Every Jew has secret knowledge of a Zionist world conspiracy? Not true.

Hitler had a Long History of Anti Semitism
Hitler’s! Anti Semitic hate started way back even before he wrote Mein Kempf, in the early 1920’s
Why Hitler wanted the jews out of Europe. This covers part of the rationale, jewish bolshevism, and gives some background history. It doesn't cover the degradation of German mores and morals that the jews influenced or the role of the jewish world banking system in the post-Versailles economic condition of Germany. It's an anti-communist/anti-jew video, not a pro-National Socialist one, and thus assumes a hatred of jews in Hitler that's not exactly accurate; that matter is really more complex. It's an informative video, nonetheless.



Hitler's hate started as a young boy. Of course you'll deny it

The girl in the photos is Rosa Bernile Nienau. She and Hitler shared the same birthday. Her mother was a widow. He would sometimes invite the two of them to gatherings and such at his home. He called her "sweetheart" or "little sweetheart." She called him "Uncle."
She's a jew.



Given the fact that Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl has been proven conclusively to be a forgery by her father, an article prepared by The Anne Frank Museum, an institution built upon a fallacy, holds little weight.
Besides that, the piece itself is filled with speculations and foregone conclusions masquerading as history.
Add to this the fact that Anne Frank's father, Otto, was himself held in a concentration camp, contracted typhus there, and had his life saved with medicines given him by those "evil Nazis" who supposedly hated all jews and wanted them all dead, and your citing The Anne Frank Museum as a source winds up being a tactical error on your part.

So we all agree that murdering anyone due to religion, race or any genetic reason is wrong.

Hossly,I Love Israel and the rest of the Israel paid shills are in panic mode now seeing these pics taken of Hitler with a child, Hitler is the first one americans think of automatically as a dictater when STALIN is the one they shiould think of, i challenge anyone to find ONE pic of stalin befriending a child,you wont. It is the hardest thing in the world for people acorss the world to accept that they were brainwashed that 6000 jews were terminated by the nazi's Its going to take FOREVER to get the world to wake up about that,hell i just spoke to someone in New Zealand the other day who incredibly,STILL thinks oswald killed kennedy.:abgg2q.jpg:

the CIA and mossads brainwashing has obviously not been relegated to just here in the states obviously. I figured at LEAST overseas they were more awake to who really killed JFK than they are here in the states.apparenly not.:rolleyes: so just IMAGINE how many decades it will take to get them to accept the holocaust needs to be called the holoHOAX.
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Hitler had a Long History of Anti Semitism
Hitler’s! Anti Semitic hate started way back even before he wrote Mein Kempf, in the early 1920’s
Why Hitler wanted the jews out of Europe. This covers part of the rationale, jewish bolshevism, and gives some background history. It doesn't cover the degradation of German mores and morals that the jews influenced or the role of the jewish world banking system in the post-Versailles economic condition of Germany. It's an anti-communist/anti-jew video, not a pro-National Socialist one, and thus assumes a hatred of jews in Hitler that's not exactly accurate; that matter is really more complex. It's an informative video, nonetheless.



Hitler's hate started as a young boy. Of course you'll deny it

The girl in the photos is Rosa Bernile Nienau. She and Hitler shared the same birthday. Her mother was a widow. He would sometimes invite the two of them to gatherings and such at his home. He called her "sweetheart" or "little sweetheart." She called him "Uncle."
She's a jew.



Given the fact that Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl has been proven conclusively to be a forgery by her father, an article prepared by The Anne Frank Museum, an institution built upon a fallacy, holds little weight.
Besides that, the piece itself is filled with speculations and foregone conclusions masquerading as history.
Add to this the fact that Anne Frank's father, Otto, was himself held in a concentration camp, contracted typhus there, and had his life saved with medicines given him by those "evil Nazis" who supposedly hated all jews and wanted them all dead, and your citing The Anne Frank Museum as a source winds up being a tactical error on your part.

So we all agree that murdering anyone due to religion, race or any genetic reason is wrong.

Hossly,I Love Israel and the rest of the Israel paid shills are in panic mode now seeing these pics taken of Hitler with a child, Hitler is the first one americans think of automatically as a dictater when STALIN is the one they shiould think of, i challenge anyone to find ONE pic of stalin befriending a child,you wont. It is the hardest thing in the world for people acorss the world to accept that they were brainwashed that 6000 jews were terminated by the nazi's Its going to take FOREVER to get the world to wake up about that,hell i just spoke to someone in New Zealand the other day who incredibly,STILL thinks oswald killed kennedy.:abgg2q.jpg:

the CIA and mossads brainwashing has obviously not been relegated to just here in the states obviously. I figured at LEAST overseas they were more awake to who really killed JFK than they are here in the states.apparenly not.:rolleyes: so just IMAGINE how many decades it will take to get them to accept the holocaust needs to be called the holoHOAX.
I love Jews who hate being Jews.
Once more, your link proves nothing.

