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Every Third Child In Gaza Stunted by Hunger

since "largely innocent" is utter bullshit.

And you base this position on what, exactly?

Have you ever been to Gaza?

Some recent research results:

Do you approve or disapprove of attacks against US civilian targets?

Egypt: 8% Approve
Indonesia: 5% Approve
Pakistan: 9% Approve
Morocco: 7% Approve
Jordan: 11% Approve
Palestinian Territories: 24% Approve

What this tells me is that the US need not fear Islam - it only needs to do some better bridgebuilding in Palestine.

What that tells me is the US needs to stop fucking around and sending all that aid money to the Palestinian territories.

Hamas is considered a terrorist organization by about 4 nations in the world, the EU is not a nation. The rest of the world does not call Hamas a terrorist organization. I see them as human beings. When Israel targets and kills and injures civilians, they act as a Terrorist State. I do not really have much use for the terrorist label. The US is involved in many terrorist attacks, too. We are always hearing about civilians they bomb and kill.

It is kind of funny, about the US, we become terrorists to fight terrorism. That is pathetic, actually, not really funny at all, but there is a lot of irony in all of that.


Hamas is most definently a terrorist organization, if you can't bring yourself to admit that we have nothing further to discuss.:eusa_hand:
Hitler also thought that the world would be a better place if he went genocidal. You could have been best buds! :lol:

Don't worry the Muslim day of real genocide is coming. Again it will start in Europe! You people are already pushing the natives too much, first with abusing the welfare state, second with racial attacks on the natives, third demands and fourth with pushing Sharia law.

When oil can't be hung around the West's neck like a noose the weak Arab economies will crumble and the radicals in the cult religion will rise to the top. These radicals will eventually nuke a few cities in Europe (maybe America or Russia). That will be the straw that breaks the camels back (no pun intended). It will start in Europe, make it's way to the US, Canada, Russia, India and China. Evenutally making it's way to the Middle East. Mecca and Medina will be in ashes!
First of all, "you" people isn't me, I'm causasian.
Secondly, :cuckoo:
Third, after "Mecca and Medina will be in ashes!" is that when Jesus comes back and wisks you up to paradise?

I'm not a bigger believer in religion, so I don't think any miracles will happen anytime soon. But I do think Mecca and Medina and your cult religion's days are numbered!
Artevelde -

I agree that Hamas should be destroyed - or, even better, persuaded to abandon terror in the same way Sinn Fein did.

But much as we may loathe groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, both do have a measure of legitimacy because both have been democratically elected into positions of authority. They have something of a mandate, IMO.

You call yourself a reporter? Hezbollah lost the last election and they still hold onto their power and threaten the legitimate government.

Hamas won, like the Muslim Brotherhood, but that doesn't make them any least of terrorist organizations!
Sherri -

I do consider Hamas as a terrorist organisation, because they commit terror attacks.

However, they are also democratically elected, and this bestows upon them a certain legitimacy.

Rather than just kill 'em all, as a few posters here want to do, I'd like to see them convinced that peace offered more to them than war. This seemed to work with Sinn Fein, and I think it can work again. It's a carrot and stick approach.


I see Hamas and the Israeli government as very much alike, they are like each other, they choose fighting as a way to resolve matters, and they, at times, both unlawfully target civilians, they both at times choose to engage in terrorism.

I do not support anyone's killings, whether it be lawful or unlawful (ie terrorism). I support each side talking to one another, I support Diplomacy.

I mostly agree with what you are saying, too.

But what you leave out is the fact that the Occupation is the primary event that keeps the fighting going. East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza are essentially what is left of what was set aside for a Palestinian State by the UN, the people have a right of self determination to have a state in those lands, a state free of Israeli Occupation, that is pretty clearly established by the intl legal authorities such as the International Court of Justice, either that scenario or Israel gives them equal rights iin one democratic state
(this latter option also effectively gives them their rights of self dtermination, because they become part of a democratic system, like all other residents).

Those Occupied always are oppressed, and the natural tendency is for an occupied people to resist their Occupations.

