Every Jew has secret knowledge of a Zionist world conspiracy? Not true.

CAPRI said: The jews enslave us all.

IROSIE91 said: oh----al da jooos enslaved ALL OF YOU. I got it-------My house need cleaning-----be there at 9am SLAVE

CAPRI responds: You know that's not what was meant.

CAPRI said: Please provide just one document is which the National Socialist government of Germany made reference to a "Final Solution" entailing genocide of the jews.
You will not be able to do so. No such document ever exited.

IROSIE91 said: you have INSIDE information about that which "NEVER EXISTED"?????? PROVE IT

CAPRI responds: I've already provided links and other supporting evidence for my position. You have not.
Gab Social
Gab Social
The Endless Lies - A Rant - ImpartialTruth.com
Holocaust Liars
Before and after the "Holocaust": Jewish population numbers in 1933 and 1948 - News
Holohoax 101 - The Fundamentals of the Holocaust Hoax
»The Real Holocaust Deal

It's you and those arguing your position who are making assertions without proof. Your avoidance of this latest request for documentation is but one instance.

Please try to be more careful when using the quote function.

Try reading about the Nuremberg Laws passed in 1933 right after he became Chancellor and the fact that the Jewish population was a mere one percent of the total.
Yeah, know about all that. Also know that the jews never admit to culpability for anything.
You'd think that after all these years of so many different peoples coming to despise y'all and after being thrown out of host nations over 100 times, y'all might engage in a little introspection.

Hitler’s! Anti Semitic hate
Truth - "anti-Semitic hate"
Tomayto - tomahto

Please tell us what “ The Final Solution” was all about. You tried to justify Hitler’s feelings towards the Jews in 1933 but apparently not bright enough to know if that he wrote Mein Kampf in the 1920’s.
With your Rabid Hate I’m sure you will find a reason. Bigots always do
The only document from NS Germany that used words that can be translated as "final solution" was clearly doing so in reference to the repatriation of jews to Palestine. Prove me wrong, go ahead. You won't be able to.
I know when Mein Kampf was written. It was you who posted the "Judea Declares War on Germany" headline from 1933 and I commented on that; my general reference to Hitler's attitude toward the jews had nothing to do with that or any year. You're flailing.
The jews, ran (and run) the world baking system that was crippling the German economy. The jews were (and are) the most prominent in and the leaders of the degradation of culture and morality in Wiemar Germany (pornography, drug use, prostitution, etc.).
Pointing out verifiable facts isn't "rabid hate."
You insult my intelligence without basis while simultaneously either misunderstanding or misdirecting from points made, demanding evidence that was already provided, and avoiding requests to you for evidence of your assertions. Meanwhile, I've been nothing but civil and polite to you.

excellent stuff there,you so much schooled agent rosie handing her hass to her on a platter.LOL

why has the person claiming to be my slave not yet cleaned my house?
Do you have any arguments not based on unnamed scholars?
You understand why no other members are responding to you anymore?
But please continue...on your own.
You understand why no other members are responding to you anymore?
The Holohoaxers typically fall silent when when confronted with arguments and facts. Here, Ron Unz obliterates the fearsome ADL, exposing their depraved beginnings. The ADL bullies were too chastened to respond.

American Pravda: The ADL in American Society
Two organizations need to be obliterated...
[1] The Roman Catholic/Self-Hating assimilated Jews ACLU.
[2] The ADL, consisting of self-hating, assimilated, self-appointed multi-millionaire and billionaire Jews whose grandchild are, thanks to assimilation, good little Christians. They are an embarrassment to Jewish Jews.
Are you an Orthodox jew?
Yes; and Lenin was a good atheist.
Catholic Russia beat the last vestige of Jew out of him.
You accusing someone of ad hominems?!
That’s rich.
Ad hominem is a standard tactic of "Holocaust" hoax promoters. You and your fellow jews have used it repeatedly throughout this thread. I responded in kind. Mine was in direct reply to yours; specifically, to your questioning my and Street Juice 's sanity without addressing our arguments. Mine was based on the objective and obvious truth of your avoidance via insult of the substance of our argument. This latest and every other one of yours was baseless.

Your frustration is noted.
There's no frustration to note.
Your ongoing avoidance of genuine discussion and debate via ad hominem and other tactical maneuvers was noted long ago.

Your sources are not.
I've cited and linked to many sources throughout this thread. You have not.
Also noted.
Do you have any arguments not based on unnamed scholars?
You understand why no other members are responding to you anymore?
But please continue...on your own.
You understand why no other members are responding to you anymore?
The Holohoaxers typically fall silent when when confronted with arguments and facts. Here, Ron Unz obliterates the fearsome ADL, exposing their depraved beginnings. The ADL bullies were too chastened to respond.

