Every Jew has secret knowledge of a Zionist world conspiracy? Not true.

I see you’ve never watched the full Triumph of the Will.
I already said that I hadn't. Is that the best you've got left -- to accuse me of not having seen a movie I already told you I hadn't seen? Gee, you sue told me!

Also as I've already said, I've seen "Shoah" and was taught (and for most of my life believed) the same standard narrative about WWII, "the Nazis," and "the Holocaust" as everyone else. I'm as aware of it as you and anyone else. I'm also aware of other facts and information you refuse to acknowledge, despite it having been presented right here in this thread.

I see you haven't watched The Greatest Story Never Told, which I linked for you earlier. It present a lot of info that we're not told in the standard narrative.

How the “Holocaust” was Faked
'Virtually all of the iconic imagery associated with the alleged Jewish “Holocaust” turns out to be either entirely fabricated, altered or extremely misrepresented and taken out of context. The imagery associated with the “Holocaust” — photographs of piles of dead bodies, emaciated prisoners, Jews being “rounded up”, train cars filled with dead people, etc. — has been used to psychologically traumatize the masses, rendering them vulnerable to manipulation and facilitating the fake narrative of “6 million Jews murdered by the Nazis”
'Images ... showing piles of dead, emaciated bodies have been shown ..., inducing psychological trauma and fear ... in order to sell the idea that the Germans systematically murdered millions of people (especially Jews) in “death camps”. The fact of the matter is that when the war was ending, the German-administered labor and industrial camps were not supplied and many people did in fact perish in horrible conditions. But that does not prove that the Germans were systematically murdering people in these camps.
'Also, some of the iconic imagery associated with the Jewish “Holocaust” turns out to be photographs of dead German civilians murdered in Allied fire-bombing campaigns, which were presented to the masses as “proof” of German atrocities...
'The iconic “Holocaust” imagery shown repeatedly to mass audiences is never put into context. The images are simply shown, and we are expected to believe that the “Holocaust” was a real event.'

Of course he

and other posters either deny the Holocaust or try to justify the Jews were responsible for Germany's struggling economy,

What he and others don't tell you is that Hitler had a Long History of Anti Semitism
Yes, we do. No one denies that.
You use yet another standard tactic of those on the wrong side of a debate: Accusing your debate opponent of not admitting what they, in fact, readily state.

Mein Kampf
Ever read it? It's amazing.

My Jewish Learning? Ya think just maybe they might have a bias about this topic?

Kudos, though, for at least trying to provide some support for your position. Flimsy and biased support that simply takes the received narrative as a given, but at least something.

Judea Declares War On Germany - Daily Express, March 24, 1933
Thanks for helping to make our point and contradicting your own. Hitler becomes Chancellor and immediately, before he's done anything at all in office, the jews declare an economic war upon Germany, and yet you argue we're wrong when we "try to justify the Jews were responsible" for German animosity toward them. Hel-LO???

I have all these old pictures of the Haber sisters lounging around in their Gibson girl hair looking gorgeous. Hence my avatar..
Love your avatar!
Dude...It’s the documentary ordered by Hitler and proudly shows his successful extermination of the Jews.

You can’t watch because it proves you’re full of shit.

Final Solution - Wikipedia

We all know we will deny this; Just attribute it to bigotry, ignorance, delusion, and stupidity
"We all know we will deny this; Just attribute it to bigotry, ignorance, delusion, and stupidity"
Yes, you will deny, but you can't refute. Nor can you seem to embrace the truth and acknowledge the role Jews have played in the agonies of the West. The world of deception you create makes you an agent of irrationality, the mother of chaos and destruction. How does this world of chaos and destruction, of the wanton slaughter of innocents, of endless war and propaganda and subjugation and enslavement finally ever end for you sons of Deuteronomy? Is extreme torture really the final glory of humanity as it became for the Bolsheviks?

some jew has enslaved you?
I see you’ve never watched the full Triumph of the Will.
I already said that I hadn't. Is that the best you've got left -- to accuse me of not having seen a movie I already told you I hadn't seen? Gee, you sue told me!

Also as I've already said, I've seen "Shoah" and was taught (and for most of my life believed) the same standard narrative about WWII, "the Nazis," and "the Holocaust" as everyone else. I'm as aware of it as you and anyone else. I'm also aware of other facts and information you refuse to acknowledge, despite it having been presented right here in this thread.

