Every Jew has secret knowledge of a Zionist world conspiracy? Not true.

Religious or not, the Torah command to educate children is never ignored.

Eh, there were a lot of illiterate Kosher people in Eastern Europe in the 19th century, it wasn't as high as many other Eastern Europeans, but it was higher than Western Europe by a long shot.

Of course, that's changed a lot, now many countries in Eastern Europe has some of the highest literacy rates in the World.
I can’t imagine why.
You know why the printing press succeeded?
The Talmud.
It was a best seller...The Soncino family made a fortune.

A Catholic German Johannes Guthenberg invented the Printing Press,
well the European more modern version of it.
The machine needed someone to finance a book to pay the bills.

Eh, your people didn't have much Ashkenazi scientists until a couple of centuries ago, in fact the first was probably Polish Jew Izrael Abraham Stern of the 1700's who invented a mechanical calculator.
Maybe before that, but not much, if at all.

Actually, Poland had many Renaissance figures, your people not really.

A Polish Jew Someone YOUR uncivilized SAVAGE Ilk would have locked in a barn, set him on fire or turn him over to the Nazis
So go away; even the non-Jews who have posted here think you’re a psychotic asshole.

Yet, you ALMOST never do anything but name call, just like your other Kosher "Friends" here.

I'd rather have an actual debate, something you ignorant wretches can't handle. (Obviously)
If I remember, and I do, from your very first post here on USMB, your were cursing the Jews.
So...fuck you,

I dealt with your tribe on other forums before arriving.

The forum before this, one Kosher thing kept blaming Poland for the Holocaust, and got me repeatedly banned for Kosher facts.
Among a few other Koshers blaming Poland for the Holocaust.

The forum before that, allowed dumb Polak this, but got upset for mentioning Jakub Berman was a J*w who killed Poles, and got me banned.

Then the forum before that, had about 10 Kosher people, blaming Poland for the Holocaust, calling Poles dumb Polaks, and even calling for Poles to be shot, nuked, killed, experience genocide.
But, they NEVER got banned, I listed a list of several Kosher people & got banned.

Then on YouTube, I had Koshers keep running to Mods to get me banned, and also blaming Poland for the Holocaust.

Yes, on Youtube, people could mock Poles, but leave a few Kosher facts, and you'd get banned.

That's just my online encounters.
I'm really, really tired of EVERYTHING your tribe does in every other aspect.
USMB is the worst because the other forums banned you immediately.

Why doesn't bashing & calling for genocide, killing, shooting Poles EVER seem to get people banned?

Explain that one?

Maybe because your tribe are a bunch of selfish scums.

Your tribe is everything wrong with the World, and the faster Humanity realizes this the better the World shall be.

YOU and your ILK are the SCUM of the world and always will be.
I have posted many links about Anti Semetic POLLACK hate But you are too STUPID to read it
If I remember, and I do, from your very first post here on USMB, your were cursing the Jews.
So...fuck you,

I dealt with your tribe on other forums before arriving.

The forum before this, one Kosher thing kept blaming Poland for the Holocaust, and got me repeatedly banned for Kosher facts.
Among a few other Koshers blaming Poland for the Holocaust.

The forum before that, allowed dumb Polak this, but got upset for mentioning Jakub Berman was a J*w who killed Poles, and got me banned.

Then the forum before that, had about 10 Kosher people, blaming Poland for the Holocaust, calling Poles dumb Polaks, and even calling for Poles to be shot, nuked, killed, experience genocide.
But, they NEVER got banned, I listed a list of several Kosher people & got banned.

Then on YouTube, I had Koshers keep running to Mods to get me banned, and also blaming Poland for the Holocaust.

Yes, on Youtube, people could mock Poles, but leave a few Kosher facts, and you'd get banned.

That's just my online encounters.
I'm really, really tired of EVERYTHING your tribe does in every other aspect.
USMB is the worst because the other forums banned you immediately.

Why doesn't bashing & calling for genocide, killing, shooting Poles EVER seem to get people banned?

Explain that one?

Maybe because your tribe are a bunch of selfish scums.

Your tribe is everything wrong with the World, and the faster Humanity realizes this the better the World shall be.
Who’s calling for genocide without being attacked first?
You see how you’re now doing the out of context dance?
But you know full well what you’re doing.
I may actually put you on Ignore for a few days when you play with facts.
After all, nobody else here really pays attention to your lies.

Your Kosher people haven't attacked my Poles?
I've never called for war, nuking, shooting, bloodshed etc. of your tribe.

I just think you should have the decency to accept the Love of Jesus Christ, and respect your host nations for once in 2,000 years
and just assimilate for the good of us all.

