Every Jew has secret knowledge of a Zionist world conspiracy? Not true.

Two organizations need to be obliterated...
[1] The Roman Catholic/Self-Hating assimilated Jews ACLU.
[2] The ADL, consisting of self-hating, assimilated, self-appointed multi-millionaire and billionaire Jews whose grandchild are, thanks to assimilation, good little Christians. They are an embarrassment to Jewish Jews.
Are you an Orthodox jew?
Yes; and Lenin was a good atheist.
Catholic Russia beat the last vestige of Jew out of him.
Do you have any arguments not based on unnamed scholars?
You understand why no other members are responding to you anymore?
But please continue...on your own.
You understand why no other members are responding to you anymore?
The Holohoaxers typically fall silent when when confronted with arguments and facts. Here, Ron Unz obliterates the fearsome ADL, exposing their depraved beginnings. The ADL bullies were too chastened to respond.

American Pravda: The ADL in American Society
Two organizations need to be obliterated...
[1] The Roman Catholic/Self-Hating assimilated Jews ACLU.
[2] The ADL, consisting of self-hating, assimilated, self-appointed multi-millionaire and billionaire Jews whose grandchild are, thanks to assimilation, good little Christians. They are an embarrassment to Jewish Jews.
"Self-Hating assimilated Jews"
So you are a member of a racial minority who actively opposes assimilation. You realize, of course, that your position justifies the position of every immigration restrictionist since 1800 who argued against Jewish immigration? Their claim was that Jews are problematic because they never assimilate. You called them "anti-Semitic" for making such a claim, yet you prove them right by your own words and actions. This, in turn, proves that the term "anti-Semitism" is not even a real word, but is, instead, weaponized language.

You refuse to assimilate. You use weaponized words against the host population. You oppose for the host nation the very policies you insist upon for Israel, and yet insist on laws for the host nation that are made for the benefit of yourselves to the detriment of everyone else (for example, immigration), and you are surprised you are hated?

What is your definition of “ assimilation?” Anti Semitism has been around for over 2000 years.
In all places, and at all times, there has been human conflict in one form or another. It isn't some special kind of conflict just because it involves Jews, so stop using the term "anti-Semitic". It's offensive. It's fraudulent. It bespeaks bad faith. It's not for nothing that, if one looks back over history, it is the rulers who were known for caring about their people who are termed "anti-Semitic" in our history texts.

Anti-Semitism of the "Church Fathers"

Another lie. This is only one example
Don't you think that Judaism should be reformed to keep pace with the time?
Why would I want to watch TV and sports like a zombie?
I can go to museums, watch a well tuned sports team occasionally and learn lots of stuff on YouTube.
I don’t know one Jew who doesn’t own an up to date iPad or iPhone.
What would you consider a drawback in my life?
There were no missing Jews. Don't buy the lies. Capri has posted the population figures from before, during, and after the war (from a Jewish source). No missing Jews.
No, why lies. It is a good question. Poland had nearly 3 million of Jews before WWII. How many are there now? Thousands? Where is the rest? Moved to Israel under Communism rule?

I have never heard about this Jewish Almanac? Who issues it? And are there any sources of demographic data which confirm that?
Many Polish Jews emigrated to the United States
How many?
Don't you think that Judaism should be reformed to keep pace with the time?
Why would I want to watch TV and sports like a zombie?
I can go to museums, watch a well tuned sports team occasionally and learn lots of stuff on YouTube.
I don’t know one Jew who doesn’t own an up to date iPad or iPhone.
What would you consider a drawback in my life?
No, I didn't mean TV or something like that. I meant some practices and outward signs if it may be called that. Some things about Sabbath, appearance, some kashrut norms.

Btw, are the phones with access to Internet kosher? Or iPads or iPhones don't fell in this category?
Don't you think that Judaism should be reformed to keep pace with the time?
Why would I want to watch TV and sports like a zombie?
I can go to museums, watch a well tuned sports team occasionally and learn lots of stuff on YouTube.
I don’t know one Jew who doesn’t own an up to date iPad or iPhone.
What would you consider a drawback in my life?
No, I didn't mean TV or something like that. I meant some practices and outward signs if it may be called that. Some things about Sabbath, appearance, some kashrut norms.

