Every Single Time Biden Says Or Does Something Stupid They Drop Another Indictment

And this is the dumbest indictment yet.... if it were not in Blue Fulton County it wouldn't be happening....
You can tell by listening to this woman that she wasn't tops in her class.
They somehow got her into that office for this purpose.
Notice that these DAs are always blacks who refuse to enforce the law in their districts, and they currently overseeing a massive increase in crime.

It's all just a conspiracy that they themselves should be charged under RICO.
Marxism 101.
They're indicting Trump for the exact thing they're guilty of.
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Reading all four indictments only shows that Trump was indicted for non-crimes and that the Supreme Court will throw them all out.
Don't count on the Supreme Court to even be allowed to take it up.
You can tell by listening to this woman that she wasn't tops in her class.
They somehow got her into that office for this purpose.
Notice that these DAs are always blacks who refuse to enforce the law in their districts, and they currently overseeing a massive increase in crime.

It's all just a conspiracy that they themselves should be charged under RICO.
Marxism 101.
They're indicting Trump for the exact thing they're guilt of.
She has tried and gained convictions on several RICO cases
Trump is in deep shit
Don't count on the Supreme Court to even be allowed to take it up.

They plan on impeaching Thomas, likely Alito if they get control of congress......that is what the stories about Thomas are about....and they will then pack the Supreme court so they don't have to put up with the court ruling against them......which they then have to simply ignore......
These laughable "indictments" soothe the left. I mean these are beyond funny.

And this same tactic will be used against the left .....the smug idiots here on U.S.message and across the country who think that the police state will just target republicans is really laughable......when the leftists complain about some aspect of the democrat party in the future, they are going to end up in the same prisons as conservatives.....

The left in this country and around the world are nothing more than spoiled, vicious children......who want what they want, when they want it, and they will do whatever they want..............not understanding the consequences and destruction they create...
Are you on crack? Trump has no one to blame but Trump himself!

  1. Can you grab a woman in the pussy?
  2. Can you hold onto Iranian battle plans if you are not President?
  3. Can you launch a coup against the United States of America?
  4. Can you defraud Georgia voters?
Fuck no!
No....but Biden did all of the above.
We've proven it......and that's why you're complaining that Trump did it.
And this is the dumbest indictment yet.... if it were not in Blue Fulton County it wouldn't be happening....
Not only are they going after Trump, but every Republican public official that had anything to do with the election.
Not only are they going after Trump, but every Republican public official that had anything to do with the election.

And beyond even them, as we see with their initial attacks on Clarence Thomas.......they are going to impeach him if they get congress back.....Alito as well, and they will use each step of their tightening their fascist fist to scare anyone who thinks to stand up to them...
It's no coincidence that every time Biden needs something to take the headlines off of his criminal acts or angry, mindless, or silly statements, someone drops another indictment to redirect the press away from having to cover it.

The latest example is his "No Comment" statement yesterday when asked about the growing Death-toll.

Seems that that GA DA had to jump through her backside to get this indictment into the headlines.
She even unsealed the indictment prematurely just to get everyone off of Biden's heartless comments on the dead in Lihiana Hawaii.

It appears that Biden doesn't give a darn about the dead in Hawaii.....and he's rushing off to another vacation today so they can get him away from reporters.
Still no comment.

Does this look like somebody who's in charge of the United States????

I feel sorrow for he honorable Marines who are bound by duty to salute that bumbling piece of shit.
They plan on impeaching Thomas, likely Alito if they get control of congress......that is what the stories about Thomas are about....and they will then pack the Supreme court so they don't have to put up with the court ruling against them......which they then have to simply ignore......
Nobody is planning on impeaching Thomas
Just get him to follow ethical standards
And this same tactic will be used against the left .....the smug idiots here on U.S.message and across the country who think that the police state will just target republicans is really laughable......when the leftists complain about some aspect of the democrat party in the future, they are going to end up in the same prisons as conservatives.....

The left in this country and around the world are nothing more than spoiled, vicious children......who want what they want, when they want it, and they will do whatever they want..............not understanding the consequences and destruction they create...

Yep, they don't realize that when you go down a tyrannical authoritarian road, the pendulum swings back.
And beyond even them, as we see with their initial attacks on Clarence Thomas.......they are going to impeach him if they get congress back.....Alito as well, and they will use each step of their tightening their fascist fist to scare anyone who thinks to stand up to them...
And these leftist dirtbags here at USMB will cheer it every step of the way.

And they have the nerve to say that WE'RE the ones trying to destroy Democracy.

One thing you can always count on a leftist.

They will boldly lie to our faces knowing we know they're lying.

Their constant denials are their shield.
And this same tactic will be used against the left .....the smug idiots here on U.S.message and across the country who think that the police state will just target republicans is really laughable......when the leftists complain about some aspect of the democrat party in the future, they are going to end up in the same prisons as conservatives.....

The left in this country and around the world are nothing more than spoiled, vicious children......who want what they want, when they want it, and they will do whatever they want..............not understanding the consequences and destruction they create...

They don't understand history. Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Castro, Chavez, Ghaddafi, Hussein, Hitler, Ceausescu, etc. ALL turned on their allies very soon after they gained power.

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