Every Jew has secret knowledge of a Zionist world conspiracy? Not true.

RE: Every Jew has secret knowledge of a Zionist world conspiracy? Not true.
⁜→ Capri,

How can I fact-check this.

One cannot help but notice that those on the "philo-Semitic" side in this thread have replied with derision but haven't addressed any facts (though one did offer an historical explanation for the jews' dominance of Hollywood, that doesn't address the impact of such overwhelming dominance).

The fact is that jews do own and operate the world's central banks.
The fact is that this control over the world's money gives them enormous influence on all business operations that depend, for production or sales, on credit.
The fact is that the defense industry is deeply reliant on credit.
The fact is that this control over the world's money gives them enormous influence on governments.
The fact is that jews are the wealthiest overall sub-group in the US.
The fact is that this gives them even more influence over political candidates and office-holders in the world's most influential country.
The fact is that jews operate 5 of the 6 largest media companies.
The fact is that jews own America's most influential newspapers.
The fact is that this dominance of major media gives jews control over roughly 90% of all information consumed in the West.
The fact is that jews dominate new-media (such as Facebook and Alphabet).
The fact is that this gives jews gatekeeper power over a huge amount of internet-based information.

There are more such facts but posts can only go so so long.

The op was actually being fair and generous in making a distinction between "the jews" and all the jewish people.

It's only paranoia if it's baseless.

What is your source for these "facts?"

Most Respectfully,
Here are some links for you. There are more, if you're interested. These are a decent starting point, though. They have their biases, as do all authors & all journalism. As with anything, you should digest the available information from as many sources as possible and draw your own considered conclusions.

On control of media:
Six Jewish Companies Control 96% of the World’s Media |
How Jews Control The American Media | Real Jew News
Jewish Control of the Media in the United States and therefore around the World
Six Jewish Companies Control 96% of the World’s Media – Birth of a New Earth Blog
Seven Jewish Americans Control Most US Media

On control of world banking:
List of Banks owned by the Jewish Rothschild family
American History of the Rothschilds and the Eight Most Powerful Families | Humans Are Free
The Federal Reserve - Zionist Jewish Private Bankers
Only Three Countries Left Without a ROTHSCHILD Central Bank! » The Event Chronicle

the shills that laughed at this link,as always,they cant counter the evidence so they always try and laugh in defeat to coverup that they cant stand toe to toe against these pesky facts.

they just suffered a MAJOR ass beating from you,the pro Israel shills did.
Thank you for your kind words and for the information you offered.
I'd suspected that some or all were shills, of course, but for the sake of retaining the opportunity to present the information try to avoid accusations.
They do always behave the same way, don't they? Almost perfectly predictable, every time.
Keep denying the Holocaust really happened.
I will, thank you.
You’ll feel better
You think I enjoy doing this? Uh uh. It's a responsibility.
You really believe Hitler’s goal was to send the Jews to Palestine .
Arranging that was the purpose of his meeting with the Mufti, yes. His goal was to repatriate the jews from Europe.
So s MUSLIM wanted the Jews in MUSLIM COUNTRIES.
You can twist words and meanings as much as you like but the intelligent among those reading this thread are able to understand what's actually said and to draw conclusions that actually follow from that. The jews of Germany were not repatriated to Palestine, see? While Hitler met with the Mufti to discuss that solution, the Muslims opposed it and no arrangement was made because they opposed it. See how that works? Amazing what conclusions one can reach when using logic and facts and an understanding of the meanings of words, ain't it?

Keep denying Jews were used for experiments while your at it
You mean those experiments in which "the Nazis" shrunk their heads (since proven false)? Or the ones with masturbation machines (since proven false)? Or the ones with the skull smashing machines (since proven false)? Oh, maybe that experiment they performed on Anne's father, Otto Frank, when he was in a concentration camp and got typhus and those awful, evil "Nazis" gave him medicine so that he survived to write Anne's diary in ball-point pen. (Oops, maybe not that one.)

You’re correct
I know.

Israel exists and always will
Did anyone say otherwise? Non-sequitur much?
Keep denying the Holocaust really happened.
I will, thank you.
You’ll feel better
You think I enjoy doing this? Uh uh. It's a responsibility.
You really believe Hitler’s goal was to send the Jews to Palestine .
Arranging that was the purpose of his meeting with the Mufti, yes. His goal was to repatriate the jews from Europe.
So s MUSLIM wanted the Jews in MUSLIM COUNTRIES.
You can twist words and meanings as much as you like but the intelligent among those reading this thread are able to understand what's actually said and to draw conclusions that actually follow from that. The jews of Germany were not repatriated to Palestine, see? While Hitler met with the Mufti to discuss that solution, the Muslims opposed it and no arrangement was made because they opposed it. See how that works? Amazing what conclusions one can reach when using logic and facts and an understanding of the meanings of words, ain't it?