Btw, are the phones with access to Internet kosher? Or iPads or iPhones don't fell in this category?
Being “Kosher” is a developed character trait.
The Jewish Scriptures are awash with Jews who did non-kosher deeds without the benefit of today’s technology.
The standards of food being kosher are met by thousands of food companies worldwide and food shopping has never been simpler.
It’s at the point where being Kosher for Passover requires next to zero exertion.
In fact, the FDA’s standards of health have caused many food categories to be kosher by default...milk, fruits and vegetables.
What is your opinion about the time frame of Hebrew calendar? It begins with the year of our world's creation. Do you really think that our world was created 6000 or so years ago?
What is your opinion about the time frame of Hebrew calendar? It begins with the year of our world's creation. Do you really think that our world was created 6000 or so years ago?
There was no sun until the 4th day so we have no idea how old existence or the earth is.
On the other hand, Adam was not created as a newborn.
The age of our planet is inconsequential; our behavior is consequential.
What is your opinion about the time frame of Hebrew calendar? It begins with the year of our world's creation. Do you really think that our world was created 6000 or so years ago?
There was no sun until the 4th day so we have no idea how old existence or the earth is.
On the other hand, Adam was not created as a newborn.
The age of our planet is inconsequential; our behavior is consequential.
But in this case we have to assume that the Genesis gives incorrect information in its beginning. And it is possible to assume that there can be incorrect information in other parts of Tora.
What is your opinion about the time frame of Hebrew calendar? It begins with the year of our world's creation. Do you really think that our world was created 6000 or so years ago?
There was no sun until the 4th day so we have no idea how old existence or the earth is.
On the other hand, Adam was not created as a newborn.
The age of our planet is inconsequential; our behavior is consequential.
But in this case we have to assume that the Genesis gives incorrect information in its beginning. And it is possible to assume that there can be incorrect information in other parts of Tora.
You’re not reading it correctly.
How can we measure time without our sun?
I suggest using a flowchart to record the sequence of events.
Perhaps God is telling us that the age of our planet is of no consequence.
Are you an Orthodox jew?
Yes; and Lenin was a good atheist.
Catholic Russia beat the last vestige of Jew out of him.
You understand why no other members are responding to you anymore?
The Holohoaxers typically fall silent when when confronted with arguments and facts. Here, Ron Unz obliterates the fearsome ADL, exposing their depraved beginnings. The ADL bullies were too chastened to respond.

American Pravda: The ADL in American Society
Two organizations need to be obliterated...
[1] The Roman Catholic/Self-Hating assimilated Jews ACLU.
[2] The ADL, consisting of self-hating, assimilated, self-appointed multi-millionaire and billionaire Jews whose grandchild are, thanks to assimilation, good little Christians. They are an embarrassment to Jewish Jews.
"Self-Hating assimilated Jews"
So you are a member of a racial minority who actively opposes assimilation. You realize, of course, that your position justifies the position of every immigration restrictionist since 1800 who argued against Jewish immigration? Their claim was that Jews are problematic because they never assimilate. You called them "anti-Semitic" for making such a claim, yet you prove them right by your own words and actions. This, in turn, proves that the term "anti-Semitism" is not even a real word, but is, instead, weaponized language.

You refuse to assimilate. You use weaponized words against the host population. You oppose for the host nation the very policies you insist upon for Israel, and yet insist on laws for the host nation that are made for the benefit of yourselves to the detriment of everyone else (for example, immigration), and you are surprised you are hated?

What is your definition of “ assimilation?” Anti Semitism has been around for over 2000 years.
In all places, and at all times, there has been human conflict in one form or another. It isn't some special kind of conflict just because it involves Jews, so stop using the term "anti-Semitic". It's offensive. It's fraudulent. It bespeaks bad faith. It's not for nothing that, if one looks back over history, it is the rulers who were known for caring about their people who are termed "anti-Semitic" in our history texts.

Anti-Semitism of the "Church Fathers"

Another lie. This is only one example
Israel without the Holocaust is hard to imagine. But let’s try to imagine it.

Suppose the Holocaust had never occurred, had never been alleged, had never been called “the Holocaust.” Imagine that no great persecution had provided the Jewish state with a special excuse for oppressive emergency measures. In other words, imagine that Israel were forced to justify itself like any other state.

In that case, Israel’s treatment of its Arab minorities would appear to the world in a very different light. Its denial of equal or even basic rights to those minorities would lack the excuse of a past or prospective “Holocaust.” Civilized people would expect it to treat those it ruled with impartial justice — like civilized states. Special privileges for Jews would appear as outrageous discrimination, no different from insulting legal discrimination against Jews. The sense — and excuse — of perpetual crisis would be absent. Israel might be forced or pressured, possibly against its will, to be “normal.” If it chose to be democratic, its Jews would have to take their chance of being outnumbered, just like majorities in other democracies. Nobody would suppose that losing elections would mean their annihilation.

