Every Jew has secret knowledge of a Zionist world conspiracy? Not true.

Ample evidence for the Operation Reinhardt camps, and nearly complete railroad schedules and census numbers, not to mention eyewitnesses for their existence, so anyone stupid enough to ruin their credibility by denying the existed, regardless of their political biases, is an idiot merely pandering to a small cult of morons and sociopaths. Why these goofs insist on repeating the denial idiocy is a mystery; seems they can't move on from it for some reason.

Anyone who can deny the Holocaust is a :asshole:

Yes. Those of us who went on to take Logic 102 and 201 know that there are many perfectly valid ad hom arguments, despite the snivelings of those who only took the Intro courses for easy grades and learned to parrot 'fallacies' as if they suddenly knew all there was to know about 'logic'.

oh gee-----I started LOGIC 101-----read the whole silly book
first weekend-----did the silly "problems" and dropped it-----it was SO DUMB
Ample evidence for the Operation Reinhardt camps, and nearly complete railroad schedules and census numbers, not to mention eyewitnesses for their existence, so anyone stupid enough to ruin their credibility by denying the existed, regardless of their political biases, is an idiot merely pandering to a small cult of morons and sociopaths. Why these goofs insist on repeating the denial idiocy is a mystery; seems they can't move on from it for some reason.

Anyone who can deny the Holocaust is a :asshole:

Yes. Those of us who went on to take Logic 102 and 201 know that there are many perfectly valid ad hom arguments, despite the snivelings of those who only took the Intro courses for easy grades and learned to parrot 'fallacies' as if they suddenly knew all there was to know about 'logic'.

oh gee-----I started LOGIC 101-----read the whole silly book
first weekend-----did the silly "problems" and dropped it-----it was SO DUMB

'Formal' logic is its own fallacy; it's just circular reasoning, with the 'winner' being the person who draws the largest circle that finally bores their opponent into quitting.
One cannot help but notice that those on the "philo-Semitic" side in this thread have replied with derision but haven't addressed any facts (though one did offer an historical explanation for the jews' dominance of Hollywood, that doesn't address the impact of such overwhelming dominance).

The fact is that jews do own and operate the world's central banks.
The fact is that this control over the world's money gives them enormous influence on all business operations that depend, for production or sales, on credit.
The fact is that the defense industry is deeply reliant on credit.
The fact is that this control over the world's money gives them enormous influence on governments.
The fact is that jews are the wealthiest overall sub-group in the US.
The fact is that this gives them even more influence over political candidates and office-holders in the world's most influential country.
The fact is that jews operate 5 of the 6 largest media companies.
The fact is that jews own America's most influential newspapers.
The fact is that this dominance of major media gives jews control over roughly 90% of all information consumed in the West.
The fact is that jews dominate new-media (such as Facebook and Alphabet).
The fact is that this gives jews gatekeeper power over a huge amount of internet-based information.

There are more such facts but posts can only go so so long.

The op was actually being fair and generous in making a distinction between "the jews" and all the jewish people.

It's only paranoia if it's baseless.

best damn post on this thread,you got the zionists like hossfly shill and his fellow shill i love israel running scared asking their handlers what kind of childish pictures to post next after getting their asses handed to them on a platter.:iyfyus.jpg:

the only thing you really need to make sure and clarify is it is ZIONISTS jews,judaism jewish folks contrary to what the OP said,are good people.

All I know is that Jew-haters are on my shit list.

I'm with Hossfly. Fuck all you Jew-hating pieces of shit around here.

We're about 2 levels above you, and you can fuck right the hell off.

You are derp, next!
'Zionism' ended in 1948. Israel was founded, it's thriving, and Arabs are too corrupt, stupid, parasitic, and insane to do anything about it, no matter how much aid and support they get from Europe, the UN, Putin, or Red China.
So your " claim" for all the Hate is the lie of the Holocaust
I never said or indicated anything of the sort. Care to explain?.

Arabs wanted the Jews to move to the ME.
That would be in incorrect assertion.

You are both delusional and a liar
One who's delusional is one who holds a false belief.
The delusional are those who still believe the standard "Holocaust" narrative to be true in every detail despite the enormous amount of evidence showing that it's been exaggerated and falsified.
A liar is one who intentionally propagates information they know to be false.
No one her has lied.

