Every Jew has secret knowledge of a Zionist world conspiracy? Not true.

I’m sure the 10 Bolshevik Jews had no help from any Christians.
The leadership wall all jews. The orders came from jews.

You see the result of 1,000 years of pogroms.
One would think that after "1,000 years" of such things, a people might undertake some collective introspection.
"Naaaah." Let's just blame "the NAZIS" for everything."

The Katyn Massacre: When Stalin Ordered The Execution Of 22,000 Men, Then Blamed The Nazis
Katyn massacre happened because Polish people had been bad antisemites, and Nazis.
Katyn massacre happened because Polish people had been bad antisemites, and Nazis.
Hahaha...pathetic. "We killed you because you didn't like us, and we're going to keep killing you until you do."
Many documents were destroyed, but the Germans, being amazingly scrupulous with detailing everything they did, couldn’t destroy all of them.
And by the way, the numbers haven’t changed.
If anything, there’s that priest I saw last year on 60 Minutes, who keeps finding new ad how grave pits.
My mother-in-Law saw many people die from typhus. She had it also but was amazingly talented so they had to cure her. Her family got wiped out.

I am quite skeptical about the soap and lampshades.
People tend to hyperbolize, as if what happened wasn’t bad enough.

The hair, dolls and shoes actually exist so don’t even try going there.
Within the last year, I've come to believe the so-called Holocaust is shot through and through with absurdities and lies--everything from the lampshades made out of the skin of Jews to the ludicrous idea that genocidal Germans rounded up the Jews, shipped them halfway across the continent, put them up in barracks for a while, and THEN mass exterminated them.

Also, within the last three or four years, I've gradually discovered more and more details of what truly WAS a Holocaust--the deliberate program of mass extermination of Russian Christians at the hands of the Bolshevik Jews using methods that can only be described as Satanic (I can't think of any other word that captures how truly horrific the Red Terror in Russia was.)

Yet, practically everyone treats the former as nearly a holy shrine; in many countries you can go to jail for even questioning whether it happened. Countless movies, school curricula, not to mention all the Holocaust Memorials (paid for by taxpayers) constantly reinforce this phony event as if it is the central occurrence of human history. Meanwhile, there are no movies about the Red Terror, nothing in our schools' curricula, and one tiny statue that I know of memorializing "the victims of communism". It's on Massachusetts Ave in DC. I stood on the corner by that statue one day during the lunch hour and asked federal workers as they passed if they knew what the statue was for. Few did though they pass it every day.

Thank God for that tiny number of righteous Jews who speak the truth in the face of unhinged attacks such as the Jews on this board frequently launch. Without them, the entire race could justly be condemned as a mortal enemy. Because there is no justification for the utter perversion of history that the Jews have foisted on us except that they be an enemy.
I’m sure the 10 Bolshevik Jews had no help from any Christians.
You see the result of 1,000 years of pogroms.
Are you saying the Red Terror was justified?
Russia was a nightmare for 1,000 years.
Most of the pogroms happened in Ukraine, and Poland.
Most of the pogroms happened in Ukraine, and Poland.
in other words, where the Jews were.
Hitler centered his activities on one platform...
Exterminate the Jews.
Hitler knew no one would care.
Hitler ran against Jewish Bolsheviks, who had already slaughtered millions of Christians in Russia and attempted a violent coup in Germany. He never initiated a mass extermination of the Jews. Y'all are liars, liars, liars!
So why was there a shortage of Jews following WWII? There really were a missing 6 million Jews. Even Jewish women, and children were killed by the antisemitic monster Hitler.
Except, no.

According to the World Jewish Almanac:
In 1933, the year Hitler became German Chancellor, there were 15.32 million jews world-wide
In 1938, 5 years after Hitler became Chancellor & before WW2 broke out, there were 15.74 million jews world-wide
In 1942, deep into the war, there were 15.12 million jews world-wide
In 1947, after war's end, there were 15.68 million jews world-wide

So, in fact and according to a Jewish source, there was no "shortage of jews following WWII" at all. There really was not "a missing 6 million jews."

You were TOLD there was a missing 6 million jews and I was TOLD there was a missing 6 million jews but according to actual published population figures there was no missing 6 million jews.

You were TOLD that Hitler was a monster and I was TOLD that Hitler was a monster but ...
Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
I looked it up and it was a typo that Jew haters can’t let go of.
The US State Department (Jew Haters) came up with the 6 million Jews murdered number.
I’m sure the 10 Bolshevik Jews had no help from any Christians.
The leadership wall all jews. The orders came from jews.

You see the result of 1,000 years of pogroms.
One would think that after "1,000 years" of such things, a people might undertake some collective introspection.
"Naaaah." Let's just blame "the NAZIS" for everything."

The Katyn Massacre: When Stalin Ordered The Execution Of 22,000 Men, Then Blamed The Nazis
Katyn massacre happened because Polish people had been bad antisemites, and Nazis.
Katyn massacre happened because Polish people had been bad antisemites, and Nazis.
Hahaha...pathetic. "We killed you because you didn't like us, and we're going to keep killing you until you do."
Katyn massacre wasn't by Jews. It was by Beria a Georgian Orthodox Christian in origins. Same with Stalin being a Georgian of Orthodox Christian origins.
I looked it up and it was a typo that Jew haters can’t let go of.
No way...In '47, the World Jewish Almanac reported 15.68 million jews in the world, then in '48 reported 15.75 million. 2 typos, 2 years straight? Nah.

The US State Department (Jew Haters) came up with the 6 million Jews murdered number.
You said that well: "came up with" - It's an invented number, not supported by population data or reports from the Red Cross, British Intelligence, or US Intelligence.

Katyn massacre wasn't by Jews. It was by Beria a Georgian Orthodox Christian in origins. Same with Stalin being a Georgian of Orthodox Christian origins.
No one said it was perpetrated by jews. If you'd looked at the link, you'd have seen that it was said explicitly that it was carried out on Stalin's order. The point was that it was perpetrated by the Soviets and blamed on "the Nazis."
I looked it up and it was a typo that Jew haters can’t let go of.
No way...In '47, the World Jewish Almanac reported 15.68 million jews in the world, then in '48 reported 15.75 million. 2 typos, 2 years straight? Nah.

The US State Department (Jew Haters) came up with the 6 million Jews murdered number.
You said that well: "came up with" - It's an invented number, not supported by population data or reports from the Red Cross, British Intelligence, or US Intelligence.

