"every single penny"...Marjorie Taylor Greene calls for an audit of Ukraine funding

There's a decent chance it will be taken back whether he wants to give it back or not.

This, I did not expect.

Things are going so much better than I anticipated.

Worth every penny
By whom? It's a waste of my money Ukraine sucks
I am very happy Putin is getting his ass kicked. He is learning an extremely painful lesson of what will happen to him if he takes on the West.

Worth every penny.

And for every Ukrainian life lost, dozens of European and American lives are being saved.

May God bless them all.
Dozens of European and American lives are being saved?!

What the hell are you talking about?

Why do you feel Putin was about to attack the West?

Back in reality the Ukraine War could lead to WW III.

Here's where the money is going:

Why didn’t Russia give Iraq billions of dollars worth of the best military equipment of the world when the United States invaded Iraq in 2003? Why do we Americans have to send a bunch of military equipment to Ukraine ? Russia did not help out our enemy in 2003? The cold war is over man…. Russia China and United States I’ve got to figure out a way to get together this was always the vision of the allies of World War II. I am a liberal and I don’t understand why there are other liberals who are so adamant about supporting Ukraine.

I am an American. I’m not against Ukraine and I’m also not against Russia. This is a war between Russia and Ukraine and it is apalling how the American media is treating this war. They should have journalists on both sides. How do we know Ukraine is winning the war? All we get information from the Ukrainian media which frankly looks a lot like the Russian media.
Actually, the artillery we gave to Ukraine is far more accurate than Russia's.

That has also been driven home to Putin, which is why he is resorting to war crimes.

Some say 1 million Iraqi‘s died because of the American invasion in 2003. You may have heard the term might makes right.

Russia won’t be held accountable for war crimes neither will America neither will China. All countries commit war crimes in wars… The question is has Russia’s errors been worse than America‘s?

I mean this is serious stuff the people of Baghdad the people of Mosul….. they had their homes invaded by American tanks American planes and they see American politicians get up on camera and talk about how evil Russia is. Don’t you see what’s going on man. We need to work against the neocons and we should have a sound foreign policy…. America should speak with intelligence and care when it comes to foreign wars.

I’m sorry Russia is not Nazi Germany , Russia’s not the Taliban ,the Russian military is filled with good people same with the American military. I Don’t paint the broadbrush of the American military I sure as heck won’t do it with the Russia military.
I am very happy Putin is getting his ass kicked. He is learning an extremely painful lesson of what will happen to him if he takes on the West.

Worth every penny.

And for every Ukrainian life lost, dozens of European and American lives are being saved.

May God bless them all.
Putin isn’t taking on the west. This isn’t our fight. This isn’t worth our tax dollars. We have our own problems.

American lives are not being saved in Ukraine. WTF is wrong with you?
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I'm not surprised your shallow mind is incapable of seeing how we benefit.

Read. The. Topic.

Useful idiot MTG's demand for an audit is theater. What she actually wants is for us to surrender to Putin because we are winning.

Read. The. Topic.
There’s no US benefit in sending billions of dollars to a Ukraine. How can we be winning when we aren’t in the fight?
Why didn’t Russia give Iraq billions of dollars worth of the best military equipment of the world when the United States invaded Iraq in 2003? Why do we Americans have to send a bunch of military equipment to Ukraine ? Russia did not help out our enemy in 2003? The cold war is over man…. Russia China and United States I’ve got to figure out a way to get together this was always the vision of the allies of World War II. I am a liberal and I don’t understand why there are other liberals who are so adamant about supporting Ukraine.

I am an American. I’m not against Ukraine and I’m also not against Russia. This is a war between Russia and Ukraine and it is apalling how the American media is treating this war. They should have journalists on both sides. How do we know Ukraine is winning the war? All we get information from the Ukrainian media which frankly looks a lot like the Russian media.
Interesting comment,word salad not mentioning
At the behest of Putin, no doubt.
Are you writing at the behest of Xi Jin Ping? The neocon warmongers? War profiteers?

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What drag queen impersonator Marjorie Taylor Gazpacho and all of Putin's other useful idiots do not realize is that we are getting a hell of a bargain for our money.

We are seeing how Russian military tactics work up against our military gear.

As it turns out, Russia's military tactics totally suck. And that is what really hurts MTG's and Putin's feelings.

Worth every penny.


Showing your stupidity and misogyny all at once retard. Hey dumbfuck, where did ALL of that money go? You don’t know. She wants to know exactly where OUR taxpayer money is going. Wanting an accurate accounting of that money does not make anybody a Putin supporter idiot. Now that your hero Zelensky got caught lying about that missile strike in Poland, you just have to go into defense mode.
Here's where the money is going:

We don't know that.

What we do know is that that Potatohead said billions were going to the Ukrainians but we know that Potatohead's family got rich off the Ukrainians and we know he is corrupt and has lied before so it worthwhile to find out where the money really went.

Just being prudent. Surely you are not against making sure, are you?

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