Keep denying;
I shall. It's important people learn the truth.

That's what you do best
Thank you. I don't really deserve much credit, though; it only appears I do it so well because those insisting on the complete veracity of the standard "Holocaust" narrative here are doing so poorly.

Hey, great job! You're really starting to get the hang of the whole supporting your position with sources thing. Excellent!

Now, take a look at both of the articles you linked, please. Notice that neither of them cite any sources themselves. Both only parrot the received narrative without presenting any evidence of it's veracity. One has a few photos, which is fine, yet none of them demonstrates that the "Holocaust" narrative as received is true or that anything I've said here is false. Remember, as I've said, no one denies that jews were targeted or that there were concentration camps. Pictures of people with yellow star patches or in prison uniforms doesn't contradict anything "Holocaust deniers" contend. The articles do nothing to counter my position that the narrative has been exaggerated and falsified. Neither do they anything to support your position that the standard narrative is immaculate truth, though they agree and parrot it.

Ample evidence for the Operation Reinhardt camps, and nearly complete railroad schedules and census numbers, not to mention eyewitnesses for their existence, so anyone stupid enough to ruin their credibility by denying the existed, regardless of their political biases, is an idiot merely pandering to a small cult of morons and sociopaths. Why these goofs insist on repeating the denial idiocy is a mystery; seems they can't move on from it for some reason.
If you'll read back in the thread, you'll see that no one ever argues that there were no camps, no rail transports, no jewish prisoners.
Census figures, which you mentioned, from before and after the war years show that 6 million jews could not possibly have been murdered. The census figures most often cited by "Holocaust deniers" are those from the World Jewish Almanac. I'm pretty sure I posted them earlier in the thread.
The matter of the "eyewitnesses" was also dealt with earlier in the thread.
Revisionists perist in our efforts to spread the truth because the truth is important in itself and because the consequences and implications of the hoax remain significant.

Yes. Those of us who went on to take Logic 102 and 201 know that there are many perfectly valid ad hom arguments, despite the snivelings of those who only took the Intro courses for easy grades and learned to parrot 'fallacies' as if they suddenly knew all there was to know about 'logic'.
Let's talk about logic, then: What was the logic behind transporting trainloads of people many miles to kill them with insecticide in gas chambers when shooting them would have been simpler, faster, and cheaper?

I'm with Hossfly. Fuck all you Jew-hating pieces of shit around here.

We're about 2 levels above you, and you can fuck right the hell off.
Facts aren't hatred.
There's one poster in this thread who, it could be argued, has expressed hatred for jews and Protestants.
Among the rest, the only hatred displayed -- toward Poles and toward National Socialists -- has been from those arguing that the "Holocaust" narrative as received is perfect truth.
So your " claim" for all the Hate is the lie of the Holocaust
I never said or indicated anything of the sort. Care to explain?.

Arabs wanted the Jews to move to the ME.
That would be in incorrect assertion.

You are both delusional and a liar
One who's delusional is one who holds a false belief.
The delusional are those who still believe the standard "Holocaust" narrative to be true in every detail despite the enormous amount of evidence showing that it's been exaggerated and falsified.
A liar is one who intentionally propagates information they know to be false.
No one her has lied.

Keep denying;
I shall. It's important people learn the truth.

That's what you do best
Thank you. I don't really deserve much credit, though; it only appears I do it so well because those insisting on the complete veracity of the standard "Holocaust" narrative here are doing so poorly.

Hey, great job! You're really starting to get the hang of the whole supporting your position with sources thing. Excellent!

Now, take a look at both of the articles you linked, please. Notice that neither of them cite any sources themselves. Both only parrot the received narrative without presenting any evidence of it's veracity. One has a few photos, which is fine, yet none of them demonstrates that the "Holocaust" narrative as received is true or that anything I've said here is false. Remember, as I've said, no one denies that jews were targeted or that there were concentration camps. Pictures of people with yellow star patches or in prison uniforms doesn't contradict anything "Holocaust deniers" contend. The articles do nothing to counter my position that the narrative has been exaggerated and falsified. Neither do they anything to support your position that the standard narrative is immaculate truth, though they agree and parrot it.