Katyn massacre wasn't by Jews. It was by Beria a Georgian Orthodox Christian in origins. Same with Stalin being a Georgian of Orthodox Christian origins.
No one said it was perpetrated by jews. If you'd looked at the link, you'd have seen that it was said explicitly that it was carried out on Stalin's order. The point was that it was perpetrated by the Soviets and blamed on "the Nazis."
Yes, the infallible Jews made a typo and didn't use Microsoft Word to realize it.
That's because Microsoft Word didn't exist at the time.

And yes, the Jew hating US State Department went through the records kept by the Jew hating Russian & Polish governments to match their numbers with the Jews who were no longer in existence and came up with 6,000,000.

And yes, the UN was controlled by the JOOS...any other stupid shit you need to post.
Yes, the infallible Jews made a typo and didn't use Microsoft Word to realize it.
That's because Microsoft Word didn't exist at the time.
Really!!!! Gosh-a-roony, I didn't know that Microsoft Word didn't exist at the time!!!! Are you sure???!!!??? WOW!!!!! That's just amazing!!!! I'm in absolute awe of your vast historical knowledge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I guess that's why the infallible jews made a typo in 1947 and then the same typo in 1948, huh? They didn't have Microsoft Word so they couldn't possibly have corrected the typo.

The totals of over 15 million were printed at the bottoms of columns of population numbers by continent which were totals of population numbers by country. That's a whole lotta typos. A whole lotta typos that couldn't possibly have been corrected from one year's edition to the next because they didn't have MS Word, right?

You are REALLY bad at this.

And yes, the Jew hating US State Department went through the records kept by the Jew hating Russian & Polish governments to match their numbers with the Jews who were no longer in existence and came up with 6,000,000.
Because the Russian government was always scrupulously honest about everything. :rolleyes: Because the Russian government and the Polish government had no hard feelings towards Germany. :rolleyes: Because Russia and Poland were completely blameless in WWII and had conducted their war effort with the utmost of scruples and compassion. :rolleyes: Because Russia obeyed the Geneva Convention to the letter even though they refused to sign it. :rolleyes: Because the US State Dept. didn't have access to Red Cross, British Intelligence, or US Intelligence reports. :rolleyes: Because the Allies had no agenda except a pure-hearted pursuit of the truth. :rolleyes: Because the US government has never, ever lied about anything in the whole history of the country. :rolleyes: Because the demographers who composed population data didn't have MS Word and so kept making the same typos in the same rows & columns of numbers over and over. :rolleyes: Because everyone just KNOWS that 6 million jews were murdered by the evil, evil, evil "Nazis" even though there's no proof of that and there are records that contradict it. :rolleyes: Because the Jewish World Almanac and the neutral Red Cross made oodles of typos when composing their population and death reports. :rolleyes: Because no MS Word. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

You said it well again:
any other stupid shit you need to post.
I looked it up and it was a typo that Jew haters can’t let go of.
No way...In '47, the World Jewish Almanac reported 15.68 million jews in the world, then in '48 reported 15.75 million. 2 typos, 2 years straight? Nah.

The US State Department (Jew Haters) came up with the 6 million Jews murdered number.
You said that well: "came up with" - It's an invented number, not supported by population data or reports from the Red Cross, British Intelligence, or US Intelligence.

Katyn massacre wasn't by Jews. It was by Beria a Georgian Orthodox Christian in origins. Same with Stalin being a Georgian of Orthodox Christian origins.
No one said it was perpetrated by jews. If you'd looked at the link, you'd have seen that it was said explicitly that it was carried out on Stalin's order. The point was that it was perpetrated by the Soviets and blamed on "the Nazis."
The Jewish population grew since WWII, and just reached the same number over 15 million. There really was a Holocaust.
I looked it up and it was a typo that Jew haters can’t let go of.
No way...In '47, the World Jewish Almanac reported 15.68 million jews in the world, then in '48 reported 15.75 million. 2 typos, 2 years straight? Nah.

The US State Department (Jew Haters) came up with the 6 million Jews murdered number.
You said that well: "came up with" - It's an invented number, not supported by population data or reports from the Red Cross, British Intelligence, or US Intelligence.

Katyn massacre wasn't by Jews. It was by Beria a Georgian Orthodox Christian in origins. Same with Stalin being a Georgian of Orthodox Christian origins.
No one said it was perpetrated by jews. If you'd looked at the link, you'd have seen that it was said explicitly that it was carried out on Stalin's order. The point was that it was perpetrated by the Soviets and blamed on "the Nazis."
The Jewish population grew since WWII, and just reached the same number over 15 million. There really was a Holocaust.
My post #1079 on page 36 of this thread gives the World Jewish Almanac's jewish population numbers before Hitler came to power, just prior to the outbreak of WWII, during the war, and immediately following it...
In 1933, the year Hitler became German Chancellor, there were 15.32 million jews world-wide
In 1938, 5 years after Hitler became Chancellor & before WW2 broke out, there were 15.74 million jews world-wide
In 1942, deep into the war, there were 15.12 million jews world-wide
In 1947, after war's end, there were 15.68 million jews world-wide
Those numbers in combination would be impossible if 6 millions jews had perished during Hitler's rule. 6 million was roughly one third of the entire world jewish population. You can say "there really was a Holocaust" if you like but to say that 6 million jews were killed and the remaining 9-10 million restored those 6 million in only two years is ludicrous.
I looked it up and it was a typo that Jew haters can’t let go of.
No way...In '47, the World Jewish Almanac reported 15.68 million jews in the world, then in '48 reported 15.75 million. 2 typos, 2 years straight? Nah.

The US State Department (Jew Haters) came up with the 6 million Jews murdered number.
You said that well: "came up with" - It's an invented number, not supported by population data or reports from the Red Cross, British Intelligence, or US Intelligence.

Katyn massacre wasn't by Jews. It was by Beria a Georgian Orthodox Christian in origins. Same with Stalin being a Georgian of Orthodox Christian origins.
No one said it was perpetrated by jews. If you'd looked at the link, you'd have seen that it was said explicitly that it was carried out on Stalin's order. The point was that it was perpetrated by the Soviets and blamed on "the Nazis."
The Jewish population grew since WWII, and just reached the same number over 15 million. There really was a Holocaust.
The Jewish population grew since WWII, and just reached the same number over 15 million. There really was a Holocaust.
Eduard, if that is your name, we all grew up getting the same indoctrination. Hitler was the most evil man who ever lived, the Nazis the most evil people, 6 million innocent Jews, Auschwitz, Schindler's List, and the rest of it. The Holocaust was as unquestioned as 1776 was the year the Declaration of Independence was signed. Like everyone else, I believed it all. The first cracks in my faith in the Holocaust dogma appeared while I was in my early 20s through my friendship with a young ABC, American-born Chinese. One day "Steve" made some comment about his father hating Jews. I guess I expressed some kind of shock because he explained that his father owned a fish distribution business in the Fulton fish market in lower Manhattan and that's why he hated them.