Here we go again; The stupid , ignorant . Racist PRO HITLER POLLACK. Refused to respond to the fact that there are people of OTHER RELIGIONS living in primarily Christian Countries, or for that matter even some Christians living in predominantly Muslim , Hindu Countries, etc.
For general information------I am so INTRIGUED by the TITLE OF THIS THREAD which alludes to the """JEWISH ZIONIST CONSPIRACY""""
that I wondered---,who is the islamo-nazi pig who authored it. I is old----
I grew up --geographically, in the midst of the NAZI BUND area in
the USA------Without getting overly specific-----geographically---- lots of famous Nazi scum had hailed from this area in the USA---for at least 100 years BEFORE the big guy---ADOLPH, took power. Nazi literature abounded-----it even lay in dusty heaps on the shelves of
of the library were sat random periodicals. The themes of many of the articles -----in fact MOST included SWEEPING LIBELS-----the
nefarious JEWISH CONSPIRACIES At age 12---I considered the stuff so DUMB---that I thought that the authors of MAD MAGAZINE (new back then) has written the crap----THEN I MET EDUCATED PEOPLE from muslim lands (to wit --doctors from south east asia and other muslim places) ------THEY BELIEVED IT AND COULD QUOTE THE CRAP I HAD READ AS A 10 YEAR OLD-----BY ROTE. Later I found out that it was also popularly known by semi-literates from the
southern part of the USA (I was in the Navy) and now by our very own STREET JUICE. For the record----this propaganda goes back MUCH MORE than 100 years----keywords are Jew, Zionist, Bankers,
and concepts are "they all know...."-----and it exists wherever there are either Christians or Muslims. Hindus and Zoroastrians and even Sikhs are relatively ignorant of it------unless they LIVE in the midst ----or especially grew up in the midst of MUSLIMS. Ilhan Omra is a TYPIICALLY INFECTED PERSON----as is "street juice"
Last edited:
Eh, there were a lot of illiterate Kosher people in Eastern Europe in the 19th century, it wasn't as high as many other Eastern Europeans, but it was higher than Western Europe by a long shot.

Of course, that's changed a lot, now many countries in Eastern Europe has some of the highest literacy rates in the World.
I can’t imagine why.
You know why the printing press succeeded?
The Talmud.
It was a best seller...The Soncino family made a fortune.

A Catholic German Johannes Guthenberg invented the Printing Press,
well the European more modern version of it.
The machine needed someone to finance a book to pay the bills.

Eh, your people didn't have much Ashkenazi scientists until a couple of centuries ago, in fact the first was probably Polish Jew Izrael Abraham Stern of the 1700's who invented a mechanical calculator.
Maybe before that, but not much, if at all.

Actually, Poland had many Renaissance figures, your people not really.

A Polish Jew Someone YOUR uncivilized SAVAGE Ilk would have locked in a barn, set him on fire or turn him over to the Nazis

You're hysterical & idiotic.
ONLY 22 people were convicted for Jedwabne, and yet you think it represents the entire Polish nation.
What an ignorant thing you are.
For general information------I am so INTRIGUED by the TITLE OF THIS THREAD which alludes to the """JEWISH ZIONIST CONSPIRACY""""
that I wondered---,who is the islamo-nazi pig who authored it. I is old----
I grew up --geographically, in the midst of the NAZI BUND area in
the USA------Without getting overly specific-----geographically---- lots of famous Nazi scum had hailed from this area in the USA---for at least 100 years BEFORE the big guy---ADOLPH, took power. Nazi literature abounded-----it even lay in dusty heaps on the shelves of
of the library were sat random periodicals. The themes of many of the articles -----in fact MOST included SWEEPING LIBELS-----the
nefarious JEWISH CONSPIRACIES At age 12---I considered the stuff so DUMB---that I thought that the authors of MAD MAGAZINE (new back then) has written the crap----THEN I MET EDUCATED PEOPLE from muslim lands (to wit --doctors from south east asia and other muslim places) ------THEY BELIEVED IT AND COULD QUOTE THE CRAP I HAD READ AS A 10 YEAR OLD-----BY ROTE. Later I found out that it was also popularly known by semi-literates from the
southern part of the USA (I was in the Navy) and now by our very own STREET JUICE. For the record----this propaganda goes back MUCH MORE than 100 years----keywords are Jew, Zionist, Bankers,
and concepts are "they all know...."-----and it exists wherever there are either Christians or Muslims. Hindus and Zoroastrians and even Sikhs are relatively ignorant of it------unless they LIVE with the in the midst ----or especially grew up in the midst of MUSLIMS. Ilhan Omra is a TYPIICALLY INFECTED PERSON----as us "street juice"

It's no conspiracy, 1/2 of Democrat funding is Kosher, Media, Hollywood, Social Media are mostly Kosher too.
Yet, you ALMOST never do anything but name call, just like your other Kosher "Friends" here.

I'd rather have an actual debate, something you ignorant wretches can't handle. (Obviously)
If I remember, and I do, from your very first post here on USMB, your were cursing the Jews.
So...fuck you,

I dealt with your tribe on other forums before arriving.

The forum before this, one Kosher thing kept blaming Poland for the Holocaust, and got me repeatedly banned for Kosher facts.
Among a few other Koshers blaming Poland for the Holocaust.