Ample evidence for the Operation Reinhardt camps, and nearly complete railroad schedules and census numbers, not to mention eyewitnesses for their existence, so anyone stupid enough to ruin their credibility by denying the existed, regardless of their political biases, is an idiot merely pandering to a small cult of morons and sociopaths. Why these goofs insist on repeating the denial idiocy is a mystery; seems they can't move on from it for some reason.
If you'll read back in the thread, you'll see that no one ever argues that there were no camps, no rail transports, no jewish prisoners.
Census figures, which you mentioned, from before and after the war years show that 6 million jews could not possibly have been murdered. The census figures most often cited by "Holocaust deniers" are those from the World Jewish Almanac. I'm pretty sure I posted them earlier in the thread.
The matter of the "eyewitnesses" was also dealt with earlier in the thread.
Revisionists perist in our efforts to spread the truth because the truth is important in itself and because the consequences and implications of the hoax remain significant.

Yes. Those of us who went on to take Logic 102 and 201 know that there are many perfectly valid ad hom arguments, despite the snivelings of those who only took the Intro courses for easy grades and learned to parrot 'fallacies' as if they suddenly knew all there was to know about 'logic'.
Let's talk about logic, then: What was the logic behind transporting trainloads of people many miles to kill them with insecticide in gas chambers when shooting them would have been simpler, faster, and cheaper?

I'm with Hossfly. Fuck all you Jew-hating pieces of shit around here.

We're about 2 levels above you, and you can fuck right the hell off.
Facts aren't hatred.
There's one poster in this thread who, it could be argued, has expressed hatred for jews and Protestants.
Among the rest, the only hatred displayed -- toward Poles and toward National Socialists -- has been from those arguing that the "Holocaust" narrative as received is perfect truth.

Bitch, my friend's German-American father killed Nazis and liberated the Jews @ Dachau.

Fuck You! My friend still has 2 Mausers.

I have my memories. He had 9mm shells for a Luger from WW2.
Jew-filling ashtrays, too. He had a Luger because he killed a German officer.

Also: Dried German ears on a dogtag ring, but..yah. 3 of them.

You can't tell me, because I know.

GFY with that bullshit.
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If you'll read back in the thread, you'll see that no one ever argues that there were no camps, no rail transports, no jewish prisoners.
Census figures, which you mentioned, from before and after the war years show that 6 million jews could not possibly have been murdered. The census figures most often cited by "Holocaust deniers" are those from the World Jewish Almanac. I'm pretty sure I posted them earlier in the thread.
The matter of the "eyewitnesses" was also dealt with earlier in the thread.
Revisionists perist in our efforts to spread the truth because the truth is important in itself and because the consequences and implications of the hoax remain significant.

lol your rubbish has been exploded for decades now; just because you were born yesterday and think you're 'Speshul' and smart enough to just repackage the rubbish doesn't make it necessary to cover it all yet again, dumbass.

Yes. Those of us who went on to take Logic 102 and 201 know that there are many perfectly valid ad hom arguments, despite the snivelings of those who only took the Intro courses for easy grades and learned to parrot 'fallacies' as if they suddenly knew all there was to know about 'logic'.

Let's talk about logic, then: What was the logic behind transporting trainloads of people many miles to kill them with insecticide in gas chambers when shooting them would have been simpler, faster, and cheaper?

lol you really think that's a point??? They could make up their own history if there were far fewer witnesses for one, for two it's far cheaper to mass murder people in large groups than with bullets, not to mention easier to toss them into ovens and reduce the amount of material to be buried, and then of course having never seen a battle field, a plague, or any other disaster that leaves lots of bodies in their wake you probably have zero clue as to hygiene issues with piles of rotting bodies and diseases and airborne infections, buried or not. They were the Henry Fords of mass murder. Like I said, you're just not very bright in the first place, trying to claim it 'was all a hoax'.

You're not here to actually discuss anything, just cater to your own dumbassery and your tiny little peer group of sociopaths.
If you'll read back in the thread, you'll see that no one ever argues that there were no camps, no rail transports, no jewish prisoners.
Census figures, which you mentioned, from before and after the war years show that 6 million jews could not possibly have been murdered. The census figures most often cited by "Holocaust deniers" are those from the World Jewish Almanac. I'm pretty sure I posted them earlier in the thread.
The matter of the "eyewitnesses" was also dealt with earlier in the thread.
Revisionists perist in our efforts to spread the truth because the truth is important in itself and because the consequences and implications of the hoax remain significant.

lol your rubbish has been exploded for decades now; just because you were born yesterday and think you're 'Speshul' and smart enough to just repackage the rubbish doesn't make it necessary to cover it all yet again, dumbass.

