Every picture of "Ground Zero" is evidence of explosives used.

Why would NIST try to forensically analyse collapse without the building plans? NO where in their product does it say they had plans.

Yes, incredible that they would attempt such. Then they hired Bazant et al to try and explain "collapse" because they could not make the numbers work.

In the final revision, June 21, 2007, "concrete ... core walls" are mentioned. That revision is no longer available at northewestern U. Why would that be? I feel it is because Bazant was trying to prevent a historical shaming by allowing a deception regarding the structural designs of the Twins to control their analysis.

Here is the text of the revision.


Consider the NIST disclaimer. It states they did their analysis from "anecdotal evidence", but does not mention plans.

Why would NY state courts let guiliani steal the NYC building plans when NIST needed them for engineering analysis? They ignored federal and state freedom of information laws.

Indeed, why would a state court allow the plans for public buildings that supposedly collapsed killing thousands of innocent people be taken from public offices????? That in itself is a crime.

Why would thousands of tons of steel(evidence) go to India and China when the US steel industry needs the steel?

Such a fact shows how important it was to NOT have Americans witnessing the damage to the steel. Or, thermite leaves a very specific amorphous surface. Much like taking a slab of paraffin and dipping it in molten wax. Rounded, non linear.
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Why would NIST try to forensically analyse collapse without the building plans? NO where in their product does it say they had plans.

Yes, incredible that they would attempt such. Then they hired Bazant et al to try and explain "collapse" because they could not make the numbers work.

In the final revision, June 21, 2007, "concrete ... core walls" are mentioned. That revision is no longer available at northewestern U. Why would that be? I feel it is because Bazant was trying to prevent a historical shaming by allowing a deception regarding the structural designs of the Twins to control their analysis.

Consider the NIST disclaimer. It states they did their analysis from "anecdotal evidence", but does not mention plans.

Why would NY state courts let guiliani steal the NYC building plans when NIST needed them for engineering analysis? They ignored federal and state freedom of information laws.

Indeed, why would a state court allow the plans for public buildings that supposedly collapsed killing thousands of innocent people be taken from public offices????? That in itself is a crime.

Why would thousands of tons of steel(evidence) go to India and China when the US steel industry needs the steel?

Such a fact shows how important it was to NOT have Americans witnessing the damage to the steel. Or, thermite leaves a very specific amorphous surface. Much like taking a slab of paraffin and dipping it in molten wax. Rounded, non linear.

US steel workers in mills would have known and taken samples of residue. Analysis wouldhave shown thermite. With free Americans, seeking to protect their Constitution is possession of such evidence, the investigation could never have been controlled.

So, despite the serious economic needs of the US steel industry, GWB shipped it overseas. With GPS on the trucks to make sure ALL of it went to the docks.

you have us all convinced you are a complete moron. pyroclastic clouds come from volcanoes. are you now claiming a volcano caused the WTC collapse?

Way to try and twist and play words to try and discredit my statements...is this how you really interpret what I said?......No wonder you have no clue.

Funny how no matter where ANYONE lands on the intelligence curve EVERYONE still has a self perception of being smart.

It is moron's like you with this flawed self perception that are truly destroying this country.

What is sad is that many great people are trying to keep America great and moron's like you still get to enjoy the rewards.
you have us all convinced you are a complete moron. pyroclastic clouds come from volcanoes. are you now claiming a volcano caused the WTC collapse?

You are utilizing a cognitive distortion in attempting to make an erroneous conclusion.

Pyroclastic clouds only require masses of highly heated particulate such as volcanoes emit.

Here is a government dust analysis that is actually very good. It has been copied and re posted in its entirity.

9-11 dust analysis, smoke aerosol lower manhatten

You will notice that silica, portland and other minerals found in concrete were "bonded with iron". Such takes tremendous heat and pressure such as what would be present with high explosive very near the high tensile steel rebar I know was in the concrete core walls.

You will notice that chromium is also present in significant quantities. High tensile stel is up to 30% chromium.
I'm going to start posting articles that have nothing to do with 9/11 truth and say how they were surprised at the scene of "ground zero" about how there was nothing but steel left.

A View From Ground Zero

A volunteers account:

Dmytro Doblevych took a 10hr drive from Detroit to Manhatten's Ground Zero to volunteer to help.

Dmytro with other volunteers helped deliver water and ice to Ground Zero from Seamen's Church Institute starting the day after the 9/11 disaster.......

"It was the most monstrous and surreal view I will ever see."