I see you haven't watched The Greatest Story Never Told, which I linked for you earlier. It present a lot of info that we're not told in the standard narrative.

How the “Holocaust” was Faked
'Virtually all of the iconic imagery associated with the alleged Jewish “Holocaust” turns out to be either entirely fabricated, altered or extremely misrepresented and taken out of context. The imagery associated with the “Holocaust” — photographs of piles of dead bodies, emaciated prisoners, Jews being “rounded up”, train cars filled with dead people, etc. — has been used to psychologically traumatize the masses, rendering them vulnerable to manipulation and facilitating the fake narrative of “6 million Jews murdered by the Nazis”
'Images ... showing piles of dead, emaciated bodies have been shown ..., inducing psychological trauma and fear ... in order to sell the idea that the Germans systematically murdered millions of people (especially Jews) in “death camps”. The fact of the matter is that when the war was ending, the German-administered labor and industrial camps were not supplied and many people did in fact perish in horrible conditions. But that does not prove that the Germans were systematically murdering people in these camps.
'Also, some of the iconic imagery associated with the Jewish “Holocaust” turns out to be photographs of dead German civilians murdered in Allied fire-bombing campaigns, which were presented to the masses as “proof” of German atrocities...
'The iconic “Holocaust” imagery shown repeatedly to mass audiences is never put into context. The images are simply shown, and we are expected to believe that the “Holocaust” was a real event.'

Of course he

and other posters either deny the Holocaust or try to justify the Jews were responsible for Germany's struggling economy,

What he and others don't tell you is that Hitler had a Long History of Anti Semitism
Yes, we do. No one denies that.
You use yet another standard tactic of those on the wrong side of a debate: Accusing your debate opponent of not admitting what they, in fact, readily state.

Mein Kampf
Ever read it? It's amazing.

My Jewish Learning? Ya think just maybe they might have a bias about this topic?

Kudos, though, for at least trying to provide some support for your position. Flimsy and biased support that simply takes the received narrative as a given, but at least something.

Judea Declares War On Germany - Daily Express, March 24, 1933
Thanks for helping to make our point and contradicting your own. Hitler becomes Chancellor and immediately, before he's done anything at all in office, the jews declare an economic war upon Germany, and yet you argue we're wrong when we "try to justify the Jews were responsible" for German animosity toward them. Hel-LO???

I have all these old pictures of the Haber sisters lounging around in their Gibson girl hair looking gorgeous. Hence my avatar..
Love your avatar!
Dude...It’s the documentary ordered by Hitler and proudly shows his successful extermination of the Jews.

You can’t watch because it proves you’re full of shit.

Final Solution - Wikipedia

We all know we will deny this; Just attribute it to bigotry, ignorance, delusion, and stupidity
"We all know we will deny this; Just attribute it to bigotry, ignorance, delusion, and stupidity"
Yes, you will deny, but you can't refute. Nor can you seem to embrace the truth and acknowledge the role Jews have played in the agonies of the West. The world of deception you create makes you an agent of irrationality, the mother of chaos and destruction. How does this world of chaos and destruction, of the wanton slaughter of innocents, of endless war and propaganda and subjugation and enslavement finally ever end for you sons of Deuteronomy? Is extreme torture really the final glory of humanity as it became for the Bolsheviks?

some jew has enslaved you?

can you name the jew who has enslaved you? I feel sorry for him
Dude...It’s the documentary ordered by Hitler and proudly shows his successful extermination of the Jews.

You can’t watch because it proves you’re full of shit.
I'll be more than happy to watch it. Have you got a link?

And you can watch 'The Greatest Story Never Told' at the link I've posted twice.

Please don't call me "dude."

Final Solution - Wikipedia

We all know we will deny this; Just attribute it to bigotry, ignorance, delusion, and stupidity
Please provide just one document is which the National Socialist government of Germany made reference to a "Final Solution" entailing genocide of the jews.
You will not be able to do so. No such document ever exited.

some jew has enslaved you?
The jews enslave us all.

I have not lied. Not once. I've supported what I've said with multiple forms of evidence. I defy you to show even one time when I've knowingly propagated a falsehood.
If you think someone's conclusions are incorrect, you offer a counterpoint interpretation of the evidence presented and/or provide evidence supporting a different conclusion. You don't call someone a liar unless you can demonstrate they've asserted what they know to be false. Of if you've no argument and so resort to baseless accusations.
Try reading about the Nuremberg Laws passed in 1933 right after he became Chancellor and the fact that the Jewish population was a mere one percent of the total.
Yeah, know about all that. Also know that the jews never admit to culpability for anything.
You'd think that after all these years of so many different peoples coming to despise y'all and after being thrown out of host nations over 100 times, y'all might engage in a little introspection.

