Every Jew has secret knowledge of a Zionist world conspiracy? Not true.

There’s an Aushwitz exhibit at the Jewish Memorial Museum in NYC.
Exhibits at that museum and the many other "Holocaust" museums are primarily re-creations -- better, fabrications & falsifications. EG - models of gas chambers, piles of shoes of the deceased that are actually only a few pairs of shoes attached to a raised base, and so forth. Meanwhile, the bars of soap that were claimed to have been made from the fat of victims and the lampshades that were claimed to have been made from their skin were removed when those lies were revealed.
Gee, they lied about soap and lampshades and other stuff; just maybe they might have lied about some other things...?
Meanwhile, the Auschwitz Museum in Poland lowered its official death total tally by nearly 3 million yet the magic number of 6,000,000 jewish victims hasn't been changed. Now ain't that strange?

There are also way too many non-Jews who liberated the camps who are still alive.
The fact is that since VHS didn’t exist at the time doesn’t make millions of non-Jewish soldiers personal testimonies false.
Not one of whom among the Americans or British claimed to have seen a murderous gas chamber or an order for mass extermination. Or maybe I'm wrong -- please show us such testimony. There were Soviet testimonies, and we all know how honest the Soviets were. :rolleyes:

I also presume you haven’t watched the unedited version of Triumph of the Will...it’s brutal.
No. I did see "Shoah" -- also brutal. Lot's of dead people it CLAIMED were murdered. No mention of typhus.
Have you seen this?: https://thegreateststorynevertold.tv

Seeing that StormFront has closed down I would think your fellow Nazis would be more than happy to join you in your quest to publicize the “TRUTH”.
Stormfront hasn't closed down (nyah, nyah).
And we are publicizing the truth wherever we're allowed to do so. Try truth-zone.net and gab.com/HolocaustLiesExposed for a couple of instances.

For the same reasons the Nazis tried to burn every document they had written when they knew the allies were just a few days away.
My, how convenient. Every last written record of this massive, coordinated genocide -- gone. Well, gee, that's just proof positive that it happened exactly like they say, huh?

the nazi Christian pigs
You betray your bigotry.

worked hard on their stories
Someone worked hard on their stories. The victors get to write and promote the "history" -- that's why the "good guys" always win.
Many documents were destroyed, but the Germans, being amazingly scrupulous with detailing everything they did, couldn’t destroy all of them.
And by the way, the numbers haven’t changed.
If anything, there’s that priest I saw last year on 60 Minutes, who keeps finding new ad how grave pits.
My mother-in-Law saw many people die from typhus. She had it also but was amazingly talented so they had to cure her. Her family got wiped out.

I am quite skeptical about the soap and lampshades.
People tend to hyperbolize, as if what happened wasn’t bad enough.

The hair, dolls and shoes actually exist so don’t even try going there.
Within the last year, I've come to believe the so-called Holocaust is shot through and through with absurdities and lies--everything from the lampshades made out of the skin of Jews to the ludicrous idea that genocidal Germans rounded up the Jews, shipped them halfway across the continent, put them up in barracks for a while, and THEN mass exterminated them.

Also, within the last three or four years, I've gradually discovered more and more details of what truly WAS a Holocaust--the deliberate program of mass extermination of Russian Christians at the hands of the Bolshevik Jews using methods that can only be described as Satanic (I can't think of any other word that captures how truly horrific the Red Terror in Russia was.)

Yet, practically everyone treats the former as nearly a holy shrine; in many countries you can go to jail for even questioning whether it happened. Countless movies, school curricula, not to mention all the Holocaust Memorials (paid for by taxpayers) constantly reinforce this phony event as if it is the central occurrence of human history. Meanwhile, there are no movies about the Red Terror, nothing in our schools' curricula, and one tiny statue that I know of memorializing "the victims of communism". It's on Massachusetts Ave in DC. I stood on the corner by that statue one day during the lunch hour and asked federal workers as they passed if they knew what the statue was for. Few did though they pass it every day.

