Every Jew has secret knowledge of a Zionist world conspiracy? Not true.

Must be easy to go to a Nazi site and pick up selected verses.
Only slightly less easy than photographing the corpses of typhus victims and claiming they were murdered.
Tell that to the US, British and Russian militaries who took and published the photos.
and labelled them as whatever they wished.

Uh huh.
Uh huh.

You realize, of course, that you've refuted nothing that I've said in this thread so far.

you have said nothing------you have picked up some of the stuff written by escapees from the NUREMBURG TRIALS. I know it well. It fluttered around
in the breeze of my childhood town------to the tune of OH TANNENBAUM
Must be easy to go to a Nazi site and pick up selected verses.
Only slightly less easy than photographing the corpses of typhus victims and claiming they were murdered.
Tell that to the US, British and Russian militaries who took and published the photos.
and labelled them as whatever they wished.

Uh huh.
Uh huh.

You realize, of course, that you've refuted nothing that I've said in this thread so far.
You want me to refute memes?
How mature.
Anyone can start a website or publish a book; freedom of expression is so important that I would not suppress lies.
Auschwitz camp was built at first as a putative political jail in a POLISH TOWN under the control of the German Nazi occupation. It was really a death factory for jews. Men women and children were brought in by cattle car------right past the homes of polish citizens-------and murdered there.
Doesn't is just make such perfect sense to to build a swimming pool and a brothel in a death factory? Well, of course, because the German people have always been known for their inefficiency & stupidity. Must be why they would ship all those men, women, and children they were planning to murder hundreds of miles in cattle cars to be gassed instead of just shooting them. Sure, it all makes sense now.

Must be easy to go to a Nazi site and pick up selected verses.
Only slightly less easy than photographing the corpses of typhus victims and claiming they were murdered.

Capri---- I own a piece of property that was----long ago---a private house (late 1800s) in the course of time it became two apartments for blue collar workers.
----more time past and it became a grocery store. more time-----different uses. The USAGE of buildings can
change over time. My maternal grandfather lost brothers and their families----
having been shipped by train from Austria to Auschwitz----the fate of two little nieces is known------a pig like you grabbed them by their ankles and smashed
their heads against a brick wall-----AUSCHWITZ I appreciate your review of the revisionist filth. All genocides result in some survivors and WITNESSES.
Of course----I "know" that no one died of starvation in Ireland-----the Mc Idiots
just CANNABALIZED the Mc Scum. See----I can act like a moron just like you.
Are you Irish? oh-----well-----I tried.
Very sorry to hear about your and your grandfather's relatives.

No one claims that there were no camps, that jews weren't targeted, or that people didn't suffer and die. The argument of "revisionists" is with the intent, the numbers, the purported methods, and the causes.

Of course, I take exception to your saying "a pig like you grabbed them by their ankles and smashed their heads against a brick wall" as I would never dream of doing such a thing nor associate with anyone who would. Regardless, your reaction is understandable and I feel no animosity towards you for it. You have my apologies if anything I posted opened an old wound. I'm not calling anyone a liar -- be clear about that -- nor claiming that nothing wrong, vile, or evil was ever committed by the German military. Horrible things happen in war. That said, word of mouth recounting of isolated incidents doesn't constitute proof of wide ranging claims.

You are, of course, correct that buildings and facilities can be re-purposed. Yet, even if we accept that Auschwitz was constructed originally for some other purpose than extermination, could it have been constructed as anything other than a prison of some sort? Remember, it was on occupied (officially) Polish territory. Would any prison have such facilities? Are you contending that the buildings were there, the camp was built around them, yet they weren't razed or made husks? How odd.

Regarding witnesses: There is video documentation of former Auschwitz inmates confirming a prison orchestra, art shows, etc. Numerous purported eye-witness testimonies are proven and admitted falsehoods. Others are proven to have been coerced through threats and torture. Some are are contradictory (as noted previously in this thread). Some are patently ridiculous. And others? Again, no one claims nothing happened; only the why, how, and how much are questioned.
Must be easy to go to a Nazi site and pick up selected verses.
Only slightly less easy than photographing the corpses of typhus victims and claiming they were murdered.
Tell that to the US, British and Russian militaries who took and published the photos.
and labelled them as whatever they wished.


that's it-------your whole witness is that person who has declared himself
"British Chief of """black propaganda""" " is he a goth? Well ---no ---he is
an ethnic German ---follower of adolf hitler whose family moved their stinking
Nazi asses to England-------one of many Nazi pigs who continued writing for DAS VATERLAND in the post war era. As a child, I read lots of that literature-----mostly emanating from Syria and Egypt. The area in which I lived as a kid in
the USA-------included a significant population of the descendants of german type
farmers-------remember the mercenaries? In fact there was a battle fought in town led by George Washington------
Your assertion has no basis.
Auschwitz camp was built at first as a putative political jail in a POLISH TOWN under the control of the German Nazi occupation. It was really a death factory for jews. Men women and children were brought in by cattle car------right past the homes of polish citizens-------and murdered there.
Doesn't is just make such perfect sense to to build a swimming pool and a brothel in a death factory? Well, of course, because the German people have always been known for their inefficiency & stupidity. Must be why they would ship all those men, women, and children they were planning to murder hundreds of miles in cattle cars to be gassed instead of just shooting them. Sure, it all makes sense now.