The forum before that, allowed dumb Polak this, but got upset for mentioning Jakub Berman was a J*w who killed Poles, and got me banned.

Then the forum before that, had about 10 Kosher people, blaming Poland for the Holocaust, calling Poles dumb Polaks, and even calling for Poles to be shot, nuked, killed, experience genocide.
But, they NEVER got banned, I listed a list of several Kosher people & got banned.

Then on YouTube, I had Koshers keep running to Mods to get me banned, and also blaming Poland for the Holocaust.

Yes, on Youtube, people could mock Poles, but leave a few Kosher facts, and you'd get banned.

That's just my online encounters.
I'm really, really tired of EVERYTHING your tribe does in every other aspect.
USMB is the worst because the other forums banned you immediately.

Why doesn't bashing & calling for genocide, killing, shooting Poles EVER seem to get people banned?

Explain that one?

Maybe because your tribe are a bunch of selfish scums.

Your tribe is everything wrong with the World, and the faster Humanity realizes this the better the World shall be.

YOU and your ILK are the SCUM of the world and always will be.
I have posted many links about Anti Semetic POLLACK hate But you are too STUPID to read it

You can't even spell anti-Semitic right, and you call yourself Kosher?
What a MORON you are.
I dealt with your tribe on other forums before arriving.

The forum before this, one Kosher thing kept blaming Poland for the Holocaust, and got me repeatedly banned for Kosher facts.
Among a few other Koshers blaming Poland for the Holocaust.

The forum before that, allowed dumb Polak this, but got upset for mentioning Jakub Berman was a J*w who killed Poles, and got me banned.

Then the forum before that, had about 10 Kosher people, blaming Poland for the Holocaust, calling Poles dumb Polaks, and even calling for Poles to be shot, nuked, killed, experience genocide.
But, they NEVER got banned, I listed a list of several Kosher people & got banned.

Then on YouTube, I had Koshers keep running to Mods to get me banned, and also blaming Poland for the Holocaust.

Yes, on Youtube, people could mock Poles, but leave a few Kosher facts, and you'd get banned.

That's just my online encounters.
I'm really, really tired of EVERYTHING your tribe does in every other aspect.
USMB is the worst because the other forums banned you immediately.

Why doesn't bashing & calling for genocide, killing, shooting Poles EVER seem to get people banned?

Explain that one?

Maybe because your tribe are a bunch of selfish scums.

Your tribe is everything wrong with the World, and the faster Humanity realizes this the better the World shall be.
Who’s calling for genocide without being attacked first?
You see how you’re now doing the out of context dance?
But you know full well what you’re doing.
I may actually put you on Ignore for a few days when you play with facts.
After all, nobody else here really pays attention to your lies.

Your Kosher people haven't attacked my Poles?
I've never called for war, nuking, shooting, bloodshed etc. of your tribe.

I just think you should have the decency to accept the Love of Jesus Christ, and respect your host nations for once in 2,000 years
and just assimilate for the good of us all.

Here we go again; The stupid , ignorant . Racist PRO HITLER POLLACK. Refused to respond to the fact that there are people of OTHER RELIGIONS living in primarily Christian Countries, or for that matter even some Christians living in predominantly Muslim , Hindu Countries, etc.

The first victims of Auschwitz were Polish Catholics,
would I be particularly pro-Hitler?
I can’t imagine why.
You know why the printing press succeeded?
The Talmud.
It was a best seller...The Soncino family made a fortune.

A Catholic German Johannes Guthenberg invented the Printing Press,
well the European more modern version of it.
The machine needed someone to finance a book to pay the bills.

Eh, your people didn't have much Ashkenazi scientists until a couple of centuries ago, in fact the first was probably Polish Jew Izrael Abraham Stern of the 1700's who invented a mechanical calculator.
Maybe before that, but not much, if at all.

Actually, Poland had many Renaissance figures, your people not really.

A Polish Jew Someone YOUR uncivilized SAVAGE Ilk would have locked in a barn, set him on fire or turn him over to the Nazis

You're hysterical & idiotic.
ONLY 22 people were convicted for Jedwabne, and yet you think it represents the entire Polish nation.
What an ignorant thing you are.

