Every Jew has secret knowledge of a Zionist world conspiracy? Not true.

You’re getting boring.
You’ll notice that almost nobody here bothers to waste time on you.
Then stop replying.

There...You have your excuse to run away from the debate you're losing so brilliantly.

Next time, maybe try supporting your assertions with with things like documentation and photos, and references..
You won't. You can't.


I have met too many survivors, Jew and not, to believe they all got together to make this up.
That's not how hoaxes begin, and you know it.

No one denies that there were concentration camps, that jews were targeted, or that people died badly.
The argument is with the number of the dead, the causes and means, and the intent of the Nat'l Socialist government.

And if you want to insult the military men who went through hell and liberated concentration camps, you’ve got mental issues that I can’t solve.
I have never and would never insult the brave and honorable men who fought for the Allies in WWII, nor any other military veteran. My father served in the Navy during the war, fyi. They were the finest of men doing what they believed was right.

Please tell us why anymore in their right mind would deny it
The quest for truth and the consequences of propagating the lies.

Hitler centered his activities on one platform...
Exterminate the Jews.
Absolutely false. Nothing but the standard propaganda line fed to us all from our youth. The NS platform focused on economic revitalization, the restoration of German dignity and values, and the defeat of encroaching communism in Europe. The jews were (and are) behind communism and behind the international banking system that was key in crippling the German economy. That's why Hitler named the jew -- He identified the enemy.
Read beyond the narrative fed to you by your public and Hebrew school teachers. It's amazing what a person can learn.
You’re getting boring.
You’ll notice that almost nobody here bothers to waste time on you.
Then stop replying.

There...You have your excuse to run away from the debate you're losing so brilliantly.

Next time, maybe try supporting your assertions with with things like documentation and photos, and references..
You won't. You can't.


I have met too many survivors, Jew and not, to believe they all got together to make this up.
That's not how hoaxes begin, and you know it.

No one denies that there were concentration camps, that jews were targeted, or that people died badly.
The argument is with the number of the dead, the causes and means, and the intent of the Nat'l Socialist government.

And if you want to insult the military men who went through hell and liberated concentration camps, you’ve got mental issues that I can’t solve.
I have never and would never insult the brave and honorable men who fought for the Allies in WWII, nor any other military veteran. My father served in the Navy during the war, fyi. They were the finest of men doing what they believed was right.

Please tell us why anymore in their right mind would deny it
The quest for truth and the consequences of propagating the lies.

Hitler centered his activities on one platform...
Exterminate the Jews.
Absolutely false. Nothing but the standard propaganda line fed to us all from our youth. The NS platform focused on economic revitalization, the restoration of German dignity and values, and the defeat of encroaching communism in Europe. The jews were (and are) behind communism and behind the international banking system that was key in crippling the German economy. That's why Hitler named the jew -- He identified the enemy.
Read beyond the narrative fed to you by your public and Hebrew school teachers. It's amazing what a person can learn.

Of course he and other posters either deny the Holocaust or try to justify the Jews were responsible for Germany's struggling economy, What he and others don't tell you is that Hitler had a Long History of Anti Semitism

Mein Kampf - Wikipedia

Which brought about this;

Nazi Germany 1933-1939: Early Stages of Persecution | My Jewish Learning

Judea Declares War On Germany - Daily Express, March 24, 1933
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The preconception that every Jew has secret knowledge of a Zionist world conspiracy should be guarded against. While every Jew who identifies as such is familiar with the general idea of the ultimate triumph of Israel, the average Jew is no more familiar with the special plans which for centuries have existed in formulated form for the attainment of that triumph--the Zionist world conspiracy--than anyone else.

The role the average Jew plays in the conspiracy is limited to two things:
  1. it is perfectly understood that the consummation of the Jewish triumph will not be distasteful to any Jew, and
  2. if the methods to be used toward the end are a bit violent, every Jew can be depended upon to see in that violence a very insufficient retribution visited upon the Gentile world for the sufferings which it has caused the children of Israel throughout the centuries.
The Jewish users of this forum provide ample evidence that #2 is true. As for #1, I can only assume it is true. But, when taken together, those two conditions provide sufficient condition in themselves for the viability of a secret Zionist world conspiracy. It would therefore behoove those Jews, it seems to me, who take offense at any suggestion of the existence of such conspiracy to take care to ensure both #1 and #2 are not the case insofar as his own individual case is concerned. It is, after all, morally indefensible to do otherwise.