In short, the Holocaust has become a device for exempting Jews from normal human obligations. It has authorized them to bully and blackmail, to extort and oppress. This is all quite irrational, because even if six million Jews were murdered during World War II, it doesn’t follow that the survivors are entitled to commit the slightest injustice. If your father was stabbed in the street, that’s a pity, but it’s not an excuse for picking someone else’s pocket.

In a peculiar way, the Holocaust story has promoted not only pity, but actual fear of the Jews. It has removed them from the universe of normal moral discourse. It has made them victims with nukes. It has made them even more dangerous than their enemies have always charged. It has given the world an Israel ruled by Ariel Sharon.
Benjamin Netanyahu has written that Israel is “an integral part of the West.” I think it would be truer to say that Israel has become a deformed limb of the West.

“For Fear of the Jews”
There were no missing Jews. Don't buy the lies. Capri has posted the population figures from before, during, and after the war (from a Jewish source). No missing Jews.
No, why lies. It is a good question. Poland had nearly 3 million of Jews before WWII. How many are there now? Thousands? Where is the rest? Moved to Israel under Communism rule?

I have never heard about this Jewish Almanac? Who issues it? And are there any sources of demographic data which confirm that?
Many Polish Jews emigrated to the United States
That is your assumption or you have official data?
I tried to recall where I had read about the massive mid-century influx of Polish Jews to the United States and I thought it might be The International Jew, by Henry Ford (1920). So, I queried through the text for "Poland". I thought the "hits" themselves might be interesting. Here is the first:

Another cause of the Question appearing here will be the great influx of Jews which is planned for America. There will probably be a million Jews enter the country this year, increasing our Jewish population to nearly 4,500,000. This does not mean merely an immigration of persons, but an immigration of ideas. No Jewish writer has ever told us, in systematic fashion, just what is the Jews’ idea of non-Jews, how they regard the Gentiles in their private minds. But there are indications of it, although one would not attempt to reconstruct the Jewish attitude toward Gentiles. A Jew ought to do this for us, but he would probably be cast out by his own people if he discharged his task with rigorous jealousy for the exact fact.

These people are coming here regarding the Gentile as an hereditary enemy, as perhaps they have good ground for doing, and so believing they are going to model their behavior in a manner that will show it. Nor will these Jews be so helpless as they appear. In stricken Poland, where the Jews are represented as having been stripped of everything during the war, there are hundreds daily appearing before the consulate to arrange their passage here. The fact is significant. In spite of their reputed suffering and poverty, they are able to travel a great distance and to insist on coming. No other people are financially able to travel in such numbers. But the Jews are. It will readily be seen that they are not objects of charity. They have been able to keep afloat in a storm that has wrecked the other people. They know it and they joy in it, as is natural. And they will bring here the same thoughts toward the majority which they have harbored in their present lands of domicile. They may hail America; they will have their own thoughts about the majority of the American people. They may be in the lists as Russians or Poles or what not, but they will be Jews with the full Jewish consciousness, and they will make themselves felt.

All this is bound to have its effect. And it is not race prejudice to prepare for it, and to invite American Jews themselves to consider the fact and contribute to the solution of the problem which it presents.
There were no missing Jews. Don't buy the lies. Capri has posted the population figures from before, during, and after the war (from a Jewish source). No missing Jews.
No, why lies. It is a good question. Poland had nearly 3 million of Jews before WWII. How many are there now? Thousands? Where is the rest? Moved to Israel under Communism rule?

I have never heard about this Jewish Almanac? Who issues it? And are there any sources of demographic data which confirm that?
Many Polish Jews emigrated to the United States
That is your assumption or you have official data?
I tried to recall where I had read about the massive mid-century influx of Polish Jews to the United States and I thought it might be The International Jew, by Henry Ford (1920). So, I queried through the text for "Poland". I thought the "hits" themselves might be interesting. Here is the first:

Another cause of the Question appearing here will be the great influx of Jews which is planned for America. There will probably be a million Jews enter the country this year, increasing our Jewish population to nearly 4,500,000. This does not mean merely an immigration of persons, but an immigration of ideas. No Jewish writer has ever told us, in systematic fashion, just what is the Jews’ idea of non-Jews, how they regard the Gentiles in their private minds. But there are indications of it, although one would not attempt to reconstruct the Jewish attitude toward Gentiles. A Jew ought to do this for us, but he would probably be cast out by his own people if he discharged his task with rigorous jealousy for the exact fact.

