Every Jew has secret knowledge of a Zionist world conspiracy? Not true.

No way...In '47, the World Jewish Almanac reported 15.68 million jews in the world, then in '48 reported 15.75 million. 2 typos, 2 years straight? Nah.

You said that well: "came up with" - It's an invented number, not supported by population data or reports from the Red Cross, British Intelligence, or US Intelligence.

No one said it was perpetrated by jews. If you'd looked at the link, you'd have seen that it was said explicitly that it was carried out on Stalin's order. The point was that it was perpetrated by the Soviets and blamed on "the Nazis."
The Jewish population grew since WWII, and just reached the same number over 15 million. There really was a Holocaust.
My post #1079 on page 36 of this thread gives the World Jewish Almanac's jewish population numbers before Hitler came to power, just prior to the outbreak of WWII, during the war, and immediately following it...
In 1933, the year Hitler became German Chancellor, there were 15.32 million jews world-wide
In 1938, 5 years after Hitler became Chancellor & before WW2 broke out, there were 15.74 million jews world-wide
In 1942, deep into the war, there were 15.12 million jews world-wide
In 1947, after war's end, there were 15.68 million jews world-wide
Those numbers in combination would be impossible if 6 millions jews had perished during Hitler's rule. 6 million was roughly one third of the entire world jewish population. You can say "there really was a Holocaust" if you like but to say that 6 million jews were killed and the remaining 9-10 million restored those 6 million in only two years is ludicrous.
Europe between 1945 and 1985 grew, and so did Jews.
Your statement is completely irrelevant to the one to which it's a reply and does absolutely nothing to make your case or argue against mine. Is it a reading comprehension problem that you have or are you just being obtuse intentionally?

Insane, everybody knows the Holocaust happened.
Yes, everybody just KNOWS it happened. Yet, no one can prove it happened and there's a mountain of evidence that it didn't happen in the way, to the degree, or for the reasons everybody KNOWS it happened.

Except ignorant Nazis.
Being unaware of the evidence that disproves the accepted "Holocaust" narrative is ignorance. Ignoring the evidence that disproves the accepted "Holocaust" narrative is willful ignorance. Accepting something as true and asserting its truth as undeniable without assessing the evidence displays ignorance. Calling other people ignorant when one has displayed only ignorance is both arrogant and ignorant.

We should argue with cherry picked arguments?
Or unnamed historians who say it never happened.
Yes, you should. If you can. It should be simple to do. If you can. Why haven't you? If you can? If they're just cherry picked arguments, it should be easy to make a comprehensive opposing argument. If it happened, it should be simple to provide comprehensive proof of it and to rebut any contrary argument. Why haven't you?
Even though these guys are evasive, abusive, and rude, and violate every rule for productive public debate, and we have remained civil while making reasoned arguments, if this debate were on Facebook or Google or Twitter, we would be banned, not they, and the average 20-year-old American, I fear, would think it absolutely the correct response. They have no memory of the America of our birth, of the Founders, of our ancestors, in which it would be the other way around if such a shocking event were to occur at all.

Under the new regime, there are no objective standards. We have adopted in full Lenin's claim that all of politics boils down to "who?", "whom?" And Antifa rides again. And the Proud Boys go to prison.
Proud boys should go to prison. What is wrong with Lenin? Lenin helped modernize Russia. Banning people for hate speech is apart of civilization.
The Jewish population grew since WWII, and just reached the same number over 15 million. There really was a Holocaust.
My post #1079 on page 36 of this thread gives the World Jewish Almanac's jewish population numbers before Hitler came to power, just prior to the outbreak of WWII, during the war, and immediately following it...
In 1933, the year Hitler became German Chancellor, there were 15.32 million jews world-wide
In 1938, 5 years after Hitler became Chancellor & before WW2 broke out, there were 15.74 million jews world-wide
In 1942, deep into the war, there were 15.12 million jews world-wide
In 1947, after war's end, there were 15.68 million jews world-wide
Those numbers in combination would be impossible if 6 millions jews had perished during Hitler's rule. 6 million was roughly one third of the entire world jewish population. You can say "there really was a Holocaust" if you like but to say that 6 million jews were killed and the remaining 9-10 million restored those 6 million in only two years is ludicrous.
Europe between 1945 and 1985 grew, and so did Jews.
Your statement is completely irrelevant to the one to which it's a reply and does absolutely nothing to make your case or argue against mine. Is it a reading comprehension problem that you have or are you just being obtuse intentionally?

Insane, everybody knows the Holocaust happened.
Yes, everybody just KNOWS it happened. Yet, no one can prove it happened and there's a mountain of evidence that it didn't happen in the way, to the degree, or for the reasons everybody KNOWS it happened.

