Every Jew has secret knowledge of a Zionist world conspiracy? Not true.

There’s an Aushwitz exhibit at the Jewish Memorial Museum in NYC.
Exhibits at that museum and the many other "Holocaust" museums are primarily re-creations -- better, fabrications & falsifications. EG - models of gas chambers, piles of shoes of the deceased that are actually only a few pairs of shoes attached to a raised base, and so forth. Meanwhile, the bars of soap that were claimed to have been made from the fat of victims and the lampshades that were claimed to have been made from their skin were removed when those lies were revealed.
Gee, they lied about soap and lampshades and other stuff; just maybe they might have lied about some other things...?
Meanwhile, the Auschwitz Museum in Poland lowered its official death total tally by nearly 3 million yet the magic number of 6,000,000 jewish victims hasn't been changed. Now ain't that strange?

There are also way too many non-Jews who liberated the camps who are still alive.
The fact is that since VHS didn’t exist at the time doesn’t make millions of non-Jewish soldiers personal testimonies false.
Not one of whom among the Americans or British claimed to have seen a murderous gas chamber or an order for mass extermination. Or maybe I'm wrong -- please show us such testimony. There were Soviet testimonies, and we all know how honest the Soviets were. :rolleyes:

I also presume you haven’t watched the unedited version of Triumph of the Will...it’s brutal.
No. I did see "Shoah" -- also brutal. Lot's of dead people it CLAIMED were murdered. No mention of typhus.
Have you seen this?: https://thegreateststorynevertold.tv

Seeing that StormFront has closed down I would think your fellow Nazis would be more than happy to join you in your quest to publicize the “TRUTH”.
Stormfront hasn't closed down (nyah, nyah).
And we are publicizing the truth wherever we're allowed to do so. Try truth-zone.net and gab.com/HolocaustLiesExposed for a couple of instances.

For the same reasons the Nazis tried to burn every document they had written when they knew the allies were just a few days away.
My, how convenient. Every last written record of this massive, coordinated genocide -- gone. Well, gee, that's just proof positive that it happened exactly like they say, huh?

the nazi Christian pigs
You betray your bigotry.

worked hard on their stories
Someone worked hard on their stories. The victors get to write and promote the "history" -- that's why the "good guys" always win.
Many documents were destroyed, but the Germans, being amazingly scrupulous with detailing everything they did, couldn’t destroy all of them.
And by the way, the numbers haven’t changed.
If anything, there’s that priest I saw last year on 60 Minutes, who keeps finding new ad how grave pits.
My mother-in-Law saw many people die from typhus. She had it also but was amazingly talented so they had to cure her. Her family got wiped out.

I am quite skeptical about the soap and lampshades.
People tend to hyperbolize, as if what happened wasn’t bad enough.

The hair, dolls and shoes actually exist so don’t even try going there.
"I am quite skeptical about the soap and lampshades."

I think they will put you in prison if you say that in Europe. And now in Florida, too, it is a criminal offense to deny the Holocaust.
There’s an Aushwitz exhibit at the Jewish Memorial Museum in NYC.
Exhibits at that museum and the many other "Holocaust" museums are primarily re-creations -- better, fabrications & falsifications. EG - models of gas chambers, piles of shoes of the deceased that are actually only a few pairs of shoes attached to a raised base, and so forth. Meanwhile, the bars of soap that were claimed to have been made from the fat of victims and the lampshades that were claimed to have been made from their skin were removed when those lies were revealed.
Gee, they lied about soap and lampshades and other stuff; just maybe they might have lied about some other things...?
Meanwhile, the Auschwitz Museum in Poland lowered its official death total tally by nearly 3 million yet the magic number of 6,000,000 jewish victims hasn't been changed. Now ain't that strange?

There are also way too many non-Jews who liberated the camps who are still alive.
The fact is that since VHS didn’t exist at the time doesn’t make millions of non-Jewish soldiers personal testimonies false.
Not one of whom among the Americans or British claimed to have seen a murderous gas chamber or an order for mass extermination. Or maybe I'm wrong -- please show us such testimony. There were Soviet testimonies, and we all know how honest the Soviets were. :rolleyes:

I also presume you haven’t watched the unedited version of Triumph of the Will...it’s brutal.
No. I did see "Shoah" -- also brutal. Lot's of dead people it CLAIMED were murdered. No mention of typhus.
Have you seen this?: https://thegreateststorynevertold.tv

Seeing that StormFront has closed down I would think your fellow Nazis would be more than happy to join you in your quest to publicize the “TRUTH”.
Stormfront hasn't closed down (nyah, nyah).
And we are publicizing the truth wherever we're allowed to do so. Try truth-zone.net and gab.com/HolocaustLiesExposed for a couple of instances.

For the same reasons the Nazis tried to burn every document they had written when they knew the allies were just a few days away.
My, how convenient. Every last written record of this massive, coordinated genocide -- gone. Well, gee, that's just proof positive that it happened exactly like they say, huh?

the nazi Christian pigs
You betray your bigotry.

worked hard on their stories
Someone worked hard on their stories. The victors get to write and promote the "history" -- that's why the "good guys" always win.
Many documents were destroyed, but the Germans, being amazingly scrupulous with detailing everything they did, couldn’t destroy all of them.
And by the way, the numbers haven’t changed.
If anything, there’s that priest I saw last year on 60 Minutes, who keeps finding new ad how grave pits.
My mother-in-Law saw many people die from typhus. She had it also but was amazingly talented so they had to cure her. Her family got wiped out.