These people are coming here regarding the Gentile as an hereditary enemy, as perhaps they have good ground for doing, and so believing they are going to model their behavior in a manner that will show it. Nor will these Jews be so helpless as they appear. In stricken Poland, where the Jews are represented as having been stripped of everything during the war, there are hundreds daily appearing before the consulate to arrange their passage here. The fact is significant. In spite of their reputed suffering and poverty, they are able to travel a great distance and to insist on coming. No other people are financially able to travel in such numbers. But the Jews are. It will readily be seen that they are not objects of charity. They have been able to keep afloat in a storm that has wrecked the other people. They know it and they joy in it, as is natural. And they will bring here the same thoughts toward the majority which they have harbored in their present lands of domicile. They may hail America; they will have their own thoughts about the majority of the American people. They may be in the lists as Russians or Poles or what not, but they will be Jews with the full Jewish consciousness, and they will make themselves felt.

All this is bound to have its effect. And it is not race prejudice to prepare for it, and to invite American Jews themselves to consider the fact and contribute to the solution of the problem which it presents.
Third hit on "Poland"

None of the Jewish spokesmen today mention the political cause, or if they come within suggestive distance of it, they limit and localize it. It is not a question of the patriotism of the Jew, though this too is very widely questioned in all the countries. You hear it in England, in France, in Germany, in Poland, in Russia, in Rumania—and, with a shock, you hear it in the United States.
Fourth hit on "Poland"

An Associated Press dispatch under date of August 12 throws a light on the congeniality of the Soviet system and the Jewish mind. Speaking of the Polish towns and villages occupied by Bolshevik forces in their recent drive, the dispatch says:

“The local Jewish parish populations already are said to be setting up Soviet and Communist governments.”

Of course. Yet this is in strange contrast with what we are constantly told through the press of the sufferings of the Jews under the Soviet form and of their abhorrence of the Reds. However, most of what we read concerning this in the public press is Jewish propaganda, pure and simple, and the reports of men on the spot contradict it all. One relief worker testifies that relief work in Poland is frequently “hung up because some Jew landlord asks an exorbitant rent for his premises,” while another testifies that though railroad fares in the supposedly famine-stricken districts have gone up 1,000 per cent, the best and highest-fare trains are “exclusively occupied by Jews.” He adds, of his trip through Hungary, “The Hungarians have no money any more, but the Jews have.”
More "Poland" hits

The program of the Protocols once came near succeeding in the French Revolution, but its essential immorality overreached itself. It has come a step nearer success in Russia, but there too its defiance of the moral law will be its undoing. The Jewish Question of today is being fought out in Russia and Poland, and the strength of the Jewish forces is largely and mostly supplied from the United States of America. No wonder those small East European independencies which are fighting for their lives refer to our country as “The Land of the Jews.”

“We will show our power to one,” say the Protocols. “In order to demonstrate our enslavement of the Gentile governments of Europe, we shall show our power to one of them by crimes of violence, that is, by a reign of terror.” (Protocol Seven.)

One by one the Gentile nations of Europe have been compelled to withdraw their troops from Russia. One by one the premiers of Europe have submitted to heavy shackling of their official hands with regard to the Russian question. And today the world looks on while little Poland, apparently the second country on the list of Soviet victims, is made to feel heavy vengeance for her daring to be independent of Jewish power. Russia has been made to pay for her attempted independence of the Jew; Poland is now being made to pay. It is a flame, the Jews of Eastern Europe hope, and many Jews of America also, which will sweep round the world.

If the ruling Jews of the world wished the Russian people freed, if they wished the flames of Bolshevism to be quenched, if they wished Jewish participation in revolutionary movements to be withdrawn, they could accomplish it in a week. What is going on today is going on by permission of the Jewish world powers.
Yes; and Lenin was a good atheist.
Catholic Russia beat the last vestige of Jew out of him.
Two organizations need to be obliterated...
[1] The Roman Catholic/Self-Hating assimilated Jews ACLU.
[2] The ADL, consisting of self-hating, assimilated, self-appointed multi-millionaire and billionaire Jews whose grandchild are, thanks to assimilation, good little Christians. They are an embarrassment to Jewish Jews.
"Self-Hating assimilated Jews"
So you are a member of a racial minority who actively opposes assimilation. You realize, of course, that your position justifies the position of every immigration restrictionist since 1800 who argued against Jewish immigration? Their claim was that Jews are problematic because they never assimilate. You called them "anti-Semitic" for making such a claim, yet you prove them right by your own words and actions. This, in turn, proves that the term "anti-Semitism" is not even a real word, but is, instead, weaponized language.

You refuse to assimilate. You use weaponized words against the host population. You oppose for the host nation the very policies you insist upon for Israel, and yet insist on laws for the host nation that are made for the benefit of yourselves to the detriment of everyone else (for example, immigration), and you are surprised you are hated?