Must be easy to go to a Nazi site and pick up selected verses.
Only slightly less easy than photographing the corpses of typhus victims and claiming they were murdered.

Capri---- I own a piece of property that was----long ago---a private house (late 1800s) in the course of time it became two apartments for blue collar workers.
----more time past and it became a grocery store. more time-----different uses. The USAGE of buildings can
change over time. My maternal grandfather lost brothers and their families----
having been shipped by train from Austria to Auschwitz----the fate of two little nieces is known------a pig like you grabbed them by their ankles and smashed
their heads against a brick wall-----AUSCHWITZ I appreciate your review of the revisionist filth. All genocides result in some survivors and WITNESSES.
Of course----I "know" that no one died of starvation in Ireland-----the Mc Idiots
just CANNABALIZED the Mc Scum. See----I can act like a moron just like you.
Are you Irish? oh-----well-----I tried.
Very sorry to hear about your and your grandfather's relatives.

No one claims that there were no camps, that jews weren't targeted, or that people didn't suffer and die. The argument of "revisionists" is with the intent, the numbers, the purported methods, and the causes.

Of course, I take exception to your saying "a pig like you grabbed them by their ankles and smashed their heads against a brick wall" as I would never dream of doing such a thing nor associate with anyone who would. Regardless, your reaction is understandable and I feel no animosity towards you for it. You have my apologies if anything I posted opened an old wound. I'm not calling anyone a liar -- be clear about that -- nor claiming that nothing wrong, vile, or evil was ever committed by the German military. Horrible things happen in war. That said, word of mouth recounting of isolated incidents doesn't constitute proof of wide ranging claims.

You are, of course, correct that buildings and facilities can be re-purposed. Yet, even if we accept that Auschwitz was constructed originally for some other purpose than extermination, could it have been constructed as anything other than a prison of some sort? Remember, it was on occupied (officially) Polish territory. Would any prison have such facilities? Are you contending that the buildings were there, the camp was built around them, yet they weren't razed or made husks? How odd.

Regarding witnesses: There is video documentation of former Auschwitz inmates confirming a prison orchestra, art shows, etc. Numerous purported eye-witness testimonies are proven and admitted falsehoods. Others are proven to have been coerced through threats and torture. Some are are contradictory (as noted previously in this thread). Some are patently ridiculous. And others? Again, no one claims nothing happened; only the why, how, and how much are questioned.
Auschwitz was designed for the ground up to cremate humans em masse.
Must be easy to go to a Nazi site and pick up selected verses.
Only slightly less easy than photographing the corpses of typhus victims and claiming they were murdered.
Tell that to the US, British and Russian militaries who took and published the photos.
and labelled them as whatever they wished.


that's it-------your whole witness is that person who has declared himself
"British Chief of """black propaganda""" " is he a goth? Well ---no ---he is
an ethnic German ---follower of adolf hitler whose family moved their stinking
Nazi asses to England-------one of many Nazi pigs who continued writing for DAS VATERLAND in the post war era. As a child, I read lots of that literature-----mostly emanating from Syria and Egypt. The area in which I lived as a kid in
the USA-------included a significant population of the descendants of german type
farmers-------remember the mercenaries? In fact there was a battle fought in town led by George Washington------
Your assertion has no basis.
Neither do your memes.
Only slightly less easy than photographing the corpses of typhus victims and claiming they were murdered.
Tell that to the US, British and Russian militaries who took and published the photos.
and labelled them as whatever they wished.

Uh huh.
Uh huh.

You realize, of course, that you've refuted nothing that I've said in this thread so far.
You want me to refute memes?
How mature.
Anyone can start a website or publish a book; freedom of expression is so important that I would not suppress lies.
I've posted much more than memes. You've refuted nothing but only hurled insults, dodged, and otherwise failed to address in any substantive way any point I've made and supported.
Auschwitz camp was built at first as a putative political jail in a POLISH TOWN under the control of the German Nazi occupation. It was really a death factory for jews. Men women and children were brought in by cattle car------right past the homes of polish citizens-------and murdered there.
Doesn't is just make such perfect sense to to build a swimming pool and a brothel in a death factory? Well, of course, because the German people have always been known for their inefficiency & stupidity. Must be why they would ship all those men, women, and children they were planning to murder hundreds of miles in cattle cars to be gassed instead of just shooting them. Sure, it all makes sense now.

