Every Jew has secret knowledge of a Zionist world conspiracy? Not true.

Street Juice thanks for this thread! Really brought out the Jew lovers and the usual Israel Firster cohenservatives. On another note ANYONE who has read the Protocols of the learned elders of zion and don't believe it are either INCREDIBLY ignorant,brainwashed lemmings or lying to themselves because the truth hurts.

you nailed it.
A ton of Christian Goyim lost their properties to Commie regimes.

Leave it to you selfish Smucks to think this is anti-Semitism.
That you should not work as a coalition looking for individual property rights.

No.. Your selfish thieves think you are deserved compensations on properties you lost nearly 65 years ago & didn't pay taxes on.
And those Christians are also seeking recompense, dildo.

You don't work with Goyim looking for properties lost.

Especially Germ-Mans in the Prussian Trust.
You provided the Link, dildo.

You are terrible at compensating your theft of Palestine.
Henry Ford describes in 1920 the streets of New York being full of Jewish peddlers selling the wedding rings of murdered Russians.

new york has zionist jews everywhere,that explains WHY if someone is having a heart attack on the sidewalk,new yorkers just walk right on past him as though nothing was happening.LOL
Ample evidence for the Operation Reinhardt camps, and nearly complete railroad schedules and census numbers, not to mention eyewitnesses for their existence, so anyone stupid enough to ruin their credibility by denying the existed, regardless of their political biases, is an idiot merely pandering to a small cult of morons and sociopaths. Why these goofs insist on repeating the denial idiocy is a mystery; seems they can't move on from it for some reason.
Right, WE'RE the ones who can't move on from the Holocaust.

The Jewish Tale

One afternoon, I believe it was Wednesday, the Germans and the Jews were all going about their business with tolerance and fair treatment when, suddenly, about 3:30, a big glob of Jew hatred fell out of the sky and landed on all the Germans. And suddenly the Germans were Nazis. They were immediately seized with an implacable desire to kill all their Jewish friends and neighbors--for no reason whatsoever.

Now, the Germans were in a major war--which the Jews had nothing to do with at all--and all resources were devoted to winning the war, so the Germans decided the best way to kill all the Jews wasn't the way the Jews were killing millions of Christians in Russia, which was to just load them on trains and go some miles into the forest, unload them, and machine gun them all, the best way to kill them was to build death camps all the way over in eastern Poland complete with high tech gas chambers disguised to look like showers and enormous crematoriums, load the Jews on trains and haul them all the way to another country, unload them, put them in barracks for a while, THEN mass exterminate them.

That's what we are asked to believe the famously efficient Germans came up with (and executed with no paper trail) to accomplish their plan to exterminate the Jews.

There are thousands of Christian Europeans, I'm told, sitting in jail(!) today for publicly questioning whether that absurd narrative is plausible.
thats what you zionist paid shills post when you cant counter evidence as you are instructed to by your handlers in Israel.

I'm neither Jew or Christian but a strict follower of the Old Testament and no one tells me what to think or say.

except your zionist handlers in Israel of course who alert you to troll in the Israel section and threads like this day and night.:abgg2q.jpg:

Damn! And I thought I had covered my tracks.
Groundbreaking study exhumes untold Nazi brutalization of women’s bodies
One hoax propaganda piece contradicts another hoax propaganda piece...
Born In Auschwitz: How One Woman Delivered 3,000 Babies During The Holocaust

GHDI - Image


At the Auschwitz maternity ward.

PLACE 4 FREE Watamula Holocaust Hoax


Another at the Auschwitz maternity ward. Over 3000 children were born to the prisoners there. With not one infant death among them.

Comparing Trump to Hitler Camps - Hollow-Hoax


further proof that it was STALIN that the allies SHOULD have been after,Not Hitler. hense WHY you see the evil traiter FDR who purposely allowed japen to bomb pearl harbour,and the equally evil winston churchill seen in a photograph palling around with that murderous dictater. they were as much evil men as he was. yet HITLERS name is the one people think about first over stalin because of all the brainwashing by hollywood which of course is common knowledge,controlled by the zionists jews.
Stalin saved the day. Stalin liberated the Polish death camps like Auschwitz.
Once more, your link proves nothing.

So we all agree that murdering anyone due to religion, race or any genetic reason is wrong.
So here’s a serious question...
Why don’t you get together with trustworthy relatives and friends and start a business?
So here's a serious question...
Why do you ask that question?
Because you accuse Jews of nepotism.
It’s not nepotism; it’s using people you know are skilled at what you need.
Why don’t you do the same?