So we all agree that murdering anyone due to religion, race or any genetic reason is wrong.
So here’s a serious question...
Why don’t you get together with trustworthy relatives and friends and start a business?
So here's a serious question...
Why do you ask that question?
Once more, your link proves nothing.

So we all agree that murdering anyone due to religion, race or any genetic reason is wrong.
So here’s a serious question...
Why don’t you get together with trustworthy relatives and friends and start a business?
So here's a serious question...
Why do you ask that question?

My link proves nothing? Neither does yours. The fact that you can even Suggest that the “ Diary of Ann Frank” was a forgery and I believe you inferred her father wrote it tells us all we have to know about you
Once more, your link proves nothing.

So we all agree that murdering anyone due to religion, race or any genetic reason is wrong.
So here’s a serious question...
Why don’t you get together with trustworthy relatives and friends and start a business?
So here's a serious question...
Why do you ask that question?
Because you accuse Jews of nepotism.
It’s not nepotism; it’s using people you know are skilled at what you need.
Why don’t you do the same?
Once more, your link proves nothing.

So we all agree that murdering anyone due to religion, race or any genetic reason is wrong.
So here’s a serious question...
Why don’t you get together with trustworthy relatives and friends and start a business?
So here's a serious question...
Why do you ask that question?

My link proves nothing? Neither does yours. The fact that you can even Suggest that the “ Diary of Ann Frank” was a forgery and I believe you inferred her father wrote it tells us all we have to know about you

What's the big deal? Is it a sacred religious text or a novel? Reads like a novel to me. Seems crazy not to question it's authenticity as a legitimate diary written by a teenage girl.
My link proves nothing? Neither does yours.

Your link tells us that a camp survivor and her progeny gathered at the Western Wall in Jerusalem to celebrate her birthday.
It in no way whatsoever proves the veracity of the claim that 6 million jews were murdered for no reason other than their race by National Socialist Germany in a planned genocide.

My links provide factual documentation of physical, forensic, and other evidence that the "Holocaust" narrative as taught and generally believed is exaggerated and fallacious.

You link proves nothing. None of the few you've offered have.

My links provide verifiable information attesting to the fictionalization of historical events for propaganda and other purposes.

The fact that you can even Suggest that the “ Diary of Ann Frank” was a forgery and I believe you inferred her father wrote it

In 1980, because of a lawsuit in a German court, the German state forensic bureau, the Bundes Kriminal Amt, examined forensically the original “diary” manuscript. Their analysis determined that significant portions of the work were written with a ballpoint pen. Since ballpoint pens were not available for sale before 1951, portions of the work must have been added well after the war. Anne Frank herself died of typhus in March of 1945.

Pertaining to that, H. J. J. Hardy in the Critical Edition of the "diary" said that the only ballpoint pen in the manuscript was used for annotations on loose sheet: So that's one who would say that the ballpoint pen matter is a non-issue. I don't have background information on Hardy that would point to motive one way or the other.

The BKA also determined that none of the “diary” handwriting matched known examples of Anne’s handwriting. Earlier handwriting experts had determined that all of the writing in the “diary” was by the same hand. Therefore, the entire “diary” was a postwar fake.

The true author or co-author of the diary was novelist Meyer Levin, In fact, he demanded and was awarded $50,000 in payment for his work in a court action against Anne’s father, Otto Frank.

The Basel, Switzerland, Anne Frank Fund, which controls the copyright to "Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl," has admitted that the book was, in fact, at least co-authored by Otto Frank, Anne’s father, after the war. This admission proves that the book, which is still heavily promoted as a "Holocaust" memoir, is at least largely a postwar fabrication that contains parts of Anne’s diary with extensive additions added by her father and/or Mr. Levin.

See those, ILOVEISRAEL? ^ Those are what are called "facts."