I am quite skeptical about the soap and lampshades.
People tend to hyperbolize, as if what happened wasn’t bad enough.

The hair, dolls and shoes actually exist so don’t even try going there.
"I am quite skeptical about the soap and lampshades."

I think they will put you in prison if you say that in Europe. And now in Florida, too, it is a criminal offense to deny the Holocaust.

Please tell us why anymore in their right mind would deny it
There’s an Aushwitz exhibit at the Jewish Memorial Museum in NYC.
Exhibits at that museum and the many other "Holocaust" museums are primarily re-creations -- better, fabrications & falsifications. EG - models of gas chambers, piles of shoes of the deceased that are actually only a few pairs of shoes attached to a raised base, and so forth. Meanwhile, the bars of soap that were claimed to have been made from the fat of victims and the lampshades that were claimed to have been made from their skin were removed when those lies were revealed.
Gee, they lied about soap and lampshades and other stuff; just maybe they might have lied about some other things...?
Meanwhile, the Auschwitz Museum in Poland lowered its official death total tally by nearly 3 million yet the magic number of 6,000,000 jewish victims hasn't been changed. Now ain't that strange?

There are also way too many non-Jews who liberated the camps who are still alive.
The fact is that since VHS didn’t exist at the time doesn’t make millions of non-Jewish soldiers personal testimonies false.
Not one of whom among the Americans or British claimed to have seen a murderous gas chamber or an order for mass extermination. Or maybe I'm wrong -- please show us such testimony. There were Soviet testimonies, and we all know how honest the Soviets were. :rolleyes:

I also presume you haven’t watched the unedited version of Triumph of the Will...it’s brutal.
No. I did see "Shoah" -- also brutal. Lot's of dead people it CLAIMED were murdered. No mention of typhus.
Have you seen this?: https://thegreateststorynevertold.tv

Seeing that StormFront has closed down I would think your fellow Nazis would be more than happy to join you in your quest to publicize the “TRUTH”.
Stormfront hasn't closed down (nyah, nyah).
And we are publicizing the truth wherever we're allowed to do so. Try truth-zone.net and gab.com/HolocaustLiesExposed for a couple of instances.

For the same reasons the Nazis tried to burn every document they had written when they knew the allies were just a few days away.
My, how convenient. Every last written record of this massive, coordinated genocide -- gone. Well, gee, that's just proof positive that it happened exactly like they say, huh?

the nazi Christian pigs
You betray your bigotry.

worked hard on their stories
Someone worked hard on their stories. The victors get to write and promote the "history" -- that's why the "good guys" always win.
Many documents were destroyed, but the Germans, being amazingly scrupulous with detailing everything they did, couldn’t destroy all of them.
And by the way, the numbers haven’t changed.
If anything, there’s that priest I saw last year on 60 Minutes, who keeps finding new ad how grave pits.
My mother-in-Law saw many people die from typhus. She had it also but was amazingly talented so they had to cure her. Her family got wiped out.

I am quite skeptical about the soap and lampshades.
People tend to hyperbolize, as if what happened wasn’t bad enough.

The hair, dolls and shoes actually exist so don’t even try going there.
"I am quite skeptical about the soap and lampshades."

I think they will put you in prison if you say that in Europe. And now in Florida, too, it is a criminal offense to deny the Holocaust.

Please tell us why anymore in their right mind would deny it

Nazis were busy DENYING-----from the very start of the FACILITATION of the Nazi program in 1933 and their
supporters SUPPORT to this day----it is no mystery. The
people who KNOW and KNEW decided to criminalize the program which is why Germany and Austria were the first countries to do so
and the first to face dealing with the denial filth. Those countries have the least deniers------it is the supporters outside of the epicenter ----those whose support of Nazism served so much to FACILITATE it, that continue. The USA and England harbored and continues to harbor the shit and it is avidly incorporated into
belief and "FAITH" in mosques world-wide. It is actually very simple-----every genocide and
every lynching DEPENDS ON LIBELS-------holocaust denial is, VERY SIMPLY, yet another
blood libel. Think which people depend on blood libels to facilitate their attack, loot,
murder, rape and enslave cultures------and expect the same to deny the islamo Nazi
atrocities. Keep in mind------the atrocities NEVER WENT AWAY from those cultures
that depend on them. Just this week a few suicide pigs in Somalia -----struck again and
will live forever as HEROES in the ethos of the UMMAH
Last edited:
There’s an Aushwitz exhibit at the Jewish Memorial Museum in NYC.
Exhibits at that museum and the many other "Holocaust" museums are primarily re-creations -- better, fabrications & falsifications. EG - models of gas chambers, piles of shoes of the deceased that are actually only a few pairs of shoes attached to a raised base, and so forth. Meanwhile, the bars of soap that were claimed to have been made from the fat of victims and the lampshades that were claimed to have been made from their skin were removed when those lies were revealed.
Gee, they lied about soap and lampshades and other stuff; just maybe they might have lied about some other things...?
Meanwhile, the Auschwitz Museum in Poland lowered its official death total tally by nearly 3 million yet the magic number of 6,000,000 jewish victims hasn't been changed. Now ain't that strange?