It represents the experience of jews in Poland---kinda like
"to kill a mockingbird" represents the experiences of black persons
in the SOUTH USA. It also represents the mindset of thousands of persons who live in GREENPOINT----(I have been acquainted with lots
of them, too) PS----I have known poles who admitted it
For general information------I am so INTRIGUED by the TITLE OF THIS THREAD which alludes to the """JEWISH ZIONIST CONSPIRACY""""
that I wondered---,who is the islamo-nazi pig who authored it. I is old----
I grew up --geographically, in the midst of the NAZI BUND area in
the USA------Without getting overly specific-----geographically---- lots of famous Nazi scum had hailed from this area in the USA---for at least 100 years BEFORE the big guy---ADOLPH, took power. Nazi literature abounded-----it even lay in dusty heaps on the shelves of
of the library were sat random periodicals. The themes of many of the articles -----in fact MOST included SWEEPING LIBELS-----the
nefarious JEWISH CONSPIRACIES At age 12---I considered the stuff so DUMB---that I thought that the authors of MAD MAGAZINE (new back then) has written the crap----THEN I MET EDUCATED PEOPLE from muslim lands (to wit --doctors from south east asia and other muslim places) ------THEY BELIEVED IT AND COULD QUOTE THE CRAP I HAD READ AS A 10 YEAR OLD-----BY ROTE. Later I found out that it was also popularly known by semi-literates from the
southern part of the USA (I was in the Navy) and now by our very own STREET JUICE. For the record----this propaganda goes back MUCH MORE than 100 years----keywords are Jew, Zionist, Bankers,
and concepts are "they all know...."-----and it exists wherever there are either Christians or Muslims. Hindus and Zoroastrians and even Sikhs are relatively ignorant of it------unless they LIVE with the in the midst ----or especially grew up in the midst of MUSLIMS. Ilhan Omra is a TYPIICALLY INFECTED PERSON----as us "street juice"

It's no conspiracy, 1/2 of Democrat funding is Kosher, Media, Hollywood, Social Media are mostly Kosher too.

so? half of the people dying of cirrhotic liver failure in NYC
are polish. What is your point? Jews have been BIG in
media for more than 2000 years-------because jews have been literate
for more than 2000 years. 200 years ago----what percentage of
poles could read and write IN ANY LANGUAGE?. In the stink of canon law------jews could not belong to PROFESSIONAL GUILDS---or own land------all they could do is buy and sell and read and write.
Interestingly------SHARIAH LAW adopted that same filth from
CANON LAW--------and the NUREMBERG LAWS-----is, virtually
an EXACT COPY. Having read your literature since age 10 ----
I have the definite insight------some things never change-----the filth of
CONSTANTINE-----infected the whole world and you ate it in the
If I remember, and I do, from your very first post here on USMB, your were cursing the Jews.
So...fuck you,

I dealt with your tribe on other forums before arriving.

The forum before this, one Kosher thing kept blaming Poland for the Holocaust, and got me repeatedly banned for Kosher facts.

is that the best you can do? a typo?
Among a few other Koshers blaming Poland for the Holocaust.

The forum before that, allowed dumb Polak this, but got upset for mentioning Jakub Berman was a J*w who killed Poles, and got me banned.

Then the forum before that, had about 10 Kosher people, blaming Poland for the Holocaust, calling Poles dumb Polaks, and even calling for Poles to be shot, nuked, killed, experience genocide.
But, they NEVER got banned, I listed a list of several Kosher people & got banned.

Then on YouTube, I had Koshers keep running to Mods to get me banned, and also blaming Poland for the Holocaust.

Yes, on Youtube, people could mock Poles, but leave a few Kosher facts, and you'd get banned.

That's just my online encounters.
I'm really, really tired of EVERYTHING your tribe does in every other aspect.
USMB is the worst because the other forums banned you immediately.

Why doesn't bashing & calling for genocide, killing, shooting Poles EVER seem to get people banned?

Explain that one?

Maybe because your tribe are a bunch of selfish scums.

Your tribe is everything wrong with the World, and the faster Humanity realizes this the better the World shall be.

YOU and your ILK are the SCUM of the world and always will be.
I have posted many links about Anti Semetic POLLACK hate But you are too STUPID to read it

You can't even spell anti-Semitic right, and you call yourself Kosher?
What a MORON you are.
USMB is the worst because the other forums banned you immediately.

Why doesn't bashing & calling for genocide, killing, shooting Poles EVER seem to get people banned?

Explain that one?

Maybe because your tribe are a bunch of selfish scums.

Your tribe is everything wrong with the World, and the faster Humanity realizes this the better the World shall be.
Who’s calling for genocide without being attacked first?
You see how you’re now doing the out of context dance?
But you know full well what you’re doing.
I may actually put you on Ignore for a few days when you play with facts.
After all, nobody else here really pays attention to your lies.

Your Kosher people haven't attacked my Poles?
I've never called for war, nuking, shooting, bloodshed etc. of your tribe.

I just think you should have the decency to accept the Love of Jesus Christ, and respect your host nations for once in 2,000 years
and just assimilate for the good of us all.

Here we go again; The stupid , ignorant . Racist PRO HITLER POLLACK. Refused to respond to the fact that there are people of OTHER RELIGIONS living in primarily Christian Countries, or for that matter even some Christians living in predominantly Muslim , Hindu Countries, etc.

The first victims of Auschwitz were Polish Catholics,
would I be particularly pro-Hitler?

still singing that old tune? -------it's like muslims claiming that OSAMA BIN LADEN was not "really" a muslim
If I remember, and I do, from your very first post here on USMB, your were cursing the Jews.
So...fuck you,

I dealt with your tribe on other forums before arriving.