The Jewish people make up LESS then ,2 percent of the total population. That is NOT 2 percent; its less then 2/10 of 1 Percent. To believe that such a few have such power a symptom of your paranoia and inferiority

I was going to tell him he was bat shit crazy.

yeah thats what you two zionist shills ALWAYS do when backed up against the wall with nowhere to run while getting your asses handed to you on a platter,you shills cant counter evidence,so you throw insulkts in defeat.:abgg2q.jpg:
Let me get this strait. The Joos have a massive conspiracy to conquer the world, but they don't all know about it, but the key to it's success is that when they finally find out about it, they will all support it and any violence that is necessary. Are there any secret hand shakes, or code words we need to be on the lookout for?
No, no secret handshakes, but you do have to pretend to fuck the wall of an old Roman fort in Jerusalem, code word: "onlydemocracyinmiddleeast". Other than that, I think you got it.

thats no surprise in the least.LOL
Education is a Torah mandate; it’s not an option.
Other tenets of Judaism include subterfuge, blackmail, racism, cronyism, corruption, nepotism, usury, genocide, financial predation, and enslavement. Some are only options, however, not mandates. But, so?

uh dude now THAT is being anti semitic and that is the first time i have ever called anybody here that word unlike these zionist shills like hossfly and i love israel. you are being anti semitic here because jewish judaism people are VERY GOOD people,it is the zionists jews that you are describing there you nut not judaism.man get your facts strait.:rolleyes:
One cannot help but notice that those on the "philo-Semitic" side in this thread have replied with derision but haven't addressed any facts (though one did offer an historical explanation for the jews' dominance of Hollywood, that doesn't address the impact of such overwhelming dominance).

The fact is that jews do own and operate the world's central banks.
The fact is that this control over the world's money gives them enormous influence on all business operations that depend, for production or sales, on credit.
The fact is that the defense industry is deeply reliant on credit.
The fact is that this control over the world's money gives them enormous influence on governments.
The fact is that jews are the wealthiest overall sub-group in the US.
The fact is that this gives them even more influence over political candidates and office-holders in the world's most influential country.
The fact is that jews operate 5 of the 6 largest media companies.
The fact is that jews own America's most influential newspapers.
The fact is that this dominance of major media gives jews control over roughly 90% of all information consumed in the West.
The fact is that jews dominate new-media (such as Facebook and Alphabet).
The fact is that this gives jews gatekeeper power over a huge amount of internet-based information.

There are more such facts but posts can only go so so long.

The op was actually being fair and generous in making a distinction between "the jews" and all the jewish people.

It's only paranoia if it's baseless.

best damn post on this thread,you got the zionists like hossfly shill and his fellow shill i love israel running scared asking their handlers what kind of childish pictures to post next after getting their asses handed to them on a platter.:iyfyus.jpg:

the only thing you really need to make sure and clarify is it is ZIONISTS jews,judaism jewish folks contrary to what the OP said,are good people.
Why is this centuries-old garbage about Jewish people surfacing again? For what reason. The "Christians" have a lot of trash running around, the catholic bishops, the frankie grahams, jeffersses, pigpence. Why accuse Jews? Clean up your own house.

Jews have done nothing to you. The argument that they "reject Jesus" is one of profound ignorance. Christianity and Judaism are two separate religions. Do people who call themselves "Christians" "reject" the Buddha"? Should they be blamed for this "rejection"?

You make a fabulous Jew.

Thank you. Actually, I was told I would by a boss that I had back in the 1980s, who was Jewish. Judaism seems to afford a good spiritual home, particularly since the catholics and the evangelicals are running amuck. So you do reject the Buddha?

You must be very ignorant, if you think Kosher people are so innocent.
Jews are educated and knowledge does not bestow innocence.

So educated that most of you can't even figure out who did the Holocaust.
My great grand parents were German Jews, they changed their surname from Haberstiein to a more Germanic sounding Haber. And converted from Judaism to Catholicism. And they fled to America and ended up in in St Luis. Missouri. I have all these old pictures of the Haber sisters lounging around in their Gibson girl hair looking gorgeous. Hence my avatar..I have no idea what they went through. But damn where they beautiful.
My great grand parents were German Jews, they changed their surname from Haberstiein to a more Germanic sounding Haber. And converted from Judaism to Catholicism. And they fled to America and ended up in in St Luis. Missouri. I have all these old pictures of the Haber sisters lounging around in their Gibson girl hair looking gorgeous. Hence my avatar..I have no idea what they went through. But damn where they beautiful.

I just object to their having to sacrifice their religion to do this. I have no doubt that the Haberstein sisters where beautiful. They would have been just as beautiful as Jewish. Why do we do this to our fellow human beings?
One cannot help but notice that those on the "philo-Semitic" side in this thread have replied with derision but haven't addressed any facts (though one did offer an historical explanation for the jews' dominance of Hollywood, that doesn't address the impact of such overwhelming dominance).

The fact is that jews do own and operate the world's central banks.
The fact is that this control over the world's money gives them enormous influence on all business operations that depend, for production or sales, on credit.
The fact is that the defense industry is deeply reliant on credit.
The fact is that this control over the world's money gives them enormous influence on governments.
The fact is that jews are the wealthiest overall sub-group in the US.
The fact is that this gives them even more influence over political candidates and office-holders in the world's most influential country.
The fact is that jews operate 5 of the 6 largest media companies.
The fact is that jews own America's most influential newspapers.
The fact is that this dominance of major media gives jews control over roughly 90% of all information consumed in the West.
The fact is that jews dominate new-media (such as Facebook and Alphabet).
The fact is that this gives jews gatekeeper power over a huge amount of internet-based information.