American Pravda: The ADL in American Society
Two organizations need to be obliterated...
[1] The Roman Catholic/Self-Hating assimilated Jews ACLU.
[2] The ADL, consisting of self-hating, assimilated, self-appointed multi-millionaire and billionaire Jews whose grandchild are, thanks to assimilation, good little Christians. They are an embarrassment to Jewish Jews.
"Self-Hating assimilated Jews"
So you are a member of a racial minority who actively opposes assimilation. You realize, of course, that your position justifies the position of every immigration restrictionist since 1800 who argued against Jewish immigration? Their claim was that Jews are problematic because they never assimilate. You called them "anti-Semitic" for making such a claim, yet you prove them right by your own words and actions. This, in turn, proves that the term "anti-Semitism" is not even a real word, but is, instead, weaponized language.

You refuse to assimilate. You use weaponized words against the host population. You oppose for the host nation the very policies you insist upon for Israel, and yet insist on laws for the host nation that are made for the benefit of yourselves to the detriment of everyone else (for example, immigration), and you are surprised you are hated?
Your job is to make sure Jews remain isolated and learn and a Torah life.
You may then take drugs, have pre-marital sex and kill people who piss you off.
Or let us horrid Torah observant Jews show you how to build a civilization where singers don’t flash their nipples to revitalize their careers.
The preconception that every Jew has secret knowledge of a Zionist world conspiracy should be guarded against. While every Jew who identifies as such is familiar with the general idea of the ultimate triumph of Israel, the average Jew is no more familiar with the special plans which for centuries have existed in formulated form for the attainment of that triumph--the Zionist world conspiracy--than anyone else.

The role the average Jew plays in the conspiracy is limited to two things:
  1. it is perfectly understood that the consummation of the Jewish triumph will not be distasteful to any Jew, and
  2. if the methods to be used toward the end are a bit violent, every Jew can be depended upon to see in that violence a very insufficient retribution visited upon the Gentile world for the sufferings which it has caused the children of Israel throughout the centuries.
The Jewish users of this forum provide ample evidence that #2 is true. As for #1, I can only assume it is true. But, when taken together, those two conditions provide sufficient condition in themselves for the viability of a secret Zionist world conspiracy. It would therefore behoove those Jews, it seems to me, who take offense at any suggestion of the existence of such conspiracy to take care to ensure both #1 and #2 are not the case insofar as his own individual case is concerned. It is, after all, morally indefensible to do otherwise.

The Jewish people make up LESS then ,2 percent of the total population. That is NOT 2 percent; its less then 2/10 of 1 Percent. To believe that such a few have such power a symptom of your paranoia and inferiority

Yet, make up 50% of Democrat funding, and own most media, Hollywood & social media.
That's an enormous amount of power,
most Americans are even circumcised, a lot of foods are Kosher labeled in the USA.

You guys didn't assimilate,
you assimilated us goys.
Jealous? There's a song written just for you about 60 years ago.

It works! :D
Do you have any arguments not based on unnamed scholars?
You understand why no other members are responding to you anymore?
But please continue...on your own.
You understand why no other members are responding to you anymore?
The Holohoaxers typically fall silent when when confronted with arguments and facts. Here, Ron Unz obliterates the fearsome ADL, exposing their depraved beginnings. The ADL bullies were too chastened to respond.

American Pravda: The ADL in American Society
Two organizations need to be obliterated...
[1] The Roman Catholic/Self-Hating assimilated Jews ACLU.
[2] The ADL, consisting of self-hating, assimilated, self-appointed multi-millionaire and billionaire Jews whose grandchild are, thanks to assimilation, good little Christians. They are an embarrassment to Jewish Jews.
Are you an Orthodox jew?
Yes; and Lenin was a good atheist.
Catholic Russia beat the last vestige of Jew out of him.
You accusing someone of ad hominems?!
That’s rich.
Ad hominem is a standard tactic of "Holocaust" hoax promoters. You and your fellow jews have used it repeatedly throughout this thread. I responded in kind. Mine was in direct reply to yours; specifically, to your questioning my and Street Juice 's sanity without addressing our arguments. Mine was based on the objective and obvious truth of your avoidance via insult of the substance of our argument. This latest and every other one of yours was baseless.

Your frustration is noted.
There's no frustration to note.
Your ongoing avoidance of genuine discussion and debate via ad hominem and other tactical maneuvers was noted long ago.

