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Every Third Child In Gaza Stunted by Hunger

Artevelde -

Terrorists are not to be equated with legitimate military forces, as you do.

So Hamas is not a legitimate military force, in your opinion?

No, it most certainly is not. It is not the normally constituted military force of an internationally recognized state. It is a terrorist organization with an avowedly genocidal goal.
If Israel really went genocidal, the world would be a better place, but no, they have chosen to try to live with the scum of the world and hope they finally grow the fuck up.

Hitler also thought that the world would be a better place if he went genocidal. You could have been best buds! :lol:

Don't worry the Muslim day of real genocide is coming. Again it will start in Europe! You people are already pushing the natives too much, first with abusing the welfare state, second with racial attacks on the natives, third demands and fourth with pushing Sharia law.

When oil can't be hung around the West's neck like a noose the weak Arab economies will crumble and the radicals in the cult religion will rise to the top. These radicals will eventually nuke a few cities in Europe (maybe America or Russia). That will be the straw that breaks the camels back (no pun intended). It will start in Europe, make it's way to the US, Canada, Russia, India and China. Evenutally making it's way to the Middle East. Mecca and Medina will be in ashes!
I notice none of the Terrorists supports answer the question about open unabashed terrorism by Hamas.

Rockets mortars bombs and missiles all aimed at civilian targets all fired from civilian facilities. I notice none of them complain when the target is Israeli schools, day care centers, markets, public squares or buses.

No one wants to explain why it is ok for Hamas to fire these devices from schools hospitals and the roofs of apartment buildings. No one wants to explain why it is ok for Hamas to build command and control bunkers UNDER Hospitals schools and Apartment buildings.

And Genocide? Genocide is the systematic killing or eradication of a group of people. Israel has had the ability to wipe out every living thing in Palestine for 60 years. Yet rather then a decline in population they have a 30 percent growth rate. Higher then all but maybe a couple other Muslim Countries.

Israel ships TONS of food, medicine and other materials into Palestine every day. They allow Palestinians to work in Israel, they take their sick and injured to Israeli Hospitals when they can not get treatment in Palestine.

And how are they paid back for this? Murder and Terrorism. Missile fire, rockets, mortars and bombs. And the targets of these attacks? Women and children.

Hamas controls the Government, they openly call for the destruction of Israel, they ship in tons of armaments by any means possible. They openly set up their launchers in school yards, Hospitals and the roofs of Apartment buildings.

Of the two groups ONLY ONE calls for the death and destruction of the other. And it is not Israel that makes that call. It is not Israel that has as its charter the demand that a Sovereign Nation be destroyed and all its peoples murdered. It is not Israel that tries to achieve that goal by any means possible.

Only one of the two groups sends suicide bombers to blow up women and children in Pizza parlors. Only one of the two groups purposefully targets schools and day care centers for rocket mortar and missile attacks. Only one of the groups sends handicapped children strapped with bombs to do their killing.

UNICEF has been reporting for decades about the malnutrition and stunted growth in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. It is a fact. I was reading a recent report on UNICEF's website that stated its incidence was a little over 10% when computed for the entire OPT, which includes East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza. Palestinians living in all of the OPT total about 4.5 million people, this includes Palestinians in Gaza who total 1.7 million. There are an additional 1 million Palestinians inside Isreal. This respected doctor whose findings are reported on the Electronic Intifada website is finding stunted growth at 3 times that level when he focuses on the situation inside Gaza alone.

Palestinians include descendants of the earliest Christians, many of whom have left because of the Occupation and its human rights abuses.
If Israel really went genocidal, the world would be a better place, but no, they have chosen to try to live with the scum of the world and hope they finally grow the fuck up.

Hitler also thought that the world would be a better place if he went genocidal. You could have been best buds! :lol:

Don't worry the Muslim day of real genocide is coming. Again it will start in Europe! You people are already pushing the natives too much, first with abusing the welfare state, second with racial attacks on the natives, third demands and fourth with pushing Sharia law.