Keep denying Jews were used for experiments while your at it
You mean those experiments in which "the Nazis" shrunk their heads (since proven false)? Or the ones with masturbation machines (since proven false)? Or the ones with the skull smashing machines (since proven false)? Oh, maybe that experiment they performed on Anne's father, Otto Frank, when he was in a concentration camp and got typhus and those awful, evil "Nazis" gave him medicine so that he survived to write Anne's diary in ball-point pen. (Oops, maybe not that one.)

You’re correct
I know.

Israel exists and always will
Did anyone say otherwise? Non-sequitur much?

YAWN..., Keep talking to yourself . Deny the experiments that were done; especially with twins
The Grand Mufti teamed up with Hitler to move the Jews to Palestine. Your own delusional world
Yes, he did. Don't you see how you're only making my case for me? Hitler wanted the jews out of Germany and all Europe; no one ever says otherwise. He met with the Mufti about repatriating the jews to Palestine; he wanted to repatriate them, not murder them.

Facts aren't delusional. Delusional is continuing to believe something despite a mountain of evidence to the contrary. Continuing to believe that six million jews were murdered in a planned genocide is delusional.

I know you're a jew and that all the "Holocaust" and "evil Nazis" junk has been ingrained into your religious and ethnic identity and is very important to you. Sincerely, I've no desire or intention to cause you any pain. But it's over -- The hoax has been exposed and more people are learning the truth all the time. It's time to start moving on.

You should know that by the user name she/he uses,this is a paid shill of Israel that has penetrated this site sent by his/her handler to troll threads like this. these trolls like i love israel cant stand toe to toe with the evidence and cowardly evade it all the time always changing the subject when they get taken to school. i put these shills on ignore all the time,they trolll day and night in the Israel section everyday.they get paid very well for their constant ass beatings they suffer there everyday.

shills like i love israel have no interest whatseover in pesky facts.

Keep denying the Holocaust really happened. You’ll feel better, You really believe Hitler’s goal was to send the Jews to Palestine .
Talk about a Shill

Hitler did send some Jews to Palestine, never heard of the Haavara Agreement?
Zionism is that jews want to move home to Israel.
if only that were all it was

you can say that again.

Interesting. What else does Zionism do? I mean in addition to denying Christ and God in general? Which every Jews does?
Well, there is the whole fondness for genocide thing, for starters. And world domination doesn't seem too popular with the world. The warmongering, the spying, the meddling...oy yea

you nailed it dude.:beer:
Poland had no more to do with the Holocaust than the Kosher people had.

I'm quite frankly completely fed up with your people 100%.

You people are sure a disgusting horde trying to control every aspect of society for your own gain & get in peoples faces,
Pushing your chutzpha

for a group who claims to not know why they are hated,
you sure
keep doing everything to be hated.

You will be despised by most Polish people, because you lie, you make up cr@p, and I'm tired of your disgusting, very disgusting lies against my people.

polish people despised jews LONG before you catholic hero ADOLF showed up.

What hero of Adolf?

Judging by this forum, then your Koshers hate Poles more than vice versa.

You & your tribe are ungrateful ingrates of Biblical proportions.

Judging from history and experience-----poles stink. I wish upon you a PURE POLISH CATHOLIC POLAND ----forever

Poland accepted millions of your refugees.

You show no gratitude, because you're even less than Animals.

Even Animals show gratitude.

You are pure Demonic anti-Christ scum.
Dude, iRosie is batshit crazy, a dreidel-diddled, matzoh ball-addled, Bolshedick-sucking, wild-eyed lunatic. Shrug and walk away.

yeah same as I LOVE ISRAEL,Rosie troll is ANOTHER paid shill on Israels payroll. I always put these Israel shills on ignore.dont feed the trolls.
polish history stinks to high heaven------you insist on HOMOGENEITY ----ok
I wish it upon you

Kosher history stinks,
You don't even deserve the life Polish people gave you by accepting your Kosher Refugees through out the ages.

You are 100% the scum of Humanity,
are the Russian Mafia,
you were Murder INC,
you were Zwi Migdal,
you were the first modern notable terrorists in the Middle-East the Irgun.
made up more of the NKVD than Russians in the mid 1930's.
made the Gulag system,
invented Communism with Marx.
invented Globalism.
Talmud says Jesus Christ is boiling in Hell in excrement.