Except ignorant Nazis.
Being unaware of the evidence that disproves the accepted "Holocaust" narrative is ignorance. Ignoring the evidence that disproves the accepted "Holocaust" narrative is willful ignorance. Accepting something as true and asserting its truth as undeniable without assessing the evidence displays ignorance. Calling other people ignorant when one has displayed only ignorance is both arrogant and ignorant.

We should argue with cherry picked arguments?
Or unnamed historians who say it never happened.
Yes, you should. If you can. It should be simple to do. If you can. Why haven't you? If you can? If they're just cherry picked arguments, it should be easy to make a comprehensive opposing argument. If it happened, it should be simple to provide comprehensive proof of it and to rebut any contrary argument. Why haven't you?
So when you state that a group of anonymous scholars discredited the documentation that everybody accepted I should counter with my own anonymous scholars?
Are you posting from an insane asylum?

Please provide a link...the identity...a description of this "documentation". (Warm and profitable eye-witness "memories" of atrocities sharpened by decades of fine-tuning don't count as "documentation".) Of course, you can't--and you won't. Your responses here are yet another subterfuge to give the appearance that we are having an actual debate, and that, therefore, we have not debunked the six million lampshades stories. You make yourself an enemy of the truth. Therefore, you are truly an enemy of humanity.
You think I Link to a non-Linked statement from Capri that a group of unnamed scholars...
Are you in the same insane asylum?
So when you state that a group of anonymous scholars discredited the documentation that everybody accepted I should counter with my own anonymous scholars?
I said what I said. It's not what you said I said. You know that.

The "Holocaust" truthers aren't anonymous.

Are you posting from an insane asylum?
Are you in the same insane asylum?


There's many millions of missing Jews from countries like Poland, and Ukraine especially. They couldn't have all gone to Israel. It just doesn't add up. What adds up is there was a Holocaust against Jews.
So, you either can't comprehend or refuse to acknowledge the population data presented plainly to you above, twice.

There were not and are not many millions of missing jews. It just doesn't add up, as the numbers placed before you eyes show. What adds up is that 6 million dead jews is a massive exaggeration, at least.
So when you state that a group of anonymous scholars discredited the documentation that everybody accepted I should counter with my own anonymous scholars?
I said what I said. It's not what you said I said. You know that.

The "Holocaust" truthers aren't anonymous.

Are you posting from an insane asylum?
Are you in the same insane asylum?


There's many millions of missing Jews from countries like Poland, and Ukraine especially. They couldn't have all gone to Israel. It just doesn't add up. What adds up is there was a Holocaust against Jews.
So, you either can't comprehend or refuse to acknowledge the population data presented plainly to you above, twice.

There were not and are not many millions of missing jews. It just doesn't add up, as the numbers placed before you eyes show. What adds up is that 6 million dead jews is a massive exaggeration, at least.
You accusing someone of ad hominems?!
That’s rich.
Your frustration is noted.
Your sources are not.
You accusing someone of ad hominems?!
That’s rich.
Ad hominem is a standard tactic of "Holocaust" hoax promoters. You and your fellow jews have used it repeatedly throughout this thread. I responded in kind. Mine was in direct reply to yours; specifically, to your questioning my and Street Juice 's sanity without addressing our arguments. Mine was based on the objective and obvious truth of your avoidance via insult of the substance of our argument. This latest and every other one of yours was baseless.

Your frustration is noted.
There's no frustration to note.
Your ongoing avoidance of genuine discussion and debate via ad hominem and other tactical maneuvers was noted long ago.

Your sources are not.
I've cited and linked to many sources throughout this thread. You have not.
Also noted.
You accusing someone of ad hominems?!
That’s rich.
Ad hominem is a standard tactic of "Holocaust" hoax promoters. You and your fellow jews have used it repeatedly throughout this thread. I responded in kind. Mine was in direct reply to yours; specifically, to your questioning my and Street Juice 's sanity without addressing our arguments. Mine was based on the objective and obvious truth of your avoidance via insult of the substance of our argument. This latest and every other one of yours was baseless.

Your frustration is noted.
There's no frustration to note.
Your ongoing avoidance of genuine discussion and debate via ad hominem and other tactical maneuvers was noted long ago.

Your sources are not.
I've cited and linked to many sources throughout this thread. You have not.
Also noted.
Do you have any arguments not based on unnamed scholars?
You understand why no other members are responding to you anymore?
But please continue...on your own.
You accusing someone of ad hominems?!
That’s rich.
Ad hominem is a standard tactic of "Holocaust" hoax promoters. You and your fellow jews have used it repeatedly throughout this thread. I responded in kind. Mine was in direct reply to yours; specifically, to your questioning my and Street Juice 's sanity without addressing our arguments. Mine was based on the objective and obvious truth of your avoidance via insult of the substance of our argument. This latest and every other one of yours was baseless.