Your sources are not.
I've cited and linked to many sources throughout this thread. You have not.
Also noted.
Do you have any arguments not based on unnamed scholars?
You understand why no other members are responding to you anymore?
But please continue...on your own.
You understand why no other members are responding to you anymore?
The Holohoaxers typically fall silent when when confronted with arguments and facts. Here, Ron Unz obliterates the fearsome ADL, exposing their depraved beginnings. The ADL bullies were too chastened to respond.

American Pravda: The ADL in American Society
Two organizations need to be obliterated...
[1] The Roman Catholic/Self-Hating assimilated Jews ACLU.
[2] The ADL, consisting of self-hating, assimilated, self-appointed multi-millionaire and billionaire Jews whose grandchild are, thanks to assimilation, good little Christians. They are an embarrassment to Jewish Jews.
"Self-Hating assimilated Jews"
So you are a member of a racial minority who actively opposes assimilation. You realize, of course, that your position justifies the position of every immigration restrictionist since 1800 who argued against Jewish immigration? Their claim was that Jews are problematic because they never assimilate. You called them "anti-Semitic" for making such a claim, yet you prove them right by your own words and actions. This, in turn, proves that the term "anti-Semitism" is not even a real word, but is, instead, weaponized language.

You refuse to assimilate. You use weaponized words against the host population. You oppose for the host nation the very policies you insist upon for Israel, and yet insist on laws for the host nation that are made for the benefit of yourselves to the detriment of everyone else (for example, immigration), and you are surprised you are hated?

What is your definition of “ assimilation?” Anti Semitism has been around for over 2000 years.
CAPRI said: The jews enslave us all.

IROSIE91 said: oh----al da jooos enslaved ALL OF YOU. I got it-------My house need cleaning-----be there at 9am SLAVE

CAPRI responds: You know that's not what was meant.

CAPRI said: Please provide just one document is which the National Socialist government of Germany made reference to a "Final Solution" entailing genocide of the jews.
You will not be able to do so. No such document ever exited.

IROSIE91 said: you have INSIDE information about that which "NEVER EXISTED"?????? PROVE IT

CAPRI responds: I've already provided links and other supporting evidence for my position. You have not.
Gab Social
Gab Social
The Endless Lies - A Rant - ImpartialTruth.com
Holocaust Liars
Before and after the "Holocaust": Jewish population numbers in 1933 and 1948 - News
Holohoax 101 - The Fundamentals of the Holocaust Hoax
»The Real Holocaust Deal

It's you and those arguing your position who are making assertions without proof. Your avoidance of this latest request for documentation is but one instance.

Please try to be more careful when using the quote function.

Try reading about the Nuremberg Laws passed in 1933 right after he became Chancellor and the fact that the Jewish population was a mere one percent of the total.
Yeah, know about all that. Also know that the jews never admit to culpability for anything.
You'd think that after all these years of so many different peoples coming to despise y'all and after being thrown out of host nations over 100 times, y'all might engage in a little introspection.

Hitler’s! Anti Semitic hate
Truth - "anti-Semitic hate"
Tomayto - tomahto

Please tell us what “ The Final Solution” was all about. You tried to justify Hitler’s feelings towards the Jews in 1933 but apparently not bright enough to know if that he wrote Mein Kampf in the 1920’s.
With your Rabid Hate I’m sure you will find a reason. Bigots always do
The only document from NS Germany that used words that can be translated as "final solution" was clearly doing so in reference to the repatriation of jews to Palestine. Prove me wrong, go ahead. You won't be able to.
I know when Mein Kampf was written. It was you who posted the "Judea Declares War on Germany" headline from 1933 and I commented on that; my general reference to Hitler's attitude toward the jews had nothing to do with that or any year. You're flailing.
The jews, ran (and run) the world baking system that was crippling the German economy. The jews were (and are) the most prominent in and the leaders of the degradation of culture and morality in Wiemar Germany (pornography, drug use, prostitution, etc.).
Pointing out verifiable facts isn't "rabid hate."
You insult my intelligence without basis while simultaneously either misunderstanding or misdirecting from points made, demanding evidence that was already provided, and avoiding requests to you for evidence of your assertions. Meanwhile, I've been nothing but civil and polite to you.

excellent stuff there,you so much schooled agent rosie handing her hass to her on a platter.LOL

why has the person claiming to be my slave not yet cleaned my house?

It's so hard to get good slaves these days.
CAPRI said: The jews enslave us all.