Must be easy to go to a Nazi site and pick up selected verses.
Only slightly less easy than photographing the corpses of typhus victims and claiming they were murdered.

Capri---- I own a piece of property that was----long ago---a private house (late 1800s) in the course of time it became two apartments for blue collar workers.
----more time past and it became a grocery store. more time-----different uses. The USAGE of buildings can
change over time. My maternal grandfather lost brothers and their families----
having been shipped by train from Austria to Auschwitz----the fate of two little nieces is known------a pig like you grabbed them by their ankles and smashed
their heads against a brick wall-----AUSCHWITZ I appreciate your review of the revisionist filth. All genocides result in some survivors and WITNESSES.
Of course----I "know" that no one died of starvation in Ireland-----the Mc Idiots
just CANNABALIZED the Mc Scum. See----I can act like a moron just like you.
Are you Irish? oh-----well-----I tried.
Very sorry to hear about your and your grandfather's relatives.

No one claims that there were no camps, that jews weren't targeted, or that people didn't suffer and die. The argument of "revisionists" is with the intent, the numbers, the purported methods, and the causes.

Of course, I take exception to your saying "a pig like you grabbed them by their ankles and smashed their heads against a brick wall" as I would never dream of doing such a thing nor associate with anyone who would. Regardless, your reaction is understandable and I feel no animosity towards you for it. You have my apologies if anything I posted opened an old wound. I'm not calling anyone a liar -- be clear about that -- nor claiming that nothing wrong, vile, or evil was ever committed by the German military. Horrible things happen in war. That said, word of mouth recounting of isolated incidents doesn't constitute proof of wide ranging claims.

You are, of course, correct that buildings and facilities can be re-purposed. Yet, even if we accept that Auschwitz was constructed originally for some other purpose than extermination, could it have been constructed as anything other than a prison of some sort? Remember, it was on occupied (officially) Polish territory. Would any prison have such facilities? Are you contending that the buildings were there, the camp was built around them, yet they weren't razed or made husks? How odd.

Regarding witnesses: There is video documentation of former Auschwitz inmates confirming a prison orchestra, art shows, etc. Numerous purported eye-witness testimonies are proven and admitted falsehoods. Others are proven to have been coerced through threats and torture. Some are are contradictory (as noted previously in this thread). Some are patently ridiculous. And others? Again, no one claims nothing happened; only the why, how, and how much are questioned.
Auschwitz was designed for the ground up to cremate humans em masse.
Your contention contradicts the argument presented by someone on your side of this debate.

Only slightly less easy than photographing the corpses of typhus victims and claiming they were murdered.
Tell that to the US, British and Russian militaries who took and published the photos.
and labelled them as whatever they wished.


that's it-------your whole witness is that person who has declared himself
"British Chief of """black propaganda""" " is he a goth? Well ---no ---he is
an ethnic German ---follower of adolf hitler whose family moved their stinking
Nazi asses to England-------one of many Nazi pigs who continued writing for DAS VATERLAND in the post war era. As a child, I read lots of that literature-----mostly emanating from Syria and Egypt. The area in which I lived as a kid in
the USA-------included a significant population of the descendants of german type
farmers-------remember the mercenaries? In fact there was a battle fought in town led by George Washington------
Your assertion has no basis.
Neither do your memes.
My posts consist of verifiable quotes, photographic evidence, and links to informative articles.
Your arguments so far have consisted of nothing.
Come on. I'm giving you an open invitation to prove me wrong or to, at least, present a counter-argument.
Tell that to the US, British and Russian militaries who took and published the photos.
and labelled them as whatever they wished.

Uh huh.
Uh huh.

You realize, of course, that you've refuted nothing that I've said in this thread so far.
You want me to refute memes?
How mature.
Anyone can start a website or publish a book; freedom of expression is so important that I would not suppress lies.
I've posted much more than memes. You've refuted nothing but only hurled insults, dodged, and otwise failed to address in any substantive way any point I've made and supported.
Not really; you’ve posted “facts” from well known Jew haters.
Jews have never refuted the fact that genocides have been occurring all over the world forever.
Jews have never refuted the fact that genocides have been occurring all over the world forever.
Did anyone claim otherwise?
Again, you're deflecting and dodging.

Not really; you’ve posted “facts” from well known Jew haters.
I've posted verifiable quotes and photos. Not to mention logic.
Refute my argument. Prove the "evil Nazi" wrong. Or be like, literally, everyone else with whom I've ever discussed this and insult, deflect, dodge, repeat yourself, and give non-arguments until you resort to saying that you won't defend your position because it would lend legitimacy to "holocaust deniers" and "Nazism" and/or because it would be like arguing with flat-earthers or the like.
Jews have never refuted the fact that genocides have been occurring all over the world forever.
Did anyone claim otherwise?
Again, you're deflecting and dodging.

