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Every Third Child In Gaza Stunted by Hunger


One killing a year ago, that I already took into account when I admitted there had been deaths from the rockets, does not take us to Hamas presently attacking

This has nothing to do with Hamas or agreeing with Hamas (the doctor's findings about stunted growth had nothing to do with Hamas, nor do UNICEF's findings about the condition of children in Gaza have anything to do with Hamas), Israel occupies Gaza, they have an obligation owed to the civilian population under the Fourth Geneva Convention, that prevents them from deliberately starving babies, that prevents them from deliberately causing Malnutrition in children and stunted growth in children. Israel still enforces a siege against Gaza, they destroyed their airport years ago, they shoot fishermen if they go beyond even a short way from their shores to fish, they prevent human aid groups from bringing humanitarian aid to Gaza by ship, they have attacked and destroyed infrastructure over and over, infrastructure, like water faciliries, like electric power plants.

I am not reading of children being killed by Hamas, am I missing a news report? I do not think so. I cannot ignore something that is not happening.

I know we have rockets launched into Israel by militants, that sometimes includes persons associated with Hamas. But mostly they fall into empty fields, and the threats posed are so small that I was recently reading of a growth surge in Sderot, Israelis are moving there in increasing numbers. In teh 10 years rockets have been launched, they have only killed about two dozen Isrealis, in taht same time period Isreal has killed thousands of Palestinian civilians in her terror attacks against civilians.

Terrorism is terrorism, it is bad whether it is carried out by militants or Israel.
But children should never be made to pay for acts of terrorism of anyone, Terrorism does not justify Israel in starving children in Gaza.


You say no children have been killed by Hamas?

Should I give you an example?

Hamas school bus attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Or earlier?

Collective Punishment - the Qassam victims of Sderot


That's pure propaganda lies.


One attack and one killing by Hamas a year ago does not take us to Hamas presently targeting children. Israel targeted and killed 344 children in one military operation, alone, that was Cast Lead. And each child who was killed is named and we are told how old they were when Israeli Forces killed them, and we are told how they died, on Btselem.

You call the deaths from rockets terrorism, OK, fine, so were the deaths of those 344 children killed by the IDF in Cast Lead, each one a victim of Israeli terrorism.

If Hamas is so evil they must be destroyed, by that very same reasoning, the Israeli Apartheid Regime, which embraces State Terrorism, also must be destroyed.

I do want to clarify something, I do not believe that, what I wrote in that last paragraph, I do not desire the destruction of either party named, my point is simply that if terrorism justifies destruction, that very same reasoning tells us states that embrace terrorism must be destroyed, too.

And while I do not agree with that, anyone's destruction, I think we all should be able to step back and agree the killings of the civilians on both sides is wrong and there is nothing good or moral about any of these killings, and acts that cause children to suffer malnutrition and stunted growth are also wrong.

It would be so easy for Isreal to just end her unlawful Occupation of East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza and abide by international law.

The Occupation is why there is violence.

You really believe the spiel that you learned by rote and that is sad.

One killing a year ago, that I already took into account when I admitted there had been deaths from the rockets, does not take us to Hamas presently attacking

This has nothing to do with Hamas or agreeing with Hamas (the doctor's findings about stunted growth had nothing to do with Hamas, nor do UNICEF's findings about the condition of children in Gaza have anything to do with Hamas), Israel occupies Gaza, they have an obligation owed to the civilian population under the Fourth Geneva Convention, that prevents them from deliberately starving babies, that prevents them from deliberately causing Malnutrition in children and stunted growth in children. Israel still enforces a siege against Gaza, they destroyed their airport years ago, they shoot fishermen if they go beyond even a short way from their shores to fish, they prevent human aid groups from bringing humanitarian aid to Gaza by ship, they have attacked and destroyed infrastructure over and over, infrastructure, like water faciliries, like electric power plants.

I am not reading of children being killed by Hamas, am I missing a news report? I do not think so. I cannot ignore something that is not happening.

I know we have rockets launched into Israel by militants, that sometimes includes persons associated with Hamas. But mostly they fall into empty fields, and the threats posed are so small that I was recently reading of a growth surge in Sderot, Israelis are moving there in increasing numbers. In teh 10 years rockets have been launched, they have only killed about two dozen Isrealis, in taht same time period Isreal has killed thousands of Palestinian civilians in her terror attacks against civilians.