Thank God for that tiny number of righteous Jews who speak the truth in the face of unhinged attacks such as the Jews on this board frequently launch. Without them, the entire race could justly be condemned as a mortal enemy. Because there is no justification for the utter perversion of history that the Jews have foisted on us except that they be an enemy.
I’m sure the 10 Bolshevik Jews had no help from any Christians.
You see the result of 1,000 years of pogroms.
Are you saying the Red Terror was justified?

I never heard or read that the filth imposed on the world by the eastern orthodox
communists led by divinity student JOSEF STALIN was, any way JUSTIFIED ---
he was beset by criticism so-----consistent with the education of his youth----he
BLAMED DA JEWISH DOCTORS----those ten or so Bolsheviks who happened to
have jewish great grandfathers must have given him HELL
There’s an Aushwitz exhibit at the Jewish Memorial Museum in NYC.
Exhibits at that museum and the many other "Holocaust" museums are primarily re-creations -- better, fabrications & falsifications. EG - models of gas chambers, piles of shoes of the deceased that are actually only a few pairs of shoes attached to a raised base, and so forth. Meanwhile, the bars of soap that were claimed to have been made from the fat of victims and the lampshades that were claimed to have been made from their skin were removed when those lies were revealed.
Gee, they lied about soap and lampshades and other stuff; just maybe they might have lied about some other things...?
Meanwhile, the Auschwitz Museum in Poland lowered its official death total tally by nearly 3 million yet the magic number of 6,000,000 jewish victims hasn't been changed. Now ain't that strange?

There are also way too many non-Jews who liberated the camps who are still alive.
The fact is that since VHS didn’t exist at the time doesn’t make millions of non-Jewish soldiers personal testimonies false.
Not one of whom among the Americans or British claimed to have seen a murderous gas chamber or an order for mass extermination. Or maybe I'm wrong -- please show us such testimony. There were Soviet testimonies, and we all know how honest the Soviets were. :rolleyes:

I also presume you haven’t watched the unedited version of Triumph of the Will...it’s brutal.
No. I did see "Shoah" -- also brutal. Lot's of dead people it CLAIMED were murdered. No mention of typhus.
Have you seen this?: https://thegreateststorynevertold.tv

Seeing that StormFront has closed down I would think your fellow Nazis would be more than happy to join you in your quest to publicize the “TRUTH”.
Stormfront hasn't closed down (nyah, nyah).
And we are publicizing the truth wherever we're allowed to do so. Try truth-zone.net and gab.com/HolocaustLiesExposed for a couple of instances.

For the same reasons the Nazis tried to burn every document they had written when they knew the allies were just a few days away.
My, how convenient. Every last written record of this massive, coordinated genocide -- gone. Well, gee, that's just proof positive that it happened exactly like they say, huh?

the nazi Christian pigs
You betray your bigotry.

worked hard on their stories
Someone worked hard on their stories. The victors get to write and promote the "history" -- that's why the "good guys" always win.
Many documents were destroyed, but the Germans, being amazingly scrupulous with detailing everything they did, couldn’t destroy all of them.
And by the way, the numbers haven’t changed.
If anything, there’s that priest I saw last year on 60 Minutes, who keeps finding new ad how grave pits.
My mother-in-Law saw many people die from typhus. She had it also but was amazingly talented so they had to cure her. Her family got wiped out.

I am quite skeptical about the soap and lampshades.
People tend to hyperbolize, as if what happened wasn’t bad enough.

The hair, dolls and shoes actually exist so don’t even try going there.
Within the last year, I've come to believe the so-called Holocaust is shot through and through with absurdities and lies--everything from the lampshades made out of the skin of Jews to the ludicrous idea that genocidal Germans rounded up the Jews, shipped them halfway across the continent, put them up in barracks for a while, and THEN mass exterminated them.

Also, within the last three or four years, I've gradually discovered more and more details of what truly WAS a Holocaust--the deliberate program of mass extermination of Russian Christians at the hands of the Bolshevik Jews using methods that can only be described as Satanic (I can't think of any other word that captures how truly horrific the Red Terror in Russia was.)

Yet, practically everyone treats the former as nearly a holy shrine; in many countries you can go to jail for even questioning whether it happened. Countless movies, school curricula, not to mention all the Holocaust Memorials (paid for by taxpayers) constantly reinforce this phony event as if it is the central occurrence of human history. Meanwhile, there are no movies about the Red Terror, nothing in our schools' curricula, and one tiny statue that I know of memorializing "the victims of communism". It's on Massachusetts Ave in DC. I stood on the corner by that statue one day during the lunch hour and asked federal workers as they passed if they knew what the statue was for. Few did though they pass it every day.

