Every Single Time Biden Says Or Does Something Stupid They Drop Another Indictment

Why did they need all of these assholes standing up there with her when she gave this speech?

She had this look like "I just fucked the neighbor's cat" on her face when she opened her binder.

Like she knew she was full of shit and she was about to say some really fucked up lies.

Why did they need all of these assholes standing up there with her when she gave this speech?

She had this look like "I just fucked the neighbor's cat" on her face when she opened her binder.

Like she knew she was full of shit and she was about to say some really fucked up lies.

She knows the charges are just bullshit but hopes she can find a jury to convict Trump.
In the Biden administration they do, dumbass.

Progs are so fucking gullible. They actually believe Biden's DOJ follows the law.
You actually believe indictments are dropped on a whim… “hey George, they just caught Biden doing something dirty. Whip up a 90 page indictment, get the grand jury together and show them some BS that they will approve and let’s get this out there by Monday. I’m go!”

Yes sir, you are an idiot
they do now.....the democrat party thinks they have enough power to ignore all Constitutional protections......
They can think whatever they want… if something is unconstitutional then it won’t make it through the courts
She has tried and gained convictions on several RICO cases
Trump is in deep shit
Not really.
She's trying to coverup the election fraud in Georgia......and this is going to blow up in her face when it gets taken over by a federal court out of her jurisdiction.
Not really.
She's trying to coverup the election fraud in Georgia......and this is going to blow up in her face when it gets taken over by a federal court out of her jurisdiction.
Wow ….you really got me there

I can’t wait to see Trump and friends go to trial and prove their Really Was election fraud and show how he really won Georgia

The prosecutor will be so embarrassed
You actually believe indictments are dropped on a whim… “hey George, they just caught Biden doing something dirty. Whip up a 90 page indictment, get the grand jury together and show them some BS that they will approve and let’s get this out there by Monday. I’m go!”

Yes sir, you are an idiot

Banana republics do it all the time, and that's what we're living in.
It's no coincidence that every time Biden needs something to take the headlines off of his criminal acts or angry, mindless, or silly statements, someone drops another indictment to redirect the press away from having to cover it.

The latest example is his "No Comment" statement yesterday when asked about the growing Death-toll.

Seems that that GA DA had to jump through her backside to get this indictment into the headlines.
She even unsealed the indictment prematurely just to get everyone off of Biden's heartless comments on the dead in Lihiana Hawaii.

It appears that Biden doesn't give a darn about the dead in Hawaii.....and he's rushing off to another vacation today so they can get him away from reporters.
Still no comment.

Does this look like somebody who's in charge of the United States????

Dummy, you seriously think these charges just show up overnight out of nowhere?

Process takes years.
You actually believe indictments are dropped on a whim… “hey George, they just caught Biden doing something dirty. Whip up a 90 page indictment, get the grand jury together and show them some BS that they will approve and let’s get this out there by Monday. I’m go!”

Yes sir, you are an idiot
That's pretty much how Biden does it.

Biden drops them whenever ne needs to distract the public from his criminal actions

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