There are more such facts but posts can only go so so long.

The op was actually being fair and generous in making a distinction between "the jews" and all the jewish people.

It's only paranoia if it's baseless.

best damn post on this thread,you got the zionists like hossfly shill and his fellow shill i love israel running scared asking their handlers what kind of childish pictures to post next after getting their asses handed to them on a platter.:iyfyus.jpg:

the only thing you really need to make sure and clarify is it is ZIONISTS jews,judaism jewish folks contrary to what the OP said,are good people.

All I know is that Jew-haters are on my shit list.
No one needs to be a Zionist because Israel can obliterate the Middle East in about 6 hours.
That’s from Quora, not me.
Education is a Torah mandate; it’s not an option.
Other tenets of Judaism include subterfuge, blackmail, racism, cronyism, corruption, nepotism, usury, genocide, financial predation, and enslavement. Some are only options, however, not mandates. But, so?

uh dude now THAT is being anti semitic and that is the first time i have ever called anybody here that word unlike these zionist shills like hossfly and i love israel. you are being anti semitic here because jewish judaism people are VERY GOOD people,it is the zionists jews that you are describing there you nut not judaism.man get your facts strait.:rolleyes:
I'm referencing Deuteronomy which Judaic, and to a lesser degree, Christian. For example, Deut 15:1-3

At the end of every seven years you must cancel debts. This is how it is to be done: Every creditor shall cancel any loan they have made to a fellow Israelite. They shall not require payment from anyone among their own people, because the Lord’s time for canceling debts has been proclaimed. You may require payment from a foreigner, but you must cancel any debt your fellow Israelite owes you.
I see you’ve never watched the full Triumph of the Will.
I already said that I hadn't. Is that the best you've got left -- to accuse me of not having seen a movie I already told you I hadn't seen? Gee, you sue told me!

Also as I've already said, I've seen "Shoah" and was taught (and for most of my life believed) the same standard narrative about WWII, "the Nazis," and "the Holocaust" as everyone else. I'm as aware of it as you and anyone else. I'm also aware of other facts and information you refuse to acknowledge, despite it having been presented right here in this thread.

I see you haven't watched The Greatest Story Never Told, which I linked for you earlier. It present a lot of info that we're not told in the standard narrative.

How the “Holocaust” was Faked
'Virtually all of the iconic imagery associated with the alleged Jewish “Holocaust” turns out to be either entirely fabricated, altered or extremely misrepresented and taken out of context. The imagery associated with the “Holocaust” — photographs of piles of dead bodies, emaciated prisoners, Jews being “rounded up”, train cars filled with dead people, etc. — has been used to psychologically traumatize the masses, rendering them vulnerable to manipulation and facilitating the fake narrative of “6 million Jews murdered by the Nazis”
'Images ... showing piles of dead, emaciated bodies have been shown ..., inducing psychological trauma and fear ... in order to sell the idea that the Germans systematically murdered millions of people (especially Jews) in “death camps”. The fact of the matter is that when the war was ending, the German-administered labor and industrial camps were not supplied and many people did in fact perish in horrible conditions. But that does not prove that the Germans were systematically murdering people in these camps.
'Also, some of the iconic imagery associated with the Jewish “Holocaust” turns out to be photographs of dead German civilians murdered in Allied fire-bombing campaigns, which were presented to the masses as “proof” of German atrocities...
'The iconic “Holocaust” imagery shown repeatedly to mass audiences is never put into context. The images are simply shown, and we are expected to believe that the “Holocaust” was a real event.'

Of course he

and other posters either deny the Holocaust or try to justify the Jews were responsible for Germany's struggling economy,

What he and others don't tell you is that Hitler had a Long History of Anti Semitism
Yes, we do. No one denies that.
You use yet another standard tactic of those on the wrong side of a debate: Accusing your debate opponent of not admitting what they, in fact, readily state.

Mein Kampf
Ever read it? It's amazing.

My Jewish Learning? Ya think just maybe they might have a bias about this topic?

Kudos, though, for at least trying to provide some support for your position. Flimsy and biased support that simply takes the received narrative as a given, but at least something.

Judea Declares War On Germany - Daily Express, March 24, 1933
Thanks for helping to make our point and contradicting your own. Hitler becomes Chancellor and immediately, before he's done anything at all in office, the jews declare an economic war upon Germany, and yet you argue we're wrong when we "try to justify the Jews were responsible" for German animosity toward them. Hel-LO???

