Every Single Time Biden Says Or Does Something Stupid They Drop Another Indictment

It's no coincidence that every time Biden needs something to take the headlines off of his criminal acts or angry, mindless, or silly statements, someone drops another indictment to redirect the press away from having to cover it.

The latest example is his "No Comment" statement yesterday when asked about the growing Death-toll.

Seems that that GA DA had to jump through her backside to get this indictment into the headlines.
She even unsealed the indictment prematurely just to get everyone off of Biden's heartless comments on the dead in Lihiana Hawaii.

It appears that Biden doesn't give a darn about the dead in Hawaii.....and he's rushing off to another vacation today so they can get him away from reporters.
Still no comment.

Does this look like somebody who's in charge of the United States????

Timing is everything,
Biden has turned into the heart, mind and soul of the Democrat party. He is also easily the worst President ever. That means that it will probably take 100 more indictments to take the heat off the Biden family's crimes. It's also going to take a huge number of extremely clueless people to buy into these fantasy charges they're accusing Trump of. Back to MAGA
Exonerate him of challenging a fraudulent election
Besides the 60 plus time he went to court, and everyone in his administration telling him that he had lost, what else does one need as proof that he did not win the election?

Lawyers told him he had lost, Barr told he he had lost, his daughter told him he had lost.

It is not the challenging of the election results he is being charged with. It is the request to change results in some of the States, the second electoral groups in seven States where there is no law in the US saying that there can be any second alternative electors after each State certified its electors, etc, etc, etc.

He challenged. The Republican Judges would not have it. The Supreme Court Republicans would not have it.

Wish to blame it on all of them?
Besides the 60 plus time he went to court, and everyone in his administration telling him that he had lost, what else does one need as proof that he did not win the election?

Lawyers told him he had lost, Barr told he he had lost, his daughter told him he had lost.

It is not the challenging of the election results he is being charged with. It is the request to change results in some of the States, the second electoral groups in seven States where there is no law in the US saying that there can be any second alternative electors after each State certified its electors, etc, etc, etc.

He challenged. The Republican Judges would not have it. The Supreme Court Republicans would not have it.

Wish to blame it on all of them?
The federal courts have had longstanding precedents for not becoming involved in the electoral process. Even the Bush v. Gore case resulted in a technical decision about the Florida Supreme Court's failure to follow its own procedures. But its recent Moore v. Harper decision did not close the door on reviewing abrogation of state legislature authority by state courts and authorities. Rather, the SCOTUS majority did not wish to confer absolute authority without any remedies whatsoever. Given the flawed nature of this case (the State Supreme Court had already reversed the decision that was being appealed), SCOTUS declined to specify a test for when it would review such abrogation.

It is my opinion that SCOTUS has given fair warning that it will be open to reviewing such cases in the future.
You're pretending his legal process has some connection with justice.
He doesn’t have a legal process smart guy. Unless now you’re trying to claim that the guy with dementia is pulling strings for the FBIDOJ and judicial system. Is that what you’re trying to claim?

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