When oil can't be hung around the West's neck like a noose the weak Arab economies will crumble and the radicals in the cult religion will rise to the top. These radicals will eventually nuke a few cities in Europe (maybe America or Russia). That will be the straw that breaks the camels back (no pun intended). It will start in Europe, make it's way to the US, Canada, Russia, India and China. Evenutally making it's way to the Middle East. Mecca and Medina will be in ashes!
First of all, "you" people isn't me, I'm causasian.
Secondly, :cuckoo:
Third, after "Mecca and Medina will be in ashes!" is that when Jesus comes back and wisks you up to paradise?
Artevelde -

So Hamas is not a legitimate military force, in your opinion?

And by the way, you will also find Hamas on the EU list of terrorist organizations.

Absolutely - and I also consider it a terrorist organisation.

That wasn't my question.

It was your question. A terrorist organization cannot be a legitimate military force.

Hamas must be destroyed, plain and simple.
Retired GySgt,

You stated:

I notice none of the Terrorists supports answer the question about open unabashed terrorism by Hamas.

Rockets mortars bombs and missiles all aimed at civilian targets all fired from civilian facilities. I notice none of them complain when the target is Israeli schools, day care centers, markets, public squares or buses.

No one wants to explain why it is ok for Hamas to fire these devices from schools hospitals and the roofs of apartment buildings. No one wants to explain why it is ok for Hamas to build command and control bunkers UNDER Hospitals schools and Apartment buildings.

And Genocide? Genocide is the systematic killing or eradication of a group of people. Israel has had the ability to wipe out every living thing in Palestine for 60 years. Yet rather then a decline in population they have a 30 percent growth rate. Higher then all but maybe a couple other Muslim Countries.

Israel ships TONS of food, medicine and other materials into Palestine every day. They allow Palestinians to work in Israel, they take their sick and injured to Israeli Hospitals when they can not get treatment in Palestine.

My response:

I do not support terrorism, and that incudes State Terrorism of Israel.

Terrorism is essentially unlawful attacks on civilians, whether by individuals or states, and Israel engages in that every day when they target civilians and civilian objects, and militants in Gaza do the same, when they lauch indiscriminate rockets into Israel.

There are not Israelis being killed, most days, why do you not confront that reality, the reality that most of the civilians killed in Palestine today are Palestinians and they are being killed by State terrorism of Israel? Btselem gives us the data on fatalaties.

As for armed fighters on both sides, when they attack each other in altercations this has nothing to do with terrorism, Israel occupies Gaza, those occupied have a legal right under international law to resist their occupation and such resistance may be violent or nonviolent.

There are practices designed to remove nonJews, by deportation or starvation of their basic needs required to sustain human life or killing, this is genocide. The Christians used to total over 10%, now the numbers are 1% to 4%. Archbishop Elias Chacour of the Melkite Catholic Church was a boy when his village in the Galilee was ethnically cleansed, he later, as a boy, uncovered bodies of dead villagers killed in a neighboring village by Jews. Christaisn are victims of Israel's genocide, too. There was even Palestinian Christian man crucified in Gaza at the beginning of the First Intifada, in 1988, he was 18, I think. Archbishop Elias Chacour writes about these events in his books, Blood Brothers and We Belong To The Land. It is a genocide, what recently Christians in Palestine call a slow genocide. There are more Palestinians today ethnically cleansed from Palestine living elsewhere, in refugee camps and others countries, then there are in Palestine.
Artevelde -

I agree that Hamas should be destroyed - or, even better, persuaded to abandon terror in the same way Sinn Fein did.

But much as we may loathe groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, both do have a measure of legitimacy because both have been democratically elected into positions of authority. They have something of a mandate, IMO.
Artevelde -

I agree that Hamas should be destroyed - or, even better, persuaded to abandon terror in the same way Sinn Fein did.

But much as we may loathe groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, both do have a measure of legitimacy because both have been democratically elected into positions of authority. They have something of a mandate, IMO.

This is where there is no common ground possible. Hamas and Hezbollah are jihadi terrorist organisations with whom no compromise is possible because they have genocidal goals. They can not be compared with the IRA (not Sinn Fein - which never was a terrorist organisation), which had much more limited aims.

As long as large sections of the Palestinian and Lebanese population choose to support terrorist murders like Hamas and Hezbollah, they choose to support terrorism and war.