"But what about the Holocaust", I asked like a good little brain-washed Christian.

"My father", responded Steve, "would probably ask what the Jews had done".

We said nothing more on the subject, but that imminently reasonable question never left me. Then, decades later, I found out that, in Europe, you will go to jail if you say you don't believe the Holocaust occurred. I was stunned by that; Europe had always seemed so civilized to me and now here is this law that is like a throwback to The Inquisition. You could go to jail for saying you didn't believe the Holocaust occurred? It seemed a little insane. I could say I don't believe the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776 and I won't get in trouble at all. No one cares whether I believe that or not. They'll just think I am wrong and leave it at that. But they'll think it's insane if I get thrown in jail for it.

It's only bullshit things you have to be forced to believe. In Galileo's day, you could be thrown in jail for not believing the sun goes around the earth. In the 16th Century, you could be burned at the stake if you didn't believe in the Holy Trinity. In 2019, you are banned from Twitter if you don't believe the Germans implemented a program to exterminate Jews in the 1940s.

When you start really looking into the whole Holocaust thing, you start to discover things that don't add up.

If the Germans had systematically exterminated six million Jews--because they were Jews--during WWII, it would have been a crime of historical proportions and easily the seminal event of the war. When a shocking history-changing event like that occurs, the typical pattern is a great deal discussion about that event immediately afterwards. Then, public discussion of the event diminishes as the distance in time from the event increases. For example, in the first weeks following 9-11, the airwaves were filled with non-stop coverage of the attacks. Then things slowly returned to normal until, now, 9-11 is just another historical event. With the Holocaust, exactly the opposite occurred. Immediately following the war, there was no discussion of a program to exterminate Jews at all. In fact, three men who were war leaders, De Gaulle in France, Churchill in England, and Eisenhower, each wrote their memoirs of the war. De Gaulle's was a sizable book, Eisenhower's ran to over a thousand pages, and Churchill's was published in six volumes. In all those thousands of pages, by men of all men in the world in positions to know, there isn't a single mention of a Nazi extermination program against the Jews. But as the distance in time from the event increased, the public discussion of the event increased until today there are Holocaust memorials in every major city and endless public discussion of it--the exact opposite of what you would expect to happen.

American Pravda: Holocaust Denial

It takes a person of strong character to stand up for truth in the face of the mob. That must be especially true for a Jewish person concerning the Holocaust. But as which are you most an asset to your people? As a man of strong character or as a Holocaust adherent?
I looked it up and it was a typo that Jew haters can’t let go of.
No way...In '47, the World Jewish Almanac reported 15.68 million jews in the world, then in '48 reported 15.75 million. 2 typos, 2 years straight? Nah.

The US State Department (Jew Haters) came up with the 6 million Jews murdered number.
You said that well: "came up with" - It's an invented number, not supported by population data or reports from the Red Cross, British Intelligence, or US Intelligence.

Katyn massacre wasn't by Jews. It was by Beria a Georgian Orthodox Christian in origins. Same with Stalin being a Georgian of Orthodox Christian origins.
No one said it was perpetrated by jews. If you'd looked at the link, you'd have seen that it was said explicitly that it was carried out on Stalin's order. The point was that it was perpetrated by the Soviets and blamed on "the Nazis."
The Jewish population grew since WWII, and just reached the same number over 15 million. There really was a Holocaust.
My post #1079 on page 36 of this thread gives the World Jewish Almanac's jewish population numbers before Hitler came to power, just prior to the outbreak of WWII, during the war, and immediately following it...
In 1933, the year Hitler became German Chancellor, there were 15.32 million jews world-wide
In 1938, 5 years after Hitler became Chancellor & before WW2 broke out, there were 15.74 million jews world-wide
In 1942, deep into the war, there were 15.12 million jews world-wide
In 1947, after war's end, there were 15.68 million jews world-wide
Those numbers in combination would be impossible if 6 millions jews had perished during Hitler's rule. 6 million was roughly one third of the entire world jewish population. You can say "there really was a Holocaust" if you like but to say that 6 million jews were killed and the remaining 9-10 million restored those 6 million in only two years is ludicrous.
Europe between 1945 and 1985 grew, and so did Jews.
I looked it up and it was a typo that Jew haters can’t let go of.
No way...In '47, the World Jewish Almanac reported 15.68 million jews in the world, then in '48 reported 15.75 million. 2 typos, 2 years straight? Nah.

The US State Department (Jew Haters) came up with the 6 million Jews murdered number.
You said that well: "came up with" - It's an invented number, not supported by population data or reports from the Red Cross, British Intelligence, or US Intelligence.

Katyn massacre wasn't by Jews. It was by Beria a Georgian Orthodox Christian in origins. Same with Stalin being a Georgian of Orthodox Christian origins.
No one said it was perpetrated by jews. If you'd looked at the link, you'd have seen that it was said explicitly that it was carried out on Stalin's order. The point was that it was perpetrated by the Soviets and blamed on "the Nazis."
The Jewish population grew since WWII, and just reached the same number over 15 million. There really was a Holocaust.
The Jewish population grew since WWII, and just reached the same number over 15 million. There really was a Holocaust.
Eduard, if that is your name, we all grew up getting the same indoctrination. Hitler was the most evil man who ever lived, the Nazis the most evil people, 6 million innocent Jews, Auschwitz, Schindler's List, and the rest of it. The Holocaust was as unquestioned as 1776 was the year the Declaration of Independence was signed. Like everyone else, I believed it all. The first cracks in my faith in the Holocaust dogma appeared while I was in my early 20s through my friendship with a young ABC, American-born Chinese. One day "Steve" made some comment about his father hating Jews. I guess I expressed some kind of shock because he explained that his father owned a fish distribution business in the Fulton fish market in lower Manhattan and that's why he hated them.

"But what about the Holocaust", I asked like a good little brain-washed Christian.

"My father", responded Steve, "would probably ask what the Jews had done".

