every single Repub ran from intel committee meeting w/Russian double agent


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2011
........incident was the latest example of the dysfunction, panic, and paralysis that’s gripped the panel since Nunes' attempt to completely stop the Russia investigation into TrumpCo employees...

04.05.17 9:40 PM ET

A House Intelligence Committee Democrat tried to reach across the aisle to reboot the committee’s stalled Russia investigation. Republicans met his gesture with total silence.

Republicans boycotted a Wednesday briefing on Russian intelligence methods organized by Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell, who had hoped the committee’s members could gather in a bipartisan manner to hear non-controversial testimony from an expert.

Weeks ago, House Intelligence Committee staff and Swalwell reached out to a national security specialist, Naveed Jamali. In the 2000s, Jamali was a double agent in the service of the FBI after the Russian government tried to recruit him as an asset.

Every single Republican lawmaker on the House Intelligence Committee was invited to the members-only briefing on Wednesday. Not one showed.
........incident was the latest example of the dysfunction, panic, and paralysis that’s gripped the panel since Nunes' attempt to completely stop the Russia investigation into TrumpCo employees...

04.05.17 9:40 PM ET

A House Intelligence Committee Democrat tried to reach across the aisle to reboot the committee’s stalled Russia investigation. Republicans met his gesture with total silence.

Republicans boycotted a Wednesday briefing on Russian intelligence methods organized by Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell, who had hoped the committee’s members could gather in a bipartisan manner to hear non-controversial testimony from an expert.

Weeks ago, House Intelligence Committee staff and Swalwell reached out to a national security specialist, Naveed Jamali. In the 2000s, Jamali was a double agent in the service of the FBI after the Russian government tried to recruit him as an asset.

Every single Republican lawmaker on the House Intelligence Committee was invited to the members-only briefing on Wednesday. Not one showed.
This shit has been going on for 1 year now and still nothing can be found out about it. And you libfucks complain when the crooked vagina was grilled over her absence in the Benghazi Massacre where Chris Stevens and 3 other US citizens were butchered by Al Qaeda, that Obama said he had on the run. Get the fuck over it, as We the People are tired of listening to you whiney ass, butt hurt, lickspittle, liberal mind numbed useful idiots.

........incident was the latest example of the dysfunction, panic, and paralysis that’s gripped the panel since Nunes' attempt to completely stop the Russia investigation into TrumpCo employees...

04.05.17 9:40 PM ET

A House Intelligence Committee Democrat tried to reach across the aisle to reboot the committee’s stalled Russia investigation. Republicans met his gesture with total silence.

Republicans boycotted a Wednesday briefing on Russian intelligence methods organized by Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell, who had hoped the committee’s members could gather in a bipartisan manner to hear non-controversial testimony from an expert.

Weeks ago, House Intelligence Committee staff and Swalwell reached out to a national security specialist, Naveed Jamali. In the 2000s, Jamali was a double agent in the service of the FBI after the Russian government tried to recruit him as an asset.

Every single Republican lawmaker on the House Intelligence Committee was invited to the members-only briefing on Wednesday. Not one showed.
This shit has been going on for 1 year now and still nothing can be found out about it.

nothing can be found out about it????.......what the hell are you talking about?

did you know the FBI's investigation is on-going and their findings are secret?

you've been Fuxed
andaronjim ain't too bright

the investigations are on going, and andaronjim is pissed he is not on the CC list

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