What is your definition of “ assimilation?” Anti Semitism has been around for over 2000 years.
In all places, and at all times, there has been human conflict in one form or another. It isn't some special kind of conflict just because it involves Jews, so stop using the term "anti-Semitic". It's offensive. It's fraudulent. It bespeaks bad faith. It's not for nothing that, if one looks back over history, it is the rulers who were known for caring about their people who are termed "anti-Semitic" in our history texts.

Anti-Semitism of the "Church Fathers"

Another lie. This is only one example
Israel without the Holocaust is hard to imagine. But let’s try to imagine it.

Suppose the Holocaust had never occurred, had never been alleged, had never been called “the Holocaust.” Imagine that no great persecution had provided the Jewish state with a special excuse for oppressive emergency measures. In other words, imagine that Israel were forced to justify itself like any other state.

In that case, Israel’s treatment of its Arab minorities would appear to the world in a very different light. Its denial of equal or even basic rights to those minorities would lack the excuse of a past or prospective “Holocaust.” Civilized people would expect it to treat those it ruled with impartial justice — like civilized states. Special privileges for Jews would appear as outrageous discrimination, no different from insulting legal discrimination against Jews. The sense — and excuse — of perpetual crisis would be absent. Israel might be forced or pressured, possibly against its will, to be “normal.” If it chose to be democratic, its Jews would have to take their chance of being outnumbered, just like majorities in other democracies. Nobody would suppose that losing elections would mean their annihilation.

In short, the Holocaust has become a device for exempting Jews from normal human obligations. It has authorized them to bully and blackmail, to extort and oppress. This is all quite irrational, because even if six million Jews were murdered during World War II, it doesn’t follow that the survivors are entitled to commit the slightest injustice. If your father was stabbed in the street, that’s a pity, but it’s not an excuse for picking someone else’s pocket.

In a peculiar way, the Holocaust story has promoted not only pity, but actual fear of the Jews. It has removed them from the universe of normal moral discourse. It has made them victims with nukes. It has made them even more dangerous than their enemies have always charged. It has given the world an Israel ruled by Ariel Sharon.
Benjamin Netanyahu has written that Israel is “an integral part of the West.” I think it would be truer to say that Israel has become a deformed limb of the West.

“For Fear of the Jews”
I applaud you for “knowing” what the UN In 1948 didn’t know.
Yes; and Lenin was a good atheist.
Catholic Russia beat the last vestige of Jew out of him.
Two organizations need to be obliterated...
[1] The Roman Catholic/Self-Hating assimilated Jews ACLU.
[2] The ADL, consisting of self-hating, assimilated, self-appointed multi-millionaire and billionaire Jews whose grandchild are, thanks to assimilation, good little Christians. They are an embarrassment to Jewish Jews.
"Self-Hating assimilated Jews"
So you are a member of a racial minority who actively opposes assimilation. You realize, of course, that your position justifies the position of every immigration restrictionist since 1800 who argued against Jewish immigration? Their claim was that Jews are problematic because they never assimilate. You called them "anti-Semitic" for making such a claim, yet you prove them right by your own words and actions. This, in turn, proves that the term "anti-Semitism" is not even a real word, but is, instead, weaponized language.

You refuse to assimilate. You use weaponized words against the host population. You oppose for the host nation the very policies you insist upon for Israel, and yet insist on laws for the host nation that are made for the benefit of yourselves to the detriment of everyone else (for example, immigration), and you are surprised you are hated?

What is your definition of “ assimilation?” Anti Semitism has been around for over 2000 years.
In all places, and at all times, there has been human conflict in one form or another. It isn't some special kind of conflict just because it involves Jews, so stop using the term "anti-Semitic". It's offensive. It's fraudulent. It bespeaks bad faith. It's not for nothing that, if one looks back over history, it is the rulers who were known for caring about their people who are termed "anti-Semitic" in our history texts.

Anti-Semitism of the "Church Fathers"

Another lie. This is only one example
Israel without the Holocaust is hard to imagine. But let’s try to imagine it.

Suppose the Holocaust had never occurred, had never been alleged, had never been called “the Holocaust.” Imagine that no great persecution had provided the Jewish state with a special excuse for oppressive emergency measures. In other words, imagine that Israel were forced to justify itself like any other state.