Not really; you’ve posted “facts” from well known Jew haters.
I've posted verifiable quotes and photos. Not to mention logic.
Refute my argument. Prove the "evil Nazi" wrong. Or be like, literally, everyone else with whom I've ever discussed this and insult, deflect, dodge, repeat yourself, and give non-arguments until you resort to saying that you won't defend your position because it would lend legitimacy to "holocaust deniers" and "Nazism" and/or because it would be like arguing with flat-earthers or the like.
I have a suggestion...
There’s an Aushwitz exhibit at the Jewish Memorial Museum in NYC.
There are also way too many non-Jews who liberated the camps who are still alive.
The fact is that since VHS didn’t exist at the time doesn’t make millions of non-Jewish soldiers personal testimonies false.
I also presume you haven’t watched the unedited version of Triumph of the Will...it’s brutal.
Auschwitz camp was built at first as a putative political jail in a POLISH TOWN under the control of the German Nazi occupation. It was really a death factory for jews. Men women and children were brought in by cattle car------right past the homes of polish citizens-------and murdered there.
Doesn't is just make such perfect sense to to build a swimming pool and a brothel in a death factory? Well, of course, because the German people have always been known for their inefficiency & stupidity. Must be why they would ship all those men, women, and children they were planning to murder hundreds of miles in cattle cars to be gassed instead of just shooting them. Sure, it all makes sense now.

Must be easy to go to a Nazi site and pick up selected verses.
Only slightly less easy than photographing the corpses of typhus victims and claiming they were murdered.
Tell that to the US, British and Russian militaries who took and published the photos.
Haha, your method of debate is amateurish--just repeated attempts to "one-up" regardless of relevance, accuracy or value. That's ok. Keep playing. Of the 8,315 views so far on this thread, you have to figure among them were hundreds of people who have been exposed to the truth about Jews--some for the first time--who otherwise would still be blinking stupidly and nodding in agreement at the Jewish lies they've suckled all their lives.
Auschwitz camp was built at first as a putative political jail in a POLISH TOWN under the control of the German Nazi occupation. It was really a death factory for jews. Men women and children were brought in by cattle car------right past the homes of polish citizens-------and murdered there.
Doesn't is just make such perfect sense to to build a swimming pool and a brothel in a death factory? Well, of course, because the German people have always been known for their inefficiency & stupidity. Must be why they would ship all those men, women, and children they were planning to murder hundreds of miles in cattle cars to be gassed instead of just shooting them. Sure, it all makes sense now.

Must be easy to go to a Nazi site and pick up selected verses.
Only slightly less easy than photographing the corpses of typhus victims and claiming they were murdered.
Tell that to the US, British and Russian militaries who took and published the photos.
Haha, your method of debate is amateurish--just repeated attempts to "one-up" regardless of relevance, accuracy or value. That's ok. Keep playing. Of the 8,315 views so far on this thread, you have to figure among them were hundreds of people who have been exposed to the truth about Jews--some for the first time--who otherwise would still be blinking stupidly and nodding in agreement at the Jewish lies they've suckled all their lives.
Which is why 99% of those who have responded have called you an asshole.
Seeing that StormFront has closed down I would think your fellow Nazis would be more than happy to join you in your quest to publicize the “TRUTH”.

Your debating skills are non-existent.
Only slightly less easy than photographing the corpses of typhus victims and claiming they were murdered.
Tell that to the US, British and Russian militaries who took and published the photos.
and labelled them as whatever they wished.

Uh huh.
Uh huh.

You realize, of course, that you've refuted nothing that I've said in this thread so far.
You want me to refute memes?
How mature.
Anyone can start a website or publish a book; freedom of expression is so important that I would not suppress lies.
The greatest mass murderers of the bloody 20th century were the Jews--a remarkable feat in itself. But even more remarkable is the fact they have been able to rebrand themselves as the greatest victims. How did they do it? Obviously, lies and propaganda, but, more crucially, control of the media.

We have been taught all our lives about Kristallnacht, the night when mobs attacked Jewish-owned businesses in Germany, kicking off Hitler's reign of terror. What we were not told is that those businesses were in fact newspapers. The German people attacked the Jewish press. The Germans are to be admired. Of all the peoples of the world, they put up the best fight against Jewish possession. As an American, I am ashamed at how easily we are sent trotting off to die for Jews, whether in Iraq or on Omaha Beach. Both German Christians and American Christians are slated for extermination, but, at least, the Germans fought back.
Tell that to the US, British and Russian militaries who took and published the photos.
and labelled them as whatever they wished.

Uh huh.
Uh huh.