IROSIE91 said: oh----al da jooos enslaved ALL OF YOU. I got it-------My house need cleaning-----be there at 9am SLAVE

CAPRI responds: You know that's not what was meant.

CAPRI said: Please provide just one document is which the National Socialist government of Germany made reference to a "Final Solution" entailing genocide of the jews.
You will not be able to do so. No such document ever exited.

IROSIE91 said: you have INSIDE information about that which "NEVER EXISTED"?????? PROVE IT

CAPRI responds: I've already provided links and other supporting evidence for my position. You have not.
Gab Social
Gab Social
The Endless Lies - A Rant - ImpartialTruth.com
Holocaust Liars
Before and after the "Holocaust": Jewish population numbers in 1933 and 1948 - News
Holohoax 101 - The Fundamentals of the Holocaust Hoax
»The Real Holocaust Deal

It's you and those arguing your position who are making assertions without proof. Your avoidance of this latest request for documentation is but one instance.

Please try to be more careful when using the quote function.

Yeah, know about all that. Also know that the jews never admit to culpability for anything.
You'd think that after all these years of so many different peoples coming to despise y'all and after being thrown out of host nations over 100 times, y'all might engage in a little introspection.

Truth - "anti-Semitic hate"
Tomayto - tomahto

Please tell us what “ The Final Solution” was all about. You tried to justify Hitler’s feelings towards the Jews in 1933 but apparently not bright enough to know if that he wrote Mein Kampf in the 1920’s.
With your Rabid Hate I’m sure you will find a reason. Bigots always do
The only document from NS Germany that used words that can be translated as "final solution" was clearly doing so in reference to the repatriation of jews to Palestine. Prove me wrong, go ahead. You won't be able to.
I know when Mein Kampf was written. It was you who posted the "Judea Declares War on Germany" headline from 1933 and I commented on that; my general reference to Hitler's attitude toward the jews had nothing to do with that or any year. You're flailing.
The jews, ran (and run) the world baking system that was crippling the German economy. The jews were (and are) the most prominent in and the leaders of the degradation of culture and morality in Wiemar Germany (pornography, drug use, prostitution, etc.).
Pointing out verifiable facts isn't "rabid hate."
You insult my intelligence without basis while simultaneously either misunderstanding or misdirecting from points made, demanding evidence that was already provided, and avoiding requests to you for evidence of your assertions. Meanwhile, I've been nothing but civil and polite to you.

excellent stuff there,you so much schooled agent rosie handing her hass to her on a platter.LOL

why has the person claiming to be my slave not yet cleaned my house?

It's so hard to get good slaves these days.

so true-----my last Lutheran slave was unable to make mayonnaise----
such a clumsy goy
No way...In '47, the World Jewish Almanac reported 15.68 million jews in the world, then in '48 reported 15.75 million. 2 typos, 2 years straight? Nah.

You said that well: "came up with" - It's an invented number, not supported by population data or reports from the Red Cross, British Intelligence, or US Intelligence.

No one said it was perpetrated by jews. If you'd looked at the link, you'd have seen that it was said explicitly that it was carried out on Stalin's order. The point was that it was perpetrated by the Soviets and blamed on "the Nazis."
The Jewish population grew since WWII, and just reached the same number over 15 million. There really was a Holocaust.
The Jewish population grew since WWII, and just reached the same number over 15 million. There really was a Holocaust.
Eduard, if that is your name, we all grew up getting the same indoctrination. Hitler was the most evil man who ever lived, the Nazis the most evil people, 6 million innocent Jews, Auschwitz, Schindler's List, and the rest of it. The Holocaust was as unquestioned as 1776 was the year the Declaration of Independence was signed. Like everyone else, I believed it all. The first cracks in my faith in the Holocaust dogma appeared while I was in my early 20s through my friendship with a young ABC, American-born Chinese. One day "Steve" made some comment about his father hating Jews. I guess I expressed some kind of shock because he explained that his father owned a fish distribution business in the Fulton fish market in lower Manhattan and that's why he hated them.

"But what about the Holocaust", I asked like a good little brain-washed Christian.

"My father", responded Steve, "would probably ask what the Jews had done".

We said nothing more on the subject, but that imminently reasonable question never left me. Then, decades later, I found out that, in Europe, you will go to jail if you say you don't believe the Holocaust occurred. I was stunned by that; Europe had always seemed so civilized to me and now here is this law that is like a throwback to The Inquisition. You could go to jail for saying you didn't believe the Holocaust occurred? It seemed a little insane. I could say I don't believe the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776 and I won't get in trouble at all. No one cares whether I believe that or not. They'll just think I am wrong and leave it at that. But they'll think it's insane if I get thrown in jail for it.

