Every picture of "Ground Zero" is evidence of explosives used.

Why would NIST try to forensically analyse collapse without the building plans? NO where in their product does it say they had plans.
do you know that the NIST didnt have the building plans or is this just another whacko assumption of yours with absolutely no basis in reality.

Where does the NIST say they didnt have the plans?
I think this Thread proves that creativedreams is a moron that blindly follows Propaganda like no other.

You sir, are an insult to the Families of the Deceased and the Deceased themselves.

Get off your high horse and keep reading more Left wing Propaganda.
I think this Thread proves that creativedreams is a moron that blindly follows Propaganda like no other.

You sir, are an insult to the Families of the Deceased and the Deceased themselves.

Get off your high horse and keep reading more Left wing Propaganda.

don't pretend you speak for the victims families...




I think this Thread proves that creativedreams is a moron that blindly follows Propaganda like no other.

You sir, are an insult to the Families of the Deceased and the Deceased themselves.

Get off your high horse and keep reading more Left wing Propaganda.

don't pretend you speak for the victims families...

Who said i was?

Of course it's an insult. Saying your son/daughter/mother or father was killed by our Greedy government and it was all to start a war for oil and Global domination isn't an insult?


You're just another one of those who think they know everything.. :lol:
an insult to those guilty elements within the government complicit with the crime ?

first you need to prove there are guilty elements within the government complicit with the crime. then we can talk about it being an insult. :cuckoo:
New York's Bernard Kerik a 9/11 hero Police Chief recently jailed...

Bernard Kerik was Chief of Police under a 9/11 hero Mayor Rudy Giuliani and now faces 142 years in jail and fines of almost $5 million dollars in convicted on all charges.

New York's 9/11 hero secretly accepted more than $250,000 in renovations to his apartment from a construction firm with suspected mafia ties while he was Corrections Department Commissioner under Mayor Rudy Giuliani through 9/11.

New York '9/11 hero police chief' jailed - Telegraph

I want to add something to this that perhaps is another piece to the 9/11 puzzle......

Tom Leppert the CEO for Turner Construction which did many months of construction renovation work on the World Trade Center buildings up to the very day of 9/11 went on to be appointed by George Bush to the President's Commission on White House Fellows.
Turner Construction Company
[url=http://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/fellows/about/commission.html]White House Fellowships: Commission Members[/URL]

Turner Construction worked hand and hand with Controlled Demolition Inc(CDI) on many demolition projects.

Look at the website for Controlled Demolition Inc and it states right in there that part of their work includes "classified" work for the U.S. Department of Defense on sensitive projects both domestically and internationally.
Controlled Demolition, Inc. | Government

Turner Construction Company AND Controlled Demolition Inc BOTH helped performed clean-up at ground zero in which all the steel (evidence) got shipped overseas mostly to China, except for a few hand picked pieces to be sent to NIST for inspection and for part of a memorial ship.

Turner Construction had a main office located in the third sub-basement of Tower 1. Turner Construction had been performing construction renovation work in various parts throughout the WTC centers and had occupied various office spaces.

A WTC property assessment described some of the renovations as work upon steel support columns within and around elevator shafts of both WTC Towers.

Turner Construction also constructed the new headquarters for the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) which manages a laboratory for energetics, explosive materials, propellents, etc and the only reliable source of aluminum nano-powders(nano-thermite) in the United States.
Why would NIST try to forensically analyse collapse without the building plans? NO where in their product does it say they had plans.

Here's a quote from LERA website. Leslie Robertson's firm.
LERA | WTC - Sept. 11, 2001

World Trade Center and NIST

"In response to the WTC tragedy, the National Institute of Standards and Technology is conducting a three-part plan: a 24-month building and fire safety investigation to study the factors contributing to the probable cause (or causes) of post-impact collapse of the WTC Towers (WTC 1 and 2) and WTC 7; a research and development program to provide the technical basis for improved building and fire codes, standards, and practices; and a dissemination and technical assistance program to engage leaders of the construction and building community in implementing proposed changes to practices, standards and codes. Also it will provide practical guidance and tools to better prepare facility owners, contractors, architects, engineers, emergency responders, and regulatory authorities to respond to future disasters."

LERA participated in the development of a database of structural information for the two towers of the World Trade Center (WTC1 and 2).

How would LERA have participated in the development of a structural information database without plans and bills of materials???
Every picture of "Ground Zero" is evidence of explosives used.


Name names, give us the details or stfu!

Boy ....WTC 7 looks like it is taking quite a pounding there. I hope it survived
Here I am just showing proof of many months of access to the World Trade Center buildings support structures for many months prior to the support structures failing symmetrically and concentrically at almost freefall speeds.

For months prior to 9/11 both the Twin Towers had the largest elevator modernization in history going on.

The core of the towers housed the elevators and contained 47 steel columns running from the bedrock to the top of the tower.

World Trade Center - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The owner of the company that did the largest elevator modernizations in both the World Trade Center buildings was associated with Bush and Donated regularly to the Republicans and Bush's campaign.

Robert Baamonde - $3,000 in Political Contributions for 2000
The owner of the company that did the largest elevator modernizations in both the World Trade Center buildings was associated with Bush and Donated regularly to the Republicans and Bush's campaign.

Robert Baamonde - $3,000 in Political Contributions for 2000

holy crap!! thats your proof? the owner of the company was a republican?!!! :lol:


this is the funniest forum i have ever read in my life!! some of the things that get said here i couldnt come up with in my wildest imagination.

gee, i wonder how many other americans donated at least $3000 to republicans. :cuckoo:
The owner of the company that did the largest elevator modernizations in both the World Trade Center buildings was associated with Bush and Donated regularly to the Republicans and Bush's campaign.

Robert Baamonde - $3,000 in Political Contributions for 2000

holy crap!! thats your proof? the owner of the company was a republican?!!! :lol:


this is the funniest forum i have ever read in my life!! some of the things that get said here i couldnt come up with in my wildest imagination.

gee, i wonder how many other americans donated at least $3000 to republicans. :cuckoo:

Fizz, you just can't make this shit up. It's real, they live among us.
These two new videos show absolute proof of explosives used to bring down the World Trade Center Buildings.

This footage came right from the history channel itself....

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_B_Azbg0go"]YouTube- South Tower Smoking Guns[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBVhxnkK6s8"]YouTube- South Tower Smoking Guns (Follow-up)[/ame]

the jet airliners that got flown into the twin towers were just part of a clever cover story to conceal that individuals inside the shadow gubmint of Amerika were actually doing the deeds.

And these shadow boys cleverly got al qaeda to declare war on us in time to have some otherwise utterly ineffectual Islamshitbrains trained to hijack and fly said jetliners from Mass to NYC and into both towers (putting aside the Pentagon and the failed effort in PA for the moment).

The Islamofucktards NEVER thought to ask the shadow-fuckers from inside Amerika, "Why the devil should we commit silly acts of suicide if you already have the buildings wired to go?" Just tell the American people that WE did it and we'll be more than happy to take credit for it but it won't cost us any of our 'soldiers.'"

Somebody over on the Troofer Aisle, please handle that inquiry!
disinfo agent Liar ability,was wondering how long it would be before you came here to one of these 9/11 threads.lol.

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