The forum before this, one Kosher thing kept blaming Poland for the Holocaust, and got me repeatedly banned for Kosher facts.
Among a few other Koshers blaming Poland for the Holocaust.

The forum before that, allowed dumb Polak this, but got upset for mentioning Jakub Berman was a J*w who killed Poles, and got me banned.

Then the forum before that, had about 10 Kosher people, blaming Poland for the Holocaust, calling Poles dumb Polaks, and even calling for Poles to be shot, nuked, killed, experience genocide.
But, they NEVER got banned, I listed a list of several Kosher people & got banned.

Then on YouTube, I had Koshers keep running to Mods to get me banned, and also blaming Poland for the Holocaust.

Yes, on Youtube, people could mock Poles, but leave a few Kosher facts, and you'd get banned.

That's just my online encounters.
I'm really, really tired of EVERYTHING your tribe does in every other aspect.
USMB is the worst because the other forums banned you immediately.

Why doesn't bashing & calling for genocide, killing, shooting Poles EVER seem to get people banned?

Explain that one?

Maybe because your tribe are a bunch of selfish scums.

Your tribe is everything wrong with the World, and the faster Humanity realizes this the better the World shall be.

YOU and your ILK are the SCUM of the world and always will be.
I have posted many links about Anti Semetic POLLACK hate But you are too STUPID to read it

You can't even spell anti-Semitic right, and you call yourself Kosher?
What a MORON you are.

You're the POLLACK PIECE OF SCUM, You dish it out but can't take it
A Catholic German Johannes Guthenberg invented the Printing Press,
well the European more modern version of it.
The machine needed someone to finance a book to pay the bills.

Eh, your people didn't have much Ashkenazi scientists until a couple of centuries ago, in fact the first was probably Polish Jew Izrael Abraham Stern of the 1700's who invented a mechanical calculator.
Maybe before that, but not much, if at all.

Actually, Poland had many Renaissance figures, your people not really.

A Polish Jew Someone YOUR uncivilized SAVAGE Ilk would have locked in a barn, set him on fire or turn him over to the Nazis

You're hysterical & idiotic.
ONLY 22 people were convicted for Jedwabne, and yet you think it represents the entire Polish nation.
What an ignorant thing you are.

It represents the experience of jews in Poland---kinda like
"to kill a mockingbird" represents the experiences of black persons
in the SOUTH USA. It also represents the mindset of thousands of persons who live in GREENPOINT----(I have been acquainted with lots
of them, too) PS----I have known poles who admitted it

Oh, but the nearly 7,000 Polish Catholics who saved Jews as Righteous Among the Nations, doesn't represent Poland, instead the 22 Poles involved in Jedwabne.

Wow, you people are such miserable, negative, f*ckos.

It's no wonder why you've been mistreated & hated everywhere you've ever lived.

Even in recent years in the US, like Bowers, Von Brunn, or in the Crown Heights Riots.

Why do people treat you like a plague?
Last edited:
For general information------I am so INTRIGUED by the TITLE OF THIS THREAD which alludes to the """JEWISH ZIONIST CONSPIRACY""""
that I wondered---,who is the islamo-nazi pig who authored it. I is old----
I grew up --geographically, in the midst of the NAZI BUND area in
the USA------Without getting overly specific-----geographically---- lots of famous Nazi scum had hailed from this area in the USA---for at least 100 years BEFORE the big guy---ADOLPH, took power. Nazi literature abounded-----it even lay in dusty heaps on the shelves of
of the library were sat random periodicals. The themes of many of the articles -----in fact MOST included SWEEPING LIBELS-----the
nefarious JEWISH CONSPIRACIES At age 12---I considered the stuff so DUMB---that I thought that the authors of MAD MAGAZINE (new back then) has written the crap----THEN I MET EDUCATED PEOPLE from muslim lands (to wit --doctors from south east asia and other muslim places) ------THEY BELIEVED IT AND COULD QUOTE THE CRAP I HAD READ AS A 10 YEAR OLD-----BY ROTE. Later I found out that it was also popularly known by semi-literates from the
southern part of the USA (I was in the Navy) and now by our very own STREET JUICE. For the record----this propaganda goes back MUCH MORE than 100 years----keywords are Jew, Zionist, Bankers,
and concepts are "they all know...."-----and it exists wherever there are either Christians or Muslims. Hindus and Zoroastrians and even Sikhs are relatively ignorant of it------unless they LIVE with the in the midst ----or especially grew up in the midst of MUSLIMS. Ilhan Omra is a TYPIICALLY INFECTED PERSON----as us "street juice"

It's no conspiracy, 1/2 of Democrat funding is Kosher, Media, Hollywood, Social Media are mostly Kosher too.

so? half of the people dying of cirrhotic liver failure in NYC
are polish. What is your point? Jews have been BIG in
media for more than 2000 years-------because jews have been literate
for more than 2000 years. 200 years ago----what percentage of
poles could read and write IN ANY LANGUAGE?. In the stink of canon law------jews could not belong to PROFESSIONAL GUILDS---or own land------all they could do is buy and sell and read and write.
Interestingly------SHARIAH LAW adopted that same filth from
CANON LAW--------and the NUREMBERG LAWS-----is, virtually
an EXACT COPY. Having read your literature since age 10 ----
I have the definite insight------some things never change-----the filth of
CONSTANTINE-----infected the whole world and you ate it in the

Bullsh(t, ONLY 2.8% of NYC is Polish, there's NO WAY, that they could possibly make up 50% of all Liver failures in NYC.