"There was a gigantic foundation pit, filled to the brim with mutilated metal. There was no concrete. The gigantic cloud filling Manhatten was from the buildings concrete floors, pulverized into dust, which settled as a thick layer on the roads, sidewalks and buildings for many blocks away."
This guy explains the debunking strategy going on

Joel M. Skousen – Former U.S. Marine Corps fighter pilot. Commercial pilot. Aircraft flown: McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom, Douglas A-4 Skyhawk, Grumman F-9 Cougar, North American T-2C Buckeye, various civilian planes. Member, Experimental Aircraft Association. Member, Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association. Former Chairman of the Conservative National Committee in Washington DC and Executive Editor of Conservative Digest.

Essay Debunking the Debunkers 2/14/05: "For over a decade now, the PTB [Powers That Be] have used an odd vehicle to do their debunking on a variety of issues - Popular Mechanics Magazine (a Hearst publication). I suppose they are targeting the back-yard mechanic and auto-enthusiast crowd, who are often prone to accepting conspiracy facts and theories.

In the March 2005 issue, PM magazine singled out 16 issues or claims of the 9/11 skeptics that point to government collusion and systematically attempted to debunk each one. Of the 16, most missed the mark and almost half were straw men arguments - either ridiculous arguments that few conspiracists believed or restatements of the arguments that were highly distorted so as to make them look weaker than they really were. ...

I am one of those who claim there are factual arguments pointing to conspiracy, and that truth is not served by taking cheap shots at those who see gaping flaws in the government story ...

There is significant evidence that the aircraft impacts did not cause the collapse [of the Twin Towers] ...

The issues of the penetration hole [at the Pentagon] and the lack of large pieces of debris simply do not jive with the official story, but they are explainable if you include the parking lot video evidence that shows a huge white explosion at impact. This cannot happen with an aircraft laden only with fuel. It can only happen in the presence of high explosives."
Puts in a statement about controlled press too

Commander Dennis Henry, U.S. Navy Reserve (ret), BS CE, PE – Retired from U.S. Navy Reserve, Civil Engineering Corps after 20 years of service. Retired Licensed Professional Engineer, State of Missouri. 34 years of service as a City Engineer, designing bridges, roadways, storm, sanitary sewers, and traffic signals.

"Being a civil engineer and understanding the laws of physics, I know that a building cannot fall at free fall speed without the floors already falling also giving no resistance. I wish our Congressmen were as smart, and also showed some backbone and got a truly independent investigation going. Also, this 911 truth movement has shown to me that our press is as every bit controlled and spits out as much propaganda as I thought Pravda did for the old Soviet Union. My eyes have been awakened to many things, and I have come to learn that we do not live in as free a country as I thought we did, and with the passage of the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act, it has become even less so."
Canada's CBC airs 9/11 doubts on National Televesion:

CBC which is the 60 minutes of Canada spent the entire program airing doubts of the American 9/11 on their National Primetime News Television.

Wow can you imagine the impact this will have on Canada's population toward wanting to know the truth for 9/11.....

The Unofficial Story | CBC News: the fifth estate

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkYlbpS-vVI&feature=player_embedded]CBC - The Fifth Estate - The Unofficial Story - Pt 1-5[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4xhrJyKGQ8&feature=video_response]CBC - The Fifth Estate - The Unofficial Story - Pt 2-5[/ame]

CBC - The Fifth Estate - The Unofficial Story - Pt 3-5

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjxrGUujXVc&feature=video_response]CBC - The Fifth Estate - The Unofficial Story - Pt 4-5[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XcaORNbh4A&feature=video_response]CBC - The Fifth Estate - The Unofficial Story - Pt 5-5[/ame]
you have us all convinced you are a complete moron. pyroclastic clouds come from volcanoes. are you now claiming a volcano caused the WTC collapse?

You are utilizing a cognitive distortion in attempting to make an erroneous conclusion.

Pyroclastic clouds only require masses of highly heated particulate such as volcanoes emit.

Here is a government dust analysis that is actually very good. It has been copied and re posted in its entirity.

9-11 dust analysis, smoke aerosol lower manhatten

You will notice that silica, portland and other minerals found in concrete were "bonded with iron". Such takes tremendous heat and pressure such as what would be present with high explosive very near the high tensile steel rebar I know was in the concrete core walls.

You will notice that chromium is also present in significant quantities. High tensile stel is up to 30% chromium.

even by your own definition you are wrong. pyroclastic clouds come from volcanoes. even if it just came from heat it still wasnt a pyroclastic cloud on 9/11. it was caused by the collapse, not by heat.

its just more propaganda and lies by the twoofers!! :cuckoo:
you have us all convinced you are a complete moron. pyroclastic clouds come from volcanoes. are you now claiming a volcano caused the WTC collapse?

You are utilizing a cognitive distortion in attempting to make an erroneous conclusion.

Pyroclastic clouds only require masses of highly heated particulate such as volcanoes emit.