When we look right now at all of Israel and Palestine, the demographics are interesting, we have about 7 million Jews, 5.5 million Palestinians, and the birth rate of Palestinians has historically always been very high. And we today have both a Jewish and Palestinian population outside Palestine greater in numbers than those inside Palestine.

I also find myself thinking now about what happened in 70 AD, when a people in another time chose fighting, and how all that turned out.

I just started posting here, I do not know if you have been discussing the Palestinian political prisoners/hunger strikers. we are seeing militants more and more choose nonviolence, that is a positive development and this may change everything.

There is a Palestinian football player on a hunger strike right now, 80+ days on his hunger strike, likely on the verge of death, held for over 3 years as an enemy combatant, never charged with any crimes, not allowed visits with his family in Gaza. One cannot help but admire a man choosing such a road to take, I do not even think he is a Christian, but I have never encountered any person who looks more like Jesus.

Nonviolent self sacrifice as a response to Injustice, I think there is power in that, power to change the course of History.

Hamas won, like the Muslim Brotherhood, but that doesn't make them any least of terrorist organizations!

No, I agree - it doesn't.

I also agree about Hezbollah - but the fact they have a major stake in the Lebanese parliament also affords them legitimacy as a political movement - if not as a military one, much like with Sinn Fein and the IRA.
Perhaps if their supposed Government would stop attacking Israel, stop buying war materials and waging war and stop terrorist acts they would A) have the money for food, B) would prevent response attacks by Israel and C) have jobs and access to Israel facilities.

But don't you know, muslims are allowed to use war, terrorism and violence whenever the believe themselves to be aggrieved - but everyone else has to use diplomacy and "multi-lateralism", like the UN.

What the Far Left fucking zeroes like the OP don't get is that it is their own lowered expectations and excusing away of this heinous behavior that is keeping the muslims down in the toilet/gutter. It is a type of hidden racism, where the far left secretly hates arabs, but is too stupid to understand it.
Every third child in Gaza stunted by hunger": interview with renowned doctor Mads Gilbert

SK: What is the healthcare situation in the Gaza Strip like now?

MG: As a result of the Israeli siege, there has been widespread development of anemia among children and women due to malnutrition as a result of siege and poverty. Stunting, where a child is more than two standard deviations shorter than what it should be, is sharply on the rise. In 2006, around 13.5 percent of children were stunted. In 2009, 31.4 percent under age two were stunted.

In other words, every third child is less developed than he or she should be. And stunting does not only affect growth. It also affects brain development and the ability to learn. This is a direct consequence of malnutrition. Remember, this is not caused by drought or natural disasters, but a deliberate, man-made lack of food and water, imposed, planned, and executed in the most detailed way by the Israeli government. They even calculate how many calories to let in to Gaza to avoid outright starvation but to “just” cause malnutrition since that goes under the radar of human rights abuses

This article is reported on Electronic Intifada website
Just about every Palisimian I've seen seems to be well fed and healthy. They don't seem to be as slim and trim as the kids who were in Auschwitz,Belsen and other summer camps. And that stunted growth could be from all that inbreeding that's popular throughout the Ayrab world. Wouldn't you agree?
Every third child in Gaza stunted by hunger": interview with renowned doctor Mads Gilbert

SK: What is the healthcare situation in the Gaza Strip like now?

MG: As a result of the Israeli siege, there has been widespread development of anemia among children and women due to malnutrition as a result of siege and poverty. Stunting, where a child is more than two standard deviations shorter than what it should be, is sharply on the rise. In 2006, around 13.5 percent of children were stunted. In 2009, 31.4 percent under age two were stunted.

In other words, every third child is less developed than he or she should be. And stunting does not only affect growth. It also affects brain development and the ability to learn. This is a direct consequence of malnutrition. Remember, this is not caused by drought or natural disasters, but a deliberate, man-made lack of food and water, imposed, planned, and executed in the most detailed way by the Israeli government. They even calculate how many calories to let in to Gaza to avoid outright starvation but to “just” cause malnutrition since that goes under the radar of human rights abuses

This article is reported on Electronic Intifada website
If only that would be true. Truth is it's a sack of lies.
Every third child in Gaza stunted by hunger": interview with renowned doctor Mads Gilbert

SK: What is the healthcare situation in the Gaza Strip like now?