There are also way too many non-Jews who liberated the camps who are still alive.
The fact is that since VHS didn’t exist at the time doesn’t make millions of non-Jewish soldiers personal testimonies false.
Not one of whom among the Americans or British claimed to have seen a murderous gas chamber or an order for mass extermination. Or maybe I'm wrong -- please show us such testimony. There were Soviet testimonies, and we all know how honest the Soviets were. :rolleyes:

I also presume you haven’t watched the unedited version of Triumph of the Will...it’s brutal.
No. I did see "Shoah" -- also brutal. Lot's of dead people it CLAIMED were murdered. No mention of typhus.
Have you seen this?: https://thegreateststorynevertold.tv

Seeing that StormFront has closed down I would think your fellow Nazis would be more than happy to join you in your quest to publicize the “TRUTH”.
Stormfront hasn't closed down (nyah, nyah).
And we are publicizing the truth wherever we're allowed to do so. Try truth-zone.net and gab.com/HolocaustLiesExposed for a couple of instances.

For the same reasons the Nazis tried to burn every document they had written when they knew the allies were just a few days away.
My, how convenient. Every last written record of this massive, coordinated genocide -- gone. Well, gee, that's just proof positive that it happened exactly like they say, huh?

the nazi Christian pigs
You betray your bigotry.

worked hard on their stories
Someone worked hard on their stories. The victors get to write and promote the "history" -- that's why the "good guys" always win.
Many documents were destroyed, but the Germans, being amazingly scrupulous with detailing everything they did, couldn’t destroy all of them.
And by the way, the numbers haven’t changed.
If anything, there’s that priest I saw last year on 60 Minutes, who keeps finding new ad how grave pits.
My mother-in-Law saw many people die from typhus. She had it also but was amazingly talented so they had to cure her. Her family got wiped out.

I am quite skeptical about the soap and lampshades.
People tend to hyperbolize, as if what happened wasn’t bad enough.

The hair, dolls and shoes actually exist so don’t even try going there.
"I am quite skeptical about the soap and lampshades."

I think they will put you in prison if you say that in Europe. And now in Florida, too, it is a criminal offense to deny the Holocaust.
I’m quite vocal concerning hyperboles.
None of the survivors or military I have ever met saw such a thing.
There’s an Aushwitz exhibit at the Jewish Memorial Museum in NYC.
Exhibits at that museum and the many other "Holocaust" museums are primarily re-creations -- better, fabrications & falsifications. EG - models of gas chambers, piles of shoes of the deceased that are actually only a few pairs of shoes attached to a raised base, and so forth. Meanwhile, the bars of soap that were claimed to have been made from the fat of victims and the lampshades that were claimed to have been made from their skin were removed when those lies were revealed.
Gee, they lied about soap and lampshades and other stuff; just maybe they might have lied about some other things...?
Meanwhile, the Auschwitz Museum in Poland lowered its official death total tally by nearly 3 million yet the magic number of 6,000,000 jewish victims hasn't been changed. Now ain't that strange?

There are also way too many non-Jews who liberated the camps who are still alive.
The fact is that since VHS didn’t exist at the time doesn’t make millions of non-Jewish soldiers personal testimonies false.
Not one of whom among the Americans or British claimed to have seen a murderous gas chamber or an order for mass extermination. Or maybe I'm wrong -- please show us such testimony. There were Soviet testimonies, and we all know how honest the Soviets were. :rolleyes:

I also presume you haven’t watched the unedited version of Triumph of the Will...it’s brutal.
No. I did see "Shoah" -- also brutal. Lot's of dead people it CLAIMED were murdered. No mention of typhus.
Have you seen this?: https://thegreateststorynevertold.tv

Seeing that StormFront has closed down I would think your fellow Nazis would be more than happy to join you in your quest to publicize the “TRUTH”.
Stormfront hasn't closed down (nyah, nyah).
And we are publicizing the truth wherever we're allowed to do so. Try truth-zone.net and gab.com/HolocaustLiesExposed for a couple of instances.

For the same reasons the Nazis tried to burn every document they had written when they knew the allies were just a few days away.
My, how convenient. Every last written record of this massive, coordinated genocide -- gone. Well, gee, that's just proof positive that it happened exactly like they say, huh?

the nazi Christian pigs
You betray your bigotry.

worked hard on their stories
Someone worked hard on their stories. The victors get to write and promote the "history" -- that's why the "good guys" always win.
Many documents were destroyed, but the Germans, being amazingly scrupulous with detailing everything they did, couldn’t destroy all of them.
And by the way, the numbers haven’t changed.
If anything, there’s that priest I saw last year on 60 Minutes, who keeps finding new ad how grave pits.
My mother-in-Law saw many people die from typhus. She had it also but was amazingly talented so they had to cure her. Her family got wiped out.

I am quite skeptical about the soap and lampshades.
People tend to hyperbolize, as if what happened wasn’t bad enough.

The hair, dolls and shoes actually exist so don’t even try going there.
"I am quite skeptical about the soap and lampshades."

I think they will put you in prison if you say that in Europe. And now in Florida, too, it is a criminal offense to deny the Holocaust.