Because you accuse Jews of nepotism.
It’s not nepotism; it’s using people you know are skilled at what you need.
That isn't nepotism. THIS is nepotism:

Well, it was necessary during the war for anyone wishing to use capital in business enterprise, to lay all his cards on the table. He was required to reveal his plans, his ground for expecting success—in brief, tell the Jewish rulers and their Jewish representatives all that he would tell in confidence to his banker in negotiating a loan. The organization which a few Jews perfected was the most complete business inquisition ever set up in any country. And that the knowledge thus gained should always be sacredly guarded, or always honestly used, would be expecting too much of human nature.

Mr. Baruch gave some instances of this, though they were not the instances that are calculated to throw the most light on the inner workings of the organization. He said:

“The Capital Issues Committee (where Mr. Meyer reigned), in the Treasury Department, had a man who sat with the War Industries Board (where Mr. Baruch reigned), and who always came to the War Industries Board to find out whether the individual or the corporation who wanted this money was going to use it for the purpose to win the war. To cite a case that happened at Philadelphia, that city wanted to make extensive public improvements; New York City wanted to spend $8,000,000 for schools, which would take an enormous amount of steel, labor, materials and transportation. We said, ‘No, that won’t help win the war. You can postpone that until later on. We cannot spare the steel on all these various things.’”

Very well. Does Mr. Baruch know of an enormous theater which a Jewish theatrical owner was permitted to build in an eastern city during the war?

Did he ever hear of non-Jews being refused permission to go ahead in a legitimate business which would have helped produce war materials, and that afterward—afterward—on almost identically the same plans, and in the same locality, a Jewish concern was given permission to do that very thing?

This was a terrible power, and far too great to be vested in one man; certainly it was such a power as should never have been vested in a coterie of Jews. The puzzle of it becomes greater the deeper it is probed. How did it occur? How could it occur—that always, at the most critical and delicate points in these matters, there sat a Jew enthroned with autocratic power?

Well could Mr. Baruch say—“I had more power than any man in the war.” He could even have said, “We Jews had more power than you Americans did in the war”—and it would have been true.
The preconception that every Jew has secret knowledge of a Zionist world conspiracy should be guarded against. While every Jew who identifies as such is familiar with the general idea of the ultimate triumph of Israel, the average Jew is no more familiar with the special plans which for centuries have existed in formulated form for the attainment of that triumph--the Zionist world conspiracy--than anyone else.

The role the average Jew plays in the conspiracy is limited to two things:
  1. it is perfectly understood that the consummation of the Jewish triumph will not be distasteful to any Jew, and
  2. if the methods to be used toward the end are a bit violent, every Jew can be depended upon to see in that violence a very insufficient retribution visited upon the Gentile world for the sufferings which it has caused the children of Israel throughout the centuries.
The Jewish users of this forum provide ample evidence that #2 is true. As for #1, I can only assume it is true. But, when taken together, those two conditions provide sufficient condition in themselves for the viability of a secret Zionist world conspiracy. It would therefore behoove those Jews, it seems to me, who take offense at any suggestion of the existence of such conspiracy to take care to ensure both #1 and #2 are not the case insofar as his own individual case is concerned. It is, after all, morally indefensible to do otherwise.

The Jewish people make up LESS then ,2 percent of the total population. That is NOT 2 percent; its less then 2/10 of 1 Percent. To believe that such a few have such power a symptom of your paranoia and inferiority

Yet, make up 50% of Democrat funding, and own most media, Hollywood & social media.
That's an enormous amount of power,
most Americans are even circumcised, a lot of foods are Kosher labeled in the USA.

You guys didn't assimilate,
you assimilated us goys.
Don't forget about all who kiss Sheldon Adelson's ring.

It all makes sense WHY vegas is so corrupt.Adelson pretty much owns vegas and he is a zionist.Im sure vegas has bene owned by the zionists ever since it became popular in the 19th century.
Street Juice thanks for this thread! Really brought out the Jew lovers and the usual Israel Firster cohenservatives. On another note ANYONE who has read the Protocols of the learned elders of zion and don't believe it are either INCREDIBLY ignorant,brainwashed lemmings or lying to themselves because the truth hurts.
I'm reading Henry Ford's "International Jew" right now, and it is eye-popping...and I thought I was woke already. He incorporates a lot of the protocols in it. He says they originated in France or Switzerland. and have the tone of somebody taking notes in a lecture. Jews say they originated in Russia (but, of course) and are a Tsarist forgery. I trust Henry Ford, who sacrificed a lot to publish his papers, more than I do any Jew
Indeed. I own a copy of the International Jew as well. Another good one is Duke's Jewish Supremacism. If the Protocols are forgeries someone sure knew the history 100 years in the future! Those things are VERY descriptive of what is going on in the world today.
It’s called success via years of hard work.
Usury in many ways is what has made Jews wealthy and powerful. That and the fact they stick together like the thieves,murderers,vile evil race they are. Amazing a race can be kicked out of 109 countries and still manage to control every aspect of power in the world.

you need to be more specific when you say jews.Not all jewish people are bad.Judaism people are very good people.I know some jewish people in fact that are not rich in the least and are good people, i would say its safe to wager they are true jewish people,judaism jewish folks,judaism jewish folks,the good jewish people,are not always wrich like the zionist jews such as sheldon adelson,now THEY are indeed murderers and thieves.
Not true, You ask and I answer, I posted other Religions that don't accept JESUS ( unlike you) and you don't respond. In your Pollack posts, I never saw you use the word ILK you dumb, stupid, moron

They lived in their own countries until pretty recently
, not in Christian countries for thousands of years, while disrespecting Christ, like you & your ilk.