Your frustration is noted.
There's no frustration to note.
Your ongoing avoidance of genuine discussion and debate via ad hominem and other tactical maneuvers was noted long ago.

Your sources are not.
I've cited and linked to many sources throughout this thread. You have not.
Also noted.
Do you have any arguments not based on unnamed scholars?
You understand why no other members are responding to you anymore?
But please continue...on your own.
You understand why no other members are responding to you anymore?
The Holohoaxers typically fall silent when when confronted with arguments and facts. Here, Ron Unz obliterates the fearsome ADL, exposing their depraved beginnings. The ADL bullies were too chastened to respond.

American Pravda: The ADL in American Society
Do you have any arguments not based on unnamed scholars?
Had you looked at the many links I've offered in this thread, you'd have seen the names of several authors.
Do you have any arguments at all?
Rhetorical question.

You understand why no other members are responding to you anymore?
Of course I do. They have no solid arguments against the points I'm making and so choose not to engage. They must be more sensitive to public embarrassment than you.

But please continue...on your own.
So you've had enough of being embarrassed, too? That's fine. There are always more of your ilk to give me and mine another opportunity to show the "Holocaust" for the hoax it is.

The funniest part of it all is that if you'd put forth a bit of effort combined with a modicum of intelligence, you could have presented sound arguments against nearly half of the points I've made throughout this thread. Instead, you chose ignorance, laziness, manipulation, dishonesty, and bigotry. Pity -- It's obvious that you're outmatched intellectually but you still seem well ahead of your fellow hoax promoters who've participated here and a number of the others I've dealt with elsewhere. You might have almost been challenging. Oh, well.
You accusing someone of ad hominems?!
That’s rich.
Ad hominem is a standard tactic of "Holocaust" hoax promoters. You and your fellow jews have used it repeatedly throughout this thread. I responded in kind. Mine was in direct reply to yours; specifically, to your questioning my and Street Juice 's sanity without addressing our arguments. Mine was based on the objective and obvious truth of your avoidance via insult of the substance of our argument. This latest and every other one of yours was baseless.

Your frustration is noted.
There's no frustration to note.
Your ongoing avoidance of genuine discussion and debate via ad hominem and other tactical maneuvers was noted long ago.

Your sources are not.
I've cited and linked to many sources throughout this thread. You have not.
Also noted.
Do you have any arguments not based on unnamed scholars?
You understand why no other members are responding to you anymore?
But please continue...on your own.
You understand why no other members are responding to you anymore?
The Holohoaxers typically fall silent when when confronted with arguments and facts. Here, Ron Unz obliterates the fearsome ADL, exposing their depraved beginnings. The ADL bullies were too chastened to respond.

American Pravda: The ADL in American Society
Two organizations need to be obliterated...
[1] The Roman Catholic/Self-Hating assimilated Jews ACLU.
[2] The ADL, consisting of self-hating, assimilated, self-appointed multi-millionaire and billionaire Jews whose grandchild are, thanks to assimilation, good little Christians. They are an embarrassment to Jewish Jews.
There’s an Aushwitz exhibit at the Jewish Memorial Museum in NYC.
Exhibits at that museum and the many other "Holocaust" museums are primarily re-creations -- better, fabrications & falsifications. EG - models of gas chambers, piles of shoes of the deceased that are actually only a few pairs of shoes attached to a raised base, and so forth. Meanwhile, the bars of soap that were claimed to have been made from the fat of victims and the lampshades that were claimed to have been made from their skin were removed when those lies were revealed.
Gee, they lied about soap and lampshades and other stuff; just maybe they might have lied about some other things...?
Meanwhile, the Auschwitz Museum in Poland lowered its official death total tally by nearly 3 million yet the magic number of 6,000,000 jewish victims hasn't been changed. Now ain't that strange?

There are also way too many non-Jews who liberated the camps who are still alive.
The fact is that since VHS didn’t exist at the time doesn’t make millions of non-Jewish soldiers personal testimonies false.
Not one of whom among the Americans or British claimed to have seen a murderous gas chamber or an order for mass extermination. Or maybe I'm wrong -- please show us such testimony. There were Soviet testimonies, and we all know how honest the Soviets were. :rolleyes:

I also presume you haven’t watched the unedited version of Triumph of the Will...it’s brutal.
No. I did see "Shoah" -- also brutal. Lot's of dead people it CLAIMED were murdered. No mention of typhus.
Have you seen this?: https://thegreateststorynevertold.tv

Seeing that StormFront has closed down I would think your fellow Nazis would be more than happy to join you in your quest to publicize the “TRUTH”.
Stormfront hasn't closed down (nyah, nyah).
And we are publicizing the truth wherever we're allowed to do so. Try truth-zone.net and gab.com/HolocaustLiesExposed for a couple of instances.

