Every Republican votes against making hearings public!

Not being investigated is the new standard of someone being innocent?

Well that plays along with progressives desire to make "being investiagted" the same as being guilty

and of course, as always, go fuck yourself.

I'm ready an endless litany of denial of facts from you.

Not being investigated is the new standard of someone being innocent?

The lie you fools keep trying to sell is that Biden fired the prosecutor to stop the investigation of his son. Since his son wasn't being investigated, your lie couldn't possibly be true. And further, the prosecutor was fired because he WASN'T investigating Burisma, not because he was. The guilt or innocence of Hunter Biden is utterly irrelevant to the central issue.

Was Joe Biden's firing of the Ukrainian prosecutor a corrupt act? No. It was a pre-condition to the aid the Ukrainians were requesting from the IMF and the NATO Alliance. Joe was doing the bidding of the Western democracies, not carrying out a self-serving political act, in secret.

Yeah, all your assumptions rely on the reality of the MSM reporting everything truthfully, and we already know the score on that.

We have the historical record Marty. We lived through this. We remember what happened at the time. People aren't as stupid as you seem to think they are.

What historical record? All we have are assumptions based on snippets of testimony of people obviously with axes to grind.

The newspaper and news accounts at the time.

I don't see any of the witnesses having an "axe to grind". I see a bunch of decent, honest, hard working people who genuinely believe in the oaths of office they took, looking at the criminal and self-serving behaviour that is costing people their lives all across the globe, all in his own self-interests, and that of Valdimir Putin and Russia.

The papers are on your side, of course you see them as "truth"

And LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL to your second point. They are all entrenched deep staters, convinced of their nobility because of their government "service"

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