We said nothing more on the subject, but that imminently reasonable question never left me. Then, decades later, I found out that, in Europe, you will go to jail if you say you don't believe the Holocaust occurred. I was stunned by that; Europe had always seemed so civilized to me and now here is this law that is like a throwback to The Inquisition. You could go to jail for saying you didn't believe the Holocaust occurred? It seemed a little insane. I could say I don't believe the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776 and I won't get in trouble at all. No one cares whether I believe that or not. They'll just think I am wrong and leave it at that. But they'll think it's insane if I get thrown in jail for it.

It's only bullshit things you have to be forced to believe. In Galileo's day, you could be thrown in jail for not believing the sun goes around the earth. In the 16th Century, you could be burned at the stake if you didn't believe in the Holy Trinity. In 2019, you are banned from Twitter if you don't believe the Germans implemented a program to exterminate Jews in the 1940s.

When you start really looking into the whole Holocaust thing, you start to discover things that don't add up.

If the Germans had systematically exterminated six million Jews--because they were Jews--during WWII, it would have been a crime of historical proportions and easily the seminal event of the war. When a shocking history-changing event like that occurs, the typical pattern is a great deal discussion about that event immediately afterwards. Then, public discussion of the event diminishes as the distance in time from the event increases. For example, in the first weeks following 9-11, the airwaves were filled with non-stop coverage of the attacks. Then things slowly returned to normal until, now, 9-11 is just another historical event. With the Holocaust, exactly the opposite occurred. Immediately following the war, there was no discussion of a program to exterminate Jews at all. In fact, three men who were war leaders, De Gaulle in France, Churchill in England, and Eisenhower, each wrote their memoirs of the war. De Gaulle's was a sizable book, Eisenhower's ran to over a thousand pages, and Churchill's was published in six volumes. In all those thousands of pages, by men of all men in the world in positions to know, there isn't a single mention of a Nazi extermination program against the Jews. But as the distance in time from the event increased, the public discussion of the event increased until today there are Holocaust memorials in every major city and endless public discussion of it--the exact opposite of what you would expect to happen.

American Pravda: Holocaust Denial

It takes a person of strong character to stand up for truth in the face of the mob. That must be especially true for a Jewish person concerning the Holocaust. But as which are you most an asset to your people? As a man of strong character or as a Holocaust adherent?
Insane, everybody knows the Holocaust happened. Except ignorant Nazis.
I looked it up and it was a typo that Jew haters can’t let go of.
No way...In '47, the World Jewish Almanac reported 15.68 million jews in the world, then in '48 reported 15.75 million. 2 typos, 2 years straight? Nah.

The US State Department (Jew Haters) came up with the 6 million Jews murdered number.
You said that well: "came up with" - It's an invented number, not supported by population data or reports from the Red Cross, British Intelligence, or US Intelligence.

Katyn massacre wasn't by Jews. It was by Beria a Georgian Orthodox Christian in origins. Same with Stalin being a Georgian of Orthodox Christian origins.
No one said it was perpetrated by jews. If you'd looked at the link, you'd have seen that it was said explicitly that it was carried out on Stalin's order. The point was that it was perpetrated by the Soviets and blamed on "the Nazis."
The Jewish population grew since WWII, and just reached the same number over 15 million. There really was a Holocaust.
The Jewish population grew since WWII, and just reached the same number over 15 million. There really was a Holocaust.
Eduard, if that is your name, we all grew up getting the same indoctrination. Hitler was the most evil man who ever lived, the Nazis the most evil people, 6 million innocent Jews, Auschwitz, Schindler's List, and the rest of it. The Holocaust was as unquestioned as 1776 was the year the Declaration of Independence was signed. Like everyone else, I believed it all. The first cracks in my faith in the Holocaust dogma appeared while I was in my early 20s through my friendship with a young ABC, American-born Chinese. One day "Steve" made some comment about his father hating Jews. I guess I expressed some kind of shock because he explained that his father owned a fish distribution business in the Fulton fish market in lower Manhattan and that's why he hated them.

"But what about the Holocaust", I asked like a good little brain-washed Christian.

"My father", responded Steve, "would probably ask what the Jews had done".

We said nothing more on the subject, but that imminently reasonable question never left me. Then, decades later, I found out that, in Europe, you will go to jail if you say you don't believe the Holocaust occurred. I was stunned by that; Europe had always seemed so civilized to me and now here is this law that is like a throwback to The Inquisition. You could go to jail for saying you didn't believe the Holocaust occurred? It seemed a little insane. I could say I don't believe the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776 and I won't get in trouble at all. No one cares whether I believe that or not. They'll just think I am wrong and leave it at that. But they'll think it's insane if I get thrown in jail for it.

It's only bullshit things you have to be forced to believe. In Galileo's day, you could be thrown in jail for not believing the sun goes around the earth. In the 16th Century, you could be burned at the stake if you didn't believe in the Holy Trinity. In 2019, you are banned from Twitter if you don't believe the Germans implemented a program to exterminate Jews in the 1940s.

When you start really looking into the whole Holocaust thing, you start to discover things that don't add up.

If the Germans had systematically exterminated six million Jews--because they were Jews--during WWII, it would have been a crime of historical proportions and easily the seminal event of the war. When a shocking history-changing event like that occurs, the typical pattern is a great deal discussion about that event immediately afterwards. Then, public discussion of the event diminishes as the distance in time from the event increases. For example, in the first weeks following 9-11, the airwaves were filled with non-stop coverage of the attacks. Then things slowly returned to normal until, now, 9-11 is just another historical event. With the Holocaust, exactly the opposite occurred. Immediately following the war, there was no discussion of a program to exterminate Jews at all. In fact, three men who were war leaders, De Gaulle in France, Churchill in England, and Eisenhower, each wrote their memoirs of the war. De Gaulle's was a sizable book, Eisenhower's ran to over a thousand pages, and Churchill's was published in six volumes. In all those thousands of pages, by men of all men in the world in positions to know, there isn't a single mention of a Nazi extermination program against the Jews. But as the distance in time from the event increased, the public discussion of the event increased until today there are Holocaust memorials in every major city and endless public discussion of it--the exact opposite of what you would expect to happen.

American Pravda: Holocaust Denial

It takes a person of strong character to stand up for truth in the face of the mob. That must be especially true for a Jewish person concerning the Holocaust. But as which are you most an asset to your people? As a man of strong character or as a Holocaust adherent?
Insane, everybody knows the Holocaust happened. Except ignorant Nazis.
Insane, everybody knows the Holocaust happened. Except ignorant Nazis.
Then why have you and the other Jews on this site been unable to counter our arguments? All you've been able to do is shriek about Nazis and hurl insults. That's the mark of a person with a weak argument (and a deficient upbringing). Why do you have to threaten people with jail if they don't believe your Holocaust story? That's the way totalitarian types enforce lies, not the way a free people offers argument.
I looked it up and it was a typo that Jew haters can’t let go of.
No way...In '47, the World Jewish Almanac reported 15.68 million jews in the world, then in '48 reported 15.75 million. 2 typos, 2 years straight? Nah.