Thank God for that tiny number of righteous Jews who speak the truth in the face of unhinged attacks such as the Jews on this board frequently launch. Without them, the entire race could justly be condemned as a mortal enemy. Because there is no justification for the utter perversion of history that the Jews have foisted on us except that they be an enemy.
I’m sure the 10 Bolshevik Jews had no help from any Christians.
You see the result of 1,000 years of pogroms.
Are you saying the Red Terror was justified?
Russia was a nightmare for 1,000 years.
Hitler centered his activities on one platform...
Exterminate the Jews.
Hitler knew no one would care.
Hitler ran against Jewish Bolsheviks, who had already slaughtered millions of Christians in Russia and attempted a violent coup in Germany. He never initiated a mass extermination of the Jews. Y'all are liars, liars, liars!
The Jews in Germany were assimilated and as successful as today’s US Jews.
That is why Hitler and Germans hated them.
The Jews in Germany and Russia had little or no contact with each other.
You must believe they all had iPhones.

The Jews in Germany were assimilated and as successful as today’s US Jews.
That is why Hitler and Germans hated them.
The Jews in Germany, despite the tolerance the Germans showed them that allowed them to become more successful than any Jewish population anywhere, betrayed their countrymen by bringing the US into WWI on the side of GB in exchange for the promise of Palestine. On top of that, there was a Jewish delegation from every belligerent country swarming the Paris Peace talks, and the heavily Jewish influenced document inflicted immense pain on the Germans. During the 20s, Jewish power in Germany was at its height, and, while Germans literally starved, Jews took advantage with the help of international banking and ended up owning 80 percent of the real assets of Germany, including real estate.

So there is a pretty potent cause for hatred right there that has nothing to do with "Jewish success".

The Jews in Germany and Russia had little or no contact with each other.

On top of that, in the meantime, the Jewish Bolsheviks in Russia unleashed the Red Terror on the Russian Christians and millions were being slaughtered. The Bolsheviks were also active in Germany (with Antifa!!!) and attempted a coup resulting in the execution of the German Bolshevik leaders--almost all Jews.

If I had been a German at that time, I would've joined the Nazi party. Only the effete and traitorous Germans didn't. They had every legitimate reason to hate the Jews and want them gone. (AS DID THE ZIONISTS, WHO WORKED WITH HITLER AND WERE THE ONLY GROUP TO DISPLAY THEIR OWN FLAG (Star off David) IN GERMANY AFTER HITLER CAME TO POWER).

What is it with you people and dishonesty?
Exhibits at that museum and the many other "Holocaust" museums are primarily re-creations -- better, fabrications & falsifications. EG - models of gas chambers, piles of shoes of the deceased that are actually only a few pairs of shoes attached to a raised base, and so forth. Meanwhile, the bars of soap that were claimed to have been made from the fat of victims and the lampshades that were claimed to have been made from their skin were removed when those lies were revealed.
Gee, they lied about soap and lampshades and other stuff; just maybe they might have lied about some other things...?
Meanwhile, the Auschwitz Museum in Poland lowered its official death total tally by nearly 3 million yet the magic number of 6,000,000 jewish victims hasn't been changed. Now ain't that strange?

Not one of whom among the Americans or British claimed to have seen a murderous gas chamber or an order for mass extermination. Or maybe I'm wrong -- please show us such testimony. There were Soviet testimonies, and we all know how honest the Soviets were. :rolleyes:

No. I did see "Shoah" -- also brutal. Lot's of dead people it CLAIMED were murdered. No mention of typhus.
Have you seen this?: https://thegreateststorynevertold.tv

Stormfront hasn't closed down (nyah, nyah).
And we are publicizing the truth wherever we're allowed to do so. Try truth-zone.net and gab.com/HolocaustLiesExposed for a couple of instances.

My, how convenient. Every last written record of this massive, coordinated genocide -- gone. Well, gee, that's just proof positive that it happened exactly like they say, huh?