^^^^ this idiot pole is claiming that he read the Talmud. -----tell us in WHICH BOOK OF THE TALMUD does Jesus end up boiling in hell. -----did you ever
actually read ANY BOOK in your life?

Rabbi Shahak stated it.

Israel and Anti-Gentile Traditions | My Jewish Learning

Wikipedia states it.

Tzoah Rotachat - Wikipedia

Peter Schafer a theology expert stated it.


Where's the refute?

Here, This is only ONE example you Stupid, Dumb Pollack

Anti-Semitism of the "Church Fathers"

First prove that anti-Semitic views are wrong?

Its comedy gold how these Isreal shills like hossfly,I love Israel and Rosie somehow have this warped logic that if we expose the war mongering ways of Israel,that we are incredibly,somehow,anti-semitic. what crack they been sniffing?
I have come across a few adolf hitler ass lickers who imagine that jews are DA COMMUNISTS
Jews aren't the communists. Jews created communism and are, today, prominent in it's promotion.
but I lived in a very red-neck place------that did not allow a N^%%@ into the whole town until very recently
Must have been a wonderful place to live.

As to BOLSHEVIKS-------dem was gentiles------Stalin was a DIVNITY STUDENT of the Russian orthodox church-----he hated jews. He was also a genocidal pig
The Bolsheviks were predominantly jews and the leadership was entirely jews. Stalin turned on them.
He was, indeed, a genocidal pig.
National Socialist Germany fought against him. England and the USA fought with him.
Does that tell you anything?
No, didn't think so.

great stuff again,thanks.
Kosher history stinks,
You don't even deserve the life Polish people gave you by accepting your Kosher Refugees through out the ages.

You are 100% the scum of Humanity,
are the Russian Mafia,
you were Murder INC,
you were Zwi Migdal,
you were the first modern notable terrorists in the Middle-East the Irgun.
made up more of the NKVD than Russians in the mid 1930's.
made the Gulag system,
invented Communism with Marx.
invented Globalism.
Talmud says Jesus Christ is boiling in Hell in excrement.

^^^^ this idiot pole is claiming that he read the Talmud. -----tell us in WHICH BOOK OF THE TALMUD does Jesus end up boiling in hell. -----did you ever
actually read ANY BOOK in your life?

Rabbi Shahak stated it.

Israel and Anti-Gentile Traditions | My Jewish Learning

Wikipedia states it.

Tzoah Rotachat - Wikipedia

Peter Schafer a theology expert stated it.


Where's the refute?

Here, This is only ONE example you Stupid, Dumb Pollack

Anti-Semitism of the "Church Fathers"

First prove that anti-Semitic views are wrong?

Its comedy gold how these Isreal shills like hossfly,I love Israel and Rosie somehow have this warped logic that if we expose the war mongering ways of Israel,that we are incredibly,somehow,anti-semitic. what crack they been sniffing?

The truth is anti-Semitic.
The Grand Mufti teamed up with Hitler to move the Jews to Palestine. Your own delusional world
Yes, he did. Don't you see how you're only making my case for me? Hitler wanted the jews out of Germany and all Europe; no one ever says otherwise. He met with the Mufti about repatriating the jews to Palestine; he wanted to repatriate them, not murder them.

Facts aren't delusional. Delusional is continuing to believe something despite a mountain of evidence to the contrary. Continuing to believe that six million jews were murdered in a planned genocide is delusional.

I know you're a jew and that all the "Holocaust" and "evil Nazis" junk has been ingrained into your religious and ethnic identity and is very important to you. Sincerely, I've no desire or intention to cause you any pain. But it's over -- The hoax has been exposed and more people are learning the truth all the time. It's time to start moving on.

You should know that by the user name she/he uses,this is a paid shill of Israel that has penetrated this site sent by his/her handler to troll threads like this. these trolls like i love israel cant stand toe to toe with the evidence and cowardly evade it all the time always changing the subject when they get taken to school. i put these shills on ignore all the time,they trolll day and night in the Israel section everyday.they get paid very well for their constant ass beatings they suffer there everyday.

shills like i love israel have no interest whatseover in pesky facts.

Keep denying the Holocaust really happened. You’ll feel better, You really believe Hitler’s goal was to send the Jews to Palestine .
Talk about a Shill

Hitler did send some Jews to Palestine, never heard of the Haavara Agreement?

The truth about Hitler and Zionism

Under the agreement Jewish emigrants had to hand over their possessions before they left Germany, and the proceeds were used by a company specifically set up for this purpose in Tel Aviv to purchase German goods for sale in Palestine. The proceeds of these sales were then paid in Palestinian currency to the emigrants in Palestine.