You realize, of course, that you've refuted nothing that I've said in this thread so far.
You want me to refute memes?
How mature.
Anyone can start a website or publish a book; freedom of expression is so important that I would not suppress lies.
The greatest mass murderers of the bloody 20th century were the Jews--a remarkable feat in itself. But even more remarkable is the fact they have been able to rebrand themselves as the greatest victims. How did they do it? Obviously, lies and propaganda, but, more crucially, control of the media.

We have been taught all our lives about Kristallnacht, the night when mobs attacked Jewish-owned businesses in Germany, kicking off Hitler's reign of terror. What we were not told is that those businesses were in fact newspapers. The German people attacked the Jewish press. The Germans are to be admired. Of all the peoples of the world, they put up the best fight against Jewish possession. As an American, I am ashamed at how easily we are sent trotting off to die for Jews, whether in Iraq or on Omaha Beach. Both German Christians and American Christians are slated for extermination, but, at least, the Germans fought back.
It seems that not only do you not know the Bible, you don’t anything.
I agree that we shouldn’t fight Israel’s wars.
I am also pissed off that the US has stopped Israel 5 times from exterminating the Muslims who have attacked Israel.
Auschwitz camp was built at first as a putative political jail in a POLISH TOWN under the control of the German Nazi occupation. It was really a death factory for jews. Men women and children were brought in by cattle car------right past the homes of polish citizens-------and murdered there.
Doesn't is just make such perfect sense to to build a swimming pool and a brothel in a death factory? Well, of course, because the German people have always been known for their inefficiency & stupidity. Must be why they would ship all those men, women, and children they were planning to murder hundreds of miles in cattle cars to be gassed instead of just shooting them. Sure, it all makes sense now.

Must be easy to go to a Nazi site and pick up selected verses.
Only slightly less easy than photographing the corpses of typhus victims and claiming they were murdered.

Capri---- I own a piece of property that was----long ago---a private house (late 1800s) in the course of time it became two apartments for blue collar workers.
----more time past and it became a grocery store. more time-----different uses. The USAGE of buildings can
change over time. My maternal grandfather lost brothers and their families----
having been shipped by train from Austria to Auschwitz----the fate of two little nieces is known------a pig like you grabbed them by their ankles and smashed
their heads against a brick wall-----AUSCHWITZ I appreciate your review of the revisionist filth. All genocides result in some survivors and WITNESSES.
Of course----I "know" that no one died of starvation in Ireland-----the Mc Idiots
just CANNABALIZED the Mc Scum. See----I can act like a moron just like you.
Are you Irish? oh-----well-----I tried.
Very sorry to hear about your and your grandfather's relatives.

No one claims that there were no camps, that jews weren't targeted, or that people didn't suffer and die. The argument of "revisionists" is with the intent, the numbers, the purported methods, and the causes.

Of course, I take exception to your saying "a pig like you grabbed them by their ankles and smashed their heads against a brick wall" as I would never dream of doing such a thing nor associate with anyone who would. Regardless, your reaction is understandable and I feel no animosity towards you for it. You have my apologies if anything I posted opened an old wound. I'm not calling anyone a liar -- be clear about that -- nor claiming that nothing wrong, vile, or evil was ever committed by the German military. Horrible things happen in war. That said, word of mouth recounting of isolated incidents doesn't constitute proof of wide ranging claims.

You are, of course, correct that buildings and facilities can be re-purposed. Yet, even if we accept that Auschwitz was constructed originally for some other purpose than extermination, could it have been constructed as anything other than a prison of some sort? Remember, it was on occupied (officially) Polish territory. Would any prison have such facilities? Are you contending that the buildings were there, the camp was built around them, yet they weren't razed or made husks? How odd.

Regarding witnesses: There is video documentation of former Auschwitz inmates confirming a prison orchestra, art shows, etc. Numerous purported eye-witness testimonies are proven and admitted falsehoods. Others are proven to have been coerced through threats and torture. Some are are contradictory (as noted previously in this thread). Some are patently ridiculous. And others? Again, no one claims nothing happened; only the why, how, and how much are questioned.
Auschwitz was designed for the ground up to cremate humans em masse.
"Auschwitz was designed for the ground up to cremate humans em masse."

Why is there no order to that effect? No documents? No internal memos, notes of design meetings? Tons of documents are generated to accomplish something like that, which end up spread far and wide. And the famously meticulous Germans produced not a one? When the Jewish Bolsheviks exterminated whole Christian or ethnic communities, or parishes, or university faculties, they would contrive a deception to get the victims on trains which would go a few miles out into the woods, where the victims would be unloaded and then machine gunned (or, in winter, left to die). Faster, way cheaper, no records. Why would the Nazis build a huge crematorium when they could just have done that, having the Jewish Bolshevik example to follow from just 20 years earlier?