For the same reasons the Nazis tried to burn every document they had written when they knew the allies were just a few days away.
My, how convenient. Every last written record of this massive, coordinated genocide -- gone. Well, gee, that's just proof positive that it happened exactly like they say, huh?

the nazi Christian pigs
You betray your bigotry.

worked hard on their stories
Someone worked hard on their stories. The victors get to write and promote the "history" -- that's why the "good guys" always win.

great stuff there,thanks.
The preconception that every Jew has secret knowledge of a Zionist world conspiracy should be guarded against. While every Jew who identifies as such is familiar with the general idea of the ultimate triumph of Israel, the average Jew is no more familiar with the special plans which for centuries have existed in formulated form for the attainment of that triumph--the Zionist world conspiracy--than anyone else.

The role the average Jew plays in the conspiracy is limited to two things:
  1. it is perfectly understood that the consummation of the Jewish triumph will not be distasteful to any Jew, and
  2. if the methods to be used toward the end are a bit violent, every Jew can be depended upon to see in that violence a very insufficient retribution visited upon the Gentile world for the sufferings which it has caused the children of Israel throughout the centuries.
The Jewish users of this forum provide ample evidence that #2 is true. As for #1, I can only assume it is true. But, when taken together, those two conditions provide sufficient condition in themselves for the viability of a secret Zionist world conspiracy. It would therefore behoove those Jews, it seems to me, who take offense at any suggestion of the existence of such conspiracy to take care to ensure both #1 and #2 are not the case insofar as his own individual case is concerned. It is, after all, morally indefensible to do otherwise.

The Jewish people make up LESS then ,2 percent of the total population. That is NOT 2 percent; its less then 2/10 of 1 Percent. To believe that such a few have such power a symptom of your paranoia and inferiority
The only way that this argument would work is if every person on the planet had an equal say. Jewish interests have an incredibly disproportional grip on the power structures driving the planet.

You’re getting boring.
You’ll notice that almost nobody here bothers to waste time on you.
Then stop replying.

There...You have your excuse to run away from the debate you're losing so brilliantly.

Next time, maybe try supporting your assertions with with things like documentation and photos, and references..
You won't. You can't.


I have met too many survivors, Jew and not, to believe they all got together to make this up.
That's not how hoaxes begin, and you know it.

No one denies that there were concentration camps, that jews were targeted, or that people died badly.
The argument is with the number of the dead, the causes and means, and the intent of the Nat'l Socialist government.

And if you want to insult the military men who went through hell and liberated concentration camps, you’ve got mental issues that I can’t solve.
I have never and would never insult the brave and honorable men who fought for the Allies in WWII, nor any other military veteran. My father served in the Navy during the war, fyi. They were the finest of men doing what they believed was right.

Please tell us why anymore in their right mind would deny it
The quest for truth and the consequences of propagating the lies.

Hitler centered his activities on one platform...
Exterminate the Jews.
Absolutely false. Nothing but the standard propaganda line fed to us all from our youth. The NS platform focused on economic revitalization, the restoration of German dignity and values, and the defeat of encroaching communism in Europe. The jews were (and are) behind communism and behind the international banking system that was key in crippling the German economy. That's why Hitler named the jew -- He identified the enemy.
Read beyond the narrative fed to you by your public and Hebrew school teachers. It's amazing what a person can learn.
The Jewish population grew since WWII, and just reached the same number over 15 million. There really was a Holocaust.
My post #1079 on page 36 of this thread gives the World Jewish Almanac's jewish population numbers before Hitler came to power, just prior to the outbreak of WWII, during the war, and immediately following it...
In 1933, the year Hitler became German Chancellor, there were 15.32 million jews world-wide
In 1938, 5 years after Hitler became Chancellor & before WW2 broke out, there were 15.74 million jews world-wide
In 1942, deep into the war, there were 15.12 million jews world-wide
In 1947, after war's end, there were 15.68 million jews world-wide
Those numbers in combination would be impossible if 6 millions jews had perished during Hitler's rule. 6 million was roughly one third of the entire world jewish population. You can say "there really was a Holocaust" if you like but to say that 6 million jews were killed and the remaining 9-10 million restored those 6 million in only two years is ludicrous.
Europe between 1945 and 1985 grew, and so did Jews.
Your statement is completely irrelevant to the one to which it's a reply and does absolutely nothing to make your case or argue against mine. Is it a reading comprehension problem that you have or are you just being obtuse intentionally?

Insane, everybody knows the Holocaust happened.
Yes, everybody just KNOWS it happened. Yet, no one can prove it happened and there's a mountain of evidence that it didn't happen in the way, to the degree, or for the reasons everybody KNOWS it happened.