It's only bullshit things you have to be forced to believe. In Galileo's day, you could be thrown in jail for not believing the sun goes around the earth. In the 16th Century, you could be burned at the stake if you didn't believe in the Holy Trinity. In 2019, you are banned from Twitter if you don't believe the Germans implemented a program to exterminate Jews in the 1940s.

When you start really looking into the whole Holocaust thing, you start to discover things that don't add up.

If the Germans had systematically exterminated six million Jews--because they were Jews--during WWII, it would have been a crime of historical proportions and easily the seminal event of the war. When a shocking history-changing event like that occurs, the typical pattern is a great deal discussion about that event immediately afterwards. Then, public discussion of the event diminishes as the distance in time from the event increases. For example, in the first weeks following 9-11, the airwaves were filled with non-stop coverage of the attacks. Then things slowly returned to normal until, now, 9-11 is just another historical event. With the Holocaust, exactly the opposite occurred. Immediately following the war, there was no discussion of a program to exterminate Jews at all. In fact, three men who were war leaders, De Gaulle in France, Churchill in England, and Eisenhower, each wrote their memoirs of the war. De Gaulle's was a sizable book, Eisenhower's ran to over a thousand pages, and Churchill's was published in six volumes. In all those thousands of pages, by men of all men in the world in positions to know, there isn't a single mention of a Nazi extermination program against the Jews. But as the distance in time from the event increased, the public discussion of the event increased until today there are Holocaust memorials in every major city and endless public discussion of it--the exact opposite of what you would expect to happen.

American Pravda: Holocaust Denial

It takes a person of strong character to stand up for truth in the face of the mob. That must be especially true for a Jewish person concerning the Holocaust. But as which are you most an asset to your people? As a man of strong character or as a Holocaust adherent?
Insane, everybody knows the Holocaust happened. Except ignorant Nazis.
Insane, everybody knows the Holocaust happened. Except ignorant Nazis.
Then why have you and the other Jews on this site been unable to counter our arguments? All you've been able to do is shriek about Nazis and hurl insults. That's the mark of a person with a weak argument (and a deficient upbringing). Why do you have to threaten people with jail if they don't believe your Holocaust story? That's the way totalitarian types enforce lies, not the way a free people offers argument.
There's many millions of missing Jews from countries like Poland, and Ukraine especially. They couldn't have all gone to Israel. It just doesn't add up. What adds up is there was a Holocaust against Jews.
It as a good point btw. If there wasn't Holocaust and mass murders of Jews, then where did they go? Only Poland alone had around 3 million of them. Israel didn't exist at the time.
You understand why no other members are responding to you anymore?
The Holohoaxers typically fall silent when when confronted with arguments and facts. Here, Ron Unz obliterates the fearsome ADL, exposing their depraved beginnings. The ADL bullies were too chastened to respond.

American Pravda: The ADL in American Society
Two organizations need to be obliterated...
[1] The Roman Catholic/Self-Hating assimilated Jews ACLU.
[2] The ADL, consisting of self-hating, assimilated, self-appointed multi-millionaire and billionaire Jews whose grandchild are, thanks to assimilation, good little Christians. They are an embarrassment to Jewish Jews.
Are you an Orthodox jew?
Yes; and Lenin was a good atheist.
Catholic Russia beat the last vestige of Jew out of him.
Ad hominem is a standard tactic of "Holocaust" hoax promoters. You and your fellow jews have used it repeatedly throughout this thread. I responded in kind. Mine was in direct reply to yours; specifically, to your questioning my and Street Juice 's sanity without addressing our arguments. Mine was based on the objective and obvious truth of your avoidance via insult of the substance of our argument. This latest and every other one of yours was baseless.

There's no frustration to note.
Your ongoing avoidance of genuine discussion and debate via ad hominem and other tactical maneuvers was noted long ago.

I've cited and linked to many sources throughout this thread. You have not.
Also noted.
Do you have any arguments not based on unnamed scholars?
You understand why no other members are responding to you anymore?
But please continue...on your own.
You understand why no other members are responding to you anymore?
The Holohoaxers typically fall silent when when confronted with arguments and facts. Here, Ron Unz obliterates the fearsome ADL, exposing their depraved beginnings. The ADL bullies were too chastened to respond.

