Every Child Killed In A Mass-Shootings Last 2 Years Has Been From A Transgender Shooter

Good guys with guns who intend on becoming a bad guy with a gun, are going to learn from this example to not advertise their intentions!

Obtaining an AR-15 is not any indications of bad intentions. (sometimes)
I only have an AR because I trained on various versions of the M16, and I'm familiar with them.

I prefer shotguns for close encounters.
Seems the LGBTQ+ community is creating monsters.

I think this is by design.

Here is just one out of the millions of dem sickies there.

Posted by u/fiery_baptismdetrans via Reddit

I have permanently fucked my life up VENT

"I’ll never have fully functioning genitals again. I can never have blood children. I’m the antithesis of impulsive, but the one time I act too swiftly, I end up fucking my life up.I am an outcast. I am unloveable. What was done to me as a child isn’t to blame for my choice to transition and neither is anyone/anything else. The blame is on me because I walked into that clinic and made my decision. And I made a horrible fucking decision. How can I ever trust myself again? How can I be certain about anything if I felt so certain about that? I’m a fucking nutcase. What am I living for? I just have drifted through my life so far. The only place I belong is a jail cell because it feels like a matter of time before I hurt someone. I’m just so damn angry at everything and I want revenge against the whole fucking world."

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You don't have to be a transfreak to be a dem sicky. Dems on the whole are a sick lot irrespective of being trans, homosexual or not...the liberal mind is just a diseased brain. And despite all of what I say here, I'm not against the liberals or the transfreaks. Do as you like...as long as it just affects YOU! The problem is the dems and their base work tirelessly to force it on everyone else...that is the problem. The non-conformists demand everyone else to conforms to them. You can never mind your own business when it comes to a filthy dem...they take the fight to you!

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