Please tell us why anymore in their right mind would deny it
Indeependent seemed to deny Nazis used the fat of Jews was used to make soap and their skin to make lampshades. He is the one to ask why he would deny the Holocaust.
There’s an Aushwitz exhibit at the Jewish Memorial Museum in NYC.
Exhibits at that museum and the many other "Holocaust" museums are primarily re-creations -- better, fabrications & falsifications. EG - models of gas chambers, piles of shoes of the deceased that are actually only a few pairs of shoes attached to a raised base, and so forth. Meanwhile, the bars of soap that were claimed to have been made from the fat of victims and the lampshades that were claimed to have been made from their skin were removed when those lies were revealed.
Gee, they lied about soap and lampshades and other stuff; just maybe they might have lied about some other things...?
Meanwhile, the Auschwitz Museum in Poland lowered its official death total tally by nearly 3 million yet the magic number of 6,000,000 jewish victims hasn't been changed. Now ain't that strange?

There are also way too many non-Jews who liberated the camps who are still alive.
The fact is that since VHS didn’t exist at the time doesn’t make millions of non-Jewish soldiers personal testimonies false.
Not one of whom among the Americans or British claimed to have seen a murderous gas chamber or an order for mass extermination. Or maybe I'm wrong -- please show us such testimony. There were Soviet testimonies, and we all know how honest the Soviets were. :rolleyes:

I also presume you haven’t watched the unedited version of Triumph of the Will...it’s brutal.
No. I did see "Shoah" -- also brutal. Lot's of dead people it CLAIMED were murdered. No mention of typhus.
Have you seen this?: https://thegreateststorynevertold.tv

Seeing that StormFront has closed down I would think your fellow Nazis would be more than happy to join you in your quest to publicize the “TRUTH”.
Stormfront hasn't closed down (nyah, nyah).
And we are publicizing the truth wherever we're allowed to do so. Try truth-zone.net and gab.com/HolocaustLiesExposed for a couple of instances.

For the same reasons the Nazis tried to burn every document they had written when they knew the allies were just a few days away.
My, how convenient. Every last written record of this massive, coordinated genocide -- gone. Well, gee, that's just proof positive that it happened exactly like they say, huh?

the nazi Christian pigs
You betray your bigotry.

worked hard on their stories
Someone worked hard on their stories. The victors get to write and promote the "history" -- that's why the "good guys" always win.
Many documents were destroyed, but the Germans, being amazingly scrupulous with detailing everything they did, couldn’t destroy all of them.
And by the way, the numbers haven’t changed.
If anything, there’s that priest I saw last year on 60 Minutes, who keeps finding new ad how grave pits.
My mother-in-Law saw many people die from typhus. She had it also but was amazingly talented so they had to cure her. Her family got wiped out.

I am quite skeptical about the soap and lampshades.
People tend to hyperbolize, as if what happened wasn’t bad enough.

The hair, dolls and shoes actually exist so don’t even try going there.
"I am quite skeptical about the soap and lampshades."

I think they will put you in prison if you say that in Europe. And now in Florida, too, it is a criminal offense to deny the Holocaust.

Please tell us why anymore in their right mind would deny it
Indeependent seemed to deny Nazis used the fat of Jews was used to make soap and their skin to make lampshades. He is the one to ask why he would deny the Holocaust.

he did not deny-----he said he has no personal knowledge of it. If any such things were actually found------they would not be on display in a
There’s an Aushwitz exhibit at the Jewish Memorial Museum in NYC.
Exhibits at that museum and the many other "Holocaust" museums are primarily re-creations -- better, fabrications & falsifications. EG - models of gas chambers, piles of shoes of the deceased that are actually only a few pairs of shoes attached to a raised base, and so forth. Meanwhile, the bars of soap that were claimed to have been made from the fat of victims and the lampshades that were claimed to have been made from their skin were removed when those lies were revealed.
Gee, they lied about soap and lampshades and other stuff; just maybe they might have lied about some other things...?
Meanwhile, the Auschwitz Museum in Poland lowered its official death total tally by nearly 3 million yet the magic number of 6,000,000 jewish victims hasn't been changed. Now ain't that strange?

There are also way too many non-Jews who liberated the camps who are still alive.
The fact is that since VHS didn’t exist at the time doesn’t make millions of non-Jewish soldiers personal testimonies false.
Not one of whom among the Americans or British claimed to have seen a murderous gas chamber or an order for mass extermination. Or maybe I'm wrong -- please show us such testimony. There were Soviet testimonies, and we all know how honest the Soviets were. :rolleyes:

I also presume you haven’t watched the unedited version of Triumph of the Will...it’s brutal.
No. I did see "Shoah" -- also brutal. Lot's of dead people it CLAIMED were murdered. No mention of typhus.
Have you seen this?: https://thegreateststorynevertold.tv

Seeing that StormFront has closed down I would think your fellow Nazis would be more than happy to join you in your quest to publicize the “TRUTH”.
Stormfront hasn't closed down (nyah, nyah).
And we are publicizing the truth wherever we're allowed to do so. Try truth-zone.net and gab.com/HolocaustLiesExposed for a couple of instances.