Yes. Those of us who went on to take Logic 102 and 201 know that there are many perfectly valid ad hom arguments, despite the snivelings of those who only took the Intro courses for easy grades and learned to parrot 'fallacies' as if they suddenly knew all there was to know about 'logic'.

Let's talk about logic, then: What was the logic behind transporting trainloads of people many miles to kill them with insecticide in gas chambers when shooting them would have been simpler, faster, and cheaper?

lol you really think that's a point??? They could make up their own history if there were far fewer witnesses for one, for two it's far cheaper to mass murder people in large groups than with bullets, not to mention easier to toss them into ovens and reduce the amount of material to be buried, and then of course having never seen a battle field, a plague, or any other disaster that leaves lots of bodies in their wake you probably have zero clue as to hygiene issues with piles of rotting bodies and diseases and airborne infections, buried or not. They were the Henry Fords of mass murder. Like I said, you're just not very bright in the first place, trying to claim it 'was all a hoax'.

You're not here to actually discuss anything, just cater to your own dumbassery and your tiny little peer group of sociopaths.

Garbage comes from Garbage. Enough said
Bitch, my friend's German-American father killed Nazis and liberated the Jews @ Dachau.

Fuck You! My friend still has 2 Mausers.

I have my memories. He had 9mm shells for a Luger from WW2.
Jew-filling ashtrays, too. He had a Luger because he killed a German officer.

Also: Dried German ears on a dogtag ring, but..yah. 3 of them.

You can't tell me, because I know.

GFY with that bullshit.
Now that you've made you cogent and well-researched argument by cursing at me:
Please explain how your friend's father's service in WW2 or your friend's mementos of it show in any way whatsoever that my contentions in this thread are incorrect.
lol your rubbish has been exploded for decades now; just because you were born yesterday and think you're 'Speshul' and smart enough to just repackage the rubbish doesn't make it necessary to cover it all yet again, dumbass.
Now that you've made your cogent and well-researched argument by cursing and insulting me:
The upshot of your hateful statement here is that you have no argument to counter the points I'm making.

you really think that's a point???
Yes. Of course it is, because not only does the standard "Holocaust" narrative fall apart in the face of facts, it also defies reason.

hey could make up their own history if there were far fewer witnesses for one
Pretty sure people who've been shot dead don't make any better witnesses than people who've been gassed to death.

it's far cheaper to mass murder people in large groups than with bullets, not to mention easier to toss them into ovens and reduce the amount of material to be buried,
So loading masses of people onto trains, using large amounts of fuel and time and manpower to transport them many miles, unloading and processing them and herding them into murderous gas chambers that took time and money and resources and manpower to construct, and using the huge amounts of the insecticide Zyklon B necessary to kill them, burning the vast amount of fuel and time needed to cremate all those bodies, then cleaning up from it all to start the process over again is easier and cheaper than a single bullet to each brain where they are and burial in a mass grave? All while fighting a war requiring manpower, fuel, and other resources?
Want to try again?

you probably have zero clue as to hygiene issues with piles of rotting bodies and diseases and airborne infections, buried or not.
Yet the standard "Holocaust" propaganda also includes piles of rotting bodies and mass graves.

But let's say that the reason you offer was really why the ridiculously inefficient and illogical method of mass murder asserted by the standard "Holocaust" narrative was implemented, despite it's being thoroughly disproved by a mountain of evidence. Why not simply burn the people to death in the first place? Throw them into fire pits -- "the Nazis" being so inhumanely cruel and all anyway -- and save all the time and manpower and gas and everything by skipping right to the burning step.

Elie Wiesel is a liar, a shill, and a conman but he was smart enough when he wrote his purported autobiographical account of his time in the camps to claim that the jews were murdered by being thrown alive into fire pit rather than making the outlandish claim or mass gassing (which would leave physical and forensic evidence that doesn't exist) and cremations (which is a mathematical impossibility given the time it takes to cremate a body).