You are a lying batsh*t insane, manipulative ogre.

Just like how you blame Poland for Auschwitz,
make up stories about some late 1800's Krakow Pogrom, which can't be found on Google.

You are a lying scum, and we hate your guts.

Poles had their educated limited, or even eliminated back then.

Polish schools were seriously underfunded, or even abolished in the Partitions by Germans, and Russians,
then it's somehow it's Polish peoples faults?

Now Poland has one of the highest literacy rates in the World.

Why are you such an ignorant buffoon?
For general information------I am so INTRIGUED by the TITLE OF THIS THREAD which alludes to the """JEWISH ZIONIST CONSPIRACY""""
that I wondered---,who is the islamo-nazi pig who authored it. I is old----
I grew up --geographically, in the midst of the NAZI BUND area in
the USA------Without getting overly specific-----geographically---- lots of famous Nazi scum had hailed from this area in the USA---for at least 100 years BEFORE the big guy---ADOLPH, took power. Nazi literature abounded-----it even lay in dusty heaps on the shelves of
of the library were sat random periodicals. The themes of many of the articles -----in fact MOST included SWEEPING LIBELS-----the
nefarious JEWISH CONSPIRACIES At age 12---I considered the stuff so DUMB---that I thought that the authors of MAD MAGAZINE (new back then) has written the crap----THEN I MET EDUCATED PEOPLE from muslim lands (to wit --doctors from south east asia and other muslim places) ------THEY BELIEVED IT AND COULD QUOTE THE CRAP I HAD READ AS A 10 YEAR OLD-----BY ROTE. Later I found out that it was also popularly known by semi-literates from the
southern part of the USA (I was in the Navy) and now by our very own STREET JUICE. For the record----this propaganda goes back MUCH MORE than 100 years----keywords are Jew, Zionist, Bankers,
and concepts are "they all know...."-----and it exists wherever there are either Christians or Muslims. Hindus and Zoroastrians and even Sikhs are relatively ignorant of it------unless they LIVE with the in the midst ----or especially grew up in the midst of MUSLIMS. Ilhan Omra is a TYPIICALLY INFECTED PERSON----as us "street juice"

It's no conspiracy, 1/2 of Democrat funding is Kosher, Media, Hollywood, Social Media are mostly Kosher too.

so? half of the people dying of cirrhotic liver failure in NYC
are polish. What is your point? Jews have been BIG in
media for more than 2000 years-------because jews have been literate
for more than 2000 years. 200 years ago----what percentage of
poles could read and write IN ANY LANGUAGE?. In the stink of canon law------jews could not belong to PROFESSIONAL GUILDS---or own land------all they could do is buy and sell and read and write.
Interestingly------SHARIAH LAW adopted that same filth from
CANON LAW--------and the NUREMBERG LAWS-----is, virtually
an EXACT COPY. Having read your literature since age 10 ----
I have the definite insight------some things never change-----the filth of
CONSTANTINE-----infected the whole world and you ate it in the

Bullsh(t, ONLY 2.8% of NYC is Polish, there's NO WAY, that they could possibly make up 50% of all Liver failures in NYC.

You are a lying batsh*t insane, manipulative ogre.

Just like how you blame Poland for Auschwitz,
make up stories about some late 1800's Krakow Pogrom, which can't be found on Google.

You are a lying scum, and we hate your guts.

Poles had their educated limited, or even eliminated back then.

Polish schools were seriously underfunded, or even abolished in the Partitions by Germans, and Russians,
then it's somehow it's Polish peoples faults?

Now Poland has one of the highest literacy rates in the World.

Why are you such an ignorant buffoon?