Except ignorant Nazis.
Being unaware of the evidence that disproves the accepted "Holocaust" narrative is ignorance. Ignoring the evidence that disproves the accepted "Holocaust" narrative is willful ignorance. Accepting something as true and asserting its truth as undeniable without assessing the evidence displays ignorance. Calling other people ignorant when one has displayed only ignorance is both arrogant and ignorant.

We should argue with cherry picked arguments?
Or unnamed historians who say it never happened.
Yes, you should. If you can. It should be simple to do. If you can. Why haven't you? If you can? If they're just cherry picked arguments, it should be easy to make a comprehensive opposing argument. If it happened, it should be simple to provide comprehensive proof of it and to rebut any contrary argument. Why haven't you?
Even though these guys are evasive, abusive, and rude, and violate every rule for productive public debate, and we have remained civil while making reasoned arguments, if this debate were on Facebook or Google or Twitter, we would be banned, not they, and the average 20-year-old American, I fear, would think it absolutely the correct response. They have no memory of the America of our birth, of the Founders, of our ancestors, in which it would be the other way around if such a shocking event were to occur at all.

Under the new regime, there are no objective standards. We have adopted in full Lenin's claim that all of politics boils down to "who?", "whom?" And Antifa rides again. And the Proud Boys go to prison.
Proud boys should go to prison. What is wrong with Lenin? Lenin helped modernize Russia. Banning people for hate speech is apart of civilization.
Lenin unleashed an actual holocaust on Russia that dwarfs anything the Nazis did, even if what they are accused of doing were true. But since you are a Jew, and Lenin's bloodbath was executed by Jews at the expense of Christians, you support it. You should be ashamed of yourself.
You accusing someone of ad hominems?!
That’s rich.
Ad hominem is a standard tactic of "Holocaust" hoax promoters. You and your fellow jews have used it repeatedly throughout this thread. I responded in kind. Mine was in direct reply to yours; specifically, to your questioning my and Street Juice 's sanity without addressing our arguments. Mine was based on the objective and obvious truth of your avoidance via insult of the substance of our argument. This latest and every other one of yours was baseless.

Your frustration is noted.
There's no frustration to note.
Your ongoing avoidance of genuine discussion and debate via ad hominem and other tactical maneuvers was noted long ago.

Your sources are not.
I've cited and linked to many sources throughout this thread. You have not.
Also noted.
Do you have any arguments not based on unnamed scholars?
You understand why no other members are responding to you anymore?
But please continue...on your own.
You understand why no other members are responding to you anymore?
The Holohoaxers typically fall silent when when confronted with arguments and facts. Here, Ron Unz obliterates the fearsome ADL, exposing their depraved beginnings. The ADL bullies were too chastened to respond.

American Pravda: The ADL in American Society
Two organizations need to be obliterated...
[1] The Roman Catholic/Self-Hating assimilated Jews ACLU.
[2] The ADL, consisting of self-hating, assimilated, self-appointed multi-millionaire and billionaire Jews whose grandchild are, thanks to assimilation, good little Christians. They are an embarrassment to Jewish Jews.
Are you an Orthodox jew?
You accusing someone of ad hominems?!
That’s rich.
Ad hominem is a standard tactic of "Holocaust" hoax promoters. You and your fellow jews have used it repeatedly throughout this thread. I responded in kind. Mine was in direct reply to yours; specifically, to your questioning my and Street Juice 's sanity without addressing our arguments. Mine was based on the objective and obvious truth of your avoidance via insult of the substance of our argument. This latest and every other one of yours was baseless.

Your frustration is noted.
There's no frustration to note.
Your ongoing avoidance of genuine discussion and debate via ad hominem and other tactical maneuvers was noted long ago.

Your sources are not.
I've cited and linked to many sources throughout this thread. You have not.
Also noted.
Do you have any arguments not based on unnamed scholars?
You understand why no other members are responding to you anymore?
But please continue...on your own.
You understand why no other members are responding to you anymore?
The Holohoaxers typically fall silent when when confronted with arguments and facts. Here, Ron Unz obliterates the fearsome ADL, exposing their depraved beginnings. The ADL bullies were too chastened to respond.

American Pravda: The ADL in American Society
Two organizations need to be obliterated...
[1] The Roman Catholic/Self-Hating assimilated Jews ACLU.
[2] The ADL, consisting of self-hating, assimilated, self-appointed multi-millionaire and billionaire Jews whose grandchild are, thanks to assimilation, good little Christians. They are an embarrassment to Jewish Jews.
Are you an Orthodox jew?
Yes; and Lenin was a good atheist.
Catholic Russia beat the last vestige of Jew out of him.
Ad hominem is a standard tactic of "Holocaust" hoax promoters. You and your fellow jews have used it repeatedly throughout this thread. I responded in kind. Mine was in direct reply to yours; specifically, to your questioning my and Street Juice 's sanity without addressing our arguments. Mine was based on the objective and obvious truth of your avoidance via insult of the substance of our argument. This latest and every other one of yours was baseless.