Please tell us how many immigrants safely made it out of the Country and why there was such a stink in the Arab World about " Jewish Immigration" since the early 1920's in the ME
Last edited:
Hitler had a Long History of Anti Semitism
Hitler’s! Anti Semitic hate started way back even before he wrote Mein Kempf, in the early 1920’s
Why Hitler wanted the jews out of Europe. This covers part of the rationale, jewish bolshevism, and gives some background history. It doesn't cover the degradation of German mores and morals that the jews influenced or the role of the jewish world banking system in the post-Versailles economic condition of Germany. It's an anti-communist/anti-jew video, not a pro-National Socialist one, and thus assumes a hatred of jews in Hitler that's not exactly accurate; that matter is really more complex. It's an informative video, nonetheless.

Hitler had a Long History of Anti Semitism
Hitler’s! Anti Semitic hate started way back even before he wrote Mein Kempf, in the early 1920’s
Why Hitler wanted the jews out of Europe. This covers part of the rationale, jewish bolshevism, and gives some background history. It doesn't cover the degradation of German mores and morals that the jews influenced or the role of the jewish world banking system in the post-Versailles economic condition of Germany. It's an anti-communist/anti-jew video, not a pro-National Socialist one, and thus assumes a hatred of jews in Hitler that's not exactly accurate; that matter is really more complex. It's an informative video, nonetheless.



Hitler's hate started as a young boy. Of course you'll deny it
^^^^ this idiot pole is claiming that he read the Talmud. -----tell us in WHICH BOOK OF THE TALMUD does Jesus end up boiling in hell. -----did you ever
actually read ANY BOOK in your life?

Rabbi Shahak stated it.

Israel and Anti-Gentile Traditions | My Jewish Learning

Wikipedia states it.

Tzoah Rotachat - Wikipedia

Peter Schafer a theology expert stated it.


Where's the refute?

Here, This is only ONE example you Stupid, Dumb Pollack

Anti-Semitism of the "Church Fathers"

First prove that anti-Semitic views are wrong?

Its comedy gold how these Isreal shills like hossfly,I love Israel and Rosie somehow have this warped logic that if we expose the war mongering ways of Israel,that we are incredibly,somehow,anti-semitic. what crack they been sniffing?

The truth is anti-Semitic.

yep.hee hee.:2up:
Hitler had a Long History of Anti Semitism
Hitler’s! Anti Semitic hate started way back even before he wrote Mein Kempf, in the early 1920’s
Why Hitler wanted the jews out of Europe. This covers part of the rationale, jewish bolshevism, and gives some background history. It doesn't cover the degradation of German mores and morals that the jews influenced or the role of the jewish world banking system in the post-Versailles economic condition of Germany. It's an anti-communist/anti-jew video, not a pro-National Socialist one, and thus assumes a hatred of jews in Hitler that's not exactly accurate; that matter is really more complex. It's an informative video, nonetheless.



Hitler's hate started as a young boy. Of course you'll deny it

The girl in the photos is Rosa Bernile Nienau. She and Hitler shared the same birthday. Her mother was a widow. He would sometimes invite the two of them to gatherings and such at his home. He called her "sweetheart" or "little sweetheart." She called him "Uncle."
She's a jew.



Given the fact that Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl has been proven conclusively to be a forgery by her father, an article prepared by The Anne Frank Museum, an institution built upon a fallacy, holds little weight.
Besides that, the piece itself is filled with speculations and foregone conclusions masquerading as history.
Add to this the fact that Anne Frank's father, Otto, was himself held in a concentration camp, contracted typhus there, and had his life saved with medicines given him by those "evil Nazis" who supposedly hated all jews and wanted them all dead, and your citing The Anne Frank Museum as a source winds up being a tactical error on your part.
Groundbreaking study exhumes untold Nazi brutalization of women’s bodies
One hoax propaganda piece contradicts another hoax propaganda piece...
Born In Auschwitz: How One Woman Delivered 3,000 Babies During The Holocaust

GHDI - Image


At the Auschwitz maternity ward.

PLACE 4 FREE Watamula Holocaust Hoax


Another at the Auschwitz maternity ward. Over 3000 children were born to the prisoners there. With not one infant death among them.

Comparing Trump to Hitler Camps - Hollow-Hoax

Last edited:
Groundbreaking study exhumes untold Nazi brutalization of women’s bodies
One hoax propaganda piece contradicts another hoax propaganda piece...
Born In Auschwitz: How One Woman Delivered 3,000 Babies During The Holocaust

GHDI - Image


At the Auschwitz maternity ward.