American Pravda: The ADL in American Society
Two organizations need to be obliterated...
[1] The Roman Catholic/Self-Hating assimilated Jews ACLU.
[2] The ADL, consisting of self-hating, assimilated, self-appointed multi-millionaire and billionaire Jews whose grandchild are, thanks to assimilation, good little Christians. They are an embarrassment to Jewish Jews.
"Self-Hating assimilated Jews"
So you are a member of a racial minority who actively opposes assimilation. You realize, of course, that your position justifies the position of every immigration restrictionist since 1800 who argued against Jewish immigration? Their claim was that Jews are problematic because they never assimilate. You called them "anti-Semitic" for making such a claim, yet you prove them right by your own words and actions. This, in turn, proves that the term "anti-Semitism" is not even a real word, but is, instead, weaponized language.

You refuse to assimilate. You use weaponized words against the host population. You oppose for the host nation the very policies you insist upon for Israel, and yet insist on laws for the host nation that are made for the benefit of yourselves to the detriment of everyone else (for example, immigration), and you are surprised you are hated?

What is your definition of “ assimilation?” Anti Semitism has been around for over 2000 years.
In all places, and at all times, there has been human conflict in one form or another. It isn't some special kind of conflict just because it involves Jews, so stop using the term "anti-Semitic". It's offensive. It's fraudulent. It bespeaks bad faith. It's not for nothing that, if one looks back over history, it is the rulers who were known for caring about their people who are termed "anti-Semitic" in our history texts.
The Jewish population grew since WWII, and just reached the same number over 15 million. There really was a Holocaust.
The Jewish population grew since WWII, and just reached the same number over 15 million. There really was a Holocaust.
Eduard, if that is your name, we all grew up getting the same indoctrination. Hitler was the most evil man who ever lived, the Nazis the most evil people, 6 million innocent Jews, Auschwitz, Schindler's List, and the rest of it. The Holocaust was as unquestioned as 1776 was the year the Declaration of Independence was signed. Like everyone else, I believed it all. The first cracks in my faith in the Holocaust dogma appeared while I was in my early 20s through my friendship with a young ABC, American-born Chinese. One day "Steve" made some comment about his father hating Jews. I guess I expressed some kind of shock because he explained that his father owned a fish distribution business in the Fulton fish market in lower Manhattan and that's why he hated them.

"But what about the Holocaust", I asked like a good little brain-washed Christian.

"My father", responded Steve, "would probably ask what the Jews had done".

We said nothing more on the subject, but that imminently reasonable question never left me. Then, decades later, I found out that, in Europe, you will go to jail if you say you don't believe the Holocaust occurred. I was stunned by that; Europe had always seemed so civilized to me and now here is this law that is like a throwback to The Inquisition. You could go to jail for saying you didn't believe the Holocaust occurred? It seemed a little insane. I could say I don't believe the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776 and I won't get in trouble at all. No one cares whether I believe that or not. They'll just think I am wrong and leave it at that. But they'll think it's insane if I get thrown in jail for it.

It's only bullshit things you have to be forced to believe. In Galileo's day, you could be thrown in jail for not believing the sun goes around the earth. In the 16th Century, you could be burned at the stake if you didn't believe in the Holy Trinity. In 2019, you are banned from Twitter if you don't believe the Germans implemented a program to exterminate Jews in the 1940s.

When you start really looking into the whole Holocaust thing, you start to discover things that don't add up.

If the Germans had systematically exterminated six million Jews--because they were Jews--during WWII, it would have been a crime of historical proportions and easily the seminal event of the war. When a shocking history-changing event like that occurs, the typical pattern is a great deal discussion about that event immediately afterwards. Then, public discussion of the event diminishes as the distance in time from the event increases. For example, in the first weeks following 9-11, the airwaves were filled with non-stop coverage of the attacks. Then things slowly returned to normal until, now, 9-11 is just another historical event. With the Holocaust, exactly the opposite occurred. Immediately following the war, there was no discussion of a program to exterminate Jews at all. In fact, three men who were war leaders, De Gaulle in France, Churchill in England, and Eisenhower, each wrote their memoirs of the war. De Gaulle's was a sizable book, Eisenhower's ran to over a thousand pages, and Churchill's was published in six volumes. In all those thousands of pages, by men of all men in the world in positions to know, there isn't a single mention of a Nazi extermination program against the Jews. But as the distance in time from the event increased, the public discussion of the event increased until today there are Holocaust memorials in every major city and endless public discussion of it--the exact opposite of what you would expect to happen.