Doesn't answer my question you stupid POLLACK. For Centuries people of different FAITHS have lived in Countries that were predominantly one religion,
If there are no need for Churches or Mosques, Israel then has the right to destroy every single one of them. I AGREE !!

Nobody else besides your tribe spent 2,000 years living in nations who worshiped Christ, while disrespecting their Christ (God).

Notice how the POLLACK denies Jews to have their own Nation and says NOTHING about other Religions living in primarily Christian Nations? One example; Hindus live in “ Christian Nations” that religion is almost 4000 years old
I posted a link previously about the number of Religions there are but the POLLACK is too DUMB and STUPID to read it

Because you stole that nation, and displaced the real inhabitants.
The Jewish people make up LESS then ,2 percent of the total population. That is NOT 2 percent; its less then 2/10 of 1 Percent. To believe that such a few have such power a symptom of your paranoia and inferiority
So we could expect Jews to be .2% of the government, media, academia, corporate boards and Wall Street. Correct? Anything else would be a statistical anomaly wouldn't it?

comedy gold your propaganda avatar is it NEEDS to say the TRUTH America without ZIONISM Israel.:rolleyes:
Show me the quote.
I explained it already...
A Torah scholar who eats without discussing Torah has used the food to please their body and only gives forth waste.
All souls are next to God and the soul that wastes this life burns with embarrassment when it realizes the life it was given was wasted.

Talmud Unmasked says many unflattering things, not sure how true, or untrue, but it seems your people tend to ignore Talmud Unmasked, rather than refute the passages.
Which makes me think there's a lot of truth to it.
Because I care what “Talmud Unmasked” has to say.
I’ve read reviews and what the author says is never discussed is discussed every Shabbos.
You think we waste our time discussing other religions?
What a joke!

What about Israel Shahak a Jewish Rabbi, who admitted to some unflattering views in your Talmud?
Wikipedia-A Liberal; that’s all I need to know.

Israel and Anti-Gentile Traditions | My Jewish Learning

sobie saved europe just took the zionist shills here to school with this link.
Talmud Unmasked says many unflattering things, not sure how true, or untrue, but it seems your people tend to ignore Talmud Unmasked, rather than refute the passages.
Which makes me think there's a lot of truth to it.
Because I care what “Talmud Unmasked” has to say.
I’ve read reviews and what the author says is never discussed is discussed every Shabbos.
You think we waste our time discussing other religions?
What a joke!

What about Israel Shahak a Jewish Rabbi, who admitted to some unflattering views in your Talmud?
Wikipedia-A Liberal; that’s all I need to know.

Israel and Anti-Gentile Traditions | My Jewish Learning

sobie saved europe just took the zionist shills here to school with this link.
Deal with?
The fact that we aren't allowed to burn non-Jews at the stake or behead them?
I read the Link...big deal.
Stalin saved the day. Stalin liberated the Polish death camps like Auschwitz.
None of the Western Allies (Britain, Canada, USA, Australia, France, et al) liberated any camps that had gas chambers or other systems of mass murder in them. All the alleged death camps with gas chambers were liberated by the Russians. Consequently any alleged evidence of death camps and/or gas chambers was forthcoming solely from Soviet Russia.

Behind the “Iron Curtain,” the Soviet Union was free to make whatever outrageous claims they wanted about German WWII Era concentration camps, and they did. No matter what Joseph Stalin’s minions claimed, none of the alleged “extermination camps” had homicidal gas chambers.

The Liberation of the Camps: Facts vs. Lies

Two of the Soviet investigators who compiled the fraudulent report pinning the blame for the 1940 NKVD massacre of 4,000+ Poles at Katyn on the Germans also signed the official Soviet report on Auschwitz.

An order, dated March 5, 1940 and signed by Stalin commanded the to execution of Polish army and police officers. One of the results of this was the Katyn Massacre. When the Germans discovered the mass-graves in early 1943, they invited an international commission consisting of physicians from twelve different countries to inspect the site of the crime and carry out autopsies. At the main Nuremberg trial, the Soviets blamed the Germans for perpetrating the Katyn massacre.
The Soviet report which blamed the Germans for committing the Katyn massacre was listed at Nuremberg as 054-USSR. Two of the liars who signed this report were:
“Member of the Special State Commission, Academic N. N. Burdenko”
“Member of the Special State Commission, Mythropolitos Nikolai”

The official Soviet report on Auschwitz was listed at Nuremberg as 008-USSR. Two of the men who signed this report were:
“The Academic N. N. Burdenko”
“The Mytropolitos Nikolaus”


Contrast Auschwitz to a camp liberated by the Western Allies, and we see a different method of deceit.