The US State Department (Jew Haters) came up with the 6 million Jews murdered number.
You said that well: "came up with" - It's an invented number, not supported by population data or reports from the Red Cross, British Intelligence, or US Intelligence.

Katyn massacre wasn't by Jews. It was by Beria a Georgian Orthodox Christian in origins. Same with Stalin being a Georgian of Orthodox Christian origins.
No one said it was perpetrated by jews. If you'd looked at the link, you'd have seen that it was said explicitly that it was carried out on Stalin's order. The point was that it was perpetrated by the Soviets and blamed on "the Nazis."
The Jewish population grew since WWII, and just reached the same number over 15 million. There really was a Holocaust.
The Jewish population grew since WWII, and just reached the same number over 15 million. There really was a Holocaust.
Eduard, if that is your name, we all grew up getting the same indoctrination. Hitler was the most evil man who ever lived, the Nazis the most evil people, 6 million innocent Jews, Auschwitz, Schindler's List, and the rest of it. The Holocaust was as unquestioned as 1776 was the year the Declaration of Independence was signed. Like everyone else, I believed it all. The first cracks in my faith in the Holocaust dogma appeared while I was in my early 20s through my friendship with a young ABC, American-born Chinese. One day "Steve" made some comment about his father hating Jews. I guess I expressed some kind of shock because he explained that his father owned a fish distribution business in the Fulton fish market in lower Manhattan and that's why he hated them.

"But what about the Holocaust", I asked like a good little brain-washed Christian.

"My father", responded Steve, "would probably ask what the Jews had done".

We said nothing more on the subject, but that imminently reasonable question never left me. Then, decades later, I found out that, in Europe, you will go to jail if you say you don't believe the Holocaust occurred. I was stunned by that; Europe had always seemed so civilized to me and now here is this law that is like a throwback to The Inquisition. You could go to jail for saying you didn't believe the Holocaust occurred? It seemed a little insane. I could say I don't believe the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776 and I won't get in trouble at all. No one cares whether I believe that or not. They'll just think I am wrong and leave it at that. But they'll think it's insane if I get thrown in jail for it.

It's only bullshit things you have to be forced to believe. In Galileo's day, you could be thrown in jail for not believing the sun goes around the earth. In the 16th Century, you could be burned at the stake if you didn't believe in the Holy Trinity. In 2019, you are banned from Twitter if you don't believe the Germans implemented a program to exterminate Jews in the 1940s.

When you start really looking into the whole Holocaust thing, you start to discover things that don't add up.

If the Germans had systematically exterminated six million Jews--because they were Jews--during WWII, it would have been a crime of historical proportions and easily the seminal event of the war. When a shocking history-changing event like that occurs, the typical pattern is a great deal discussion about that event immediately afterwards. Then, public discussion of the event diminishes as the distance in time from the event increases. For example, in the first weeks following 9-11, the airwaves were filled with non-stop coverage of the attacks. Then things slowly returned to normal until, now, 9-11 is just another historical event. With the Holocaust, exactly the opposite occurred. Immediately following the war, there was no discussion of a program to exterminate Jews at all. In fact, three men who were war leaders, De Gaulle in France, Churchill in England, and Eisenhower, each wrote their memoirs of the war. De Gaulle's was a sizable book, Eisenhower's ran to over a thousand pages, and Churchill's was published in six volumes. In all those thousands of pages, by men of all men in the world in positions to know, there isn't a single mention of a Nazi extermination program against the Jews. But as the distance in time from the event increased, the public discussion of the event increased until today there are Holocaust memorials in every major city and endless public discussion of it--the exact opposite of what you would expect to happen.

American Pravda: Holocaust Denial

It takes a person of strong character to stand up for truth in the face of the mob. That must be especially true for a Jewish person concerning the Holocaust. But as which are you most an asset to your people? As a man of strong character or as a Holocaust adherent?
Insane, everybody knows the Holocaust happened. Except ignorant Nazis.
Insane, everybody knows the Holocaust happened. Except ignorant Nazis.
Then why have you and the other Jews on this site been unable to counter our arguments? All you've been able to do is shriek about Nazis and hurl insults. That's the mark of a person with a weak argument (and a deficient upbringing). Why do you have to threaten people with jail if they don't believe your Holocaust story? That's the way totalitarian types enforce lies, not the way a free people offers argument.
We should argue with cherry picked arguments?
Or unnamed historians who say it never happened.
Is that your argument?
I looked it up and it was a typo that Jew haters can’t let go of.
No way...In '47, the World Jewish Almanac reported 15.68 million jews in the world, then in '48 reported 15.75 million. 2 typos, 2 years straight? Nah.

The US State Department (Jew Haters) came up with the 6 million Jews murdered number.
You said that well: "came up with" - It's an invented number, not supported by population data or reports from the Red Cross, British Intelligence, or US Intelligence.

Katyn massacre wasn't by Jews. It was by Beria a Georgian Orthodox Christian in origins. Same with Stalin being a Georgian of Orthodox Christian origins.
No one said it was perpetrated by jews. If you'd looked at the link, you'd have seen that it was said explicitly that it was carried out on Stalin's order. The point was that it was perpetrated by the Soviets and blamed on "the Nazis."
The Jewish population grew since WWII, and just reached the same number over 15 million. There really was a Holocaust.
The Jewish population grew since WWII, and just reached the same number over 15 million. There really was a Holocaust.
Eduard, if that is your name, we all grew up getting the same indoctrination. Hitler was the most evil man who ever lived, the Nazis the most evil people, 6 million innocent Jews, Auschwitz, Schindler's List, and the rest of it. The Holocaust was as unquestioned as 1776 was the year the Declaration of Independence was signed. Like everyone else, I believed it all. The first cracks in my faith in the Holocaust dogma appeared while I was in my early 20s through my friendship with a young ABC, American-born Chinese. One day "Steve" made some comment about his father hating Jews. I guess I expressed some kind of shock because he explained that his father owned a fish distribution business in the Fulton fish market in lower Manhattan and that's why he hated them.

"But what about the Holocaust", I asked like a good little brain-washed Christian.