I have all these old pictures of the Haber sisters lounging around in their Gibson girl hair looking gorgeous. Hence my avatar..
Love your avatar!
I see you’ve never watched the full Triumph of the Will.
I already said that I hadn't. Is that the best you've got left -- to accuse me of not having seen a movie I already told you I hadn't seen? Gee, you sue told me!

Also as I've already said, I've seen "Shoah" and was taught (and for most of my life believed) the same standard narrative about WWII, "the Nazis," and "the Holocaust" as everyone else. I'm as aware of it as you and anyone else. I'm also aware of other facts and information you refuse to acknowledge, despite it having been presented right here in this thread.

I see you haven't watched The Greatest Story Never Told, which I linked for you earlier. It present a lot of info that we're not told in the standard narrative.

How the “Holocaust” was Faked
'Virtually all of the iconic imagery associated with the alleged Jewish “Holocaust” turns out to be either entirely fabricated, altered or extremely misrepresented and taken out of context. The imagery associated with the “Holocaust” — photographs of piles of dead bodies, emaciated prisoners, Jews being “rounded up”, train cars filled with dead people, etc. — has been used to psychologically traumatize the masses, rendering them vulnerable to manipulation and facilitating the fake narrative of “6 million Jews murdered by the Nazis”
'Images ... showing piles of dead, emaciated bodies have been shown ..., inducing psychological trauma and fear ... in order to sell the idea that the Germans systematically murdered millions of people (especially Jews) in “death camps”. The fact of the matter is that when the war was ending, the German-administered labor and industrial camps were not supplied and many people did in fact perish in horrible conditions. But that does not prove that the Germans were systematically murdering people in these camps.
'Also, some of the iconic imagery associated with the Jewish “Holocaust” turns out to be photographs of dead German civilians murdered in Allied fire-bombing campaigns, which were presented to the masses as “proof” of German atrocities...
'The iconic “Holocaust” imagery shown repeatedly to mass audiences is never put into context. The images are simply shown, and we are expected to believe that the “Holocaust” was a real event.'

Of course he

and other posters either deny the Holocaust or try to justify the Jews were responsible for Germany's struggling economy,

What he and others don't tell you is that Hitler had a Long History of Anti Semitism
Yes, we do. No one denies that.
You use yet another standard tactic of those on the wrong side of a debate: Accusing your debate opponent of not admitting what they, in fact, readily state.

Mein Kampf
Ever read it? It's amazing.

My Jewish Learning? Ya think just maybe they might have a bias about this topic?

Kudos, though, for at least trying to provide some support for your position. Flimsy and biased support that simply takes the received narrative as a given, but at least something.

Judea Declares War On Germany - Daily Express, March 24, 1933
Thanks for helping to make our point and contradicting your own. Hitler becomes Chancellor and immediately, before he's done anything at all in office, the jews declare an economic war upon Germany, and yet you argue we're wrong when we "try to justify the Jews were responsible" for German animosity toward them. Hel-LO???

I have all these old pictures of the Haber sisters lounging around in their Gibson girl hair looking gorgeous. Hence my avatar.started.
Love your avatar!

Sorry to disappoint you, but I am not contradicting my post. Hitler’s! Anti Semitic hate started way back even before he wrote Mein Kempf, in the early 1920’s,became Chancellor, started to declare War against the Jews and they reacted.
Try reading about the Nuremberg Laws passed in 1933 right after he became Chancellor and the fact that the Jewish population was a mere one percent of the total.
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the lessons to learn is-----PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT THEY SAY and
LITERACY IS IMPORTANT. The islamo-Nazi hero ADOLF HITLER wrote his book Mein Kampf and it was published in 1925. He became
chancellor of Germany in 1933 Since lots of Jews can read german----
da jews knew what da islamo Nazi hero was up to------and da jews were
right. <<< this is a fact from which islamo Nazis have never recovered
I see you’ve never watched the full Triumph of the Will.
I already said that I hadn't. Is that the best you've got left -- to accuse me of not having seen a movie I already told you I hadn't seen? Gee, you sue told me!

Also as I've already said, I've seen "Shoah" and was taught (and for most of my life believed) the same standard narrative about WWII, "the Nazis," and "the Holocaust" as everyone else. I'm as aware of it as you and anyone else. I'm also aware of other facts and information you refuse to acknowledge, despite it having been presented right here in this thread.

I see you haven't watched The Greatest Story Never Told, which I linked for you earlier. It present a lot of info that we're not told in the standard narrative.