For the same reasons the Nazis tried to burn every document they had written when they knew the allies were just a few days away.
My, how convenient. Every last written record of this massive, coordinated genocide -- gone. Well, gee, that's just proof positive that it happened exactly like they say, huh?

the nazi Christian pigs
You betray your bigotry.

worked hard on their stories
Someone worked hard on their stories. The victors get to write and promote the "history" -- that's why the "good guys" always win.
Many documents were destroyed, but the Germans, being amazingly scrupulous with detailing everything they did, couldn’t destroy all of them.
And by the way, the numbers haven’t changed.
If anything, there’s that priest I saw last year on 60 Minutes, who keeps finding new ad how grave pits.
My mother-in-Law saw many people die from typhus. She had it also but was amazingly talented so they had to cure her. Her family got wiped out.

I am quite skeptical about the soap and lampshades.
People tend to hyperbolize, as if what happened wasn’t bad enough.

The hair, dolls and shoes actually exist so don’t even try going there.
"I am quite skeptical about the soap and lampshades."

I think they will put you in prison if you say that in Europe. And now in Florida, too, it is a criminal offense to deny the Holocaust.

Please tell us why anymore in their right mind would deny it
Indeependent seemed to deny Nazis used the fat of Jews was used to make soap and their skin to make lampshades. He is the one to ask why he would deny the Holocaust.
The Holocaust has zero to do with how burnt Jewish bodies were used.
Exhibits at that museum and the many other "Holocaust" museums are primarily re-creations -- better, fabrications & falsifications. EG - models of gas chambers, piles of shoes of the deceased that are actually only a few pairs of shoes attached to a raised base, and so forth. Meanwhile, the bars of soap that were claimed to have been made from the fat of victims and the lampshades that were claimed to have been made from their skin were removed when those lies were revealed.
Gee, they lied about soap and lampshades and other stuff; just maybe they might have lied about some other things...?
Meanwhile, the Auschwitz Museum in Poland lowered its official death total tally by nearly 3 million yet the magic number of 6,000,000 jewish victims hasn't been changed. Now ain't that strange?

Not one of whom among the Americans or British claimed to have seen a murderous gas chamber or an order for mass extermination. Or maybe I'm wrong -- please show us such testimony. There were Soviet testimonies, and we all know how honest the Soviets were. :rolleyes:

No. I did see "Shoah" -- also brutal. Lot's of dead people it CLAIMED were murdered. No mention of typhus.
Have you seen this?: https://thegreateststorynevertold.tv

Stormfront hasn't closed down (nyah, nyah).
And we are publicizing the truth wherever we're allowed to do so. Try truth-zone.net and gab.com/HolocaustLiesExposed for a couple of instances.

My, how convenient. Every last written record of this massive, coordinated genocide -- gone. Well, gee, that's just proof positive that it happened exactly like they say, huh?

You betray your bigotry.

Someone worked hard on their stories. The victors get to write and promote the "history" -- that's why the "good guys" always win.
Many documents were destroyed, but the Germans, being amazingly scrupulous with detailing everything they did, couldn’t destroy all of them.
And by the way, the numbers haven’t changed.
If anything, there’s that priest I saw last year on 60 Minutes, who keeps finding new ad how grave pits.
My mother-in-Law saw many people die from typhus. She had it also but was amazingly talented so they had to cure her. Her family got wiped out.

I am quite skeptical about the soap and lampshades.
People tend to hyperbolize, as if what happened wasn’t bad enough.

The hair, dolls and shoes actually exist so don’t even try going there.
"I am quite skeptical about the soap and lampshades."

I think they will put you in prison if you say that in Europe. And now in Florida, too, it is a criminal offense to deny the Holocaust.

Please tell us why anymore in their right mind would deny it
Indeependent seemed to deny Nazis used the fat of Jews was used to make soap and their skin to make lampshades. He is the one to ask why he would deny the Holocaust.
The Holocaust has zero to do with how burnt Jewish bodies were used.

How do you figure? If the Germans were in need of soap or lampshades, and this was their motivation for committing these crimes against humanity, how isn't it relevant? Going into Caracas nowadays, there is a shortage of consumer goods like soap and lampshades, these facts give us a clue as to what not to be surprised about
Many documents were destroyed, but the Germans, being amazingly scrupulous with detailing everything they did, couldn’t destroy all of them.
And by the way, the numbers haven’t changed.
If anything, there’s that priest I saw last year on 60 Minutes, who keeps finding new ad how grave pits.
My mother-in-Law saw many people die from typhus. She had it also but was amazingly talented so they had to cure her. Her family got wiped out.

I am quite skeptical about the soap and lampshades.
People tend to hyperbolize, as if what happened wasn’t bad enough.

The hair, dolls and shoes actually exist so don’t even try going there.
"I am quite skeptical about the soap and lampshades."

I think they will put you in prison if you say that in Europe. And now in Florida, too, it is a criminal offense to deny the Holocaust.

Please tell us why anymore in their right mind would deny it
Indeependent seemed to deny Nazis used the fat of Jews was used to make soap and their skin to make lampshades. He is the one to ask why he would deny the Holocaust.
The Holocaust has zero to do with how burnt Jewish bodies were used.