Hitler’s! Anti Semitic hate
Truth - "anti-Semitic hate"
Tomayto - tomahto
I already said that I hadn't. Is that the best you've got left -- to accuse me of not having seen a movie I already told you I hadn't seen? Gee, you sue told me!

Also as I've already said, I've seen "Shoah" and was taught (and for most of my life believed) the same standard narrative about WWII, "the Nazis," and "the Holocaust" as everyone else. I'm as aware of it as you and anyone else. I'm also aware of other facts and information you refuse to acknowledge, despite it having been presented right here in this thread.

I see you haven't watched The Greatest Story Never Told, which I linked for you earlier. It present a lot of info that we're not told in the standard narrative.

How the “Holocaust” was Faked
'Virtually all of the iconic imagery associated with the alleged Jewish “Holocaust” turns out to be either entirely fabricated, altered or extremely misrepresented and taken out of context. The imagery associated with the “Holocaust” — photographs of piles of dead bodies, emaciated prisoners, Jews being “rounded up”, train cars filled with dead people, etc. — has been used to psychologically traumatize the masses, rendering them vulnerable to manipulation and facilitating the fake narrative of “6 million Jews murdered by the Nazis”
'Images ... showing piles of dead, emaciated bodies have been shown ..., inducing psychological trauma and fear ... in order to sell the idea that the Germans systematically murdered millions of people (especially Jews) in “death camps”. The fact of the matter is that when the war was ending, the German-administered labor and industrial camps were not supplied and many people did in fact perish in horrible conditions. But that does not prove that the Germans were systematically murdering people in these camps.
'Also, some of the iconic imagery associated with the Jewish “Holocaust” turns out to be photographs of dead German civilians murdered in Allied fire-bombing campaigns, which were presented to the masses as “proof” of German atrocities...
'The iconic “Holocaust” imagery shown repeatedly to mass audiences is never put into context. The images are simply shown, and we are expected to believe that the “Holocaust” was a real event.'



Yes, we do. No one denies that.
You use yet another standard tactic of those on the wrong side of a debate: Accusing your debate opponent of not admitting what they, in fact, readily state.

Ever read it? It's amazing.

My Jewish Learning? Ya think just maybe they might have a bias about this topic?

Kudos, though, for at least trying to provide some support for your position. Flimsy and biased support that simply takes the received narrative as a given, but at least something.

Thanks for helping to make our point and contradicting your own. Hitler becomes Chancellor and immediately, before he's done anything at all in office, the jews declare an economic war upon Germany, and yet you argue we're wrong when we "try to justify the Jews were responsible" for German animosity toward them. Hel-LO???

Love your avatar!
Dude...It’s the documentary ordered by Hitler and proudly shows his successful extermination of the Jews.

You can’t watch because it proves you’re full of shit.

Final Solution - Wikipedia

We all know we will deny this; Just attribute it to bigotry, ignorance, delusion, and stupidity
"We all know we will deny this; Just attribute it to bigotry, ignorance, delusion, and stupidity"
Yes, you will deny, but you can't refute. Nor can you seem to embrace the truth and acknowledge the role Jews have played in the agonies of the West. The world of deception you create makes you an agent of irrationality, the mother of chaos and destruction. How does this world of chaos and destruction, of the wanton slaughter of innocents, of endless war and propaganda and subjugation and enslavement finally ever end for you sons of Deuteronomy? Is extreme torture really the final glory of humanity as it became for the Bolsheviks?

some jew has enslaved you?

can you name the jew who has enslaved you? I feel sorry for him

Where are you to foam at the mouth over Germans, for Capri a self admitted German heritage person?
Dude...It’s the documentary ordered by Hitler and proudly shows his successful extermination of the Jews.

You can’t watch because it proves you’re full of shit.