How the “Holocaust” was Faked
'Virtually all of the iconic imagery associated with the alleged Jewish “Holocaust” turns out to be either entirely fabricated, altered or extremely misrepresented and taken out of context. The imagery associated with the “Holocaust” — photographs of piles of dead bodies, emaciated prisoners, Jews being “rounded up”, train cars filled with dead people, etc. — has been used to psychologically traumatize the masses, rendering them vulnerable to manipulation and facilitating the fake narrative of “6 million Jews murdered by the Nazis”
'Images ... showing piles of dead, emaciated bodies have been shown ..., inducing psychological trauma and fear ... in order to sell the idea that the Germans systematically murdered millions of people (especially Jews) in “death camps”. The fact of the matter is that when the war was ending, the German-administered labor and industrial camps were not supplied and many people did in fact perish in horrible conditions. But that does not prove that the Germans were systematically murdering people in these camps.
'Also, some of the iconic imagery associated with the Jewish “Holocaust” turns out to be photographs of dead German civilians murdered in Allied fire-bombing campaigns, which were presented to the masses as “proof” of German atrocities...
'The iconic “Holocaust” imagery shown repeatedly to mass audiences is never put into context. The images are simply shown, and we are expected to believe that the “Holocaust” was a real event.'

Of course he

and other posters either deny the Holocaust or try to justify the Jews were responsible for Germany's struggling economy,

What he and others don't tell you is that Hitler had a Long History of Anti Semitism
Yes, we do. No one denies that.
You use yet another standard tactic of those on the wrong side of a debate: Accusing your debate opponent of not admitting what they, in fact, readily state.

Mein Kampf
Ever read it? It's amazing.

My Jewish Learning? Ya think just maybe they might have a bias about this topic?

Kudos, though, for at least trying to provide some support for your position. Flimsy and biased support that simply takes the received narrative as a given, but at least something.

Judea Declares War On Germany - Daily Express, March 24, 1933
Thanks for helping to make our point and contradicting your own. Hitler becomes Chancellor and immediately, before he's done anything at all in office, the jews declare an economic war upon Germany, and yet you argue we're wrong when we "try to justify the Jews were responsible" for German animosity toward them. Hel-LO???

I have all these old pictures of the Haber sisters lounging around in their Gibson girl hair looking gorgeous. Hence my avatar..
Love your avatar!
Dude...It’s the documentary ordered by Hitler and proudly shows his successful extermination of the Jews.

You can’t watch because it proves you’re full of shit.
I see you’ve never watched the full Triumph of the Will.
I already said that I hadn't. Is that the best you've got left -- to accuse me of not having seen a movie I already told you I hadn't seen? Gee, you sue told me!

Also as I've already said, I've seen "Shoah" and was taught (and for most of my life believed) the same standard narrative about WWII, "the Nazis," and "the Holocaust" as everyone else. I'm as aware of it as you and anyone else. I'm also aware of other facts and information you refuse to acknowledge, despite it having been presented right here in this thread.

I see you haven't watched The Greatest Story Never Told, which I linked for you earlier. It present a lot of info that we're not told in the standard narrative.

How the “Holocaust” was Faked
'Virtually all of the iconic imagery associated with the alleged Jewish “Holocaust” turns out to be either entirely fabricated, altered or extremely misrepresented and taken out of context. The imagery associated with the “Holocaust” — photographs of piles of dead bodies, emaciated prisoners, Jews being “rounded up”, train cars filled with dead people, etc. — has been used to psychologically traumatize the masses, rendering them vulnerable to manipulation and facilitating the fake narrative of “6 million Jews murdered by the Nazis”
'Images ... showing piles of dead, emaciated bodies have been shown ..., inducing psychological trauma and fear ... in order to sell the idea that the Germans systematically murdered millions of people (especially Jews) in “death camps”. The fact of the matter is that when the war was ending, the German-administered labor and industrial camps were not supplied and many people did in fact perish in horrible conditions. But that does not prove that the Germans were systematically murdering people in these camps.
'Also, some of the iconic imagery associated with the Jewish “Holocaust” turns out to be photographs of dead German civilians murdered in Allied fire-bombing campaigns, which were presented to the masses as “proof” of German atrocities...
'The iconic “Holocaust” imagery shown repeatedly to mass audiences is never put into context. The images are simply shown, and we are expected to believe that the “Holocaust” was a real event.'

Of course he

and other posters either deny the Holocaust or try to justify the Jews were responsible for Germany's struggling economy,

What he and others don't tell you is that Hitler had a Long History of Anti Semitism
Yes, we do. No one denies that.
You use yet another standard tactic of those on the wrong side of a debate: Accusing your debate opponent of not admitting what they, in fact, readily state.

Mein Kampf
Ever read it? It's amazing.

My Jewish Learning? Ya think just maybe they might have a bias about this topic?

Kudos, though, for at least trying to provide some support for your position. Flimsy and biased support that simply takes the received narrative as a given, but at least something.

Judea Declares War On Germany - Daily Express, March 24, 1933
Thanks for helping to make our point and contradicting your own. Hitler becomes Chancellor and immediately, before he's done anything at all in office, the jews declare an economic war upon Germany, and yet you argue we're wrong when we "try to justify the Jews were responsible" for German animosity toward them. Hel-LO???

