do when the deal is they can't vote for 10 years?
Why should they ever vote? Why should they ever become citizens? They should get a special green card that doesn't allow them to become citizens and doesn't allow them to sponsor anyone for a visa. Let's see how the Dims respond to that.

BOTTOMLINE--------> For 800,000 people with a path in maybe 5 years, he has the wall, AND unlinks chain migration, meaning their parents COULD be deported.

I don't know about the parents since most of the dreamers were adults anyhow:

https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/USCIS/Humanitarian/Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals/USCIS-DACA-Characteristics-Data-2014-7-10.pdf

According to this government report, the average age of a dreamer is around 25 years old. Most were not little children not knowing up from down. Here is the breakdown:

Ages 19 and under (18 is a legal adult in this country) ......................256,800
20 to 24...............................................................................................169,000
25 to 29.................................................................................................74,600
30 and over...........................................................................................10,500

Don't let anybody get away with crying over the children because over half of them were not children at all. It's unclear how many were actually 17 and under, but it's well more than half.

They're also being portrayed as if they don't habla espanol or have relatives in Mehico who could take them in. How about giving each of them an M-4 and tell them to go home and change the government by any means necessary. Mehico could be a rich country if the 12 familias who run it got put up against a wall.

I am sorry fellas, but we can agree to disagree on this one. We all know that this is political. We also know that the biggest "boo-hoo, cry-baby-cry" thing the Democrats have going for them in this whole illegal immigration discussion, are these DACA people.

And so, since it is their biggest "heartstrings" issue, time for a reverse on them. We will SAVE all these people gladly, but we are going to build the wall so it doesn't give us this choice again, and delink chain migration.

Lets do this, ok! What! What? You mean you Democrats are willing to vote AGAINST giving them a path to citizenship, and STOP any thought of deportation because of a wall, AND because you don't want to make sure we get the best of the best LEGAL immigrants from here forward? Are you Democrats telling America you have NO intention of securing the border, and are willing to sacrifice these young people for future ILLEGALS who haven't gotten here yet!

-------:>See what I mean-)

I think I can find it in my heart to support giving those who served our military a pass because at least they did something to contribute. But coming here, taking our jobs, and keeping our wages lower is not what I consider a contribution.

It drives me crazy when they come here, look around, and say "I see you have a great place here! Must have cost you trillions. Must have cost you millions of lives to protect this place. The roads are great, the buildings and land are beautiful, your welfare system is aces in my book. I think I'll stay, thanks!!"

If you like our country so much, then go back home and turn your country into ours. It takes a lot of work, a lot of sweat, a lot of lives, and a lot of desire.
What ARE you going to do when none of the Dreamers are deported?

What ARE you going to do when the deal is they can't vote for 10 years?
Why should they ever vote? Why should they ever become citizens? They should get a special green card that doesn't allow them to become citizens and doesn't allow them to sponsor anyone for a visa. Let's see how the Dims respond to that.

They wouldn't care because that would not stop their plan. Their plan is to get as many non-white people in this country as they can, and once they have complete power (which will happen at some point) they will grant a blanket amnesty and make this a one-party government forever. Because once you are a citizen, you have the constitutional right to vote in this country.
What ARE you going to do when none of the Dreamers are deported?

What ARE you going to do when the deal is they can't vote for 10 years?
Why should they ever vote? Why should they ever become citizens? They should get a special green card that doesn't allow them to become citizens and doesn't allow them to sponsor anyone for a visa. Let's see how the Dims respond to that.

They wouldn't care because that would not stop their plan. Their plan is to get as many non-white people in this country as they can, and once they have complete power (which will happen at some point) they will grant a blanket amnesty and make this a one-party government forever. Because once you are a citizen, you have the constitutional right to vote in this country.

That's right. That's why I said they shouldn't be allowed to become citizens.
Why didn't the Dreamers work toward citizenship during DACA? It's been over seven years yea?
They can't legally do that.

Well then it sounds like Obama fucked them over...