"My father", responded Steve, "would probably ask what the Jews had done".

We said nothing more on the subject, but that imminently reasonable question never left me. Then, decades later, I found out that, in Europe, you will go to jail if you say you don't believe the Holocaust occurred. I was stunned by that; Europe had always seemed so civilized to me and now here is this law that is like a throwback to The Inquisition. You could go to jail for saying you didn't believe the Holocaust occurred? It seemed a little insane. I could say I don't believe the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776 and I won't get in trouble at all. No one cares whether I believe that or not. They'll just think I am wrong and leave it at that. But they'll think it's insane if I get thrown in jail for it.

It's only bullshit things you have to be forced to believe. In Galileo's day, you could be thrown in jail for not believing the sun goes around the earth. In the 16th Century, you could be burned at the stake if you didn't believe in the Holy Trinity. In 2019, you are banned from Twitter if you don't believe the Germans implemented a program to exterminate Jews in the 1940s.

When you start really looking into the whole Holocaust thing, you start to discover things that don't add up.

If the Germans had systematically exterminated six million Jews--because they were Jews--during WWII, it would have been a crime of historical proportions and easily the seminal event of the war. When a shocking history-changing event like that occurs, the typical pattern is a great deal discussion about that event immediately afterwards. Then, public discussion of the event diminishes as the distance in time from the event increases. For example, in the first weeks following 9-11, the airwaves were filled with non-stop coverage of the attacks. Then things slowly returned to normal until, now, 9-11 is just another historical event. With the Holocaust, exactly the opposite occurred. Immediately following the war, there was no discussion of a program to exterminate Jews at all. In fact, three men who were war leaders, De Gaulle in France, Churchill in England, and Eisenhower, each wrote their memoirs of the war. De Gaulle's was a sizable book, Eisenhower's ran to over a thousand pages, and Churchill's was published in six volumes. In all those thousands of pages, by men of all men in the world in positions to know, there isn't a single mention of a Nazi extermination program against the Jews. But as the distance in time from the event increased, the public discussion of the event increased until today there are Holocaust memorials in every major city and endless public discussion of it--the exact opposite of what you would expect to happen.

American Pravda: Holocaust Denial

It takes a person of strong character to stand up for truth in the face of the mob. That must be especially true for a Jewish person concerning the Holocaust. But as which are you most an asset to your people? As a man of strong character or as a Holocaust adherent?
Americans at the time had no love forJews.
I looked it up and it was a typo that Jew haters can’t let go of.
No way...In '47, the World Jewish Almanac reported 15.68 million jews in the world, then in '48 reported 15.75 million. 2 typos, 2 years straight? Nah.

The US State Department (Jew Haters) came up with the 6 million Jews murdered number.
You said that well: "came up with" - It's an invented number, not supported by population data or reports from the Red Cross, British Intelligence, or US Intelligence.

Katyn massacre wasn't by Jews. It was by Beria a Georgian Orthodox Christian in origins. Same with Stalin being a Georgian of Orthodox Christian origins.
No one said it was perpetrated by jews. If you'd looked at the link, you'd have seen that it was said explicitly that it was carried out on Stalin's order. The point was that it was perpetrated by the Soviets and blamed on "the Nazis."
The Jewish population grew since WWII, and just reached the same number over 15 million. There really was a Holocaust.
My post #1079 on page 36 of this thread gives the World Jewish Almanac's jewish population numbers before Hitler came to power, just prior to the outbreak of WWII, during the war, and immediately following it...
In 1933, the year Hitler became German Chancellor, there were 15.32 million jews world-wide
In 1938, 5 years after Hitler became Chancellor & before WW2 broke out, there were 15.74 million jews world-wide
In 1942, deep into the war, there were 15.12 million jews world-wide
In 1947, after war's end, there were 15.68 million jews world-wide
Those numbers in combination would be impossible if 6 millions jews had perished during Hitler's rule. 6 million was roughly one third of the entire world jewish population. You can say "there really was a Holocaust" if you like but to say that 6 million jews were killed and the remaining 9-10 million restored those 6 million in only two years is ludicrous.
Europe between 1945 and 1985 grew, and so did Jews.
Your statement is completely irrelevant to the one to which it's a reply and does absolutely nothing to make your case or argue against mine. Is it a reading comprehension problem that you have or are you just being obtuse intentionally?

Insane, everybody knows the Holocaust happened.
Yes, everybody just KNOWS it happened. Yet, no one can prove it happened and there's a mountain of evidence that it didn't happen in the way, to the degree, or for the reasons everybody KNOWS it happened.

Except ignorant Nazis.
Being unaware of the evidence that disproves the accepted "Holocaust" narrative is ignorance. Ignoring the evidence that disproves the accepted "Holocaust" narrative is willful ignorance. Accepting something as true and asserting its truth as undeniable without assessing the evidence displays ignorance. Calling other people ignorant when one has displayed only ignorance is both arrogant and ignorant.

We should argue with cherry picked arguments?
Or unnamed historians who say it never happened.
Yes, you should. If you can. It should be simple to do. If you can. Why haven't you? If you can? If they're just cherry picked arguments, it should be easy to make a comprehensive opposing argument. If it happened, it should be simple to provide comprehensive proof of it and to rebut any contrary argument. Why haven't you?
I looked it up and it was a typo that Jew haters can’t let go of.
No way...In '47, the World Jewish Almanac reported 15.68 million jews in the world, then in '48 reported 15.75 million. 2 typos, 2 years straight? Nah.

The US State Department (Jew Haters) came up with the 6 million Jews murdered number.
You said that well: "came up with" - It's an invented number, not supported by population data or reports from the Red Cross, British Intelligence, or US Intelligence.

Katyn massacre wasn't by Jews. It was by Beria a Georgian Orthodox Christian in origins. Same with Stalin being a Georgian of Orthodox Christian origins.
No one said it was perpetrated by jews. If you'd looked at the link, you'd have seen that it was said explicitly that it was carried out on Stalin's order. The point was that it was perpetrated by the Soviets and blamed on "the Nazis."
The Jewish population grew since WWII, and just reached the same number over 15 million. There really was a Holocaust.
My post #1079 on page 36 of this thread gives the World Jewish Almanac's jewish population numbers before Hitler came to power, just prior to the outbreak of WWII, during the war, and immediately following it...
In 1933, the year Hitler became German Chancellor, there were 15.32 million jews world-wide
In 1938, 5 years after Hitler became Chancellor & before WW2 broke out, there were 15.74 million jews world-wide
In 1942, deep into the war, there were 15.12 million jews world-wide
In 1947, after war's end, there were 15.68 million jews world-wide
Those numbers in combination would be impossible if 6 millions jews had perished during Hitler's rule. 6 million was roughly one third of the entire world jewish population. You can say "there really was a Holocaust" if you like but to say that 6 million jews were killed and the remaining 9-10 million restored those 6 million in only two years is ludicrous.
Europe between 1945 and 1985 grew, and so did Jews.
Your statement is completely irrelevant to the one to which it's a reply and does absolutely nothing to make your case or argue against mine. Is it a reading comprehension problem that you have or are you just being obtuse intentionally?