I have all these old pictures of the Haber sisters lounging around in their Gibson girl hair looking gorgeous. Hence my avatar..
Love your avatar!
Dude...It’s the documentary ordered by Hitler and proudly shows his successful extermination of the Jews.

You can’t watch because it proves you’re full of shit.

Final Solution - Wikipedia

We all know we will deny this; Just attribute it to bigotry, ignorance, delusion, and stupidity
I see you’ve never watched the full Triumph of the Will.
I already said that I hadn't. Is that the best you've got left -- to accuse me of not having seen a movie I already told you I hadn't seen? Gee, you sue told me!

Also as I've already said, I've seen "Shoah" and was taught (and for most of my life believed) the same standard narrative about WWII, "the Nazis," and "the Holocaust" as everyone else. I'm as aware of it as you and anyone else. I'm also aware of other facts and information you refuse to acknowledge, despite it having been presented right here in this thread.

I see you haven't watched The Greatest Story Never Told, which I linked for you earlier. It present a lot of info that we're not told in the standard narrative.

How the “Holocaust” was Faked
'Virtually all of the iconic imagery associated with the alleged Jewish “Holocaust” turns out to be either entirely fabricated, altered or extremely misrepresented and taken out of context. The imagery associated with the “Holocaust” — photographs of piles of dead bodies, emaciated prisoners, Jews being “rounded up”, train cars filled with dead people, etc. — has been used to psychologically traumatize the masses, rendering them vulnerable to manipulation and facilitating the fake narrative of “6 million Jews murdered by the Nazis”
'Images ... showing piles of dead, emaciated bodies have been shown ..., inducing psychological trauma and fear ... in order to sell the idea that the Germans systematically murdered millions of people (especially Jews) in “death camps”. The fact of the matter is that when the war was ending, the German-administered labor and industrial camps were not supplied and many people did in fact perish in horrible conditions. But that does not prove that the Germans were systematically murdering people in these camps.
'Also, some of the iconic imagery associated with the Jewish “Holocaust” turns out to be photographs of dead German civilians murdered in Allied fire-bombing campaigns, which were presented to the masses as “proof” of German atrocities...
'The iconic “Holocaust” imagery shown repeatedly to mass audiences is never put into context. The images are simply shown, and we are expected to believe that the “Holocaust” was a real event.'

Of course he

and other posters either deny the Holocaust or try to justify the Jews were responsible for Germany's struggling economy,

What he and others don't tell you is that Hitler had a Long History of Anti Semitism
Yes, we do. No one denies that.
You use yet another standard tactic of those on the wrong side of a debate: Accusing your debate opponent of not admitting what they, in fact, readily state.

Mein Kampf
Ever read it? It's amazing.

My Jewish Learning? Ya think just maybe they might have a bias about this topic?

Kudos, though, for at least trying to provide some support for your position. Flimsy and biased support that simply takes the received narrative as a given, but at least something.

Judea Declares War On Germany - Daily Express, March 24, 1933
Thanks for helping to make our point and contradicting your own. Hitler becomes Chancellor and immediately, before he's done anything at all in office, the jews declare an economic war upon Germany, and yet you argue we're wrong when we "try to justify the Jews were responsible" for German animosity toward them. Hel-LO???

I have all these old pictures of the Haber sisters lounging around in their Gibson girl hair looking gorgeous. Hence my avatar..
Love your avatar!
Dude...It’s the documentary ordered by Hitler and proudly shows his successful extermination of the Jews.

You can’t watch because it proves you’re full of shit.

Final Solution - Wikipedia

We all know we will deny this; Just attribute it to bigotry, ignorance, delusion, and stupidity
"We all know we will deny this; Just attribute it to bigotry, ignorance, delusion, and stupidity"
Yes, you will deny, but you can't refute. Nor can you seem to embrace the truth and acknowledge the role Jews have played in the agonies of the West. The world of deception you create makes you an agent of irrationality, the mother of chaos and destruction. How does this world of chaos and destruction, of the wanton slaughter of innocents, of endless war and propaganda and subjugation and enslavement finally ever end for you sons of Deuteronomy? Is extreme torture really the final glory of humanity as it became for the Bolsheviks?
Last edited:
I see you’ve never watched the full Triumph of the Will.
I already said that I hadn't. Is that the best you've got left -- to accuse me of not having seen a movie I already told you I hadn't seen? Gee, you sue told me!

Also as I've already said, I've seen "Shoah" and was taught (and for most of my life believed) the same standard narrative about WWII, "the Nazis," and "the Holocaust" as everyone else. I'm as aware of it as you and anyone else. I'm also aware of other facts and information you refuse to acknowledge, despite it having been presented right here in this thread.

I see you haven't watched The Greatest Story Never Told, which I linked for you earlier. It present a lot of info that we're not told in the standard narrative.