In that case, Israel’s treatment of its Arab minorities would appear to the world in a very different light. Its denial of equal or even basic rights to those minorities would lack the excuse of a past or prospective “Holocaust.” Civilized people would expect it to treat those it ruled with impartial justice — like civilized states. Special privileges for Jews would appear as outrageous discrimination, no different from insulting legal discrimination against Jews. The sense — and excuse — of perpetual crisis would be absent. Israel might be forced or pressured, possibly against its will, to be “normal.” If it chose to be democratic, its Jews would have to take their chance of being outnumbered, just like majorities in other democracies. Nobody would suppose that losing elections would mean their annihilation.

In short, the Holocaust has become a device for exempting Jews from normal human obligations. It has authorized them to bully and blackmail, to extort and oppress. This is all quite irrational, because even if six million Jews were murdered during World War II, it doesn’t follow that the survivors are entitled to commit the slightest injustice. If your father was stabbed in the street, that’s a pity, but it’s not an excuse for picking someone else’s pocket.

In a peculiar way, the Holocaust story has promoted not only pity, but actual fear of the Jews. It has removed them from the universe of normal moral discourse. It has made them victims with nukes. It has made them even more dangerous than their enemies have always charged. It has given the world an Israel ruled by Ariel Sharon.
Benjamin Netanyahu has written that Israel is “an integral part of the West.” I think it would be truer to say that Israel has become a deformed limb of the West.

“For Fear of the Jews”

Deflection. I have demonstrated that Anti Semitism has always been around long before May 14, 1948 yet you have nothing to say about it. How typical
I have also provided links where the PLO officially declared if they ever had control of E. Jerusalem Jews would not be permitted at the Western Wall.
You see nothing wrong with that either
More "Poland" hits

For a while an attempt was made to distract attention from Russia by a tremendously powerful propaganda concerning the Jews in Poland. There are many indications that the Polish propaganda was undertaken as a “cover” for the immense immigration of Jews into the United States. It may be that some of our readers do not know it, but an endless stream of the most undesirable immigrants pours daily into the United States, tens of thousands of the same people whose presence has been the problem and menace of the governments of Europe.


Another fact is this: the Jews of Russia are not suffering to anywhere near the extent we are told by the propagandists. It is now a fact admitted by Jews themselves that upon the first sweep of the Bolshevists across Poland, the Polish Jews were friendly with the invaders and helped them. The fact was explained by American Jews in this manner: since Bolshevism came to Russia, the condition of the Jews there has greatly improved—therefore the Polish Jews were friendly. And it is true—the condition of Russian Jews is good.


The alarming increase in Jewish immigration at the present time has brought the question to public attention again. For the first time in the history of the United States a national conviction is forming upon this subject. From Europe came the first news which startled this country. The reports told of vast mobilizations of Jewish people at stated rendezvous in Europe. Great barracks were built for them. Large bodies of trained men went from the United States, under orders of Jewish secret societies here, to expedite “passport work,” as it is termed among those bodies. Immigration into the United States became a business—a strictly Jewish business.

Why is that statement made?—“a strictly Jewish business.” For this reason: there are countries in Europe from which today no Gentile can be admitted to the United States. From Germany, from Russia, from Poland, it is with the utmost difficulty that even one person can be won permission to enter this country. But Jews from Poland, Germany, and Russia by the thousands come in most freely, in utter disregard of the laws, in open contempt of the health regulations—a strictly Jewish business of getting another million Jews into the United States. It is like moving an army, which having done duty in Europe for the subjugation of that continent, is now being transferred to America.


Third, there is a perfect organization which overcomes the numerous objections which arise against admission of known revolutionary Jews. European Jews are potential revolutionists. They are the revolutionists of Italy, Germany, Russia and Poland today. They are the Red and I.W.W. leaders of the United States today. When one man whose record is known presents himself at Ellis Island—and of course he is one in a thousand whose records are not known—he is held up. Immediately there start across the country telegrams to Congressmen, editors, state and municipal officials telling them in peremptory tones to “get busy” in behalf of Mr. So-and-So who is detained at Ellis Island. And the same day there start back to Washington telegrams from Congressmen, editors and others of influence, insisting on the spotless character of Mr. So-and-So and demanding his immediate admittance into the United States. Sometimes also the Russian embassy—so-called—is used in this work.

It is an invasion—nothing but an invasion; and it is helped by influences within the United States. It is thinly cloaked with sentiment—“these people are fleeing from persecution.” It is cleverly assisted by photographs showing groups of forlorn looking women and children—never by photographs showing the groups of husky young revolutionists who are just as ready to despoil the United States as they were to despoil Russia.