Here is a government dust analysis that is actually very good. It has been copied and re posted in its entirity.

9-11 dust analysis, smoke aerosol lower manhatten

You will notice that silica, portland and other minerals found in concrete were "bonded with iron". Such takes tremendous heat and pressure such as what would be present with high explosive very near the high tensile steel rebar I know was in the concrete core walls.

You will notice that chromium is also present in significant quantities. High tensile stel is up to 30% chromium.

even by your own definition you are wrong. pyroclastic clouds come from volcanoes. even if it just came from heat it still wasnt a pyroclastic cloud on 9/11. it was caused by the collapse, not by heat.

its just more propaganda and lies by the twoofers!! :cuckoo:

Pyroclastic clouds are finely pulverized rock that are exploded into the air and spreads throughout an area.......concrete is a form of rock......
Every picture of "Ground Zero" is evidence of explosives used.

EVERYTHING but the steel was exploded into a huge pyroclastic cloud of dust BEFORE it even hits the ground.

If everything WASN'T exploded into dust then the rubble pile of the Twin Towers at Ground Zero would have been HUGE and MUCH HIGHER than it was.

Do you even know what a pyroclastic cloud is?

Honestly, I think some ignorant wannabe truther wrote this one and everyone since is just copying and pasting. Any rational thought would reveal this is a lie.
Pyroclastic clouds are finely pulverized rock that are exploded into the air and spreads throughout an area.......concrete is a form of rock......

no. :cuckoo:

and nothing was exploded into the air since there were no explosives. :lol:
This guy explains the debunking strategy going on

Joel M. Skousen – Former U.S. Marine Corps fighter pilot. Commercial pilot. Aircraft flown: McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom, Douglas A-4 Skyhawk, Grumman F-9 Cougar, North American T-2C Buckeye, various civilian planes. Member, Experimental Aircraft Association. Member, Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association. Former Chairman of the Conservative National Committee in Washington DC and Executive Editor of Conservative Digest.

Essay Debunking the Debunkers 2/14/05: "For over a decade now, the PTB [Powers That Be] have used an odd vehicle to do their debunking on a variety of issues - Popular Mechanics Magazine (a Hearst publication). I suppose they are targeting the back-yard mechanic and auto-enthusiast crowd, who are often prone to accepting conspiracy facts and theories.

In the March 2005 issue, PM magazine singled out 16 issues or claims of the 9/11 skeptics that point to government collusion and systematically attempted to debunk each one. Of the 16, most missed the mark and almost half were straw men arguments - either ridiculous arguments that few conspiracists believed or restatements of the arguments that were highly distorted so as to make them look weaker than they really were. ...

I am one of those who claim there are factual arguments pointing to conspiracy, and that truth is not served by taking cheap shots at those who see gaping flaws in the government story ...

There is significant evidence that the aircraft impacts did not cause the collapse [of the Twin Towers] ...

The issues of the penetration hole [at the Pentagon] and the lack of large pieces of debris simply do not jive with the official story, but they are explainable if you include the parking lot video evidence that shows a huge white explosion at impact. This cannot happen with an aircraft laden only with fuel. It can only happen in the presence of high explosives."

LOL You guys make this so easy.

JoelSkousen.com: Analysis of Strategic Threats


This last great ruse by Russia was a carefully planned gesture, not unlike previous attempts by Lenin and Stalin to put on a more human face in order to secure needed technology transfers and monetary assistance from the West.


To further the deception, current Russian president Vladimir Putin continually rails against Russian Mafia leaders like Berezovsky and Gusinsky, issuing a steady stream of indictments, as if the Russian government is actively pursuing these international criminals. Of course, it’s all a ruse.


Am I saying that everything was faked in the so-called fall of Communism? Not at all. The yearning of Eastern Europeans and Russians to be free was real. That part didn’t have to be faked. But several Eastern European states are still under Russian silent control. Even the Russian pull-back of weapons was a partial lie. After negotiating the removal of US missiles and nuclear weapons from Europe (INF treaty) the Soviets allowed US inspectors to witness the destruction of the longer-range SS-20 missiles, which constituted the bulk of their European force. But in 1986 the Russians secretly moved in more modern, shorter-range SS-23s to deep underground bunkers in East Germany

Does your man even realize that there is no more USSR or East Germany? He's as big a nut case as some of the truthers I've seen post on these boards.
And your buddies accuse me of never looking at what you guys post.

If you had opened the link the paper is titled:



LOL You guys make this so easy.
But in 1986 the Russians secretly moved in more modern, shorter-range SS-23s to deep underground bunkers in East Germany

Does your man even realize that there is no more USSR or East Germany? He's as big a nut case as some of the truthers I've seen post on these boards.

Did you miss the part where he was talking about 1986

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