How the “Holocaust” was Faked
'Virtually all of the iconic imagery associated with the alleged Jewish “Holocaust” turns out to be either entirely fabricated, altered or extremely misrepresented and taken out of context. The imagery associated with the “Holocaust” — photographs of piles of dead bodies, emaciated prisoners, Jews being “rounded up”, train cars filled with dead people, etc. — has been used to psychologically traumatize the masses, rendering them vulnerable to manipulation and facilitating the fake narrative of “6 million Jews murdered by the Nazis”
'Images ... showing piles of dead, emaciated bodies have been shown ..., inducing psychological trauma and fear ... in order to sell the idea that the Germans systematically murdered millions of people (especially Jews) in “death camps”. The fact of the matter is that when the war was ending, the German-administered labor and industrial camps were not supplied and many people did in fact perish in horrible conditions. But that does not prove that the Germans were systematically murdering people in these camps.
'Also, some of the iconic imagery associated with the Jewish “Holocaust” turns out to be photographs of dead German civilians murdered in Allied fire-bombing campaigns, which were presented to the masses as “proof” of German atrocities...
'The iconic “Holocaust” imagery shown repeatedly to mass audiences is never put into context. The images are simply shown, and we are expected to believe that the “Holocaust” was a real event.'

Of course he

and other posters either deny the Holocaust or try to justify the Jews were responsible for Germany's struggling economy,

What he and others don't tell you is that Hitler had a Long History of Anti Semitism
Yes, we do. No one denies that.
You use yet another standard tactic of those on the wrong side of a debate: Accusing your debate opponent of not admitting what they, in fact, readily state.

Mein Kampf
Ever read it? It's amazing.

My Jewish Learning? Ya think just maybe they might have a bias about this topic?

Kudos, though, for at least trying to provide some support for your position. Flimsy and biased support that simply takes the received narrative as a given, but at least something.

Judea Declares War On Germany - Daily Express, March 24, 1933
Thanks for helping to make our point and contradicting your own. Hitler becomes Chancellor and immediately, before he's done anything at all in office, the jews declare an economic war upon Germany, and yet you argue we're wrong when we "try to justify the Jews were responsible" for German animosity toward them. Hel-LO???

I have all these old pictures of the Haber sisters lounging around in their Gibson girl hair looking gorgeous. Hence my avatar..
Love your avatar!
Dude...It’s the documentary ordered by Hitler and proudly shows his successful extermination of the Jews.

You can’t watch because it proves you’re full of shit.

Final Solution - Wikipedia

We all know we will deny this; Just attribute it to bigotry, ignorance, delusion, and stupidity
"We all know we will deny this; Just attribute it to bigotry, ignorance, delusion, and stupidity"
Yes, you will deny, but you can't refute. Nor can you seem to embrace the truth and acknowledge the role Jews have played in the agonies of the West. The world of deception you create makes you an agent of irrationality, the mother of chaos and destruction. How does this world of chaos and destruction, of the wanton slaughter of innocents, of endless war and propaganda and subjugation and enslavement finally ever end for you sons of Deuteronomy? Is extreme torture really the final glory of humanity as it became for the Bolsheviks?

I see you’ve never watched the full Triumph of the Will.
I already said that I hadn't. Is that the best you've got left -- to accuse me of not having seen a movie I already told you I hadn't seen? Gee, you sue told me!

Also as I've already said, I've seen "Shoah" and was taught (and for most of my life believed) the same standard narrative about WWII, "the Nazis," and "the Holocaust" as everyone else. I'm as aware of it as you and anyone else. I'm also aware of other facts and information you refuse to acknowledge, despite it having been presented right here in this thread.

I see you haven't watched The Greatest Story Never Told, which I linked for you earlier. It present a lot of info that we're not told in the standard narrative.

How the “Holocaust” was Faked
'Virtually all of the iconic imagery associated with the alleged Jewish “Holocaust” turns out to be either entirely fabricated, altered or extremely misrepresented and taken out of context. The imagery associated with the “Holocaust” — photographs of piles of dead bodies, emaciated prisoners, Jews being “rounded up”, train cars filled with dead people, etc. — has been used to psychologically traumatize the masses, rendering them vulnerable to manipulation and facilitating the fake narrative of “6 million Jews murdered by the Nazis”
'Images ... showing piles of dead, emaciated bodies have been shown ..., inducing psychological trauma and fear ... in order to sell the idea that the Germans systematically murdered millions of people (especially Jews) in “death camps”. The fact of the matter is that when the war was ending, the German-administered labor and industrial camps were not supplied and many people did in fact perish in horrible conditions. But that does not prove that the Germans were systematically murdering people in these camps.
'Also, some of the iconic imagery associated with the Jewish “Holocaust” turns out to be photographs of dead German civilians murdered in Allied fire-bombing campaigns, which were presented to the masses as “proof” of German atrocities...
'The iconic “Holocaust” imagery shown repeatedly to mass audiences is never put into context. The images are simply shown, and we are expected to believe that the “Holocaust” was a real event.'

