Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired is a theft from those who hunger but are not fed & who are cold but are not clothed

Our military keeps things stable for international trade and resource extraction. We get paid after a fashion or at least our big business interests do.

It's not the mission of the military to protect international trade or to be the bully boys for big business but since all our politicians have been bought and sold by big business what can you expect?
Millions upon millions upon millions of republicans love their SSI and Medicare Insurance as do democrats. So do I. These are free we paid for all of it ....yes even medicare is paid for every month as it is deducted for SSI checks. SSI and Medicare are earned.

Whereas corporate subsidies of all sorts are the real entitlements.
The United States’ Social Security system is the most efficiently run insurance program in the world, with overhead of only 0.7% of annual benefits. For every $100 paid into the system, $99.30 is paid out in benefits to retirees.
While the government types you support use good old fashioned secret police and violence to keep the lid down.

Social welfare programs are giant make work programs for middling bureaucrats that measure "success" by how much money they spend, not on any actual results they get.
There are plenty of shithole counties that don't do anything for the poor. There is no middle class and anyone with money has to travel around with armed guards.
It's not the mission of the military to protect international trade or to be the bully boys for big business but since all our politicians have been bought and sold by big business what can you expect?
The USA has 1000 off shore military establishments....... I want to trade in 500 off shore military establishments for Single Payer Health Insurance which makes this neither free nor is it government health care.
There are plenty of shithole counties that don't do anything for the poor. There is no middle class and anyone with money has to travel around with armed guards.

That isn't a response to either of my statements.
It's not the mission of the military to protect international trade or to be the bully boys for big business but since all our politicians have been bought and sold by big business what can you expect?
Our navy was founded for this very purpose.
It is the old Economic “Guns vs Butter” argument

The US has always sided with guns as we allow our social programs to suffer
Not saying one is “better” than the other, but If the social Programs are inefficient and mostly only bolster the bureaucratic state.. then it’s good to not just throw them money

You can’t assume social program = good. We’ve seen many cause great harm (the great society’s catastrophic demise of the black family)
Millions upon millions upon millions of republicans love their SSI and Medicare Insurance as do democrats. So do I. These are free we paid for all of it ....yes even medicare is paid for every month as it is deducted for SSI checks. SSI and Medicare are earned.

Whereas corporate subsidies of all sorts are the real entitlements.

Former President Bush claimed the trust fund is just a bunch of government IOUs and therefore worthless. Is this true?

The trust fund does just contain IOUs, but they’re not worthless. If they are, someone should tell that to the very smart and very rich people, and the central banks of Japan, China, and many other countries that hold a large share of their assets in U.S. government bonds.

When the trust fund was created in 1935, the law stipulated that any excess revenues coming into the Social Security system must be used to purchase federal government bonds. (At the time, the stock market had just lost over 75% of its value and was understood to be unsafe.)

Federal bonds are absolutely safe; the government of the United States has never defaulted on any bond obligation.

Former President Bush appeared to be ready to break this tradition. He appeared to want the Treasury to “selectively default” on the bonds in the Social Security trust fund. He obviously felt the United States doesn’t have to meet its obligation to the working people of America the way it meets its obligations to ultra-wealthy bondholders. His suggestion that the U.S. government might not be willing to repay its debt obligations was remarkable and for a time completely disrupted global financial markets.

What will happen when the assets held in the trust fund are needed to help pay for benefits?

The trust will start selling the bonds. Currently it has to sell them back to the Treasury, although the law could easily be changed to allow sales to the same people, institutions, and governments who were buying U.S. bonds this past year.
It is but like most who bitch about social programs it appears you have never considered what they are actually for. Hunger and want can destabilize any country in very short order. A police state then becomes necessary.

A police state creates the inequities because the rulers don't have to worry about the people at all. It's why socialism always starts with the police state, and true "communism" is impossible to implement.
The US spends more on SS and Medicare than it does on the military. Two programs that are not mentioned in the Constitution get more tax payer money than that is.

People pay for SS and Medicare with every paycheck. Let's start doing that with the wars and see how long they last.
Socialist bullshit.

Cut military spending, eliminate socialist entitlements, pay down the debt / stop taxing the people so much.
Our navy was founded for this very purpose.
Not the Army or Airforce

But maybe you can find me the mission statements that say our military's primary function is to protect the trade of multinational corporations
Not saying one is “better” than the other, but If the social Programs are inefficient and mostly only bolster the bureaucratic state.. then it’s good to not just throw them money

You can’t assume social program = good. We’ve seen many cause great harm (the great society’s catastrophic demise of the black family)
You can make the same argument about the military being inefficient and wasteful
Not the Army or Airforce

But maybe you can find me the mission statements that say our military's primary function is to protect the trade of multinational corporations
Do I look like google to you? Find your own shit if you wish to rebut my statements.
It's your assertion not mine why should I prove your statements for you?

You make the claim YOU prove it.
I have nothing whatsoever I feel the need to prove to you. So hit your pussy ass disagree button and move on.
I have nothing whatsoever I feel the need to prove to you. So hit your pussy ass disagree button and move on.
Oh so you didn't say the Navy was founded for the very purpose of protecting trade?

You either have memory problems or you're a lying sack of shit.
Oh so you didn't say the Navy was founded for the very purpose of protecting trade?

You either have memory problems or you're a lying sack of shit.
I played the find the link game with you fucks plenty long enough to know there's no educating you. It's no coinsidence that our overseas military are concentrated near oil deposits, trade routes, ports and trading partners. I still don't see what you have a problem with here. You like having things in the store don't you?

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