Codoh.com | The Diary of Anne Frank: Is it Genuine?
Anne Frank's Diary - Some Honest Questions
Anna Frank’s Novel: The Diary is a Fraud by Simon Sheppard

See those? ^ Those are what are called "documentation" pertaining to the facts.

tells us all we have to know about you
You know very little about me (you've even gotten my gender wrong twice since the correct gender was pointed out to you). It would be nice to get to know the people here and to let everyone get to know me. I was hoping for that when joining. Something tell me, though, that you, ILOVEISRAEL, will be unable to overcome your prejudice enough to want to know me better.
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Because you accuse Jews of nepotism.
It’s not nepotism; it’s using people you know are skilled at what you need.
Why don’t you do the same?
You're being silly. I believe you know your're being silly. At the least, your employing non-sequitur, possibly as a tactic to deflect from the facts, possibly in a feeble attempt to belittle the messenger, possibly because you're not following well or aren't particularly good at argumentation.

Firstly, nepotism is showing favoritism or patronage toward relatives. All jews are related in some way, so jews favoring or patronizing jews in consideration of their being jews could be accurately called a form of nepotism.
Secondly, I don't believe I used the word "nepotism" before now. I recall mentioning jews using their connections or contacts with other jews to advance.
Thirdly, I don't believe I ever criticized using such connections.or contacts. Everyone does to some degree. Therefore, I made no accusation in that regard but rather pointed out a simple fact.
Lastly, I do use connections and contacts, for various purposes but not in my own business. I would if I had a business, and probably employ some nepotism, too. Just about anyone would. There's nothing inherently wrong with it unless it harms others.
The preconception that every Jew has secret knowledge of a Zionist world conspiracy should be guarded against. While every Jew who identifies as such is familiar with the general idea of the ultimate triumph of Israel, the average Jew is no more familiar with the special plans which for centuries have existed in formulated form for the attainment of that triumph--the Zionist world conspiracy--than anyone else.

The role the average Jew plays in the conspiracy is limited to two things:
  1. it is perfectly understood that the consummation of the Jewish triumph will not be distasteful to any Jew, and
  2. if the methods to be used toward the end are a bit violent, every Jew can be depended upon to see in that violence a very insufficient retribution visited upon the Gentile world for the sufferings which it has caused the children of Israel throughout the centuries.
The Jewish users of this forum provide ample evidence that #2 is true. As for #1, I can only assume it is true. But, when taken together, those two conditions provide sufficient condition in themselves for the viability of a secret Zionist world conspiracy. It would therefore behoove those Jews, it seems to me, who take offense at any suggestion of the existence of such conspiracy to take care to ensure both #1 and #2 are not the case insofar as his own individual case is concerned. It is, after all, morally indefensible to do otherwise.

The Jewish people make up LESS then ,2 percent of the total population. That is NOT 2 percent; its less then 2/10 of 1 Percent. To believe that such a few have such power a symptom of your paranoia and inferiority
Call me paranoid, but, it seems to me, if 2/10 of one percent of the population owns one hundred percent of the top movie studios, controls one hundred percent of the top media outlets, commands votes for its pet issues of 435 - 0 in the House and 100 - 0 in the Senate, and is now more equal than others under Florida law, then something is up.

As a Jewish supremacist, of course, you believe everyone is inferior to you--that Jewish superiority accounts for those lopsided numbers. I believe something more diabolical is at work, for example, such bad faith misdirection as the dishonest argument that, because Gentiles outnumber Jews, Jews couldn't possibly subjugate them.
Ok, Paranoid.
Because you accuse Jews of nepotism.
It’s not nepotism; it’s using people you know are skilled at what you need.
Why don’t you do the same?
You're being silly. I believe you know your're being silly. At the least, your employing non-sequitur, possibly as a tactic to deflect from the facts, possibly in a feeble attempt to belittle the messenger, possibly because you're not following well or aren't particularly good at argumentation.

Firstly, nepotism is showing favoritism or patronage toward relatives. All jews are related in some way, so jews favoring or patronizing jews in consideration of their being jews could be accurately called a form of nepotism.
Secondly, I don't believe I used the word "nepotism" before now. I recall mentioning jews using their connections or contacts with other jews to advance.
Thirdly, I don't believe I ever criticized using such connections.or contacts. Everyone does to some degree. Therefore, I made no accusation in that regard but rather pointed out a simple fact.
Lastly, I do use connections and contacts, for various purposes but not in my own business. I would if I had a business, and probably employ some nepotism, too. Just about anyone would. There's nothing inherently wrong with it unless it harms others.