You betray your bigotry.

Someone worked hard on their stories. The victors get to write and promote the "history" -- that's why the "good guys" always win.
Many documents were destroyed, but the Germans, being amazingly scrupulous with detailing everything they did, couldn’t destroy all of them.
And by the way, the numbers haven’t changed.
If anything, there’s that priest I saw last year on 60 Minutes, who keeps finding new ad how grave pits.
My mother-in-Law saw many people die from typhus. She had it also but was amazingly talented so they had to cure her. Her family got wiped out.

I am quite skeptical about the soap and lampshades.
People tend to hyperbolize, as if what happened wasn’t bad enough.

The hair, dolls and shoes actually exist so don’t even try going there.
Within the last year, I've come to believe the so-called Holocaust is shot through and through with absurdities and lies--everything from the lampshades made out of the skin of Jews to the ludicrous idea that genocidal Germans rounded up the Jews, shipped them halfway across the continent, put them up in barracks for a while, and THEN mass exterminated them.

Also, within the last three or four years, I've gradually discovered more and more details of what truly WAS a Holocaust--the deliberate program of mass extermination of Russian Christians at the hands of the Bolshevik Jews using methods that can only be described as Satanic (I can't think of any other word that captures how truly horrific the Red Terror in Russia was.)

Yet, practically everyone treats the former as nearly a holy shrine; in many countries you can go to jail for even questioning whether it happened. Countless movies, school curricula, not to mention all the Holocaust Memorials (paid for by taxpayers) constantly reinforce this phony event as if it is the central occurrence of human history. Meanwhile, there are no movies about the Red Terror, nothing in our schools' curricula, and one tiny statue that I know of memorializing "the victims of communism". It's on Massachusetts Ave in DC. I stood on the corner by that statue one day during the lunch hour and asked federal workers as they passed if they knew what the statue was for. Few did though they pass it every day.

Thank God for that tiny number of righteous Jews who speak the truth in the face of unhinged attacks such as the Jews on this board frequently launch. Without them, the entire race could justly be condemned as a mortal enemy. Because there is no justification for the utter perversion of history that the Jews have foisted on us except that they be an enemy.
I’m sure the 10 Bolshevik Jews had no help from any Christians.
You see the result of 1,000 years of pogroms.
Are you saying the Red Terror was justified?
Russia was a nightmare for 1,000 years.
So slaughter and torture men, women, and children to death? The nightmare in Russia was The Red Terror, and Jews were the cause. Satanic. Truly. By the way, read the book 200 YEARS TOGETHER by Alexander Solzhenitzen to get an accurate account of the relationship between Jews and Russians. Russians weren't perfect, but neither were the Jews by a long shot.
Many documents were destroyed, but the Germans, being amazingly scrupulous with detailing everything they did, couldn’t destroy all of them.
And by the way, the numbers haven’t changed.
If anything, there’s that priest I saw last year on 60 Minutes, who keeps finding new ad how grave pits.
My mother-in-Law saw many people die from typhus. She had it also but was amazingly talented so they had to cure her. Her family got wiped out.

I am quite skeptical about the soap and lampshades.
People tend to hyperbolize, as if what happened wasn’t bad enough.

The hair, dolls and shoes actually exist so don’t even try going there.
Within the last year, I've come to believe the so-called Holocaust is shot through and through with absurdities and lies--everything from the lampshades made out of the skin of Jews to the ludicrous idea that genocidal Germans rounded up the Jews, shipped them halfway across the continent, put them up in barracks for a while, and THEN mass exterminated them.

Also, within the last three or four years, I've gradually discovered more and more details of what truly WAS a Holocaust--the deliberate program of mass extermination of Russian Christians at the hands of the Bolshevik Jews using methods that can only be described as Satanic (I can't think of any other word that captures how truly horrific the Red Terror in Russia was.)

Yet, practically everyone treats the former as nearly a holy shrine; in many countries you can go to jail for even questioning whether it happened. Countless movies, school curricula, not to mention all the Holocaust Memorials (paid for by taxpayers) constantly reinforce this phony event as if it is the central occurrence of human history. Meanwhile, there are no movies about the Red Terror, nothing in our schools' curricula, and one tiny statue that I know of memorializing "the victims of communism". It's on Massachusetts Ave in DC. I stood on the corner by that statue one day during the lunch hour and asked federal workers as they passed if they knew what the statue was for. Few did though they pass it every day.