How do you figure? If the Germans were in need of soap or lampshades, and this was their motivation for committing these crimes against humanity, how isn't it relevant? Going into Caracas nowadays, there is a shortage of consumer goods like soap and lampshades, these facts give us a clue as to what not to be surprised about
My in-laws never mentioned it.
How would the human body be processed?
I know they ate grass and pebbles from the ground to stave off the hunger.
Exhibits at that museum and the many other "Holocaust" museums are primarily re-creations -- better, fabrications & falsifications. EG - models of gas chambers, piles of shoes of the deceased that are actually only a few pairs of shoes attached to a raised base, and so forth. Meanwhile, the bars of soap that were claimed to have been made from the fat of victims and the lampshades that were claimed to have been made from their skin were removed when those lies were revealed.
Gee, they lied about soap and lampshades and other stuff; just maybe they might have lied about some other things...?
Meanwhile, the Auschwitz Museum in Poland lowered its official death total tally by nearly 3 million yet the magic number of 6,000,000 jewish victims hasn't been changed. Now ain't that strange?

Not one of whom among the Americans or British claimed to have seen a murderous gas chamber or an order for mass extermination. Or maybe I'm wrong -- please show us such testimony. There were Soviet testimonies, and we all know how honest the Soviets were. :rolleyes:

No. I did see "Shoah" -- also brutal. Lot's of dead people it CLAIMED were murdered. No mention of typhus.
Have you seen this?: https://thegreateststorynevertold.tv

Stormfront hasn't closed down (nyah, nyah).
And we are publicizing the truth wherever we're allowed to do so. Try truth-zone.net and gab.com/HolocaustLiesExposed for a couple of instances.

My, how convenient. Every last written record of this massive, coordinated genocide -- gone. Well, gee, that's just proof positive that it happened exactly like they say, huh?

You betray your bigotry.

Someone worked hard on their stories. The victors get to write and promote the "history" -- that's why the "good guys" always win.
Many documents were destroyed, but the Germans, being amazingly scrupulous with detailing everything they did, couldn’t destroy all of them.
And by the way, the numbers haven’t changed.
If anything, there’s that priest I saw last year on 60 Minutes, who keeps finding new ad how grave pits.
My mother-in-Law saw many people die from typhus. She had it also but was amazingly talented so they had to cure her. Her family got wiped out.

I am quite skeptical about the soap and lampshades.
People tend to hyperbolize, as if what happened wasn’t bad enough.

The hair, dolls and shoes actually exist so don’t even try going there.
"I am quite skeptical about the soap and lampshades."

I think they will put you in prison if you say that in Europe. And now in Florida, too, it is a criminal offense to deny the Holocaust.

Please tell us why anymore in their right mind would deny it
Indeependent seemed to deny Nazis used the fat of Jews was used to make soap and their skin to make lampshades. He is the one to ask why he would deny the Holocaust.
The Holocaust has zero to do with how burnt Jewish bodies were used.
When I was growing up, the soap and lampshades were a standard part of the Holocaust story. But you are saying now that it's ok to deny those parts. Who gets to decide which parts are acceptable to deny?
Many documents were destroyed, but the Germans, being amazingly scrupulous with detailing everything they did, couldn’t destroy all of them.
And by the way, the numbers haven’t changed.
If anything, there’s that priest I saw last year on 60 Minutes, who keeps finding new ad how grave pits.
My mother-in-Law saw many people die from typhus. She had it also but was amazingly talented so they had to cure her. Her family got wiped out.

I am quite skeptical about the soap and lampshades.
People tend to hyperbolize, as if what happened wasn’t bad enough.

The hair, dolls and shoes actually exist so don’t even try going there.
"I am quite skeptical about the soap and lampshades."

I think they will put you in prison if you say that in Europe. And now in Florida, too, it is a criminal offense to deny the Holocaust.

Please tell us why anymore in their right mind would deny it
Indeependent seemed to deny Nazis used the fat of Jews was used to make soap and their skin to make lampshades. He is the one to ask why he would deny the Holocaust.
The Holocaust has zero to do with how burnt Jewish bodies were used.
When I was growing up, the soap and lampshades were a standard part of the Holocaust story. But you are saying now that it's ok to deny those parts. Who gets to decide which parts are acceptable to deny?
You read a lot into simple phrases.
The Holocaust happened.
People were abducted from their homes, their personal possessions and businesses stolen.
They were beaten, starved, shot and gassed to death.
Did you know that 90% of the Jews in cattle cars were locked in for at least 4 days and had to breathe in human waste while they starved and then died before the doors were opened?
Their teeth were pulled and hair shaved off.

Was the gassed flesh used for soap and lampshades?
I don’t know.
Those two claims do not nullify what did happen.
"I am quite skeptical about the soap and lampshades."

I think they will put you in prison if you say that in Europe. And now in Florida, too, it is a criminal offense to deny the Holocaust.

Please tell us why anymore in their right mind would deny it
Indeependent seemed to deny Nazis used the fat of Jews was used to make soap and their skin to make lampshades. He is the one to ask why he would deny the Holocaust.
The Holocaust has zero to do with how burnt Jewish bodies were used.
When I was growing up, the soap and lampshades were a standard part of the Holocaust story. But you are saying now that it's ok to deny those parts. Who gets to decide which parts are acceptable to deny?
You read a lot into simple phrases.
The Holocaust happened.
People were abducted from their homes, their personal possessions and businesses stolen.
They were beaten, starved, shot and gassed to death.
Did you know that 90% of the Jews in cattle cars were locked in for at least 4 days and had to breathe in human waste while they starved and then died before the doors were opened?
Their teeth were pulled and hair shaved off.