Insane, everybody knows the Holocaust happened.
Yes, everybody just KNOWS it happened. Yet, no one can prove it happened and there's a mountain of evidence that it didn't happen in the way, to the degree, or for the reasons everybody KNOWS it happened.

Except ignorant Nazis.
Being unaware of the evidence that disproves the accepted "Holocaust" narrative is ignorance. Ignoring the evidence that disproves the accepted "Holocaust" narrative is willful ignorance. Accepting something as true and asserting its truth as undeniable without assessing the evidence displays ignorance. Calling other people ignorant when one has displayed only ignorance is both arrogant and ignorant.

We should argue with cherry picked arguments?
Or unnamed historians who say it never happened.
Yes, you should. If you can. It should be simple to do. If you can. Why haven't you? If you can? If they're just cherry picked arguments, it should be easy to make a comprehensive opposing argument. If it happened, it should be simple to provide comprehensive proof of it and to rebut any contrary argument. Why haven't you?
So when you state that a group of anonymous scholars discredited the documentation that everybody accepted I should counter with my own anonymous scholars?
Are you posting from an insane asylum?
No way...In '47, the World Jewish Almanac reported 15.68 million jews in the world, then in '48 reported 15.75 million. 2 typos, 2 years straight? Nah.

You said that well: "came up with" - It's an invented number, not supported by population data or reports from the Red Cross, British Intelligence, or US Intelligence.

No one said it was perpetrated by jews. If you'd looked at the link, you'd have seen that it was said explicitly that it was carried out on Stalin's order. The point was that it was perpetrated by the Soviets and blamed on "the Nazis."
The Jewish population grew since WWII, and just reached the same number over 15 million. There really was a Holocaust.
My post #1079 on page 36 of this thread gives the World Jewish Almanac's jewish population numbers before Hitler came to power, just prior to the outbreak of WWII, during the war, and immediately following it...
In 1933, the year Hitler became German Chancellor, there were 15.32 million jews world-wide
In 1938, 5 years after Hitler became Chancellor & before WW2 broke out, there were 15.74 million jews world-wide
In 1942, deep into the war, there were 15.12 million jews world-wide
In 1947, after war's end, there were 15.68 million jews world-wide
Those numbers in combination would be impossible if 6 millions jews had perished during Hitler's rule. 6 million was roughly one third of the entire world jewish population. You can say "there really was a Holocaust" if you like but to say that 6 million jews were killed and the remaining 9-10 million restored those 6 million in only two years is ludicrous.
Europe between 1945 and 1985 grew, and so did Jews.
Your statement is completely irrelevant to the one to which it's a reply and does absolutely nothing to make your case or argue against mine. Is it a reading comprehension problem that you have or are you just being obtuse intentionally?

Insane, everybody knows the Holocaust happened.
Yes, everybody just KNOWS it happened. Yet, no one can prove it happened and there's a mountain of evidence that it didn't happen in the way, to the degree, or for the reasons everybody KNOWS it happened.

Except ignorant Nazis.
Being unaware of the evidence that disproves the accepted "Holocaust" narrative is ignorance. Ignoring the evidence that disproves the accepted "Holocaust" narrative is willful ignorance. Accepting something as true and asserting its truth as undeniable without assessing the evidence displays ignorance. Calling other people ignorant when one has displayed only ignorance is both arrogant and ignorant.

We should argue with cherry picked arguments?
Or unnamed historians who say it never happened.
Yes, you should. If you can. It should be simple to do. If you can. Why haven't you? If you can? If they're just cherry picked arguments, it should be easy to make a comprehensive opposing argument. If it happened, it should be simple to provide comprehensive proof of it and to rebut any contrary argument. Why haven't you?
So when you state that a group of anonymous scholars discredited the documentation that everybody accepted I should counter with my own anonymous scholars?
Are you posting from an insane asylum?

Please provide a link...the identity...a description of this "documentation". (Warm and profitable eye-witness "memories" of atrocities sharpened by decades of fine-tuning don't count as "documentation".) Of course, you can't--and you won't. Your responses here are yet another subterfuge to give the appearance that we are having an actual debate, and that, therefore, we have not debunked the six million lampshades stories. You make yourself an enemy of the truth. Therefore, you are truly an enemy of humanity.
I looked it up and it was a typo that Jew haters can’t let go of.
No way...In '47, the World Jewish Almanac reported 15.68 million jews in the world, then in '48 reported 15.75 million. 2 typos, 2 years straight? Nah.

The US State Department (Jew Haters) came up with the 6 million Jews murdered number.
You said that well: "came up with" - It's an invented number, not supported by population data or reports from the Red Cross, British Intelligence, or US Intelligence.

Katyn massacre wasn't by Jews. It was by Beria a Georgian Orthodox Christian in origins. Same with Stalin being a Georgian of Orthodox Christian origins.
No one said it was perpetrated by jews. If you'd looked at the link, you'd have seen that it was said explicitly that it was carried out on Stalin's order. The point was that it was perpetrated by the Soviets and blamed on "the Nazis."
The Jewish population grew since WWII, and just reached the same number over 15 million. There really was a Holocaust.
My post #1079 on page 36 of this thread gives the World Jewish Almanac's jewish population numbers before Hitler came to power, just prior to the outbreak of WWII, during the war, and immediately following it...
In 1933, the year Hitler became German Chancellor, there were 15.32 million jews world-wide
In 1938, 5 years after Hitler became Chancellor & before WW2 broke out, there were 15.74 million jews world-wide
In 1942, deep into the war, there were 15.12 million jews world-wide
In 1947, after war's end, there were 15.68 million jews world-wide
Those numbers in combination would be impossible if 6 millions jews had perished during Hitler's rule. 6 million was roughly one third of the entire world jewish population. You can say "there really was a Holocaust" if you like but to say that 6 million jews were killed and the remaining 9-10 million restored those 6 million in only two years is ludicrous.
Europe between 1945 and 1985 grew, and so did Jews.
Your statement is completely irrelevant to the one to which it's a reply and does absolutely nothing to make your case or argue against mine. Is it a reading comprehension problem that you have or are you just being obtuse intentionally?