MG: As a result of the Israeli siege, there has been widespread development of anemia among children and women due to malnutrition as a result of siege and poverty. Stunting, where a child is more than two standard deviations shorter than what it should be, is sharply on the rise. In 2006, around 13.5 percent of children were stunted. In 2009, 31.4 percent under age two were stunted.

In other words, every third child is less developed than he or she should be. And stunting does not only affect growth. It also affects brain development and the ability to learn. This is a direct consequence of malnutrition. Remember, this is not caused by drought or natural disasters, but a deliberate, man-made lack of food and water, imposed, planned, and executed in the most detailed way by the Israeli government. They even calculate how many calories to let in to Gaza to avoid outright starvation but to “just” cause malnutrition since that goes under the radar of human rights abuses

This article is reported on Electronic Intifada website

they should ask suha arafat for the money ...

it's in her french bank account.
So even in Turkey 40%support terrorist attacks against US troops. That clearly indicates very widespread support for terrorism. Which is of course something else than engaging in terrorism itself. But you apparently don't want to make that distinction.

In reality support among muslims for terrorist attacks against Israel or against India probably runs at wel over 65%.

What ARE you talking about?

Attacks against military targets do not meet the definition of terrorism.

The US chose to send its military into Iraq as an act of war - repelling those forces hardly constitutes terror, any more than US troops firing on Iraqi troops constitutes terror.

This is blantant nonsense. Jihadi terrorists who attack military targets are terrorists engaging in terrorism. We are not talking here about Iraqi forces resisting the US invasion, but unlawful jihadi terrorists attacking US forces.

Interesting to see you aprove of the attack on the USS Cole, the bombing of the Khobar Towers, the bombing of the US and French barracks in Beirut, etc., etc.

I'm sorry, but you're turning out more and more to be a supporter and apologist for jihadi terrorist groups.
There ya go Arte. That's what I've saying all along. Fatima Saigoon is a terrorist lova.
What I see in Israeli apologists is a blind support for anything and everything Israel does. And I do not really think it is helpful for nations to receive support for their human rights abuses and violations of their obligations under international law. That just encourages the illegalities. But, more importantly, what is happening in Palestine today is Israel is carrying out a 45+ year Occupation that every single day perpetrates human rights abuses against Arabs in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. They (the Israeli Jewish Apartheid Zionist Regime) have illegally moved into the lands 500,000 illegal settlers, whose presence there is unlawful under the Fourth Geneva Convention. The Occupation is a serious Injustice, it is Apartheid in operation, it is a continuing ethnic cleasning operation, and people of conscience all over our world today stand in solidarity against it, with boycotts and other nonviolent actions, just as they took a stand against Apartheid in South Africa.
You should really take off your blinders.But I suppose your love for Islamic terrorism is too overpowering.

I just have to LOL at your comment, disclosing racism is labelled racism. And what is Aparthied and ethnic cleansing and the Occupation, but racism by Jews against the indigernous nonJewish population of Palestine. I am a Christian, the people in power in Israel today have exactly the same problems Jesus addressed about the Jewish people in Palestine when Jesus lived there, in Matthew 22. Nothing has really changed much in Palestine, from when Jesus lived there, many people still live under an unjust Occupation, then it was a Roman Occupation, now it is a Zionsit Occupation.

My opinions are based on 45+ years of human rights abuses of Israel documented by human rights groups, day in and day out, year in and year out, for the length of the Occupation. You can read all about them on UNISPAL website, a UN website that collects historical documents regarding Palestine, in Amnesty Reports, in Human Rights Watch Reports, in reports by Christain Peacemaker Teams in Hebron, in Btselem Reports, in reports by UNICEF, in reports by the UN Human Rights Council, in reports by WHO, in reports by The International Red Cross, in reports by Sabeel, in the Kairos Palestine documents, written by Palestinian Christians .
Two observations: 1. You forgot to list Jew Watch. 2. You are chock full of B.S.

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