Auschwitz camp was built at first as a putative political jail in a POLISH TOWN under the control of the German Nazi occupation. It was really a death factory for jews. Men women and children were brought in by cattle car------right past the homes of polish citizens-------and murdered there.
Doesn't is just make such perfect sense to to build a swimming pool and a brothel in a death factory? Well, of course, because the German people have always been known for their inefficiency & stupidity. Must be why they would ship all those men, women, and children they were planning to murder hundreds of miles in cattle cars to be gassed instead of just shooting them. Sure, it all makes sense now.

Must be easy to go to a Nazi site and pick up selected verses.
Only slightly less easy than photographing the corpses of typhus victims and claiming they were murdered.

Capri---- I own a piece of property that was----long ago---a private house (late 1800s) in the course of time it became two apartments for blue collar workers.
----more time past and it became a grocery store. more time-----different uses. The USAGE of buildings can
change over time. My maternal grandfather lost brothers and their families----
having been shipped by train from Austria to Auschwitz----the fate of two little nieces is known------a pig like you grabbed them by their ankles and smashed
their heads against a brick wall-----AUSCHWITZ I appreciate your review of the revisionist filth. All genocides result in some survivors and WITNESSES.
Of course----I "know" that no one died of starvation in Ireland-----the Mc Idiots
just CANNABALIZED the Mc Scum. See----I can act like a moron just like you.
Are you Irish? oh-----well-----I tried.
Very sorry to hear about your and your grandfather's relatives.

No one claims that there were no camps, that jews weren't targeted, or that people didn't suffer and die. The argument of "revisionists" is with the intent, the numbers, the purported methods, and the causes.

Of course, I take exception to your saying "a pig like you grabbed them by their ankles and smashed their heads against a brick wall" as I would never dream of doing such a thing nor associate with anyone who would. Regardless, your reaction is understandable and I feel no animosity towards you for it. You have my apologies if anything I posted opened an old wound. I'm not calling anyone a liar -- be clear about that -- nor claiming that nothing wrong, vile, or evil was ever committed by the German military. Horrible things happen in war. That said, word of mouth recounting of isolated incidents doesn't constitute proof of wide ranging claims.

You are, of course, correct that buildings and facilities can be re-purposed. Yet, even if we accept that Auschwitz was constructed originally for some other purpose than extermination, could it have been constructed as anything other than a prison of some sort? Remember, it was on occupied (officially) Polish territory. Would any prison have such facilities? Are you contending that the buildings were there, the camp was built around them, yet they weren't razed or made husks? How odd.

Regarding witnesses: There is video documentation of former Auschwitz inmates confirming a prison orchestra, art shows, etc. Numerous purported eye-witness testimonies are proven and admitted falsehoods. Others are proven to have been coerced through threats and torture. Some are are contradictory (as noted previously in this thread). Some are patently ridiculous. And others? Again, no one claims nothing happened; only the why, how, and how much are questioned.
Auschwitz was designed for the ground up to cremate humans em masse.
"Auschwitz was designed for the ground up to cremate humans em masse."

Why is there no order to that effect? No documents? No internal memos, notes of design meetings? Tons of documents are generated to accomplish something like that, which end up spread far and wide. And the famously meticulous Germans produced not a one? When the Jewish Bolsheviks exterminated whole Christian or ethnic communities, or parishes, or university faculties, they would contrive a deception to get the victims on trains which would go a few miles out into the woods, where the victims would be unloaded and then machine gunned (or, in winter, left to die). Faster, way cheaper, no records. Why would the Nazis build a huge crematorium when they could just have done that, having the Jewish Bolshevik example to follow from just 20 years earlier?

For the same reasons the Nazis tried to burn every document they had written when they knew the allies were just a few days away.
Are you that stupid to not know that both the Nazis and the Allies had some form of radio communication?
Doesn't is just make such perfect sense to to build a swimming pool and a brothel in a death factory? Well, of course, because the German people have always been known for their inefficiency & stupidity. Must be why they would ship all those men, women, and children they were planning to murder hundreds of miles in cattle cars to be gassed instead of just shooting them. Sure, it all makes sense now.

Only slightly less easy than photographing the corpses of typhus victims and claiming they were murdered.

Capri---- I own a piece of property that was----long ago---a private house (late 1800s) in the course of time it became two apartments for blue collar workers.
----more time past and it became a grocery store. more time-----different uses. The USAGE of buildings can
change over time. My maternal grandfather lost brothers and their families----
having been shipped by train from Austria to Auschwitz----the fate of two little nieces is known------a pig like you grabbed them by their ankles and smashed
their heads against a brick wall-----AUSCHWITZ I appreciate your review of the revisionist filth. All genocides result in some survivors and WITNESSES.
Of course----I "know" that no one died of starvation in Ireland-----the Mc Idiots
just CANNABALIZED the Mc Scum. See----I can act like a moron just like you.
Are you Irish? oh-----well-----I tried.
Very sorry to hear about your and your grandfather's relatives.