Hamas is considered a terrorist organization by about 4 nations in the world, the EU is not a nation. The rest of the world does not call Hamas a terrorist organization. I see them as human beings. When Israel targets and kills and injures civilians, they act as a Terrorist State. I do not really have much use for the terrorist label. The US is involved in many terrorist attacks, too. We are always hearing about civilians they bomb and kill.

It is kind of funny, about the US, we become terrorists to fight terrorism. That is pathetic, actually, not really funny at all, but there is a lot of irony in all of that.

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Retired GySgt,

You stated:

I notice none of the Terrorists supports answer the question about open unabashed terrorism by Hamas.

Rockets mortars bombs and missiles all aimed at civilian targets all fired from civilian facilities. I notice none of them complain when the target is Israeli schools, day care centers, markets, public squares or buses.

No one wants to explain why it is ok for Hamas to fire these devices from schools hospitals and the roofs of apartment buildings. No one wants to explain why it is ok for Hamas to build command and control bunkers UNDER Hospitals schools and Apartment buildings.

And Genocide? Genocide is the systematic killing or eradication of a group of people. Israel has had the ability to wipe out every living thing in Palestine for 60 years. Yet rather then a decline in population they have a 30 percent growth rate. Higher then all but maybe a couple other Muslim Countries.

Israel ships TONS of food, medicine and other materials into Palestine every day. They allow Palestinians to work in Israel, they take their sick and injured to Israeli Hospitals when they can not get treatment in Palestine.

My response:

I do not support terrorism, and that incudes State Terrorism of Israel.

Terrorism is essentially unlawful attacks on civilians, whether by individuals or states, and Israel engages in that every day when they target civilians and civilian objects, and militants in Gaza do the same, when they lauch indiscriminate rockets into Israel.

There are not Israelis being killed, most days, why do you not confront that reality, the reality that most of the civilians killed in Palestine today are Palestinians and they are being killed by State terrorism of Israel? Btselem gives us the data on fatalaties.

As for armed fighters on both sides, when they attack each other in altercations this has nothing to do with terrorism, Israel occupies Gaza, those occupied have a legal right under international law to resist their occupation and such resistance may be violent or nonviolent.

There are practices designed to remove nonJews, by deportation or starvation of their basic needs required to sustain human life or killing, this is genocide. The Christians used to total over 10%, now the numbers are 1% to 4%. Archbishop Elias Chacour of the Melkite Catholic Church was a boy when his village in the Galilee was ethnically cleansed, he later, as a boy, uncovered bodies of dead villagers killed in a neighboring village by Jews. Christaisn are victims of Israel's genocide, too. There was even Palestinian Christian man crucified in Gaza at the beginning of the First Intifada, in 1988, he was 18, I think. Archbishop Elias Chacour writes about these events in his books, Blood Brothers and We Belong To The Land. It is a genocide, what recently Christians in Palestine call a slow genocide. There are more Palestinians today ethnically cleansed from Palestine living elsewhere, in refugee camps and others countries, then there are in Palestine.

Israel does NOT target civilians. They target launch sites, command centers and individual terrorists. All legal targets under the Geneva Conventions.

You claim to be opposed to terrorism but NOT ONE SINGLE post of yours condemns Hamas. NOT ONE. You ignore the facts and make up propaganda that has been proven to be false over and over.

And you keep claiming Israel practices Genocide when the population of the group they are supposedly eradicating has a 30 percent growth rate. Israel feeds them, cloths them houses them, provides work for them and medical care. ALL PROVEN facts.

Perhaps you can provide for us YOUR definition of Genocide cause it sure isn't any that any sane person knows.

Hamas is considered a terrorist organization by about 4 nations in the world, the EU is not a nation. The rest of the world does not call Hamas a terrorist organization. I see them as human beings. When Israel targets and kills and injures civilians, they act as a Terrorist State. I do not really have much use for the terrorist label. The US is involved in many terrorist attacks, too. We are always hearing about civilians they bomb and kill.

It is kind of funny, about the US, we become terrorists to fight terrorism. That is pathetic, actually, not really funny at all, but there is a lot of irony in all of that.