Thank God for that tiny number of righteous Jews who speak the truth in the face of unhinged attacks such as the Jews on this board frequently launch. Without them, the entire race could justly be condemned as a mortal enemy. Because there is no justification for the utter perversion of history that the Jews have foisted on us except that they be an enemy.
I’m sure the 10 Bolshevik Jews had no help from any Christians.
You see the result of 1,000 years of pogroms.
Are you saying the Red Terror was justified?
Russia was a nightmare for 1,000 years.
So slaughter and torture men, women, and children to death? The nightmare in Russia was The Red Terror, and Jews were the cause. Satanic. Truly. By the way, read the book 200 YEARS TOGETHER by Alexander Solzhenitzen to get an accurate account of the relationship between Jews and Russians. Russians weren't perfect, but neither were the Jews by a long shot.
Rewrite the last sentence...
The Russians weren’t perfect by a long shot and 99.9999999999999999999+ % of Jews who lived in Russian for 1,000 years never went on murder sprees.
Hitler centered his activities on one platform...
Exterminate the Jews.
Hitler knew no one would care.
Hitler ran against Jewish Bolsheviks, who had already slaughtered millions of Christians in Russia and attempted a violent coup in Germany. He never initiated a mass extermination of the Jews. Y'all are liars, liars, liars!
The Jews in Germany were assimilated and as successful as today’s US Jews.
That is why Hitler and Germans hated them.
The Jews in Germany and Russia had little or no contact with each other.
You must believe they all had iPhones.

The Jews in Germany were assimilated and as successful as today’s US Jews.
That is why Hitler and Germans hated them.
The Jews in Germany, despite the tolerance the Germans showed them that allowed them to become more successful than any Jewish population anywhere, betrayed their countrymen by bringing the US into WWI on the side of GB in exchange for the promise of Palestine. On top of that, there was a Jewish delegation from every belligerent country swarming the Paris Peace talks, and the heavily Jewish influenced document inflicted immense pain on the Germans. During the 20s, Jewish power in Germany was at its height, and, while Germans literally starved, Jews took advantage with the help of international banking and ended up owning 80 percent of the real assets of Germany, including real estate.

So there is a pretty potent cause for hatred right there that has nothing to do with "Jewish success".

The Jews in Germany and Russia had little or no contact with each other.

On top of that, in the meantime, the Jewish Bolsheviks in Russia unleashed the Red Terror on the Russian Christians and millions were being slaughtered. The Bolsheviks were also active in Germany (with Antifa!!!) and attempted a coup resulting in the execution of the German Bolshevik leaders--almost all Jews.

If I had been a German at that time, I would've joined the Nazi party. Only the effete and traitorous Germans didn't. They had every legitimate reason to hate the Jews and want them gone. (AS DID THE ZIONISTS, WHO WORKED WITH HITLER AND WERE THE ONLY GROUP TO DISPLAY THEIR OWN FLAG (Star off David) IN GERMANY AFTER HITLER CAME TO POWER).

What is it with you people and dishonesty?
God makes sure Jews and non-Jews who attempt to destroy Judaism are eradicated.
You have been trying to exterminate the Jew for 2,000 years and we’re still here.
Are you ready to face your maker and feel like a fool?
Within the last year, I've come to believe the so-called Holocaust is shot through and through with absurdities and lies--everything from the lampshades made out of the skin of Jews to the ludicrous idea that genocidal Germans rounded up the Jews, shipped them halfway across the continent, put them up in barracks for a while, and THEN mass exterminated them.

Also, within the last three or four years, I've gradually discovered more and more details of what truly WAS a Holocaust--the deliberate program of mass extermination of Russian Christians at the hands of the Bolshevik Jews using methods that can only be described as Satanic (I can't think of any other word that captures how truly horrific the Red Terror in Russia was.)