Was the gassed flesh used for soap and lampshades?
I don’t know.
Those two claims do not nullify what did happen.
So, as the person who gets to decide what constitutes the famous Holocaust, you have determined that "the Holocaust" refers to the experiences of all those who suffered horribly during WWII. A Holocaust denier, then, is someone who claims no one suffered horribly during WWII. An absurd claim, but I don't see why the Jews have agitated to make it illegal to claim no one suffered horribly during WWII. Shouldn't people just dismiss anyone making that claim as a harmless kook? Why put them in prison?
Please tell us why anymore in their right mind would deny it
Indeependent seemed to deny Nazis used the fat of Jews was used to make soap and their skin to make lampshades. He is the one to ask why he would deny the Holocaust.
The Holocaust has zero to do with how burnt Jewish bodies were used.
When I was growing up, the soap and lampshades were a standard part of the Holocaust story. But you are saying now that it's ok to deny those parts. Who gets to decide which parts are acceptable to deny?
You read a lot into simple phrases.
The Holocaust happened.
People were abducted from their homes, their personal possessions and businesses stolen.
They were beaten, starved, shot and gassed to death.
Did you know that 90% of the Jews in cattle cars were locked in for at least 4 days and had to breathe in human waste while they starved and then died before the doors were opened?
Their teeth were pulled and hair shaved off.

Was the gassed flesh used for soap and lampshades?
I don’t know.
Those two claims do not nullify what did happen.
So, as the person who gets to decide what constitutes the famous Holocaust, you have determined that "the Holocaust" refers to the experiences of all those who suffered horribly during WWII. A Holocaust denier, then, is someone who claims no one suffered horribly during WWII. An absurd claim, but I don't see why the Jews have agitated to make it illegal to claim no one suffered horribly during WWII. Shouldn't people just dismiss anyone making that claim as a harmless kook? Why put them in prison?
Hitler centered his activities on one platform...
Exterminate the Jews.
Hitler knew no one would care.

Jews have never stated that only Jews were targets.
Our point is that no matter how inconsequential the target, the extermination should not be tolerated.

I understand your emotions will never allow this fact to sink in.
Indeependent seemed to deny Nazis used the fat of Jews was used to make soap and their skin to make lampshades. He is the one to ask why he would deny the Holocaust.
The Holocaust has zero to do with how burnt Jewish bodies were used.
When I was growing up, the soap and lampshades were a standard part of the Holocaust story. But you are saying now that it's ok to deny those parts. Who gets to decide which parts are acceptable to deny?
You read a lot into simple phrases.
The Holocaust happened.
People were abducted from their homes, their personal possessions and businesses stolen.
They were beaten, starved, shot and gassed to death.
Did you know that 90% of the Jews in cattle cars were locked in for at least 4 days and had to breathe in human waste while they starved and then died before the doors were opened?
Their teeth were pulled and hair shaved off.

Was the gassed flesh used for soap and lampshades?
I don’t know.
Those two claims do not nullify what did happen.
So, as the person who gets to decide what constitutes the famous Holocaust, you have determined that "the Holocaust" refers to the experiences of all those who suffered horribly during WWII. A Holocaust denier, then, is someone who claims no one suffered horribly during WWII. An absurd claim, but I don't see why the Jews have agitated to make it illegal to claim no one suffered horribly during WWII. Shouldn't people just dismiss anyone making that claim as a harmless kook? Why put them in prison?
Hitler centered his activities on one platform...
Exterminate the Jews.
Hitler knew no one would care.

Jews have never stated that only Jews were targets.
Our point is that no matter how inconsequential the target, the extermination should not be tolerated.

I understand your emotions will never allow this fact to sink in.
"I am quite skeptical about the soap and lampshades."

I think they will put you in prison if you say that in Europe. And now in Florida, too, it is a criminal offense to deny the Holocaust.

Please tell us why anymore in their right mind would deny it
Indeependent seemed to deny Nazis used the fat of Jews was used to make soap and their skin to make lampshades. He is the one to ask why he would deny the Holocaust.
The Holocaust has zero to do with how burnt Jewish bodies were used.
When I was growing up, the soap and lampshades were a standard part of the Holocaust story. But you are saying now that it's ok to deny those parts. Who gets to decide which parts are acceptable to deny?
You read a lot into simple phrases.
The Holocaust happened.
People were abducted from their homes, their personal possessions and businesses stolen.
They were beaten, starved, shot and gassed to death.
Did you know that 90% of the Jews in cattle cars were locked in for at least 4 days and had to breathe in human waste while they starved and then died before the doors were opened?
Their teeth were pulled and hair shaved off.

Was the gassed flesh used for soap and lampshades?
I don’t know.
Those two claims do not nullify what did happen.