PLACE 4 FREE Watamula Holocaust Hoax


Another at the Auschwitz maternity ward. Over 3000 children were born to the prisoners there. With not one infant death among them.

Comparing Trump to Hitler Camps - Hollow-Hoax


Yes, those German babies look very healthy. Keep believing your fantasy

Groundbreaking study exhumes untold Nazi brutalization of women’s bodies
One hoax propaganda piece contradicts another hoax propaganda piece...
Born In Auschwitz: How One Woman Delivered 3,000 Babies During The Holocaust

GHDI - Image


At the Auschwitz maternity ward.

PLACE 4 FREE Watamula Holocaust Hoax


Another at the Auschwitz maternity ward. Over 3000 children were born to the prisoners there. With not one infant death among them.

Comparing Trump to Hitler Camps - Hollow-Hoax


I agree; Those “ Master Race” was
Groundbreaking study exhumes untold Nazi brutalization of women’s bodies
One hoax propaganda piece contradicts another hoax propaganda piece...
Born In Auschwitz: How One Woman Delivered 3,000 Babies During The Holocaust

GHDI - Image


At the Auschwitz maternity ward.

PLACE 4 FREE Watamula Holocaust Hoax


Another at the Auschwitz maternity ward. Over 3000 children were born to the prisoners there. With not one infant death among them.

Comparing Trump to Hitler Camps - Hollow-Hoax


I agree. The Master Race infants look quite healthy. I just read where Josef Mengele attended every birth to make sure it was a safe delivery
Hitler had a Long History of Anti Semitism
Hitler’s! Anti Semitic hate started way back even before he wrote Mein Kempf, in the early 1920’s
Why Hitler wanted the jews out of Europe. This covers part of the rationale, jewish bolshevism, and gives some background history. It doesn't cover the degradation of German mores and morals that the jews influenced or the role of the jewish world banking system in the post-Versailles economic condition of Germany. It's an anti-communist/anti-jew video, not a pro-National Socialist one, and thus assumes a hatred of jews in Hitler that's not exactly accurate; that matter is really more complex. It's an informative video, nonetheless.



Hitler's hate started as a young boy. Of course you'll deny it

The girl in the photos is Rosa Bernile Nienau. She and Hitler shared the same birthday. Her mother was a widow. He would sometimes invite the two of them to gatherings and such at his home. He called her "sweetheart" or "little sweetheart." She called him "Uncle."
She's a jew.



Given the fact that Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl has been proven conclusively to be a forgery by her father, an article prepared by The Anne Frank Museum, an institution built upon a fallacy, holds little weight.
Besides that, the piece itself is filled with speculations and foregone conclusions masquerading as history.
Add to this the fact that Anne Frank's father, Otto, was himself held in a concentration camp, contracted typhus there, and had his life saved with medicines given him by those "evil Nazis" who supposedly hated all jews and wanted them all dead, and your citing The Anne Frank Museum as a source winds up being a tactical error on your part.
Who proved the Diary was a forgery?
Hitler had a Long History of Anti Semitism
Hitler’s! Anti Semitic hate started way back even before he wrote Mein Kempf, in the early 1920’s
Why Hitler wanted the jews out of Europe. This covers part of the rationale, jewish bolshevism, and gives some background history. It doesn't cover the degradation of German mores and morals that the jews influenced or the role of the jewish world banking system in the post-Versailles economic condition of Germany. It's an anti-communist/anti-jew video, not a pro-National Socialist one, and thus assumes a hatred of jews in Hitler that's not exactly accurate; that matter is really more complex. It's an informative video, nonetheless.



Hitler's hate started as a young boy. Of course you'll deny it

The girl in the photos is Rosa Bernile Nienau. She and Hitler shared the same birthday. Her mother was a widow. He would sometimes invite the two of them to gatherings and such at his home. He called her "sweetheart" or "little sweetheart." She called him "Uncle."
She's a jew.



Given the fact that Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl has been proven conclusively to be a forgery by her father, an article prepared by The Anne Frank Museum, an institution built upon a fallacy, holds little weight.
Besides that, the piece itself is filled with speculations and foregone conclusions masquerading as history.
Add to this the fact that Anne Frank's father, Otto, was himself held in a concentration camp, contracted typhus there, and had his life saved with medicines given him by those "evil Nazis" who supposedly hated all jews and wanted them all dead, and your citing The Anne Frank Museum as a source winds up being a tactical error on your part.
Who proved the Diary was a forgery?
Forget it...Quora says you are, as usual, full of shit.

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