But South America appears to be the latest objective. It must be remembered that the Jews exercise world control in two departments: in movements of men, and in movements of money. No government, no church, no school of thought could order the movement of 250,000, half a million, or even a million people, from one part of the world to another, shifting them as a general shifts his army, but the Jews can do that. They are doing it now. It is only a matter of ships. From Poland, where Jewish special privileges have been written into the law of the land by the all-powerful Peace Conference, and where it would seem that the Jews have every reason to remain, there is a great movement westward. It is not a stampede, as the American Commissioner of Immigration says, although it may look so from this side. It is an orderly movement, as can be seen when the American Jewish directors on the other side are observed. And part of it is being directed to South America. It is said that after a period of training in the United States, some of the immigrants who are now landing here will be shipped south again.


For this state of affairs, the Anti-Defamation League receives the credit. Whenever a newspaper printed the word “Jew” as an identifying noun after the name of anyone who had been discredited, the Anti-Defamation League was instantly on the job in protest. The stock argument is, “If he had been a Baptist or an Episcopalian you would not have told it, and why should you say that he is a Jew—‘Jew’ being a mere religious denomination.” City editors are obliging and the rule became established. In principle it is right, although it is urged on wrong grounds; but in practice it has turned out to be a great injustice to other nationalities and, more than all, it has curtailed the freedom of American speech. It has concealed the Jew where he wishes to be concealed, and it cannot be said that he has made the best use of this privilege.
More "Poland" hits

The downfall of Russia was prepared by a long and deliberate program of misrepresentation of the Russian people, through the Jewish world press and Jewish diplomatic service. The name of Poland has been drawn in filth through the press of the United States under Jewish instigation, most of the signers of the latest Jewish protest against THE DEARBORN INDEPENDENT’s articles being leaders in the vilification of Poland, whose sole crime is that she wishes to save herself from the Jews. All this real misrepresentation is regarded as the Jews’ privilege.

But wherever a hand has been raised to prevent the Jews overrunning the people and secretly securing control of the major instruments of life, the Jews have raised the cry of “misrepresentation.” They never meet the question outright. They are not meeting it now. They cannot meet it without confession. False denials, pleas for sympathy, and an unworthy attempt to link others with them in their fall, constitute their whole method of defense.


Note also Disraeli’s answer to the question sometimes asked, “If the Jews suffer under Bolshevism, why do they support it?” or the Jewish spokesmen’s form of it—“If we are so powerful, why do we suffer in the disorder of the world?” The disorder is always a step to a new degree of Jewish power. Jews suffer willingly for that. But even so, they do not suffer as the non-Jews do. The Soviets permit relief to enter Russia for the Jews. In Poland, the “starving war-sufferers” are able to glut all available ships in taking high-priced passage to America. They are not suffering as other people are, but, as Disraeli sees, they are willing to suffer because they see in every breakdown of Gentile society a new opportunity for the Jewish power to dig nearer the central seat of power.


Chapter 40 has about 50 references
The International Jew
Another "Poland" hit

Here is, for illustration, trouble between the Jews and other people. It is a continuous situation. There is always trouble between the two. We seldom hear of it, however, until the Jew begins to get the worst of it. As long as the Jew remains on top, making the Gentile serve the Jewish plan, there is no publicity whatever. The Gentiles may complain as much as they like, may protest and rebel—no international commissions arrive to investigate the matter.

Trouble between the Jews and other people is designated as trouble only when it begins to grow inconvenient for the Jew. It is then that he sends the cry of “persecution” around the earth, though the plain fact may be that he is only being nipped at his own game. The Poles saw how the Jews clung together in the most admirable teamwork, a minority absolutely controlling the majority because the minority formed a close corporation and the majority did not. So the Poles said: “We will take a leaf out of the Jews’ own book. They work co-operatively among themselves; we, therefore, will work co-operatively among ourselves.” Which they did, and at once the cry of “persecution” resounded loud and long; propaganda was begun against the good name of the Poles, more resentment followed, regrettable violence ensued, and the dispute still continues.

Jewish reports of these disturbances rarely go beyond the fact that Jews are suffering from certain acts of the Polish populace. Incident after incident is given with full detail, and with a very apparent journalistic appreciation of horror. Names, dates, places, circumstances are all in order.

Very well. It is no part of this article to deny or minimize the suffering of Jews wherever or for whatever cause it may occur. There is nothing whatever to be said in extenuation of injustice inflicted on the humblest human being. The murder of even one person, the terrorizing of even one family, is a very terrible thing to contemplate. It is a great pity that the world has become so accustomed to the piled-up tales of horror that it no longer has any sensibilities left to feel the shame and degradation of these things. From the days of Belgium onward, all races in Europe have suffered, and by sympathy all races in America have suffered with them, though it is a fact that we hear more, far more, about the sufferings of the Jews than of any other people.