There's no frustration to note.
Your ongoing avoidance of genuine discussion and debate via ad hominem and other tactical maneuvers was noted long ago.

I've cited and linked to many sources throughout this thread. You have not.
Also noted.
Do you have any arguments not based on unnamed scholars?
You understand why no other members are responding to you anymore?
But please continue...on your own.
You understand why no other members are responding to you anymore?
The Holohoaxers typically fall silent when when confronted with arguments and facts. Here, Ron Unz obliterates the fearsome ADL, exposing their depraved beginnings. The ADL bullies were too chastened to respond.

American Pravda: The ADL in American Society
Two organizations need to be obliterated...
[1] The Roman Catholic/Self-Hating assimilated Jews ACLU.
[2] The ADL, consisting of self-hating, assimilated, self-appointed multi-millionaire and billionaire Jews whose grandchild are, thanks to assimilation, good little Christians. They are an embarrassment to Jewish Jews.
Are you an Orthodox jew?
Yes; and Lenin was a good atheist.
Catholic Russia beat the last vestige of Jew out of him.
You accusing someone of ad hominems?!
That’s rich.
Ad hominem is a standard tactic of "Holocaust" hoax promoters. You and your fellow jews have used it repeatedly throughout this thread. I responded in kind. Mine was in direct reply to yours; specifically, to your questioning my and Street Juice 's sanity without addressing our arguments. Mine was based on the objective and obvious truth of your avoidance via insult of the substance of our argument. This latest and every other one of yours was baseless.

Your frustration is noted.
There's no frustration to note.
Your ongoing avoidance of genuine discussion and debate via ad hominem and other tactical maneuvers was noted long ago.

Your sources are not.
I've cited and linked to many sources throughout this thread. You have not.
Also noted.
Do you have any arguments not based on unnamed scholars?
You understand why no other members are responding to you anymore?
But please continue...on your own.
You understand why no other members are responding to you anymore?
The Holohoaxers typically fall silent when when confronted with arguments and facts. Here, Ron Unz obliterates the fearsome ADL, exposing their depraved beginnings. The ADL bullies were too chastened to respond.

American Pravda: The ADL in American Society
Two organizations need to be obliterated...
[1] The Roman Catholic/Self-Hating assimilated Jews ACLU.
[2] The ADL, consisting of self-hating, assimilated, self-appointed multi-millionaire and billionaire Jews whose grandchild are, thanks to assimilation, good little Christians. They are an embarrassment to Jewish Jews.
"Self-Hating assimilated Jews"
So you are a member of a racial minority who actively opposes assimilation. You realize, of course, that your position justifies the position of every immigration restrictionist since 1800 who argued against Jewish immigration? Their claim was that Jews are problematic because they never assimilate. You called them "anti-Semitic" for making such a claim, yet you prove them right by your own words and actions. This, in turn, proves that the term "anti-Semitism" is not even a real word, but is, instead, weaponized language.

You refuse to assimilate. You use weaponized words against the host population. You oppose for the host nation the very policies you insist upon for Israel, and yet insist on laws for the host nation that are made for the benefit of yourselves to the detriment of everyone else (for example, immigration), and you are surprised you are hated?
I see you’ve never watched the full Triumph of the Will.
I already said that I hadn't. Is that the best you've got left -- to accuse me of not having seen a movie I already told you I hadn't seen? Gee, you sue told me!

Also as I've already said, I've seen "Shoah" and was taught (and for most of my life believed) the same standard narrative about WWII, "the Nazis," and "the Holocaust" as everyone else. I'm as aware of it as you and anyone else. I'm also aware of other facts and information you refuse to acknowledge, despite it having been presented right here in this thread.

I see you haven't watched The Greatest Story Never Told, which I linked for you earlier. It present a lot of info that we're not told in the standard narrative.

How the “Holocaust” was Faked
'Virtually all of the iconic imagery associated with the alleged Jewish “Holocaust” turns out to be either entirely fabricated, altered or extremely misrepresented and taken out of context. The imagery associated with the “Holocaust” — photographs of piles of dead bodies, emaciated prisoners, Jews being “rounded up”, train cars filled with dead people, etc. — has been used to psychologically traumatize the masses, rendering them vulnerable to manipulation and facilitating the fake narrative of “6 million Jews murdered by the Nazis”
'Images ... showing piles of dead, emaciated bodies have been shown ..., inducing psychological trauma and fear ... in order to sell the idea that the Germans systematically murdered millions of people (especially Jews) in “death camps”. The fact of the matter is that when the war was ending, the German-administered labor and industrial camps were not supplied and many people did in fact perish in horrible conditions. But that does not prove that the Germans were systematically murdering people in these camps.
'Also, some of the iconic imagery associated with the Jewish “Holocaust” turns out to be photographs of dead German civilians murdered in Allied fire-bombing campaigns, which were presented to the masses as “proof” of German atrocities...
'The iconic “Holocaust” imagery shown repeatedly to mass audiences is never put into context. The images are simply shown, and we are expected to believe that the “Holocaust” was a real event.'