Final Solution - Wikipedia

We all know we will deny this; Just attribute it to bigotry, ignorance, delusion, and stupidity
"We all know we will deny this; Just attribute it to bigotry, ignorance, delusion, and stupidity"
Yes, you will deny, but you can't refute. Nor can you seem to embrace the truth and acknowledge the role Jews have played in the agonies of the West. The world of deception you create makes you an agent of irrationality, the mother of chaos and destruction. How does this world of chaos and destruction, of the wanton slaughter of innocents, of endless war and propaganda and subjugation and enslavement finally ever end for you sons of Deuteronomy? Is extreme torture really the final glory of humanity as it became for the Bolsheviks?

some jew has enslaved you?

can you name the jew who has enslaved you? I feel sorry for him

Where are you to foam at the mouth over Germans, for Capri a self admitted German heritage person?

I don't understand your question, sobie dear
Final Solution - Wikipedia

We all know we will deny this; Just attribute it to bigotry, ignorance, delusion, and stupidity
"We all know we will deny this; Just attribute it to bigotry, ignorance, delusion, and stupidity"
Yes, you will deny, but you can't refute. Nor can you seem to embrace the truth and acknowledge the role Jews have played in the agonies of the West. The world of deception you create makes you an agent of irrationality, the mother of chaos and destruction. How does this world of chaos and destruction, of the wanton slaughter of innocents, of endless war and propaganda and subjugation and enslavement finally ever end for you sons of Deuteronomy? Is extreme torture really the final glory of humanity as it became for the Bolsheviks?

some jew has enslaved you?

can you name the jew who has enslaved you? I feel sorry for him

Where are you to foam at the mouth over Germans, for Capri a self admitted German heritage person?

I don't understand your question, sobie dear

You bash Poles, but won't bash Germans.
Very odd.
"We all know we will deny this; Just attribute it to bigotry, ignorance, delusion, and stupidity"
Yes, you will deny, but you can't refute. Nor can you seem to embrace the truth and acknowledge the role Jews have played in the agonies of the West. The world of deception you create makes you an agent of irrationality, the mother of chaos and destruction. How does this world of chaos and destruction, of the wanton slaughter of innocents, of endless war and propaganda and subjugation and enslavement finally ever end for you sons of Deuteronomy? Is extreme torture really the final glory of humanity as it became for the Bolsheviks?

some jew has enslaved you?

can you name the jew who has enslaved you? I feel sorry for him

Where are you to foam at the mouth over Germans, for Capri a self admitted German heritage person?

I don't understand your question, sobie dear

You bash Poles, but won't bash Germans.
Very odd.

how did you conclude that I bash poles but not germans? ------I, simply and correctly, stated that germans despise poles. I do not SUPPORT them for it. Martin Luther was a rabid anti-Semite and YOU, correctly stated, that there are more Lutherans than Catholics in Germany ----both adhere to an ethos of shit. As to poles----it is your Catholicism that destroys your brains------with the "Christ killer" shit shoved into your idiot brains from infancy. Both catholics and Lutherans adhere to a disgusting ROMAN religion that includes HATRED OF JEWS ----and general illiteracy
Dude...It’s the documentary ordered by Hitler and proudly shows his successful extermination of the Jews.

You can’t watch because it proves you’re full of shit.
I'll be more than happy to watch it. Have you got a link?

And you can watch 'The Greatest Story Never Told' at the link I've posted twice.

Please don't call me "dude."

Final Solution - Wikipedia

We all know we will deny this; Just attribute it to bigotry, ignorance, delusion, and stupidity
Please provide just one document is which the National Socialist government of Germany made reference to a "Final Solution" entailing genocide of the jews.
You will not be able to do so. No such document ever exited.

some jew has enslaved you?
The jews enslave us all.

oh----al da jooos enslaved ALL OF YOU. I got it-------My house need cleaning-----be there at 9am SLAVE
some jew has enslaved you?

can you name the jew who has enslaved you? I feel sorry for him

Where are you to foam at the mouth over Germans, for Capri a self admitted German heritage person?

I don't understand your question, sobie dear

You bash Poles, but won't bash Germans.
Very odd.

how did you conclude that I bash poles but not germans? ------I, simply and correctly, stated that germans despise poles. I do not SUPPORT them for it. Martin Luther was a rabid anti-Semite and YOU, correctly stated, that there are more Lutherans than Catholics in Germany ----both adhere to an ethos of shit. As to poles----it is your Catholicism that destroys your brains------with the "Christ killer" shit shoved into your idiot brains from infancy. Both catholics and Lutherans adhere to a disgusting ROMAN religion that includes HATRED OF JEWS ----and general illiteracy

Capri admits to having a German heritage,
and Tijn Von Ingersleben has a German type name,
both attack Jews too,
and you can hardly say cr@p about Germans, even though perhaps 99% of the Jews killed in WW2, were killed by Germans.
Dude...It’s the documentary ordered by Hitler and proudly shows his successful extermination of the Jews.