Insane, everybody knows the Holocaust happened.
Yes, everybody just KNOWS it happened. Yet, no one can prove it happened and there's a mountain of evidence that it didn't happen in the way, to the degree, or for the reasons everybody KNOWS it happened.

Except ignorant Nazis.
Being unaware of the evidence that disproves the accepted "Holocaust" narrative is ignorance. Ignoring the evidence that disproves the accepted "Holocaust" narrative is willful ignorance. Accepting something as true and asserting its truth as undeniable without assessing the evidence displays ignorance. Calling other people ignorant when one has displayed only ignorance is both arrogant and ignorant.

We should argue with cherry picked arguments?
Or unnamed historians who say it never happened.
Yes, you should. If you can. It should be simple to do. If you can. Why haven't you? If you can? If they're just cherry picked arguments, it should be easy to make a comprehensive opposing argument. If it happened, it should be simple to provide comprehensive proof of it and to rebut any contrary argument. Why haven't you?
Even though these guys are evasive, abusive, and rude, and violate every rule for productive public debate, and we have remained civil while making reasoned arguments, if this debate were on Facebook or Google or Twitter, we would be banned, not they, and the average 20-year-old American, I fear, would think it absolutely the correct response. They have no memory of the America of our birth, of the Founders, of our ancestors, in which it would be the other way around if such a shocking event were to occur at all.

Under the new regime, there are no objective standards. We have adopted in full Lenin's claim that all of politics boils down to "who?", "whom?" And Antifa rides again. And the Proud Boys go to prison.
I looked it up and it was a typo that Jew haters can’t let go of.
No way...In '47, the World Jewish Almanac reported 15.68 million jews in the world, then in '48 reported 15.75 million. 2 typos, 2 years straight? Nah.

The US State Department (Jew Haters) came up with the 6 million Jews murdered number.
You said that well: "came up with" - It's an invented number, not supported by population data or reports from the Red Cross, British Intelligence, or US Intelligence.

Katyn massacre wasn't by Jews. It was by Beria a Georgian Orthodox Christian in origins. Same with Stalin being a Georgian of Orthodox Christian origins.
No one said it was perpetrated by jews. If you'd looked at the link, you'd have seen that it was said explicitly that it was carried out on Stalin's order. The point was that it was perpetrated by the Soviets and blamed on "the Nazis."
The Jewish population grew since WWII, and just reached the same number over 15 million. There really was a Holocaust.
The Jewish population grew since WWII, and just reached the same number over 15 million. There really was a Holocaust.
Eduard, if that is your name, we all grew up getting the same indoctrination. Hitler was the most evil man who ever lived, the Nazis the most evil people, 6 million innocent Jews, Auschwitz, Schindler's List, and the rest of it. The Holocaust was as unquestioned as 1776 was the year the Declaration of Independence was signed. Like everyone else, I believed it all. The first cracks in my faith in the Holocaust dogma appeared while I was in my early 20s through my friendship with a young ABC, American-born Chinese. One day "Steve" made some comment about his father hating Jews. I guess I expressed some kind of shock because he explained that his father owned a fish distribution business in the Fulton fish market in lower Manhattan and that's why he hated them.

"But what about the Holocaust", I asked like a good little brain-washed Christian.

"My father", responded Steve, "would probably ask what the Jews had done".

We said nothing more on the subject, but that imminently reasonable question never left me. Then, decades later, I found out that, in Europe, you will go to jail if you say you don't believe the Holocaust occurred. I was stunned by that; Europe had always seemed so civilized to me and now here is this law that is like a throwback to The Inquisition. You could go to jail for saying you didn't believe the Holocaust occurred? It seemed a little insane. I could say I don't believe the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776 and I won't get in trouble at all. No one cares whether I believe that or not. They'll just think I am wrong and leave it at that. But they'll think it's insane if I get thrown in jail for it.

It's only bullshit things you have to be forced to believe. In Galileo's day, you could be thrown in jail for not believing the sun goes around the earth. In the 16th Century, you could be burned at the stake if you didn't believe in the Holy Trinity. In 2019, you are banned from Twitter if you don't believe the Germans implemented a program to exterminate Jews in the 1940s.

When you start really looking into the whole Holocaust thing, you start to discover things that don't add up.

If the Germans had systematically exterminated six million Jews--because they were Jews--during WWII, it would have been a crime of historical proportions and easily the seminal event of the war. When a shocking history-changing event like that occurs, the typical pattern is a great deal discussion about that event immediately afterwards. Then, public discussion of the event diminishes as the distance in time from the event increases. For example, in the first weeks following 9-11, the airwaves were filled with non-stop coverage of the attacks. Then things slowly returned to normal until, now, 9-11 is just another historical event. With the Holocaust, exactly the opposite occurred. Immediately following the war, there was no discussion of a program to exterminate Jews at all. In fact, three men who were war leaders, De Gaulle in France, Churchill in England, and Eisenhower, each wrote their memoirs of the war. De Gaulle's was a sizable book, Eisenhower's ran to over a thousand pages, and Churchill's was published in six volumes. In all those thousands of pages, by men of all men in the world in positions to know, there isn't a single mention of a Nazi extermination program against the Jews. But as the distance in time from the event increased, the public discussion of the event increased until today there are Holocaust memorials in every major city and endless public discussion of it--the exact opposite of what you would expect to happen.

American Pravda: Holocaust Denial

It takes a person of strong character to stand up for truth in the face of the mob. That must be especially true for a Jewish person concerning the Holocaust. But as which are you most an asset to your people? As a man of strong character or as a Holocaust adherent?
Insane, everybody knows the Holocaust happened. Except ignorant Nazis.
Insane, everybody knows the Holocaust happened. Except ignorant Nazis.
Then why have you and the other Jews on this site been unable to counter our arguments? All you've been able to do is shriek about Nazis and hurl insults. That's the mark of a person with a weak argument (and a deficient upbringing). Why do you have to threaten people with jail if they don't believe your Holocaust story? That's the way totalitarian types enforce lies, not the way a free people offers argument.
There's many millions of missing Jews from countries like Poland, and Ukraine especially. They couldn't have all gone to Israel. It just doesn't add up. What adds up is there was a Holocaust against Jews.

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