Of course he

and other posters either deny the Holocaust or try to justify the Jews were responsible for Germany's struggling economy,

What he and others don't tell you is that Hitler had a Long History of Anti Semitism
Yes, we do. No one denies that.
You use yet another standard tactic of those on the wrong side of a debate: Accusing your debate opponent of not admitting what they, in fact, readily state.

Mein Kampf
Ever read it? It's amazing.

My Jewish Learning? Ya think just maybe they might have a bias about this topic?

Kudos, though, for at least trying to provide some support for your position. Flimsy and biased support that simply takes the received narrative as a given, but at least something.

Judea Declares War On Germany - Daily Express, March 24, 1933
Thanks for helping to make our point and contradicting your own. Hitler becomes Chancellor and immediately, before he's done anything at all in office, the jews declare an economic war upon Germany, and yet you argue we're wrong when we "try to justify the Jews were responsible" for German animosity toward them. Hel-LO???

I have all these old pictures of the Haber sisters lounging around in their Gibson girl hair looking gorgeous. Hence my avatar..
Love your avatar!
Dude...It’s the documentary ordered by Hitler and proudly shows his successful extermination of the Jews.

You can’t watch because it proves you’re full of shit.

Final Solution - Wikipedia

We all know we will deny this; Just attribute it to bigotry, ignorance, delusion, and stupidity
"We all know we will deny this; Just attribute it to bigotry, ignorance, delusion, and stupidity"
Yes, you will deny, but you can't refute. Nor can you seem to embrace the truth and acknowledge the role Jews have played in the agonies of the West. The world of deception you create makes you an agent of irrationality, the mother of chaos and destruction. How does this world of chaos and destruction, of the wanton slaughter of innocents, of endless war and propaganda and subjugation and enslavement finally ever end for you sons of Deuteronomy? Is extreme torture really the final glory of humanity as it became for the Bolsheviks?
Gee, I really miss the RCC.
I see you’ve never watched the full Triumph of the Will.
I already said that I hadn't. Is that the best you've got left -- to accuse me of not having seen a movie I already told you I hadn't seen? Gee, you sue told me!

Also as I've already said, I've seen "Shoah" and was taught (and for most of my life believed) the same standard narrative about WWII, "the Nazis," and "the Holocaust" as everyone else. I'm as aware of it as you and anyone else. I'm also aware of other facts and information you refuse to acknowledge, despite it having been presented right here in this thread.

I see you haven't watched The Greatest Story Never Told, which I linked for you earlier. It present a lot of info that we're not told in the standard narrative.

How the “Holocaust” was Faked
'Virtually all of the iconic imagery associated with the alleged Jewish “Holocaust” turns out to be either entirely fabricated, altered or extremely misrepresented and taken out of context. The imagery associated with the “Holocaust” — photographs of piles of dead bodies, emaciated prisoners, Jews being “rounded up”, train cars filled with dead people, etc. — has been used to psychologically traumatize the masses, rendering them vulnerable to manipulation and facilitating the fake narrative of “6 million Jews murdered by the Nazis”
'Images ... showing piles of dead, emaciated bodies have been shown ..., inducing psychological trauma and fear ... in order to sell the idea that the Germans systematically murdered millions of people (especially Jews) in “death camps”. The fact of the matter is that when the war was ending, the German-administered labor and industrial camps were not supplied and many people did in fact perish in horrible conditions. But that does not prove that the Germans were systematically murdering people in these camps.
'Also, some of the iconic imagery associated with the Jewish “Holocaust” turns out to be photographs of dead German civilians murdered in Allied fire-bombing campaigns, which were presented to the masses as “proof” of German atrocities...
'The iconic “Holocaust” imagery shown repeatedly to mass audiences is never put into context. The images are simply shown, and we are expected to believe that the “Holocaust” was a real event.'

Of course he

and other posters either deny the Holocaust or try to justify the Jews were responsible for Germany's struggling economy,

What he and others don't tell you is that Hitler had a Long History of Anti Semitism
Yes, we do. No one denies that.
You use yet another standard tactic of those on the wrong side of a debate: Accusing your debate opponent of not admitting what they, in fact, readily state.

Mein Kampf
Ever read it? It's amazing.

My Jewish Learning? Ya think just maybe they might have a bias about this topic?

Kudos, though, for at least trying to provide some support for your position. Flimsy and biased support that simply takes the received narrative as a given, but at least something.

Judea Declares War On Germany - Daily Express, March 24, 1933
Thanks for helping to make our point and contradicting your own. Hitler becomes Chancellor and immediately, before he's done anything at all in office, the jews declare an economic war upon Germany, and yet you argue we're wrong when we "try to justify the Jews were responsible" for German animosity toward them. Hel-LO???

I have all these old pictures of the Haber sisters lounging around in their Gibson girl hair looking gorgeous. Hence my avatar..
Love your avatar!


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