American Pravda: Holocaust Denial

It takes a person of strong character to stand up for truth in the face of the mob. That must be especially true for a Jewish person concerning the Holocaust. But as which are you most an asset to your people? As a man of strong character or as a Holocaust adherent?
Insane, everybody knows the Holocaust happened. Except ignorant Nazis.
Insane, everybody knows the Holocaust happened. Except ignorant Nazis.
Then why have you and the other Jews on this site been unable to counter our arguments? All you've been able to do is shriek about Nazis and hurl insults. That's the mark of a person with a weak argument (and a deficient upbringing). Why do you have to threaten people with jail if they don't believe your Holocaust story? That's the way totalitarian types enforce lies, not the way a free people offers argument.
There's many millions of missing Jews from countries like Poland, and Ukraine especially. They couldn't have all gone to Israel. It just doesn't add up. What adds up is there was a Holocaust against Jews.
It as a good point btw. If there wasn't Holocaust and mass murders of Jews, then where did they go? Only Poland alone had around 3 million of them. Israel didn't exist at the time.
There were no missing Jews. Don't buy the lies. Capri has posted the population figures from before, during, and after the war (from a Jewish source). No missing Jews.
Don't you think that Judaism should be reformed to keep pace with the time?
Over the years prominent Israeli rabbis have sometimes publicly debated whether Jewish power has now become sufficiently great that all the Christian churches of Jerusalem, Bethleham, and other nearby areas can finally be destroyed, and the entire Holy Land completely cleansed of all traces of its Christian contamination. Some have taken this position, but most have urged prudence, arguing that Jews needed to gain some additional strength before they should take such a risky step. These days, many tens of millions of zealous Christians and especially Christian Zionists are enthusiastic advocates for Jews, Judaism, and Israel, and I strongly suspect that at least some of that enthusiasm is based upon ignorance.
There were no missing Jews. Don't buy the lies. Capri has posted the population figures from before, during, and after the war (from a Jewish source). No missing Jews.
No, why lies. It is a good question. Poland had nearly 3 million of Jews before WWII. How many are there now? Thousands? Where is the rest? Moved to Israel under Communism rule?

I have never heard about this Jewish Almanac? Who issues it? And are there any sources of demographic data which confirm that?
Poland had nearly 3 million of Jews before WWII. How many are there now? Thousands? Where is the rest? Moved to Israel under Communism rule?

I have never heard about this Jewish Almanac? Who issues it? And are there any sources of demographic data which confirm that?
These are valid questions. Thank you for engaging seriously in this discussion. (It's unfortunate that bringing up legitimate questions on the topic, asked in a civil manner and advancing the conversation, is such a notable exception from your side of the debate in this thread, so you're to be commended.)

The number of jews in Poland is definitely far smaller now than it was. However, that's not proof of the "Holocaust" narrative as received.
Concentration camp deaths account for some of the loss. The majority of camp deaths were the result of typhus epidemics towards the end of the war; not the result of a planned genocide. If I'm remembering correctly, I posted links to information about this earlier in the thread.
There was also much death from hunger and disease in the Polish ghettos, also toward the end of the war when transport of food and medical supplies became nearly impossible as a result of Allied bombing in German territory..
Poles killed many jews and other ethnic minorities immediately after the war.
There were war deaths. The war brought border changes, refugees ... the things that usually bring population changes after wars
As you noted, Poland was under Soviet Communist rule. This accounts for much of the population loss. It occurred after the war.
Emigration accounts for part of the loss.
Add assimilation, including inter-marriage -- which occurs even in places not subject to Communist anti-religion efforts.
Most of all this happened after the war.
Over two million jews gone from Poland is a fact. That this occurred entirely during the German occupation entirely at the hands of "Nazis" and as a result of a planned genocide is not a fact.
Russia, post-war, had the largest population of jews in the world. From Stalin until the reforms, millions of jews disappeared from Russia. Where did those jews all go? Can't blame it on "the Nazis" now, can we?

The World Jewish Almanac is no longer published. I posted population figures from editions published between '33 and '48, inclusive, a couple of times earlier in this thread. Copies of actual pages can be found on the net. They show that the population of jews, overall and in German-occupied territory, did not diminish by millions from pre- to post-Hitler.

"The World Almanac and Book of Facts" confirms the numbers from the "World Jewish Almanac." In a quick search, I found from it the figures of 15,315,000 jews worldwide in 1933 and 15,753,638 jews worldwide in 1949.
Had 6 million jews been killed from '33 -- when Hitler became Chancellor -- to war's end in '45, the '49 figure would have been impossible; 4 years or so of population growth could not have replaced and added to 6 million.
6 million jews didn't disappear. It just didn't happen.
The reduction in the population of jews in Poland had to have happened over decades post-war.
That the number of jews in the world today is about the same as in '49 confirms further the explanations given above re: population loss. That is, Soviet Communism and assimilation have kept the population of jews from growing as it would have from '49 to now. Many jews were also killed by Arabs in the Mid-East from the earlier years of the Zionist enterprise.