More stupid lies.
Sherri -

I do consider Hamas as a terrorist organisation, because they commit terror attacks.

However, they are also democratically elected, and this bestows upon them a certain legitimacy.

Rather than just kill 'em all, as a few posters here want to do, I'd like to see them convinced that peace offered more to them than war. This seemed to work with Sinn Fein, and I think it can work again. It's a carrot and stick approach.
Sherri -

I do consider Hamas as a terrorist organisation, because they commit terror attacks.

However, they are also democratically elected, and this bestows upon them a certain legitimacy.

Rather than just kill 'em all, as a few posters here want to do, I'd like to see them convinced that peace offered more to them than war. This seemed to work with Sinn Fein, and I think it can work again. It's a carrot and stick approach.

Since their goal is to eradicate Israel, destroying them is the only solution. To say that they have legitimacy is to bestow legitimacy on terrorism and an-semitism.
Every third child in Gaza stunted by hunger": interview with renowned doctor Mads Gilbert

SK: What is the healthcare situation in the Gaza Strip like now?

MG: As a result of the Israeli siege, there has been widespread development of anemia among children and women due to malnutrition as a result of siege and poverty. Stunting, where a child is more than two standard deviations shorter than what it should be, is sharply on the rise. In 2006, around 13.5 percent of children were stunted. In 2009, 31.4 percent under age two were stunted.

In other words, every third child is less developed than he or she should be. And stunting does not only affect growth. It also affects brain development and the ability to learn. This is a direct consequence of malnutrition. Remember, this is not caused by drought or natural disasters, but a deliberate, man-made lack of food and water, imposed, planned, and executed in the most detailed way by the Israeli government. They even calculate how many calories to let in to Gaza to avoid outright starvation but to “just” cause malnutrition since that goes under the radar of human rights abuses

This article is reported on Electronic Intifada website

Recognize the right of Israel to exist, stop firing rockets into Israel and maybe they can back on the road to normalcy and feeding their kids.

You state:

Hamas controls the Government, they openly call for the destruction of Israel, they ship in tons of armaments by any means possible. They openly set up their launchers in school yards, Hospitals and the roofs of Apartment buildings.

Of the two groups ONLY ONE calls for the death and destruction of the other. And it is not Israel that makes that call. It is not Israel that has as its charter the demand that a Sovereign Nation be destroyed and all its peoples murdered. It is not Israel that tries to achieve that goal by any means possible.

Only one of the two groups sends suicide bombers to blow up women and children in Pizza parlors. Only one of the two groups purposefully targets schools and day care centers for rocket mortar and missile attacks. Only one of the groups sends handicapped children strapped with bombs to do their killing.

My response:

Hamas has a right to resist the Occupation with armed resistance under intl law. People fighting use fighting words, so what individuals might say about what they would like as they are fighting is not particularly important, in addition what I find is words are often misstated and mistranslated. Gaza is a very densely populated area, so the fact some arms may be fired close to civilians is not surprising. I think typically weapons are fired from fields and open spaces, not civilian objects. Amnesty carried out an extensive investigation of Cast Lead, and found little or no evidence to support what you are alleging happened. Schools were widely bombed, NGO workers denied any military operations were being carried out from those schools and shelters and hospitals that were extensively bombed. So, much of what you say is simply untrue , propaganda, in your first paragraph.

Second paragraph, what is important is actions and who is destroying whom, and what we see is Israel is stealing land and ethnically cleansing Palestine and killing Palestinians.

Third paragraph, suicide bombings are a thing of the past, and were themselves a response to targeted assassinations, an unlawful practice Israel still carries out, where they target a person not engaged in the hostilities when targeted, in their homes with their families there. In the Lebanon War, an Iranian cleric, not even a militant and fighter, was targeted in his home, and he was killed with his 12 children, ages 1 to 18. The last person killed in a suicide bombing was a woman killed in Diamona about 5 years ago. Only Israel is targeting schools and day care centers, the rockets are so unsophisrticated they cannot be aimed at a target, they are war crimes because they are indiscriminate attacks into civilain areas, but they do not constitute deliberate targeting of schools. So, there are no suicide bombings occurring and the only one targeting schools and day care centers is Israel.

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