Yet, practically everyone treats the former as nearly a holy shrine; in many countries you can go to jail for even questioning whether it happened. Countless movies, school curricula, not to mention all the Holocaust Memorials (paid for by taxpayers) constantly reinforce this phony event as if it is the central occurrence of human history. Meanwhile, there are no movies about the Red Terror, nothing in our schools' curricula, and one tiny statue that I know of memorializing "the victims of communism". It's on Massachusetts Ave in DC. I stood on the corner by that statue one day during the lunch hour and asked federal workers as they passed if they knew what the statue was for. Few did though they pass it every day.

Thank God for that tiny number of righteous Jews who speak the truth in the face of unhinged attacks such as the Jews on this board frequently launch. Without them, the entire race could justly be condemned as a mortal enemy. Because there is no justification for the utter perversion of history that the Jews have foisted on us except that they be an enemy.
I’m sure the 10 Bolshevik Jews had no help from any Christians.
You see the result of 1,000 years of pogroms.
Are you saying the Red Terror was justified?
Russia was a nightmare for 1,000 years.
So slaughter and torture men, women, and children to death? The nightmare in Russia was The Red Terror, and Jews were the cause. Satanic. Truly. By the way, read the book 200 YEARS TOGETHER by Alexander Solzhenitzen to get an accurate account of the relationship between Jews and Russians. Russians weren't perfect, but neither were the Jews by a long shot.
Rewrite the last sentence...
The Russians weren’t perfect by a long shot and 99.9999999999999999999+ % of Jews who lived in Russian for 1,000 years never went on murder sprees.
You are a bore. We provide links to our sources. You spout slogans and wishes.
God makes sure Jews and non-Jews who attempt to destroy Judaism are eradicated.
You have been trying to exterminate the Jew for 2,000 years and we’re still here.
Are you ready to face your maker and feel like a fool?
You live in a fantasy world. Now, stop genociding the Palestinians.
I’m sure the 10 Bolshevik Jews had no help from any Christians.
You see the result of 1,000 years of pogroms.
Are you saying the Red Terror was justified?
Russia was a nightmare for 1,000 years.
So slaughter and torture men, women, and children to death? The nightmare in Russia was The Red Terror, and Jews were the cause. Satanic. Truly. By the way, read the book 200 YEARS TOGETHER by Alexander Solzhenitzen to get an accurate account of the relationship between Jews and Russians. Russians weren't perfect, but neither were the Jews by a long shot.
Rewrite the last sentence...
The Russians weren’t perfect by a long shot and 99.9999999999999999999+ % of Jews who lived in Russian for 1,000 years never went on murder sprees.
You are a bore. We provide links to our sources. You spout slogans and wishes.
You provide links to marginalized publications who agree with you.
God makes sure Jews and non-Jews who attempt to destroy Judaism are eradicated.
You have been trying to exterminate the Jew for 2,000 years and we’re still here.
Are you ready to face your maker and feel like a fool?
You live in a fantasy world. Now, stop genociding the Palestinians.
The Muslim covering mask is off!
6,000,000 Jews vs 1.2 billion Muslims...
Here's a good & recent example of how reality has been distorted to paint "the Nazis" as genocidal. It's from Reza Aslan Calls For Genocide Against Trump Supporters.

'The term “eradicate,” when used in the context of groups of people, is a call for genocide. An early intelligence record on Hitler’s “Final Solution” was declassified in 2001 under the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act, which contains statements by Axis diplomats referring to a plan for the “eradication” of Jews in Europe.'

i don't have the German original on which that intelligence record is based but the word translated as 'eradicate' was probably ausrotten, ausmerzen, or vertilgen or a variation.

The article above assumes the meaning of the German word to be 'eradicate' as in 'to kill off completely.' For any language, translation can't capture the full meaning or the precise meaning in context of a given word in it's original language. All 3 of those German words can mean something other than 'to kill off completely,' depending on context.

Ausrotten can mean physical extermination but also can mean to uproot & remove, for example.

By assuming beforehand that Hitler's Germany was genocidal, the article assumes that their meaning was eradication as in physical extermination rather than removal or elimination by some means other than mass-murder.

One could say i'm making excuses ... but only until one sees more of the intelligence record, which the article itself goes on to quote:

'The Jewish problem is being partially solved in the Protectorate [Reich Protectorate of Bohemia-Moravia], as it has been decided to eradicate all the Jews and send some to Poland and others to the town of Terezin, whilst looking for a more remote place,” reads an official Nazi dispatch to the Chilean government.'