The standard excuse given to maintain the 6 million fiction despite this proof is that accurate population figures were impossible to determine because of the war and so estimates were faulty. We can reasonably give some credence to this explanation -- unlike the ridiculous assertion put forth earlier by someone else of multiple and repeated typographical errors from the lack of MS Word at the time. However, for this to so, the numbers -- from professional demographers -- would have had to have been off by millions, for several years running, in at least two sources, all the way though several years after the war. This defies all reason.

I'll restate a point that needs to be clear: No one says that nothing happened, no one says there were no camps, no one says people didn't die, no one says jews weren't targeted. The argument is with the number of dead, the means of death, the intent, and the rationale.
There were no missing Jews. Don't buy the lies. Capri has posted the population figures from before, during, and after the war (from a Jewish source). No missing Jews.
No, why lies. It is a good question. Poland had nearly 3 million of Jews before WWII. How many are there now? Thousands? Where is the rest? Moved to Israel under Communism rule?

I have never heard about this Jewish Almanac? Who issues it? And are there any sources of demographic data which confirm that?
Many Polish Jews emigrated to the United States
The World Jewish Almanac is no longer published. I posted population figures from editions published between '33 and '48, inclusive, a couple of times earlier in this thread. Copies of actual pages can be found on the net. They show that the population of jews, overall and in German-occupied territory, did not diminish by millions from pre- to post-Hitler.

"The World Almanac and Book of Facts" confirms the numbers from the "World Jewish Almanac." In a quick search, I found from it the figures of 15,315,000 jews worldwide in 1933 and 15,753,638 jews worldwide in 1949.
What I have found differs from your information.
Holocaust denial: The World Almanac Gambit

This link claims that World Almanac gives the figure of 11 266 600 for 1949.

Moreover, you stated that two million Jews were gone from Poland. What do you mean 'gone'? They were dead or resettled? If they were dead, then the figures mentioned by you don't make sense.
The World Jewish Almanac is no longer published. I posted population figures from editions published between '33 and '48, inclusive, a couple of times earlier in this thread. Copies of actual pages can be found on the net. They show that the population of jews, overall and in German-occupied territory, did not diminish by millions from pre- to post-Hitler.

"The World Almanac and Book of Facts" confirms the numbers from the "World Jewish Almanac." In a quick search, I found from it the figures of 15,315,000 jews worldwide in 1933 and 15,753,638 jews worldwide in 1949.
What I have found differs from your information.
Holocaust denial: The World Almanac Gambit

This link claims that World Almanac gives the figure of 11 266 600 for 1949.

Moreover, you stated that two million Jews were gone from Poland. What do you mean 'gone'? They were dead or resettled? If they were dead, then the figures mentioned by you don't make sense.

you don't know? they REVERTED TO ISLAM ------ask any 12 year old
muslim mosque goer what happened to the jews of the lands of the Middle
East-------like present day SAUDI ARABIA, Somalia, Libya, Tunisia, ----
even the Indian Subcontinent and Afghanistan
The reduction in the population of jews in Poland had to have happened over decades post-war.
That the number of jews in the world today is about the same as in '49 confirms further the explanations given above re: population loss. That is, Soviet Communism and assimilation have kept the population of jews from growing as it would have from '49 to now. Many jews were also killed by Arabs in the Mid-East from the earlier years of the Zionist enterprise.
There were Pogroms in Poland after the war. But the number of casualties wasnt too high.

About assimilation. Jews hadn't assimilated into Polish society for centuries. Communists were able to assimilate them in great numbers in sixty years? Hm. I live in one of ex-Soviet states and one of my neighbors were Jews. They were completely Russian speaking and secular. But they knew that they were Jews. They migrated partially to Israel and the US. And this is common story for vast number of Jews across former USSR. I know that in Israel they are called Russians and it is easy to find someone who speaks Russian there. Have you heard something about 'Poles' in Israel?
There were no missing Jews. Don't buy the lies. Capri has posted the population figures from before, during, and after the war (from a Jewish source). No missing Jews.
No, why lies. It is a good question. Poland had nearly 3 million of Jews before WWII. How many are there now? Thousands? Where is the rest? Moved to Israel under Communism rule?

I have never heard about this Jewish Almanac? Who issues it? And are there any sources of demographic data which confirm that?
Many Polish Jews emigrated to the United States
That is your assumption or you have official data?

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