No one claims that there were no camps, that jews weren't targeted, or that people didn't suffer and die. The argument of "revisionists" is with the intent, the numbers, the purported methods, and the causes.

Of course, I take exception to your saying "a pig like you grabbed them by their ankles and smashed their heads against a brick wall" as I would never dream of doing such a thing nor associate with anyone who would. Regardless, your reaction is understandable and I feel no animosity towards you for it. You have my apologies if anything I posted opened an old wound. I'm not calling anyone a liar -- be clear about that -- nor claiming that nothing wrong, vile, or evil was ever committed by the German military. Horrible things happen in war. That said, word of mouth recounting of isolated incidents doesn't constitute proof of wide ranging claims.

You are, of course, correct that buildings and facilities can be re-purposed. Yet, even if we accept that Auschwitz was constructed originally for some other purpose than extermination, could it have been constructed as anything other than a prison of some sort? Remember, it was on occupied (officially) Polish territory. Would any prison have such facilities? Are you contending that the buildings were there, the camp was built around them, yet they weren't razed or made husks? How odd.

Regarding witnesses: There is video documentation of former Auschwitz inmates confirming a prison orchestra, art shows, etc. Numerous purported eye-witness testimonies are proven and admitted falsehoods. Others are proven to have been coerced through threats and torture. Some are are contradictory (as noted previously in this thread). Some are patently ridiculous. And others? Again, no one claims nothing happened; only the why, how, and how much are questioned.
Auschwitz was designed for the ground up to cremate humans em masse.
"Auschwitz was designed for the ground up to cremate humans em masse."

Why is there no order to that effect? No documents? No internal memos, notes of design meetings? Tons of documents are generated to accomplish something like that, which end up spread far and wide. And the famously meticulous Germans produced not a one? When the Jewish Bolsheviks exterminated whole Christian or ethnic communities, or parishes, or university faculties, they would contrive a deception to get the victims on trains which would go a few miles out into the woods, where the victims would be unloaded and then machine gunned (or, in winter, left to die). Faster, way cheaper, no records. Why would the Nazis build a huge crematorium when they could just have done that, having the Jewish Bolshevik example to follow from just 20 years earlier?

For the same reasons the Nazis tried to burn every document they had written when they knew the allies were just a few days away.
Are you that stupid to not know that both the Nazis and the Allies had some form of radio communication?
So let me see whether I understand your claim, here. You've got a mass extermination crematorium set up somewhere in Eastern Europe. Trains pull in, unload their Jews, who are put on the assembly line and moved toward the crematorium, which runs 24 hours per day, seven days per week. It's a big operation, so it requires a lot of soldiers working in shifts, and local support staff working in shifts, as well. As everywhere else in the 1940s, news of the war is going to be the dominant theme of conversation in the camp and among the staff. As the Red Army, with its powerful contingent of vindictive Jewish leadership, draws nearer and nearer, and the news is received of this town falling, then that town falling, the local staff will become more and more anxious about remaining there in the extermination camp. The German soldiers and the German officers, too, will be anxiously watching as ethnic Germans stream past the camp toward Germany carrying horrific tales of the atrocities being committed to the east. There will be conflicting orders coming in, as there have been for weeks now as Germany collapses, from many different sources. Some orders will be to stay and fight, others to flee, others to move east, others to move north, others to send reinforcements, others to just sit and wait, and others, according to you, to destroy every last document that could be used as evidence of this enormous crime they've been committing for years.

Now, these documents would be records of pairs of shoes sold to a local leather recycler, or a diary kept by a member of the kitchen staff, or vendors supplying the crematoria, or train schedules and bills of lading at various train offices, or the plans for the buildings in the camp with the local architects, and cement suppliers, and so on. It would have been an enormous task to successfully destroy every last document in all the different camps--from where, in some cases, I suppose the German soldiers fled first, in other cases the German officers, in others, the local staff, and, in some cases, they were surprised by the forward units of the Red Army, while in others, prisoners were able to escape first.

In all that chaos, no one grabbed a box full of records to try to use as a bargaining trip, or to incriminate others. But in every single camp, and in all the surrounding areas, every single piece of hard evidence of the Holocaust was destroyed.? This is what you are asking me whether I am so stupid I don't see how obvious it is? I'd say it requires a certain level of slow-wittedness to buy it.
Capri---- I own a piece of property that was----long ago---a private house (late 1800s) in the course of time it became two apartments for blue collar workers.
----more time past and it became a grocery store. more time-----different uses. The USAGE of buildings can
change over time. My maternal grandfather lost brothers and their families----
having been shipped by train from Austria to Auschwitz----the fate of two little nieces is known------a pig like you grabbed them by their ankles and smashed
their heads against a brick wall-----AUSCHWITZ I appreciate your review of the revisionist filth. All genocides result in some survivors and WITNESSES.
Of course----I "know" that no one died of starvation in Ireland-----the Mc Idiots
just CANNABALIZED the Mc Scum. See----I can act like a moron just like you.
Are you Irish? oh-----well-----I tried.
Very sorry to hear about your and your grandfather's relatives.