All Jews are related in some way? How do you figure? I’m related to every Jewish individual on the board ( or off, for that matter)
Jews should NEVER hire Jews but it’s OK for Christians to hire Christians . The GOYIM mindset
All Jews are related in some way? How do you figure?
Well, first, jews consider and call themselves a "people" because they're of a shared race or ethnicity. Then there's that all jews trace their ancestry to Abraham; that's tenuous as far as actual genes go after so much time and so much circumstance but it's a relation. Among the Ashkenazi jews, there's the shared Khazar blood. And there's the shared religious heritage and the shared cultural background. Plus the shared connection to Israel as a nation-state.All jews are related in some way, and it's rather unique in the world being at the same time a matter of faith, ethnicity, nation, and culture.

ews should NEVER hire Jews but it’s OK for Christians to hire Christians . The GOYIM mindset
That's not the case at all. No one here has said anything like that. I said the opposite. You're either not understanding or intentionally misrepresenting or just bigoted against non-jews.
Because you accuse Jews of nepotism.
It’s not nepotism; it’s using people you know are skilled at what you need.
Why don’t you do the same?
You're being silly. I believe you know your're being silly. At the least, your employing non-sequitur, possibly as a tactic to deflect from the facts, possibly in a feeble attempt to belittle the messenger, possibly because you're not following well or aren't particularly good at argumentation.

Firstly, nepotism is showing favoritism or patronage toward relatives. All jews are related in some way, so jews favoring or patronizing jews in consideration of their being jews could be accurately called a form of nepotism.
Secondly, I don't believe I used the word "nepotism" before now. I recall mentioning jews using their connections or contacts with other jews to advance.
Thirdly, I don't believe I ever criticized using such connections.or contacts. Everyone does to some degree. Therefore, I made no accusation in that regard but rather pointed out a simple fact.
Lastly, I do use connections and contacts, for various purposes but not in my own business. I would if I had a business, and probably employ some nepotism, too. Just about anyone would. There's nothing inherently wrong with it unless it harms others.

All Jews are related in some way? How do you figure? I’m related to every Jewish individual on the board ( or off, for that matter)
Jews should NEVER hire Jews but it’s OK for Christians to hire Christians . The GOYIM mindset

It's exactly the other way around. Every other group is expected to favor their own whether it's gays, blacks, hispanics or women. Everyone except for white men. When we do it, it's white supremacy.
All Jews are related in some way? How do you figure?
Well, first, jews consider and call themselves a "people" because they're of a shared race or ethnicity. Then there's that all jews trace their ancestry to Abraham; that's tenuous as far as actual genes go after so much time and so much circumstance but it's a relation. Among the Ashkenazi jews, there's the shared Khazar blood. And there's the shared religious heritage and the shared cultural background. Plus the shared connection to Israel as a nation-state.All jews are related in some way, and it's rather unique in the world being at the same time a matter of faith, ethnicity, nation, and culture.

ews should NEVER hire Jews but it’s OK for Christians to hire Christians . The GOYIM mindset
That's not the case at all. No one here has said anything like that. I said the opposite. You're either not understanding or intentionally misrepresenting or just bigoted against non-jews.

Jews consider themselves a " people" because of their ETHNICITY ( not a race) but a lot of people do. To suggest that only Jews do it is bigotry and racist. You mention shared heritage, cultural background. Again; that can be said for everybody.
To FURTHER suggest that ALL Jews are " related" and therefore if Jews hire another Jewish individual its Nepotism because of Abraham who was approx. 2000 years B, C. is inaccurate, racist, and bigoted
Because you accuse Jews of nepotism.
It’s not nepotism; it’s using people you know are skilled at what you need.
Why don’t you do the same?
You're being silly. I believe you know your're being silly. At the least, your employing non-sequitur, possibly as a tactic to deflect from the facts, possibly in a feeble attempt to belittle the messenger, possibly because you're not following well or aren't particularly good at argumentation.

Firstly, nepotism is showing favoritism or patronage toward relatives. All jews are related in some way, so jews favoring or patronizing jews in consideration of their being jews could be accurately called a form of nepotism.
Secondly, I don't believe I used the word "nepotism" before now. I recall mentioning jews using their connections or contacts with other jews to advance.
Thirdly, I don't believe I ever criticized using such connections.or contacts. Everyone does to some degree. Therefore, I made no accusation in that regard but rather pointed out a simple fact.
Lastly, I do use connections and contacts, for various purposes but not in my own business. I would if I had a business, and probably employ some nepotism, too. Just about anyone would. There's nothing inherently wrong with it unless it harms others.

All Jews are related in some way? How do you figure? I’m related to every Jewish individual on the board ( or off, for that matter)
Jews should NEVER hire Jews but it’s OK for Christians to hire Christians . The GOYIM mindset

It's exactly the other way around. Every other group is expected to favor their own whether it's gays, blacks, hispanics or women. Everyone except for white men. When we do it, it's white supremacy.