Of course he

and other posters either deny the Holocaust or try to justify the Jews were responsible for Germany's struggling economy,

What he and others don't tell you is that Hitler had a Long History of Anti Semitism
Yes, we do. No one denies that.
You use yet another standard tactic of those on the wrong side of a debate: Accusing your debate opponent of not admitting what they, in fact, readily state.

Mein Kampf
Ever read it? It's amazing.

My Jewish Learning? Ya think just maybe they might have a bias about this topic?

Kudos, though, for at least trying to provide some support for your position. Flimsy and biased support that simply takes the received narrative as a given, but at least something.

Judea Declares War On Germany - Daily Express, March 24, 1933
Thanks for helping to make our point and contradicting your own. Hitler becomes Chancellor and immediately, before he's done anything at all in office, the jews declare an economic war upon Germany, and yet you argue we're wrong when we "try to justify the Jews were responsible" for German animosity toward them. Hel-LO???

I have all these old pictures of the Haber sisters lounging around in their Gibson girl hair looking gorgeous. Hence my avatar..
Love your avatar!
Dude...It’s the documentary ordered by Hitler and proudly shows his successful extermination of the Jews.

You can’t watch because it proves you’re full of shit.

Final Solution - Wikipedia

We all know we will deny this; Just attribute it to bigotry, ignorance, delusion, and stupidity
"We all know we will deny this; Just attribute it to bigotry, ignorance, delusion, and stupidity"
Yes, you will deny, but you can't refute. Nor can you seem to embrace the truth and acknowledge the role Jews have played in the agonies of the West. The world of deception you create makes you an agent of irrationality, the mother of chaos and destruction. How does this world of chaos and destruction, of the wanton slaughter of innocents, of endless war and propaganda and subjugation and enslavement finally ever end for you sons of Deuteronomy? Is extreme torture really the final glory of humanity as it became for the Bolsheviks?

the paid shill got his ass owned by you.LOL
Dude...It’s the documentary ordered by Hitler and proudly shows his successful extermination of the Jews.

You can’t watch because it proves you’re full of shit.
I'll be more than happy to watch it. Have you got a link?

And you can watch 'The Greatest Story Never Told' at the link I've posted twice.

Please don't call me "dude."

Final Solution - Wikipedia

We all know we will deny this; Just attribute it to bigotry, ignorance, delusion, and stupidity
Please provide just one document is which the National Socialist government of Germany made reference to a "Final Solution" entailing genocide of the jews.
You will not be able to do so. No such document ever exited.

some jew has enslaved you?
The jews enslave us all.

I have not lied. Not once. I've supported what I've said with multiple forms of evidence. I defy you to show even one time when I've knowingly propagated a falsehood.
If you think someone's conclusions are incorrect, you offer a counterpoint interpretation of the evidence presented and/or provide evidence supporting a different conclusion. You don't call someone a liar unless you can demonstrate they've asserted what they know to be false. Of if you've no argument and so resort to baseless accusations.

love it how while he was not able to refute your facts he got desperate and HE lied saying YOU lied.LOL
CAPRI said: The jews enslave us all.

IROSIE91 said: oh----al da jooos enslaved ALL OF YOU. I got it-------My house need cleaning-----be there at 9am SLAVE

CAPRI responds: You know that's not what was meant.

CAPRI said: Please provide just one document is which the National Socialist government of Germany made reference to a "Final Solution" entailing genocide of the jews.
You will not be able to do so. No such document ever exited.

IROSIE91 said: you have INSIDE information about that which "NEVER EXISTED"?????? PROVE IT

CAPRI responds: I've already provided links and other supporting evidence for my position. You have not.
Gab Social
Gab Social
The Endless Lies - A Rant - ImpartialTruth.com
Holocaust Liars
Before and after the "Holocaust": Jewish population numbers in 1933 and 1948 - News
Holohoax 101 - The Fundamentals of the Holocaust Hoax
»The Real Holocaust Deal

It's you and those arguing your position who are making assertions without proof. Your avoidance of this latest request for documentation is but one instance.

Please try to be more careful when using the quote function.