You're not here to actually discuss anything, just cater to your own dumbassery and your tiny little peer group of sociopaths.
I am discussing, being restrained and civil throughout, and making my case with reason and evidence. Those in opposition to my position and that of some others in this thread are variously cursing, hurling insults, belittling, asserting without offering supporting evidence, refusing to consider or even to view linked documentation contrary to their position, arguing against points no one has made, deflecting or ignoring points that have been made, and repeating assertions of an historical narrative they've been taught without for a moment entertaining a contrary view.

No, Sir. It is you and those on your side of this issue who are 'not here to actually discuss anything, just cater to your own dumbassery.' I am, on this topic as on all others, willing and able to listen to reasoned arguments, consider sound evidence that counters my own views, and reconsider my position. Neither reasoned arguments nor sound evidence have been presented by you or any on your side of this issue. I am discussing and debating with an open mind and a civil demeanor. You and yours are not.
lol your rubbish has been exploded for decades now; just because you were born yesterday and think you're 'Speshul' and smart enough to just repackage the rubbish doesn't make it necessary to cover it all yet again, dumbass.
Now that you've made your cogent and well-researched argument by cursing and insulting me:
The upshot of your hateful statement here is that you have no argument to counter the points I'm making.

you really think that's a point???
Yes. Of course it is, because not only does the standard "Holocaust" narrative fall apart in the face of facts, it also defies reason.

hey could make up their own history if there were far fewer witnesses for one
Pretty sure people who've been shot dead don't make any better witnesses than people who've been gassed to death.

it's far cheaper to mass murder people in large groups than with bullets, not to mention easier to toss them into ovens and reduce the amount of material to be buried,
So loading masses of people onto trains, using large amounts of fuel and time and manpower to transport them many miles, unloading and processing them and herding them into murderous gas chambers that took time and money and resources and manpower to construct, and using the huge amounts of the insecticide Zyklon B necessary to kill them, burning the vast amount of fuel and time needed to cremate all those bodies, then cleaning up from it all to start the process over again is easier and cheaper than a single bullet to each brain where they are and burial in a mass grave? All while fighting a war requiring manpower, fuel, and other resources?
Want to try again?

you probably have zero clue as to hygiene issues with piles of rotting bodies and diseases and airborne infections, buried or not.
Yet the standard "Holocaust" propaganda also includes piles of rotting bodies and mass graves.

But let's say that the reason you offer was really why the ridiculously inefficient and illogical method of mass murder asserted by the standard "Holocaust" narrative was implemented, despite it's being thoroughly disproved by a mountain of evidence. Why not simply burn the people to death in the first place? Throw them into fire pits -- "the Nazis" being so inhumanely cruel and all anyway -- and save all the time and manpower and gas and everything by skipping right to the burning step.

Elie Wiesel is a liar, a shill, and a conman but he was smart enough when he wrote his purported autobiographical account of his time in the camps to claim that the jews were murdered by being thrown alive into fire pit rather than making the outlandish claim or mass gassing (which would leave physical and forensic evidence that doesn't exist) and cremations (which is a mathematical impossibility given the time it takes to cremate a body).

You're not here to actually discuss anything, just cater to your own dumbassery and your tiny little peer group of sociopaths.
I am discussing, being restrained and civil throughout, and making my case with reason and evidence. Those in opposition to my position and that of some others in this thread are variously cursing, hurling insults, belittling, asserting without offering supporting evidence, refusing to consider or even to view linked documentation contrary to their position, arguing against points no one has made, deflecting or ignoring points that have been made, and repeating assertions of an historical narrative they've been taught without for a moment entertaining a contrary view.

No, Sir. It is you and those on your side of this issue who are 'not here to actually discuss anything, just cater to your own dumbassery.' I am, on this topic as on all others, willing and able to listen to reasoned arguments, consider sound evidence that counters my own views, and reconsider my position. Neither reasoned arguments nor sound evidence have been presented by you or any on your side of this issue. I am discussing and debating with an open mind and a civil demeanor. You and yours are not.

You're entirely off-topic with your Holocaust-denial bullshit. Go start your own thread about that or get on topic in here.
Garbage comes from Garbage. Enough said
Now that you've made your cogent and well-researched argument by insulting me:
The upshot of your hateful statement here is that you have no argument to counter the points I'm making.