I have not heard or read Human Experiments being done on anyone except Jews
Hitler ran, and won, opposing "Jewish Communism", a very valid position in Weimar Germany with the horrific example in Russia, then in progress, of what happens to a Christian country left to the tender mercies of Jews (many from the Lower East Side) with absolute power. They go culturally Deuteronomy, which means the wholesale slaughter of men, women, and children whom "the Lord hath delivered into thine hand". That's what Hitler ran against. That's what Germany voted for. And for that impertinence, Germany suffered total destruction. And through all that, there was never a Nazi program to exterminate the Jews or anyone else. Jews were put into concentration camps in Europe, yes, just as Germans and Japanese were put into concentration camps in this country. On neither side were there extermination camps or anything like the group-based slaughter occurring in the USSR. Your position is a fraud and you are shameless.
Please tell us why anymore in their right mind would deny it
Indeependent seemed to deny Nazis used the fat of Jews was used to make soap and their skin to make lampshades. He is the one to ask why he would deny the Holocaust.
The Holocaust has zero to do with how burnt Jewish bodies were used.
When I was growing up, the soap and lampshades were a standard part of the Holocaust story. But you are saying now that it's ok to deny those parts. Who gets to decide which parts are acceptable to deny?
You read a lot into simple phrases.
The Holocaust happened.
People were abducted from their homes, their personal possessions and businesses stolen.
They were beaten, starved, shot and gassed to death.
Did you know that 90% of the Jews in cattle cars were locked in for at least 4 days and had to breathe in human waste while they starved and then died before the doors were opened?
Their teeth were pulled and hair shaved off.

Was the gassed flesh used for soap and lampshades?
I don’t know.
Those two claims do not nullify what did happen.

I have not heard or read Human Experiments being done on anyone except Jews
Read "The Red Terror in Russia" (inexplicably difficult to find)
Hitler ran, and won, opposing "Jewish Communism", a very valid position in Weimar Germany with the horrific example in Russia, then in progress, of what happens to a Christian country left to the tender mercies of Jews (many from the Lower East Side) with absolute power. They go culturally Deuteronomy, which means the wholesale slaughter of men, women, and children whom "the Lord hath delivered into thine hand". That's what Hitler ran against. That's what Germany voted for. And for that impertinence, Germany suffered total destruction. And through all that, there was never a Nazi program to exterminate the Jews or anyone else. Jews were put into concentration camps in Europe, yes, just as Germans and Japanese were put into concentration camps in this country. On neither side were there extermination camps or anything like the group-based slaughter occurring in the USSR. Your position is a fraud and you are shameless.
Bullshit...the infrastructure was, and still is, there.
You can spend the rest of your life reading cherry picked “literature” for all I care.
You’ll notice that almost nobody here bothers to waste time on you.
You’re getting boring.
You’ll notice that almost nobody here bothers to waste time on you.
Then stop replying.

There...You have your excuse to run away from the debate you're losing so brilliantly.

Next time, maybe try supporting your assertions with with things like documentation and photos, and references..
You won't. You can't.


I have met too many survivors, Jew and not, to believe they all got together to make this up.
That's not how hoaxes begin, and you know it.

No one denies that there were concentration camps, that jews were targeted, or that people died badly.
The argument is with the number of the dead, the causes and means, and the intent of the Nat'l Socialist government.

And if you want to insult the military men who went through hell and liberated concentration camps, you’ve got mental issues that I can’t solve.
I have never and would never insult the brave and honorable men who fought for the Allies in WWII, nor any other military veteran. My father served in the Navy during the war, fyi. They were the finest of men doing what they believed was right.

Please tell us why anymore in their right mind would deny it
The quest for truth and the consequences of propagating the lies.

Hitler centered his activities on one platform...
Exterminate the Jews.
Absolutely false. Nothing but the standard propaganda line fed to us all from our youth. The NS platform focused on economic revitalization, the restoration of German dignity and values, and the defeat of encroaching communism in Europe. The jews were (and are) behind communism and behind the international banking system that was key in crippling the German economy. That's why Hitler named the jew -- He identified the enemy.
Read beyond the narrative fed to you by your public and Hebrew school teachers. It's amazing what a person can learn.
You’re getting boring.
You’ll notice that almost nobody here bothers to waste time on you.
Then stop replying.

There...You have your excuse to run away from the debate you're losing so brilliantly.

Next time, maybe try supporting your assertions with with things like documentation and photos, and references..
You won't. You can't.


I have met too many survivors, Jew and not, to believe they all got together to make this up.
That's not how hoaxes begin, and you know it.

No one denies that there were concentration camps, that jews were targeted, or that people died badly.
The argument is with the number of the dead, the causes and means, and the intent of the Nat'l Socialist government.

And if you want to insult the military men who went through hell and liberated concentration camps, you’ve got mental issues that I can’t solve.
I have never and would never insult the brave and honorable men who fought for the Allies in WWII, nor any other military veteran. My father served in the Navy during the war, fyi. They were the finest of men doing what they believed was right.

Please tell us why anymore in their right mind would deny it
The quest for truth and the consequences of propagating the lies.

Hitler centered his activities on one platform...
Exterminate the Jews.
Absolutely false. Nothing but the standard propaganda line fed to us all from our youth. The NS platform focused on economic revitalization, the restoration of German dignity and values, and the defeat of encroaching communism in Europe. The jews were (and are) behind communism and behind the international banking system that was key in crippling the German economy. That's why Hitler named the jew -- He identified the enemy.
Read beyond the narrative fed to you by your public and Hebrew school teachers. It's amazing what a person can learn.
I see you’ve never watched the full Triumph of the Will.

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