You can’t watch because it proves you’re full of shit.
I'll be more than happy to watch it. Have you got a link?

And you can watch 'The Greatest Story Never Told' at the link I've posted twice.

Please don't call me "dude."

Final Solution - Wikipedia

We all know we will deny this; Just attribute it to bigotry, ignorance, delusion, and stupidity
Please provide just one document is which the National Socialist government of Germany made reference to a "Final Solution" entailing genocide of the jews.
You will not be able to do so. No such document ever exited.

you have INSIDE information about that which "NEVER EXISTED"?????? PROVE IT
Try reading about the Nuremberg Laws passed in 1933 right after he became Chancellor and the fact that the Jewish population was a mere one percent of the total.
Yeah, know about all that. Also know that the jews never admit to culpability for anything.
You'd think that after all these years of so many different peoples coming to despise y'all and after being thrown out of host nations over 100 times, y'all might engage in a little introspection.

Hitler’s! Anti Semitic hate
Truth - "anti-Semitic hate"
Tomayto - tomahto

You know why? WE OWN YOU
Try reading about the Nuremberg Laws passed in 1933 right after he became Chancellor and the fact that the Jewish population was a mere one percent of the total.
Yeah, know about all that. Also know that the jews never admit to culpability for anything.
You'd think that after all these years of so many different peoples coming to despise y'all and after being thrown out of host nations over 100 times, y'all might engage in a little introspection.

Hitler’s! Anti Semitic hate
Truth - "anti-Semitic hate"
Tomayto - tomahto

Please tell us what “ The Final Solution” was all about. You tried to justify Hitler’s feelings towards the Jews in 1933 but apparently not bright enough to know if that he wrote Mein Kampf in the 1920’s.
With your Rabid Hate I’m sure you will find a reason. Bigots always do
CAPRI said: The jews enslave us all.

IROSIE91 said: oh----al da jooos enslaved ALL OF YOU. I got it-------My house need cleaning-----be there at 9am SLAVE

CAPRI responds: You know that's not what was meant.

CAPRI said: Please provide just one document is which the National Socialist government of Germany made reference to a "Final Solution" entailing genocide of the jews.
You will not be able to do so. No such document ever exited.

IROSIE91 said: you have INSIDE information about that which "NEVER EXISTED"?????? PROVE IT

CAPRI responds: I've already provided links and other supporting evidence for my position. You have not.
Gab Social
Gab Social
The Endless Lies - A Rant - ImpartialTruth.com
Holocaust Liars
Before and after the "Holocaust": Jewish population numbers in 1933 and 1948 - News
Holohoax 101 - The Fundamentals of the Holocaust Hoax
»The Real Holocaust Deal

It's you and those arguing your position who are making assertions without proof. Your avoidance of this latest request for documentation is but one instance.

Please try to be more careful when using the quote function.

Try reading about the Nuremberg Laws passed in 1933 right after he became Chancellor and the fact that the Jewish population was a mere one percent of the total.
Yeah, know about all that. Also know that the jews never admit to culpability for anything.
You'd think that after all these years of so many different peoples coming to despise y'all and after being thrown out of host nations over 100 times, y'all might engage in a little introspection.

Hitler’s! Anti Semitic hate
Truth - "anti-Semitic hate"
Tomayto - tomahto

Please tell us what “ The Final Solution” was all about. You tried to justify Hitler’s feelings towards the Jews in 1933 but apparently not bright enough to know if that he wrote Mein Kampf in the 1920’s.
With your Rabid Hate I’m sure you will find a reason. Bigots always do
The only document from NS Germany that used words that can be translated as "final solution" was clearly doing so in reference to the repatriation of jews to Palestine. Prove me wrong, go ahead. You won't be able to.
I know when Mein Kampf was written. It was you who posted the "Judea Declares War on Germany" headline from 1933 and I commented on that; my general reference to Hitler's attitude toward the jews had nothing to do with that or any year. You're flailing.
The jews, ran (and run) the world baking system that was crippling the German economy. The jews were (and are) the most prominent in and the leaders of the degradation of culture and morality in Wiemar Germany (pornography, drug use, prostitution, etc.).
Pointing out verifiable facts isn't "rabid hate."
You insult my intelligence without basis while simultaneously either misunderstanding or misdirecting from points made, demanding evidence that was already provided, and avoiding requests to you for evidence of your assertions. Meanwhile, I've been nothing but civil and polite to you.
CAPRI said: The jews enslave us all.