yup-----the alcoholic liver failures are of two ethnic groups----blacks and poles.
For general information------I am so INTRIGUED by the TITLE OF THIS THREAD which alludes to the """JEWISH ZIONIST CONSPIRACY""""
that I wondered---,who is the islamo-nazi pig who authored it. I is old----
I grew up --geographically, in the midst of the NAZI BUND area in
the USA------Without getting overly specific-----geographically---- lots of famous Nazi scum had hailed from this area in the USA---for at least 100 years BEFORE the big guy---ADOLPH, took power. Nazi literature abounded-----it even lay in dusty heaps on the shelves of
of the library were sat random periodicals. The themes of many of the articles -----in fact MOST included SWEEPING LIBELS-----the
nefarious JEWISH CONSPIRACIES At age 12---I considered the stuff so DUMB---that I thought that the authors of MAD MAGAZINE (new back then) has written the crap----THEN I MET EDUCATED PEOPLE from muslim lands (to wit --doctors from south east asia and other muslim places) ------THEY BELIEVED IT AND COULD QUOTE THE CRAP I HAD READ AS A 10 YEAR OLD-----BY ROTE. Later I found out that it was also popularly known by semi-literates from the
southern part of the USA (I was in the Navy) and now by our very own STREET JUICE. For the record----this propaganda goes back MUCH MORE than 100 years----keywords are Jew, Zionist, Bankers,
and concepts are "they all know...."-----and it exists wherever there are either Christians or Muslims. Hindus and Zoroastrians and even Sikhs are relatively ignorant of it------unless they LIVE with the in the midst ----or especially grew up in the midst of MUSLIMS. Ilhan Omra is a TYPIICALLY INFECTED PERSON----as us "street juice"

It's no conspiracy, 1/2 of Democrat funding is Kosher, Media, Hollywood, Social Media are mostly Kosher too.

so? half of the people dying of cirrhotic liver failure in NYC
are polish. What is your point? Jews have been BIG in
media for more than 2000 years-------because jews have been literate
for more than 2000 years. 200 years ago----what percentage of
poles could read and write IN ANY LANGUAGE?. In the stink of canon law------jews could not belong to PROFESSIONAL GUILDS---or own land------all they could do is buy and sell and read and write.
Interestingly------SHARIAH LAW adopted that same filth from
CANON LAW--------and the NUREMBERG LAWS-----is, virtually
an EXACT COPY. Having read your literature since age 10 ----
I have the definite insight------some things never change-----the filth of
CONSTANTINE-----infected the whole world and you ate it in the

Bullsh(t, ONLY 2.8% of NYC is Polish, there's NO WAY, that they could possibly make up 50% of all Liver failures in NYC.

You are a lying batsh*t insane, manipulative ogre.

Just like how you blame Poland for Auschwitz,
make up stories about some late 1800's Krakow Pogrom, which can't be found on Google.

You are a lying scum, and we hate your guts.

Poles had their educated limited, or even eliminated back then.

Polish schools were seriously underfunded, or even abolished in the Partitions by Germans, and Russians,
then it's somehow it's Polish peoples faults?

Now Poland has one of the highest literacy rates in the World.

Why are you such an ignorant buffoon?

yup-----the alcoholic liver failures are of two ethnic groups----blacks and poles.

A factually based source?
For general information------I am so INTRIGUED by the TITLE OF THIS THREAD which alludes to the """JEWISH ZIONIST CONSPIRACY""""
that I wondered---,who is the islamo-nazi pig who authored it. I is old----
I grew up --geographically, in the midst of the NAZI BUND area in
the USA------Without getting overly specific-----geographically---- lots of famous Nazi scum had hailed from this area in the USA---for at least 100 years BEFORE the big guy---ADOLPH, took power. Nazi literature abounded-----it even lay in dusty heaps on the shelves of
of the library were sat random periodicals. The themes of many of the articles -----in fact MOST included SWEEPING LIBELS-----the
nefarious JEWISH CONSPIRACIES At age 12---I considered the stuff so DUMB---that I thought that the authors of MAD MAGAZINE (new back then) has written the crap----THEN I MET EDUCATED PEOPLE from muslim lands (to wit --doctors from south east asia and other muslim places) ------THEY BELIEVED IT AND COULD QUOTE THE CRAP I HAD READ AS A 10 YEAR OLD-----BY ROTE. Later I found out that it was also popularly known by semi-literates from the
southern part of the USA (I was in the Navy) and now by our very own STREET JUICE. For the record----this propaganda goes back MUCH MORE than 100 years----keywords are Jew, Zionist, Bankers,
and concepts are "they all know...."-----and it exists wherever there are either Christians or Muslims. Hindus and Zoroastrians and even Sikhs are relatively ignorant of it------unless they LIVE with the in the midst ----or especially grew up in the midst of MUSLIMS. Ilhan Omra is a TYPIICALLY INFECTED PERSON----as us "street juice"

It's no conspiracy, 1/2 of Democrat funding is Kosher, Media, Hollywood, Social Media are mostly Kosher too.

so? half of the people dying of cirrhotic liver failure in NYC
are polish. What is your point? Jews have been BIG in
media for more than 2000 years-------because jews have been literate
for more than 2000 years. 200 years ago----what percentage of
poles could read and write IN ANY LANGUAGE?. In the stink of canon law------jews could not belong to PROFESSIONAL GUILDS---or own land------all they could do is buy and sell and read and write.
Interestingly------SHARIAH LAW adopted that same filth from
CANON LAW--------and the NUREMBERG LAWS-----is, virtually
an EXACT COPY. Having read your literature since age 10 ----
I have the definite insight------some things never change-----the filth of
CONSTANTINE-----infected the whole world and you ate it in the

Bullsh(t, ONLY 2.8% of NYC is Polish, there's NO WAY, that they could possibly make up 50% of all Liver failures in NYC.