There is, however, this reaction of the practical mind: Why do these things occur? Grant that robberies, assaults and murders described in the complaint, have occurred, why should they occur?

Are the Polish people naturally given to perpetrating such acts? Have such acts marked the residence of the Jews in Poland for the last 800 years? And if the Polish people are not naturally abusive, if the story of the Jews’ residence in Poland has been mostly pleasant, what causes the change now?—that is the way the practical mind works. It seeks to know the background.
Mr. Goodhart, as counsel of the American mission, makes an excellent witness as to the kind of people who are coming in such large numbers to this country. But their sense of their own political importance and power is the principal point for Americans to consider.

The Peace Conference did not tend to bring unity in Poland; it rather established the disunity for as long a period as the treaty of Versailles remains to rule the world. The reader has just seen Captain Wright’s description of what the Jews demanded. Let the reader now understand what the Peace Conference decreed.

Poland is prohibited from having an election on Saturday. Poland is prohibited from having a registration on Saturday. The Jewish Sabbath is established by law, and government and courts must govern themselves accordingly. Do what you like on Sunday—order elections on Sunday, as the Poles sometimes do—but not on Saturday; it is the Jews’ Sabbath!

“Article 11—Jews shall not be compelled to perform any act which constitutes a violation of their Sabbath, nor shall they be placed under any disability by reason of their refusal to attend courts of law or to perform any legal business on their Sabbath * * * Poland declares her intention to refrain from ordering or permitting elections, whether general or local, to be held on a Saturday, nor will registration for electoral or other purposes be compelled to be performed on a Saturday.”

What the Bolsheviki did in Russia, the Peace Conference did in Poland—established the Jewish Sabbath.

The people who saw this strange setting up of Jewish customs as a part of the law of the land, one of the authorities for such action being the President of the United States, are now flocking to the United States in large numbers. Is it unreasonable for them to believe that if the President of the United States could bind Poland to Jewish custom, it is all right to bind the United States too?

Moreover, the Jewish separate schools were established by law in Poland. Poland’s great trouble has resulted from her lack of schools in which all the population could imbibe Polish ideals expressed in the Polish language. The Peace Conference authorizes the continuance of that source of trouble.

In Article 11, “the Jews” were mentioned. In Article 9, the term used is “Polish nationals.” The reader will save himself a great deal of misunderstanding in the perusal of European news if he will translate the clause “racial, religious and linguistic minorities” to mean simply Jews. They are the “minority” that is at the bottom of most of the difficulty, and they are the minority that is most heard of. It was this minority that dominated the Peace Conference.

“Article 9—Poland will provide in the educational system in towns and districts in which a considerable proportion of Polish nationals of other than Polish speech are residents, adequate facilities for insuring that in the primary schools instruction shall be given to the children of such Polish nationals through the medium of their own language * * *

“In towns and districts where there is a considerable proportion of Polish nationals belonging to racial, linguistic or religious minorities, these minorities shall be assured an equitable share in the enjoyment and application of the sums which may be provided out of public funds under the state, municipal or other budgets for education, religious or charitable purposes.”

But even that is not all. The Polish State is to hand over the money, but the Jews will distribute it:

“Educational committees appointed locally by the Jewish communities of Poland will, subject to the general control of the state, provide for the distribution of the proportional share of the funds allocated to Jewish schools in accordance with Article 9 * * *”

It is most amazing how “racial minorities” are dropped the moment money comes into view, and the definite term “Jew” is substituted.

More than all this, “the United States of America, the British Empire, France, Italy, and Japan, the principal allied and associated powers, on the one hand; and Poland, on the other hand,” (so the text of the treaty begins) together make of all these special privileges, not a national agreement on the part of hard-pressed Poland, but an international demand on the part of the League of Nations. Article 12 stipulates that all the agreements affecting “racial, linguistic and religious minorities,” which is mere diplomatic camouflage for “Jews,” shall be placed under the guaranty of the League of Nations. This lifts the Jews in Poland completely out of Polish obligation. All they will have to do is complain to the League of Nations—and International Jewry will do the rest.

The United States was a party toward the writing of these stipulations into the treaty. The American people are not yet a party to their enforcement.

There are a quarter of a million of these Jews coming to the United States from Poland. You have read their demands in Poland. You have read their achievements in the Peace Conference.

Do you say, as an American citizen, that you are ready to take for the United States the dose of Jewish medicine, which the Peace Conference gave to Poland?

Do you say, in view of what has been said about the whole situation, that the Jews are showing anything besides a wicked and gloating spirit of revenge in the way they have propagandized against Poland after humiliating her in the Peace Conference?

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