That said, got a quick overview as to why they couldn't under DACA? ( I was MIA from politics during DACA and I've got my fingers in way too many pies today to research it right. )
Why didn't the Dreamers work toward citizenship during DACA? It's been over seven years yea?
They can't legally do that.

Well then it sounds like Obama fucked them over...

That said, got a quick overview as to why they couldn't under DACA? ( I was MIA from politics during DACA and I've got my fingers in way too many pies today to research it right. )
DACA didn't change immigration law. An EO can't modify law passed by Congress.
When I first saw the thread title, I thought it was about the Obamayatollah. But it applies to the Schumer crook and his Miss-Piggy-Looking niece Amy as well.
Check out the YouTube vids of Crying Chuck Shumer pretending to be "moved" by the plight of the little DACA beaners. Please.....he and Pelousi are frantic that 800,000 VOTES might be lost...they couldn't care less about the "dreamers" or the parents who dragged them into the US:


And now they're being portrayed as teachers, firefighters, soldiers, etc etc when the truth is a large number of them are on welfare, useless as their freeloading parents. Barry knew what he was doing was unconstitutional but he did it anyway...and now is also crying reptile tears that his vile "legacy" is again being uprooted.

Bravo for President Trump putting this back in the sticky fingers of CONgress where we can watch how the Rats treat the issue and the chattel they consider the wetbacks to be.
What ARE you going to do when none of the Dreamers are deported?

Many already have been because they Fd up. Maybe not all will be deported, but there are some that will.

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Why didn't the Dreamers work toward citizenship during DACA? It's been over seven years yea?
They can't legally do that.
So that pretty much sums up their status as being illegal. Thanks.

That's what I'm thinking.

I did a very quick exam of immigration law and I didn't see what supposedly stopped them from applying for citizenship under DACA.

IDK I still remember when Regan gave instant citizenship to 3M of them, my gut instinct didn't agree with that decision and frankly I feel vindicated these days. What'd we get for it? 11M more illegals. It's gotta stop. No more amnesty, no more deferments, no more games. You either put in the effort to become a citizen or you don't really want to be one IMO.
Why didn't the Dreamers work toward citizenship during DACA? It's been over seven years yea?
They can't legally do that.
So that pretty much sums up their status as being illegal. Thanks.

That's what I'm thinking.

I did a very quick exam of immigration law and I didn't see what supposedly stopped them from applying for citizenship under DACA.

IDK I still remember when Regan gave instant citizenship to 3M of them, my gut instinct didn't agree with that decision and frankly I feel vindicated these days. What'd we get for it? 11M more illegals. It's gotta stop. No more amnesty, no more deferments, no more games. You either put in the effort to become a citizen or you don't really want to be one IMO.

Reagan did do that but later admitted it was his biggest mistake as President.

The people sneaking in today don't want to be Americans. They don't want to learn our language They don't want to spend their money here. They want our social goodies, compassion for their children, and jobs Americans should have.
Why didn't the Dreamers work toward citizenship during DACA? It's been over seven years yea?
They can't legally do that.
So that pretty much sums up their status as being illegal. Thanks.

That's what I'm thinking.

I did a very quick exam of immigration law and I didn't see what supposedly stopped them from applying for citizenship under DACA.

IDK I still remember when Regan gave instant citizenship to 3M of them, my gut instinct didn't agree with that decision and frankly I feel vindicated these days. What'd we get for it? 11M more illegals. It's gotta stop. No more amnesty, no more deferments, no more games. You either put in the effort to become a citizen or you don't really want to be one IMO.

Reagan did do that but later admitted it was his biggest mistake as President.

The people sneaking in today don't want to be Americans. They don't want to learn our language They don't want to spend their money here. They want our social goodies, compassion for their children, and jobs Americans should have.
I don't care whether they want to be Americans or not. We don't need anymore immigrants. Every one of them takes a job from an American.
Why didn't the Dreamers work toward citizenship during DACA? It's been over seven years yea?
They believe they shouldn't have to do anything. They don't recognize the border. The border crossed us, that's what they say. Invaders believe that every person in Mexico has the right to come here and take whatever they want.

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