If the word translated as "eradicate" meant killing "all the Jews" then how could they kill all of them and then "send some to Poland and others to...Terezin?"

Were they planning to send the corpses to Poland & Terezin?

It's obvious that the plan was to uproot & remove the jews of the Protectorate; to "eliminate" them by moving them elsewhere; not to "eradicate" them by killing them all.

When the "Holocaust" narrative is unquestionable & unquestioned, though, even the preposterous somehow makes sense and "the Nazis" remain genocidal even when their own words in their own documents demonstrate otherwise.



Since we're talking about holocausts and pogroms and massacres and all that fun stuff, I thought a little information on who actually wanted to slaughter whom might be in order.
I’m sure the 10 Bolshevik Jews had no help from any Christians.
The leadership wall all jews. The orders came from jews.

You see the result of 1,000 years of pogroms.
One would think that after "1,000 years" of such things, a people might undertake some collective introspection.
"Naaaah." Let's just blame "the NAZIS" for everything."

The Katyn Massacre: When Stalin Ordered The Execution Of 22,000 Men, Then Blamed The Nazis
I’m sure the 10 Bolshevik Jews had no help from any Christians.
The leadership wall all jews. The orders came from jews.

You see the result of 1,000 years of pogroms.
One would think that after "1,000 years" of such things, a people might undertake some collective introspection.
"Naaaah." Let's just blame "the NAZIS" for everything."

The Katyn Massacre: When Stalin Ordered The Execution Of 22,000 Men, Then Blamed The Nazis
Katyn massacre happened because Polish people had been bad antisemites, and Nazis.
Exhibits at that museum and the many other "Holocaust" museums are primarily re-creations -- better, fabrications & falsifications. EG - models of gas chambers, piles of shoes of the deceased that are actually only a few pairs of shoes attached to a raised base, and so forth. Meanwhile, the bars of soap that were claimed to have been made from the fat of victims and the lampshades that were claimed to have been made from their skin were removed when those lies were revealed.
Gee, they lied about soap and lampshades and other stuff; just maybe they might have lied about some other things...?
Meanwhile, the Auschwitz Museum in Poland lowered its official death total tally by nearly 3 million yet the magic number of 6,000,000 jewish victims hasn't been changed. Now ain't that strange?

Not one of whom among the Americans or British claimed to have seen a murderous gas chamber or an order for mass extermination. Or maybe I'm wrong -- please show us such testimony. There were Soviet testimonies, and we all know how honest the Soviets were. :rolleyes:

No. I did see "Shoah" -- also brutal. Lot's of dead people it CLAIMED were murdered. No mention of typhus.
Have you seen this?: https://thegreateststorynevertold.tv

Stormfront hasn't closed down (nyah, nyah).
And we are publicizing the truth wherever we're allowed to do so. Try truth-zone.net and gab.com/HolocaustLiesExposed for a couple of instances.

My, how convenient. Every last written record of this massive, coordinated genocide -- gone. Well, gee, that's just proof positive that it happened exactly like they say, huh?

You betray your bigotry.

Someone worked hard on their stories. The victors get to write and promote the "history" -- that's why the "good guys" always win.
Many documents were destroyed, but the Germans, being amazingly scrupulous with detailing everything they did, couldn’t destroy all of them.
And by the way, the numbers haven’t changed.
If anything, there’s that priest I saw last year on 60 Minutes, who keeps finding new ad how grave pits.
My mother-in-Law saw many people die from typhus. She had it also but was amazingly talented so they had to cure her. Her family got wiped out.

I am quite skeptical about the soap and lampshades.
People tend to hyperbolize, as if what happened wasn’t bad enough.

The hair, dolls and shoes actually exist so don’t even try going there.
Within the last year, I've come to believe the so-called Holocaust is shot through and through with absurdities and lies--everything from the lampshades made out of the skin of Jews to the ludicrous idea that genocidal Germans rounded up the Jews, shipped them halfway across the continent, put them up in barracks for a while, and THEN mass exterminated them.