No one claims that there were no camps, that jews weren't targeted, or that people didn't suffer and die. The argument of "revisionists" is with the intent, the numbers, the purported methods, and the causes.

Of course, I take exception to your saying "a pig like you grabbed them by their ankles and smashed their heads against a brick wall" as I would never dream of doing such a thing nor associate with anyone who would. Regardless, your reaction is understandable and I feel no animosity towards you for it. You have my apologies if anything I posted opened an old wound. I'm not calling anyone a liar -- be clear about that -- nor claiming that nothing wrong, vile, or evil was ever committed by the German military. Horrible things happen in war. That said, word of mouth recounting of isolated incidents doesn't constitute proof of wide ranging claims.

You are, of course, correct that buildings and facilities can be re-purposed. Yet, even if we accept that Auschwitz was constructed originally for some other purpose than extermination, could it have been constructed as anything other than a prison of some sort? Remember, it was on occupied (officially) Polish territory. Would any prison have such facilities? Are you contending that the buildings were there, the camp was built around them, yet they weren't razed or made husks? How odd.

Regarding witnesses: There is video documentation of former Auschwitz inmates confirming a prison orchestra, art shows, etc. Numerous purported eye-witness testimonies are proven and admitted falsehoods. Others are proven to have been coerced through threats and torture. Some are are contradictory (as noted previously in this thread). Some are patently ridiculous. And others? Again, no one claims nothing happened; only the why, how, and how much are questioned.
Auschwitz was designed for the ground up to cremate humans em masse.
"Auschwitz was designed for the ground up to cremate humans em masse."

Why is there no order to that effect? No documents? No internal memos, notes of design meetings? Tons of documents are generated to accomplish something like that, which end up spread far and wide. And the famously meticulous Germans produced not a one? When the Jewish Bolsheviks exterminated whole Christian or ethnic communities, or parishes, or university faculties, they would contrive a deception to get the victims on trains which would go a few miles out into the woods, where the victims would be unloaded and then machine gunned (or, in winter, left to die). Faster, way cheaper, no records. Why would the Nazis build a huge crematorium when they could just have done that, having the Jewish Bolshevik example to follow from just 20 years earlier?

For the same reasons the Nazis tried to burn every document they had written when they knew the allies were just a few days away.
Are you that stupid to not know that both the Nazis and the Allies had some form of radio communication?
So let me see whether I understand your claim, here. You've got a mass extermination crematorium set up somewhere in Eastern Europe. Trains pull in, unload their Jews, who are put on the assembly line and moved toward the crematorium, which runs 24 hours per day, seven days per week. It's a big operation, so it requires a lot of soldiers working in shifts, and local support staff working in shifts, as well. As everywhere else in the 1940s, news of the war is going to be the dominant theme of conversation in the camp and among the staff. As the Red Army, with its powerful contingent of vindictive Jewish leadership, draws nearer and nearer, and the news is received of this town falling, then that town falling, the local staff will become more and more anxious about remaining there in the extermination camp. The German soldiers and the German officers, too, will be anxiously watching as ethnic Germans stream past the camp toward Germany carrying horrific tales of the atrocities being committed to the east. There will be conflicting orders coming in, as there have been for weeks now as Germany collapses, from many different sources. Some orders will be to stay and fight, others to flee, others to move east, others to move north, others to send reinforcements, others to just sit and wait, and others, according to you, to destroy every last document that could be used as evidence of this enormous crime they've been committing for years.

Now, these documents would be records of pairs of shoes sold to a local leather recycler, or a diary kept by a member of the kitchen staff, or vendors supplying the crematoria, or train schedules and bills of lading at various train offices, or the plans for the buildings in the camp with the local architects, and cement suppliers, and so on. It would have been an enormous task to successfully destroy every last document in all the different camps--from where, in some cases, I suppose the German soldiers fled first, in other cases the German officers, in others, the local staff, and, in some cases, they were surprised by the forward units of the Red Army, while in others, prisoners were able to escape first.

In all that chaos, no one grabbed a box full of records to try to use as a bargaining trip, or to incriminate others. But in every single camp, and in all the surrounding areas, every single piece of hard evidence of the Holocaust was destroyed.? This is what you are asking me whether I am so stupid I don't see how obvious it is? I'd say it requires a certain level of slow-wittedness to buy it.
Are you fucking nuts?
The Germans didn’t rat on each other; the Polish ratted on the Germans.
Holy shit!!!
the nazi Christian pigs worked hard on their stories-----and still do-----somethings never change

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