See, what you and all those on your side of this issue are missing is that I'm not posting to you but to the many open-minded and intelligent people reading this thread without participating in it. Please see the last section of post #950 above.
Garbage comes from Garbage. Enough said
Now that you've made your cogent and well-researched argument by insulting me:
The upshot of your hateful statement here is that you have no argument to counter the points I'm making.

See, what you and all those on your side of this issue are missing is that I'm not posting to you but to the many open-minded and intelligent people reading this thread without participating in it. Please see the last section of post #950 above.

You and others can deny Joseph Mengele all you want. I know, that’s a lie also. The Grand Mufti teamed up with Hitler to move the Jews to Palestine. Your own delusional world
The Grand Mufti teamed up with Hitler to move the Jews to Palestine. Your own delusional world
Yes, he did. Don't you see how you're only making my case for me? Hitler wanted the jews out of Germany and all Europe; no one ever says otherwise. He met with the Mufti about repatriating the jews to Palestine; he wanted to repatriate them, not murder them.

Facts aren't delusional. Delusional is continuing to believe something despite a mountain of evidence to the contrary. Continuing to believe that six million jews were murdered in a planned genocide is delusional.

I know you're a jew and that all the "Holocaust" and "evil Nazis" junk has been ingrained into your religious and ethnic identity and is very important to you. Sincerely, I've no desire or intention to cause you any pain. But it's over -- The hoax has been exposed and more people are learning the truth all the time. It's time to start moving on.
The Grand Mufti teamed up with Hitler to move the Jews to Palestine. Your own delusional world
Yes, he did. Don't you see how you're only making my case for me? Hitler wanted the jews out of Germany and all Europe; no one ever says otherwise. He met with the Mufti about repatriating the jews to Palestine; he wanted to repatriate them, not murder them.

Facts aren't delusional. Delusional is continuing to believe something despite a mountain of evidence to the contrary. Continuing to believe that six million jews were murdered in a planned genocide is delusional.

I know you're a jew and that all the "Holocaust" and "evil Nazis" junk has been ingrained into your religious and ethnic identity and is very important to you. Sincerely, I've no desire or intention to cause you any pain. But it's over -- The hoax has been exposed and more people are learning the truth all the time. It's time to start moving on.

You should know that by the user name she/he uses,this is a paid shill of Israel that has penetrated this site sent by his/her handler to troll threads like this. these trolls like i love israel cant stand toe to toe with the evidence and cowardly evade it all the time always changing the subject when they get taken to school. i put these shills on ignore all the time,they trolll day and night in the Israel section everyday.they get paid very well for their constant ass beatings they suffer there everyday.

shills like i love israel have no interest whatseover in pesky facts.
RE: Every Jew has secret knowledge of a Zionist world conspiracy? Not true.
⁜→ Capri,

How can I fact-check this.

One cannot help but notice that those on the "philo-Semitic" side in this thread have replied with derision but haven't addressed any facts (though one did offer an historical explanation for the jews' dominance of Hollywood, that doesn't address the impact of such overwhelming dominance).

The fact is that jews do own and operate the world's central banks.
The fact is that this control over the world's money gives them enormous influence on all business operations that depend, for production or sales, on credit.
The fact is that the defense industry is deeply reliant on credit.
The fact is that this control over the world's money gives them enormous influence on governments.
The fact is that jews are the wealthiest overall sub-group in the US.
The fact is that this gives them even more influence over political candidates and office-holders in the world's most influential country.
The fact is that jews operate 5 of the 6 largest media companies.
The fact is that jews own America's most influential newspapers.
The fact is that this dominance of major media gives jews control over roughly 90% of all information consumed in the West.
The fact is that jews dominate new-media (such as Facebook and Alphabet).
The fact is that this gives jews gatekeeper power over a huge amount of internet-based information.

There are more such facts but posts can only go so so long.

The op was actually being fair and generous in making a distinction between "the jews" and all the jewish people.

It's only paranoia if it's baseless.

What is your source for these "facts?"

Most Respectfully,
Here are some links for you. There are more, if you're interested. These are a decent starting point, though. They have their biases, as do all authors & all journalism. As with anything, you should digest the available information from as many sources as possible and draw your own considered conclusions.