Try reading about the Nuremberg Laws passed in 1933 right after he became Chancellor and the fact that the Jewish population was a mere one percent of the total.
Yeah, know about all that. Also know that the jews never admit to culpability for anything.
You'd think that after all these years of so many different peoples coming to despise y'all and after being thrown out of host nations over 100 times, y'all might engage in a little introspection.

Hitler’s! Anti Semitic hate
Truth - "anti-Semitic hate"
Tomayto - tomahto

Please tell us what “ The Final Solution” was all about. You tried to justify Hitler’s feelings towards the Jews in 1933 but apparently not bright enough to know if that he wrote Mein Kampf in the 1920’s.
With your Rabid Hate I’m sure you will find a reason. Bigots always do
The only document from NS Germany that used words that can be translated as "final solution" was clearly doing so in reference to the repatriation of jews to Palestine. Prove me wrong, go ahead. You won't be able to.
I know when Mein Kampf was written. It was you who posted the "Judea Declares War on Germany" headline from 1933 and I commented on that; my general reference to Hitler's attitude toward the jews had nothing to do with that or any year. You're flailing.
The jews, ran (and run) the world baking system that was crippling the German economy. The jews were (and are) the most prominent in and the leaders of the degradation of culture and morality in Wiemar Germany (pornography, drug use, prostitution, etc.).
Pointing out verifiable facts isn't "rabid hate."
You insult my intelligence without basis while simultaneously either misunderstanding or misdirecting from points made, demanding evidence that was already provided, and avoiding requests to you for evidence of your assertions. Meanwhile, I've been nothing but civil and polite to you.

excellent stuff there,you so much schooled agent rosie handing her hass to her on a platter.LOL
lol your rubbish has been exploded for decades now; just because you were born yesterday and think you're 'Speshul' and smart enough to just repackage the rubbish doesn't make it necessary to cover it all yet again, dumbass.
Now that you've made your cogent and well-researched argument by cursing and insulting me:
The upshot of your hateful statement here is that you have no argument to counter the points I'm making.

you really think that's a point???
Yes. Of course it is, because not only does the standard "Holocaust" narrative fall apart in the face of facts, it also defies reason.

hey could make up their own history if there were far fewer witnesses for one
Pretty sure people who've been shot dead don't make any better witnesses than people who've been gassed to death.

it's far cheaper to mass murder people in large groups than with bullets, not to mention easier to toss them into ovens and reduce the amount of material to be buried,
So loading masses of people onto trains, using large amounts of fuel and time and manpower to transport them many miles, unloading and processing them and herding them into murderous gas chambers that took time and money and resources and manpower to construct, and using the huge amounts of the insecticide Zyklon B necessary to kill them, burning the vast amount of fuel and time needed to cremate all those bodies, then cleaning up from it all to start the process over again is easier and cheaper than a single bullet to each brain where they are and burial in a mass grave? All while fighting a war requiring manpower, fuel, and other resources?
Want to try again?

you probably have zero clue as to hygiene issues with piles of rotting bodies and diseases and airborne infections, buried or not.
Yet the standard "Holocaust" propaganda also includes piles of rotting bodies and mass graves.

But let's say that the reason you offer was really why the ridiculously inefficient and illogical method of mass murder asserted by the standard "Holocaust" narrative was implemented, despite it's being thoroughly disproved by a mountain of evidence. Why not simply burn the people to death in the first place? Throw them into fire pits -- "the Nazis" being so inhumanely cruel and all anyway -- and save all the time and manpower and gas and everything by skipping right to the burning step.

Elie Wiesel is a liar, a shill, and a conman but he was smart enough when he wrote his purported autobiographical account of his time in the camps to claim that the jews were murdered by being thrown alive into fire pit rather than making the outlandish claim or mass gassing (which would leave physical and forensic evidence that doesn't exist) and cremations (which is a mathematical impossibility given the time it takes to cremate a body).

You're not here to actually discuss anything, just cater to your own dumbassery and your tiny little peer group of sociopaths.
I am discussing, being restrained and civil throughout, and making my case with reason and evidence. Those in opposition to my position and that of some others in this thread are variously cursing, hurling insults, belittling, asserting without offering supporting evidence, refusing to consider or even to view linked documentation contrary to their position, arguing against points no one has made, deflecting or ignoring points that have been made, and repeating assertions of an historical narrative they've been taught without for a moment entertaining a contrary view.

No, Sir. It is you and those on your side of this issue who are 'not here to actually discuss anything, just cater to your own dumbassery.' I am, on this topic as on all others, willing and able to listen to reasoned arguments, consider sound evidence that counters my own views, and reconsider my position. Neither reasoned arguments nor sound evidence have been presented by you or any on your side of this issue. I am discussing and debating with an open mind and a civil demeanor. You and yours are not.

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