You are a lying batsh*t insane, manipulative ogre.

Just like how you blame Poland for Auschwitz,
make up stories about some late 1800's Krakow Pogrom, which can't be found on Google.

You are a lying scum, and we hate your guts.

Poles had their educated limited, or even eliminated back then.

Polish schools were seriously underfunded, or even abolished in the Partitions by Germans, and Russians,
then it's somehow it's Polish peoples faults?

Now Poland has one of the highest literacy rates in the World.

Why are you such an ignorant buffoon?

yup-----the alcoholic liver failures are of two ethnic groups----blacks and poles.

A factually based source?

sobie----you are obsessed -----I am the source----about 35 years of
experience on the wards. If you do not want to be recognized as the
POLACK ANTISEMITE that you are------fix your vocabulary and change your name
It's no conspiracy, 1/2 of Democrat funding is Kosher, Media, Hollywood, Social Media are mostly Kosher too.

so? half of the people dying of cirrhotic liver failure in NYC
are polish. What is your point? Jews have been BIG in
media for more than 2000 years-------because jews have been literate
for more than 2000 years. 200 years ago----what percentage of
poles could read and write IN ANY LANGUAGE?. In the stink of canon law------jews could not belong to PROFESSIONAL GUILDS---or own land------all they could do is buy and sell and read and write.
Interestingly------SHARIAH LAW adopted that same filth from
CANON LAW--------and the NUREMBERG LAWS-----is, virtually
an EXACT COPY. Having read your literature since age 10 ----
I have the definite insight------some things never change-----the filth of
CONSTANTINE-----infected the whole world and you ate it in the

Bullsh(t, ONLY 2.8% of NYC is Polish, there's NO WAY, that they could possibly make up 50% of all Liver failures in NYC.

You are a lying batsh*t insane, manipulative ogre.

Just like how you blame Poland for Auschwitz,
make up stories about some late 1800's Krakow Pogrom, which can't be found on Google.

You are a lying scum, and we hate your guts.

Poles had their educated limited, or even eliminated back then.

Polish schools were seriously underfunded, or even abolished in the Partitions by Germans, and Russians,
then it's somehow it's Polish peoples faults?

Now Poland has one of the highest literacy rates in the World.

Why are you such an ignorant buffoon?

yup-----the alcoholic liver failures are of two ethnic groups----blacks and poles.

A factually based source?

sobie----you are obsessed -----I am the source----about 35 years of
experience on the wards. If you do not want to be recognized as the
POLACK ANTISEMITE that you are------fix your vocabulary and change your name

You can't even figure out who ran Auschwitz,
clearly aren't a good source.
so? half of the people dying of cirrhotic liver failure in NYC
are polish. What is your point? Jews have been BIG in
media for more than 2000 years-------because jews have been literate
for more than 2000 years. 200 years ago----what percentage of
poles could read and write IN ANY LANGUAGE?. In the stink of canon law------jews could not belong to PROFESSIONAL GUILDS---or own land------all they could do is buy and sell and read and write.
Interestingly------SHARIAH LAW adopted that same filth from
CANON LAW--------and the NUREMBERG LAWS-----is, virtually
an EXACT COPY. Having read your literature since age 10 ----
I have the definite insight------some things never change-----the filth of
CONSTANTINE-----infected the whole world and you ate it in the

Bullsh(t, ONLY 2.8% of NYC is Polish, there's NO WAY, that they could possibly make up 50% of all Liver failures in NYC.

You are a lying batsh*t insane, manipulative ogre.

Just like how you blame Poland for Auschwitz,
make up stories about some late 1800's Krakow Pogrom, which can't be found on Google.

You are a lying scum, and we hate your guts.

Poles had their educated limited, or even eliminated back then.

Polish schools were seriously underfunded, or even abolished in the Partitions by Germans, and Russians,
then it's somehow it's Polish peoples faults?

Now Poland has one of the highest literacy rates in the World.

Why are you such an ignorant buffoon?

yup-----the alcoholic liver failures are of two ethnic groups----blacks and poles.

A factually based source?

sobie----you are obsessed -----I am the source----about 35 years of
experience on the wards. If you do not want to be recognized as the
POLACK ANTISEMITE that you are------fix your vocabulary and change your name

You can't even figure out who ran Auschwitz,
clearly aren't a good source.

you don't even know what the word "kosher" means but you THROW it around -----into the atmosphere----like polack inebriates vomit into the gutter. Auschwitz camp was built at first as a putative political jail in a POLISH TOWN under the control of the German Nazi occupation. It was really a death factory for jews. Men women and children were brought in by cattle car------right past the homes of polish citizens-------and murdered there. The people of the city of Auschwitz could SMELL the
decaying bodies of the babies but later on denied that they knew what was going on

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