IROSIE91 said: oh----al da jooos enslaved ALL OF YOU. I got it-------My house need cleaning-----be there at 9am SLAVE

CAPRI responds: You know that's not what was meant.

CAPRI said: Please provide just one document is which the National Socialist government of Germany made reference to a "Final Solution" entailing genocide of the jews.
You will not be able to do so. No such document ever exited.

IROSIE91 said: you have INSIDE information about that which "NEVER EXISTED"?????? PROVE IT

CAPRI responds: I've already provided links and other supporting evidence for my position. You have not.
Gab Social
Gab Social
The Endless Lies - A Rant - ImpartialTruth.com
Holocaust Liars
Before and after the "Holocaust": Jewish population numbers in 1933 and 1948 - News
Holohoax 101 - The Fundamentals of the Holocaust Hoax
»The Real Holocaust Deal

It's you and those arguing your position who are making assertions without proof. Your avoidance of this latest request for documentation is but one instance.

Please try to be more careful when using the quote function.

Try reading about the Nuremberg Laws passed in 1933 right after he became Chancellor and the fact that the Jewish population was a mere one percent of the total.
Yeah, know about all that. Also know that the jews never admit to culpability for anything.
You'd think that after all these years of so many different peoples coming to despise y'all and after being thrown out of host nations over 100 times, y'all might engage in a little introspection.

Hitler’s! Anti Semitic hate
Truth - "anti-Semitic hate"
Tomayto - tomahto

Please tell us what “ The Final Solution” was all about. You tried to justify Hitler’s feelings towards the Jews in 1933 but apparently not bright enough to know if that he wrote Mein Kampf in the 1920’s.
With your Rabid Hate I’m sure you will find a reason. Bigots always do
The only document from NS Germany that used words that can be translated as "final solution" was clearly doing so in reference to the repatriation of jews to Palestine. Prove me wrong, go ahead. You won't be able to.
I know when Mein Kampf was written. It was you who posted the "Judea Declares War on Germany" headline from 1933 and I commented on that; my general reference to Hitler's attitude toward the jews had nothing to do with that or any year. You're flailing.
The jews, ran (and run) the world baking system that was crippling the German economy. The jews were (and are) the most prominent in and the leaders of the degradation of culture and morality in Wiemar Germany (pornography, drug use, prostitution, etc.).
Pointing out verifiable facts isn't "rabid hate."
You insult my intelligence without basis while simultaneously either misunderstanding or misdirecting from points made, demanding evidence that was already provided, and avoiding requests to you for evidence of your assertions. Meanwhile, I've been nothing but civil and polite to you.

So your " claim" for all the Hate is the lie of the Holocaust . Nothing about Hitler's Hate with initiated his Anti Semitism the minute he became Head of Germany
Arabs wanted the Jews to move to the ME. You are both delusional and a liar

How Nazis courted the Islamic world during WWII | DW | 13.11.2017
CAPRI said: The jews enslave us all.

IROSIE91 said: oh----al da jooos enslaved ALL OF YOU. I got it-------My house need cleaning-----be there at 9am SLAVE

CAPRI responds: You know that's not what was meant.

CAPRI said: Please provide just one document is which the National Socialist government of Germany made reference to a "Final Solution" entailing genocide of the jews.
You will not be able to do so. No such document ever exited.

IROSIE91 said: you have INSIDE information about that which "NEVER EXISTED"?????? PROVE IT

CAPRI responds: I've already provided links and other supporting evidence for my position. You have not.
Gab Social
Gab Social
The Endless Lies - A Rant - ImpartialTruth.com
Holocaust Liars
Before and after the "Holocaust": Jewish population numbers in 1933 and 1948 - News
Holohoax 101 - The Fundamentals of the Holocaust Hoax
»The Real Holocaust Deal

It's you and those arguing your position who are making assertions without proof. Your avoidance of this latest request for documentation is but one instance.

Please try to be more careful when using the quote function.