Hispanic do it. So do the Oriental people. the Indians, etc. etc. The racist bigot has nothing to say about that
All Jews are related in some way? How do you figure?
Well, first, jews consider and call themselves a "people" because they're of a shared race or ethnicity. Then there's that all jews trace their ancestry to Abraham; that's tenuous as far as actual genes go after so much time and so much circumstance but it's a relation. Among the Ashkenazi jews, there's the shared Khazar blood. And there's the shared religious heritage and the shared cultural background. Plus the shared connection to Israel as a nation-state.All jews are related in some way, and it's rather unique in the world being at the same time a matter of faith, ethnicity, nation, and culture.

ews should NEVER hire Jews but it’s OK for Christians to hire Christians . The GOYIM mindset
That's not the case at all. No one here has said anything like that. I said the opposite. You're either not understanding or intentionally misrepresenting or just bigoted against non-jews.
Jews trace themselves back to Avramham because called out in the name of God while everybody else was calling out in the name of themselves.
Because you accuse Jews of nepotism.
It’s not nepotism; it’s using people you know are skilled at what you need.
Why don’t you do the same?
You're being silly. I believe you know your're being silly. At the least, your employing non-sequitur, possibly as a tactic to deflect from the facts, possibly in a feeble attempt to belittle the messenger, possibly because you're not following well or aren't particularly good at argumentation.

Firstly, nepotism is showing favoritism or patronage toward relatives. All jews are related in some way, so jews favoring or patronizing jews in consideration of their being jews could be accurately called a form of nepotism.
Secondly, I don't believe I used the word "nepotism" before now. I recall mentioning jews using their connections or contacts with other jews to advance.
Thirdly, I don't believe I ever criticized using such connections.or contacts. Everyone does to some degree. Therefore, I made no accusation in that regard but rather pointed out a simple fact.
Lastly, I do use connections and contacts, for various purposes but not in my own business. I would if I had a business, and probably employ some nepotism, too. Just about anyone would. There's nothing inherently wrong with it unless it harms others.

All Jews are related in some way? How do you figure? I’m related to every Jewish individual on the board ( or off, for that matter)
Jews should NEVER hire Jews but it’s OK for Christians to hire Christians . The GOYIM mindset
Many Jews are converts and their ancestry may go back to someone other than Avramham.
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ews consider themselves a " people" because of their ETHNICITY ( not a race) but a lot of people do. To suggest that only Jews do it is bigotry and racist.
I never said that other people don't; only that jews do. I said that jews do it; never said that ONLY jews do it.
You mention shared heritage, cultural background. Again; that can be said for everybody.
I never suggested that it can't be said of other people; only that it's true of the jews. I said that it's so for jewst; never said that it's so ONLY for jews.
To FURTHER suggest that ALL Jews are " related" and therefore if Jews hire another Jewish individual its Nepotism because of Abraham who was approx. 2000 years B, C. is inaccurate, racist, and bigoted
Is it a reading comprehension issue or do you intentionally miscast my words or what?

Hispanic do it. So do the Oriental people. the Indians, etc. etc. The racist bigot has nothing to say about that
The topic is the jews. "The racist bigot" will discuss Hispanics, Orientals, or Indians" if you'd like but the thread is about jews. Therefore, "the racist bigot" said it of jews and didn't say it of others. "The racist bigot" never suggested that other peoples don't use family or other connections; in fact, "the racist bigot" said plainly that everyone does it.
It's it a reading comprehension issue or do you intentionally twist words or what?
"The racist bigot" is being redundant somewhat because she doesn't like to assume that others are being intentionally disingenuous and so is writing as if you have difficulty with comprehension for some reason.

A Jew is someone who accepts the Torah of Moshe.
Many jews don't accept the Torah. They're still members of the jewish people. The connections between jews include things other than faith.
That includes the author of The Book Of James.
Jews trace themselves back to Avramham because called out in the name of God
Jews trace themselves back to Abraham because of both a genetic and, more so, a religious connection.
while everybody else was calling out in the name of themselves.
Everybody else (in the Middle East region at the time) was worshiping various mythical gods. People's "calling out in the name of themselves" is a much more modern phenomenon.
Many Jews are converts and their ancestry may go back to someone other than Avramham.
Which is why I mentioned their faith and cultural connections.

Both of you seem to be arguing against points I never made. There's no need to use the quote function to make statements that aren't responding directly to something someone posted
thats what you zionist paid shills post when you cant counter evidence as you are instructed to by your handlers in Israel.

I'm neither Jew or Christian but a strict follower of the Old Testament and no one tells me what to think or say.

except your zionist handlers in Israel of course who alert you to troll in the Israel section and threads like this day and night.:abgg2q.jpg:

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