Every Single Poll Shows Trump Beating Biden

(The Economy ) ( The 6-10 Million Illegals That have swarmed in Under Xiden’s Watch) ( Stratospheric Crime and Antisemitism ) ( Fentanyl Deaths ) ( ...

So not polling. And not historical voting trends. Just projection of your own hatred. Got it.

In that case I’ll flip Florida to Biden. I mean they suffered through the Toilet Paper Shortage too you know and who would want to vote for that again.

Tuesday next is just a taste of your medicine you people will be forced to take.
13 months out. Every poll within the margin of error. Means nothing

But not a good sign for Trump.
If the choice is Biden and Trump, the majority will look at that ballot, weight what went on from 2017 to 2021...and choose Biden. Cause most people don't want another four years of Trump.

Take it to the bank.
It's The economy stupid

Liar, liar, liar, liar, liar. The polls that show Trump defeating Biden are ALWAYS within the margin of error, and totally ignore the fact that the Presidency is not decided by national popular vote.

Trump cannot win. Deal with it.

Yet how many times did liberals conclude that Hillary won because she won the national popular vote?

You fucking liberals are something else.
Democommies will demand a 1-3 Month delay in the Election so they can have a real Democrat POTUS Primary ( Becuse Their Nominee Xiden will have total mental degradation that gets into msm
No, all the polls don't show Trump ahead. That's a really dumb lie. And the ones that do are sucky landline polls that only locate old geezers. When a poll shows more people identifying as conservative than liberal, you know it sucks bad.

Pollsters have a problem. Nobody answers the phone any more. Everyone screens calls. Thus, they pretty much have to make it all up.

Notice how only the Trump cult losers here are hysterical? I mean, they're always screaming hysterical snowflakes, but they're getting worse. Even they understand what an asswhupping is in store for them. That's why they're all begging us not to run Biden. The blue wave can't be stopped.

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