The whole world has probably seen the film of the liberation of Belsen concentration camp. It's horrific. Human skeletons are walking round with dead bodies covering the ground. This film was shown worldwide at the end of WWII to show the evil of 'Nazi' Germany.

However Belsen was liberated by the Western Allies, and was never alleged to have had any gas chambers or be part of a systematic mass murder program. The victims in the film are, in fact, all dead or dying from typhus, a fact confirmed by German Military, Red Cross, and British Military medical records.

This is never pointed out whenever this film is shown. Ironically, the deaths were mostly due to a lack of the insecticide Zyklon-B at the end of the war, with Germany collapsing, leading to a mass typhus outbreak in the camp.
Stalin saved the day. Stalin liberated the Polish death camps like Auschwitz.
None of the Western Allies (Britain, Canada, USA, Australia, France, et al) liberated any camps that had gas chambers or other systems of mass murder in them. All the alleged death camps with gas chambers were liberated by the Russians. Consequently any alleged evidence of death camps and/or gas chambers was forthcoming solely from Soviet Russia.

Behind the “Iron Curtain,” the Soviet Union was free to make whatever outrageous claims they wanted about German WWII Era concentration camps, and they did. No matter what Joseph Stalin’s minions claimed, none of the alleged “extermination camps” had homicidal gas chambers.

The Liberation of the Camps: Facts vs. Lies

Two of the Soviet investigators who compiled the fraudulent report pinning the blame for the 1940 NKVD massacre of 4,000+ Poles at Katyn on the Germans also signed the official Soviet report on Auschwitz.

An order, dated March 5, 1940 and signed by Stalin commanded the to execution of Polish army and police officers. One of the results of this was the Katyn Massacre. When the Germans discovered the mass-graves in early 1943, they invited an international commission consisting of physicians from twelve different countries to inspect the site of the crime and carry out autopsies. At the main Nuremberg trial, the Soviets blamed the Germans for perpetrating the Katyn massacre.
The Soviet report which blamed the Germans for committing the Katyn massacre was listed at Nuremberg as 054-USSR. Two of the liars who signed this report were:
“Member of the Special State Commission, Academic N. N. Burdenko”
“Member of the Special State Commission, Mythropolitos Nikolai”

The official Soviet report on Auschwitz was listed at Nuremberg as 008-USSR. Two of the men who signed this report were:
“The Academic N. N. Burdenko”
“The Mytropolitos Nikolaus”


Contrast Auschwitz to a camp liberated by the Western Allies, and we see a different method of deceit.

The whole world has probably seen the film of the liberation of Belsen concentration camp. It's horrific. Human skeletons are walking round with dead bodies covering the ground. This film was shown worldwide at the end of WWII to show the evil of 'Nazi' Germany.

However Belsen was liberated by the Western Allies, and was never alleged to have had any gas chambers or be part of a systematic mass murder program. The victims in the film are, in fact, all dead or dying from typhus, a fact confirmed by German Military, Red Cross, and British Military medical records.

This is never pointed out whenever this film is shown. Ironically, the deaths were mostly due to a lack of the insecticide Zyklon-B at the end of the war, with Germany collapsing, leading to a mass typhus outbreak in the camp.
Stalin presumably killed Polish antisemites, and Polish Nazis in Katyn forest.
Stalin presumably killed Polish antisemites, and Polish Nazis in Katyn forest.
I'd have to check back through the many times I've schooled believers in and promoters of the "Holocuast" hoax to be sure, but you've most likely just accomplished the farthest reach of desperate rationalization and the longest stretch of credulity yet with that statement.
Must be easy to go to a Nazi site and pick up selected verses.
Only slightly less easy than photographing the corpses of typhus victims and claiming they were murdered.
Tell that to the US, British and Russian militaries who took and published the photos.
and labelled them as whatever they wished.

Uh huh.
Uh huh.

You realize, of course, that you've refuted nothing that I've said in this thread so far.

Did anyone claim otherwise?
Again, you're deflecting and dodging.

I've posted verifiable quotes and photos. Not to mention logic.
Refute my argument. Prove the "evil Nazi" wrong. Or be like, literally, everyone else with whom I've ever discussed this and insult, deflect, dodge, repeat yourself, and give non-arguments until you resort to saying that you won't defend your position because it would lend legitimacy to "holocaust deniers" and "Nazism" and/or because it would be like arguing with flat-earthers or the like.

the understatement of the century.
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