Also, within the last three or four years, I've gradually discovered more and more details of what truly WAS a Holocaust--the deliberate program of mass extermination of Russian Christians at the hands of the Bolshevik Jews using methods that can only be described as Satanic (I can't think of any other word that captures how truly horrific the Red Terror in Russia was.)

Yet, practically everyone treats the former as nearly a holy shrine; in many countries you can go to jail for even questioning whether it happened. Countless movies, school curricula, not to mention all the Holocaust Memorials (paid for by taxpayers) constantly reinforce this phony event as if it is the central occurrence of human history. Meanwhile, there are no movies about the Red Terror, nothing in our schools' curricula, and one tiny statue that I know of memorializing "the victims of communism". It's on Massachusetts Ave in DC. I stood on the corner by that statue one day during the lunch hour and asked federal workers as they passed if they knew what the statue was for. Few did though they pass it every day.

Thank God for that tiny number of righteous Jews who speak the truth in the face of unhinged attacks such as the Jews on this board frequently launch. Without them, the entire race could justly be condemned as a mortal enemy. Because there is no justification for the utter perversion of history that the Jews have foisted on us except that they be an enemy.
I’m sure the 10 Bolshevik Jews had no help from any Christians.
You see the result of 1,000 years of pogroms.
Are you saying the Red Terror was justified?
Russia was a nightmare for 1,000 years.
Most of the pogroms happened in Ukraine, and Poland.
Hitler centered his activities on one platform...
Exterminate the Jews.
Hitler knew no one would care.
Hitler ran against Jewish Bolsheviks, who had already slaughtered millions of Christians in Russia and attempted a violent coup in Germany. He never initiated a mass extermination of the Jews. Y'all are liars, liars, liars!
The Jews in Germany were assimilated and as successful as today’s US Jews.
That is why Hitler and Germans hated them.
The Jews in Germany and Russia had little or no contact with each other.
You must believe they all had iPhones.
Jews were successful because they value education, and hard work. Many white goyim value drinks, and loose women.
Hitler centered his activities on one platform...
Exterminate the Jews.
Hitler knew no one would care.
Hitler ran against Jewish Bolsheviks, who had already slaughtered millions of Christians in Russia and attempted a violent coup in Germany. He never initiated a mass extermination of the Jews. Y'all are liars, liars, liars!
So why was there a shortage of Jews following WWII? There really were a missing 6 million Jews. Even Jewish women, and children were killed by the antisemitic monster Hitler.
Hitler centered his activities on one platform...
Exterminate the Jews.
Hitler knew no one would care.
Hitler ran against Jewish Bolsheviks, who had already slaughtered millions of Christians in Russia and attempted a violent coup in Germany. He never initiated a mass extermination of the Jews. Y'all are liars, liars, liars!
So why was there a shortage of Jews following WWII? There really were a missing 6 million Jews. Even Jewish women, and children were killed by the antisemitic monster Hitler.
Except, no.

According to the World Jewish Almanac:
In 1933, the year Hitler became German Chancellor, there were 15.32 million jews world-wide
In 1938, 5 years after Hitler became Chancellor & before WW2 broke out, there were 15.74 million jews world-wide
In 1942, deep into the war, there were 15.12 million jews world-wide
In 1947, after war's end, there were 15.68 million jews world-wide

So, in fact and according to a Jewish source, there was no "shortage of jews following WWII" at all. There really was not "a missing 6 million jews."

You were TOLD there was a missing 6 million jews and I was TOLD there was a missing 6 million jews but according to actual published population figures there was no missing 6 million jews.

You were TOLD that Hitler was a monster and I was TOLD that Hitler was a monster but ...
Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Hitler centered his activities on one platform...
Exterminate the Jews.
Hitler knew no one would care.
Hitler ran against Jewish Bolsheviks, who had already slaughtered millions of Christians in Russia and attempted a violent coup in Germany. He never initiated a mass extermination of the Jews. Y'all are liars, liars, liars!
The Jews in Germany were assimilated and as successful as today’s US Jews.
That is why Hitler and Germans hated them.
The Jews in Germany and Russia had little or no contact with each other.
You must believe they all had iPhones.
Jews were successful because they value education, and hard work. Many white goyim value drinks, and loose women.

Don't discount the value of loose women.

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