On control of media:
Six Jewish Companies Control 96% of the World’s Media |
How Jews Control The American Media | Real Jew News
Jewish Control of the Media in the United States and therefore around the World
Six Jewish Companies Control 96% of the World’s Media – Birth of a New Earth Blog
Seven Jewish Americans Control Most US Media

On control of world banking:
List of Banks owned by the Jewish Rothschild family
American History of the Rothschilds and the Eight Most Powerful Families | Humans Are Free
The Federal Reserve - Zionist Jewish Private Bankers
Only Three Countries Left Without a ROTHSCHILD Central Bank! » The Event Chronicle

the shills that laughed at this link,as always,they cant counter the evidence so they always try and laugh in defeat to coverup that they cant stand toe to toe against these pesky facts.

they just suffered a MAJOR ass beating from you,the pro Israel shills did.

GUARANTEE you,they did not look at or read those links as instructed by their hanlders. they know if they looked at those links and tried to counter them,they would look like the biggest idiots on the planet cause they are IMPOSSIBLE to refute.:D

great amazing stuff,thanks for posting it. also feel good knowing there was at least ONE person in me who took the time to read it and learn from those liinks.:thup: something the shills will NEVER do.
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The Grand Mufti teamed up with Hitler to move the Jews to Palestine. Your own delusional world
Yes, he did. Don't you see how you're only making my case for me? Hitler wanted the jews out of Germany and all Europe; no one ever says otherwise. He met with the Mufti about repatriating the jews to Palestine; he wanted to repatriate them, not murder them.

Facts aren't delusional. Delusional is continuing to believe something despite a mountain of evidence to the contrary. Continuing to believe that six million jews were murdered in a planned genocide is delusional.

I know you're a jew and that all the "Holocaust" and "evil Nazis" junk has been ingrained into your religious and ethnic identity and is very important to you. Sincerely, I've no desire or intention to cause you any pain. But it's over -- The hoax has been exposed and more people are learning the truth all the time. It's time to start moving on.

You should know that by the user name she/he uses,this is a paid shill of Israel that has penetrated this site sent by his/her handler to troll threads like this. these trolls like i love israel cant stand toe to toe with the evidence and cowardly evade it all the time always changing the subject when they get taken to school. i put these shills on ignore all the time,they trolll day and night in the Israel section everyday.they get paid very well for their constant ass beatings they suffer there everyday.

shills like i love israel have no interest whatseover in pesky facts.

Keep denying the Holocaust really happened. You’ll feel better, You really believe Hitler’s goal was to send the Jews to Palestine .
Talk about a Shill
The Grand Mufti teamed up with Hitler to move the Jews to Palestine. Your own delusional world
Yes, he did. Don't you see how you're only making my case for me? Hitler wanted the jews out of Germany and all Europe; no one ever says otherwise. He met with the Mufti about repatriating the jews to Palestine; he wanted to repatriate them, not murder them.

Facts aren't delusional. Delusional is continuing to believe something despite a mountain of evidence to the contrary. Continuing to believe that six million jews were murdered in a planned genocide is delusional.

I know you're a jew and that all the "Holocaust" and "evil Nazis" junk has been ingrained into your religious and ethnic identity and is very important to you. Sincerely, I've no desire or intention to cause you any pain. But it's over -- The hoax has been exposed and more people are learning the truth all the time. It's time to start moving on.

So s MUSLIM wanted the Jews in MUSLIM COUNTRIES.Keep telling yourself that
Keep denying Jews were used for experiments while your at it
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The Grand Mufti teamed up with Hitler to move the Jews to Palestine. Your own delusional world
Yes, he did. Don't you see how you're only making my case for me? Hitler wanted the jews out of Germany and all Europe; no one ever says otherwise. He met with the Mufti about repatriating the jews to Palestine; he wanted to repatriate them, not murder them.

Facts aren't delusional. Delusional is continuing to believe something despite a mountain of evidence to the contrary. Continuing to believe that six million jews were murdered in a planned genocide is delusional.

I know you're a jew and that all the "Holocaust" and "evil Nazis" junk has been ingrained into your religious and ethnic identity and is very important to you. Sincerely, I've no desire or intention to cause you any pain. But it's over -- The hoax has been exposed and more people are learning the truth all the time. It's time to start moving on.

You’re correct( Israel exists and always will

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