Try reading about the Nuremberg Laws passed in 1933 right after he became Chancellor and the fact that the Jewish population was a mere one percent of the total.
Yeah, know about all that. Also know that the jews never admit to culpability for anything.
You'd think that after all these years of so many different peoples coming to despise y'all and after being thrown out of host nations over 100 times, y'all might engage in a little introspection.

Hitler’s! Anti Semitic hate
Truth - "anti-Semitic hate"
Tomayto - tomahto

Please tell us what “ The Final Solution” was all about. You tried to justify Hitler’s feelings towards the Jews in 1933 but apparently not bright enough to know if that he wrote Mein Kampf in the 1920’s.
With your Rabid Hate I’m sure you will find a reason. Bigots always do
The only document from NS Germany that used words that can be translated as "final solution" was clearly doing so in reference to the repatriation of jews to Palestine. Prove me wrong, go ahead. You won't be able to.
I know when Mein Kampf was written. It was you who posted the "Judea Declares War on Germany" headline from 1933 and I commented on that; my general reference to Hitler's attitude toward the jews had nothing to do with that or any year. You're flailing.
The jews, ran (and run) the world baking system that was crippling the German economy. The jews were (and are) the most prominent in and the leaders of the degradation of culture and morality in Wiemar Germany (pornography, drug use, prostitution, etc.).
Pointing out verifiable facts isn't "rabid hate."
You insult my intelligence without basis while simultaneously either misunderstanding or misdirecting from points made, demanding evidence that was already provided, and avoiding requests to you for evidence of your assertions. Meanwhile, I've been nothing but civil and polite to you.

Keep denying; That's what you do best


Josef Mengele, the 'Angel of Death' and the Twins of Auschwitz

Last edited:
Ample evidence for the Operation Reinhardt camps, and nearly complete railroad schedules and census numbers, not to mention eyewitnesses for their existence, so anyone stupid enough to ruin their credibility by denying the existed, regardless of their political biases, is an idiot merely pandering to a small cult of morons and sociopaths. Why these goofs insist on repeating the denial idiocy is a mystery; seems they can't move on from it for some reason.
Ample evidence for the Operation Reinhardt camps, and nearly complete railroad schedules and census numbers, not to mention eyewitnesses for their existence, so anyone stupid enough to ruin their credibility by denying the existed, regardless of their political biases, is an idiot merely pandering to a small cult of morons and sociopaths. Why these goofs insist on repeating the denial idiocy is a mystery; seems they can't move on from it for some reason.

Anyone who can deny the Holocaust is a :asshole:
Ample evidence for the Operation Reinhardt camps, and nearly complete railroad schedules and census numbers, not to mention eyewitnesses for their existence, so anyone stupid enough to ruin their credibility by denying the existed, regardless of their political biases, is an idiot merely pandering to a small cult of morons and sociopaths. Why these goofs insist on repeating the denial idiocy is a mystery; seems they can't move on from it for some reason.

Anyone who can deny the Holocaust is a :asshole:

denial was going on while it was going on. The propaganda
disseminated in the USA was INTENSE. It was so intense that
the little seedy pamphlets that saturated my hometown in the
1930s - 40s still fluttered around and even lay in dusty heaps on the piles of old periodicals in the town library (my town was once very provincial----sorta farming area ----and existed during
prerevolutionary times --that's American revolution) ------the core population BELIEVED -----I read the stuff when I was about 8-10
years old-------it was not DIFFICULT READING. ---but even then
it seemed idiotic to me-----but not to lots of the local white-trash ---
(there were no blacks in town----THAT PROVINCIAL!!!)----the Nazi
shit hole was "restricted"------jews was an unwelcomed innovation
in the post war baby boom era. It was middle America style and ethos. MIDDLE AMERICA believed and lots still believe the denial.
Ample evidence for the Operation Reinhardt camps, and nearly complete railroad schedules and census numbers, not to mention eyewitnesses for their existence, so anyone stupid enough to ruin their credibility by denying the existed, regardless of their political biases, is an idiot merely pandering to a small cult of morons and sociopaths. Why these goofs insist on repeating the denial idiocy is a mystery; seems they can't move on from it for some reason.

Anyone who can deny the Holocaust is a :asshole:

Yes. Those of us who went on to take Logic 102 and 201 know that there are many perfectly valid ad hom arguments, despite the snivelings of those who only took the Intro courses for easy grades and learned to parrot 'fallacies' as if they suddenly knew all there was to know about 'logic'.

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