Terrorism is terrorism, it is bad whether it is carried out by militants or Israel.
But children should never be made to pay for acts of terrorism of anyone, Terrorism does not justify Israel in starving children in Gaza.


You say no children have been killed by Hamas?

Should I give you an example?

Hamas school bus attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Or earlier?

Collective Punishment - the Qassam victims of Sderot


That's pure propaganda lies.


One attack and one killing by Hamas a year ago does not take us to Hamas presently targeting children. Israel targeted and killed 344 children in one military operation, alone, that was Cast Lead. And each child who was killed is named and we are told how old they were when Israeli Forces killed them, and we are told how they died, on Btselem.

You call the deaths from rockets terrorism, OK, fine, so were the deaths of those 344 children killed by the IDF in Cast Lead, each one a victim of Israeli terrorism.

If Hamas is so evil they must be destroyed, by that very same reasoning, the Israeli Apartheid Regime, which embraces State Terrorism, also must be destroyed.

I do want to clarify something, I do not believe that, what I wrote in that last paragraph, I do not desire the destruction of either party named, my point is simply that if terrorism justifies destruction, that very same reasoning tells us states that embrace terrorism must be destroyed, too.

And while I do not agree with that, anyone's destruction, I think we all should be able to step back and agree the killings of the civilians on both sides is wrong and there is nothing good or moral about any of these killings, and acts that cause children to suffer malnutrition and stunted growth are also wrong.

It would be so easy for Isreal to just end her unlawful Occupation of East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza and abide by international law.

The Occupation is why there is violence.


It would be even easier for Israel's "peaceful" Arab neighbors to abandon their decades old rejection of Israel's existence and right to exist in peace and to abide by human law.

The Violence is why there is occupation.

"Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it" - Hamas Charter
"Initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences, are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement." - Hamas Charter
"There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad." - Hamas Charter
"Arab countries surrounding Israel are asked to open their borders before the fighters from among the Arab and Islamic nations so that they could consolidate their efforts with those of their Moslem brethren in Palestine." - Hamas Charter
You are so ignorant it's amazing! Not even East Jersulem is a war zone. I have been to all parts of Israel including the West Bank. In Tel Aviv you would think you are in any European modernized city. In Jerusalem your walk freely through the streets of an ancient city without fear of anything. Even in East Jerusalem the people their are very friendily (although they see Americans like all foreigners - as $$$$$$$). Israel has some of the best beaches in the world. Even on the West Bank you don't feal nervous, even when you see alot of Arabs walking by. Most of the time the Arabs and the Jewish settlers are working together. Little known fact: Most of the buildings in the Jewish cities in the West Bank were made with Arab labor!

Check the homicide stats! Lowest in the world!
According to a study conducted by the University of Haifa’s Center for the Study of Crime, Law & Society, Israel’s murder rate is one of the world’s lowest, which shows the murder rate in Israel is declining. The murder rate per 100,000 residents has remained virtually unchanged over the past 28 years, and has declined during the past few years. The study says that the crime rates have to be examined in relation to the population size. From this perspective, the research shows that the number of murders per 100,000 people was 2.35 in 1980 and 2.29 in 2006. This data is low compared to other countries. For instance, in Russia, the number of murders per 100,000 people was 18 in 2004, and in the United States, the number of murders per 100,000 people was 7.5 during the same year.

Problem with Ima is ignorancy. The worse of it is that Ima feels proud and shows it off like its a true fact.

War zone. Pfft. LOL:lol:

When did the war that Israel started over 60 years ago end?[/QUOTE]


But saying Israel is nothing but a war zone and that you cannot go around the streets because of being afraid to get your tush blown up, is bull. And melodramatic and not true.
Imbecile, if that "logic" is applied then israel can kill every pal arab muslim. At least pretend you have a brain and think before writing.

If I was Jewish, you wouldn't catch me in Israel for all the shekels in Tel Aviv. The whole area is a war zone, only fools purposely raise a family in a war zone when there are other options that are safer and better for your children.

You are so ignorant it's amazing! Not even East Jersulem is a war zone. I have been to all parts of Israel including the West Bank. In Tel Aviv you would think you are in any European modernized city. In Jerusalem your walk freely through the streets of an ancient city without fear of anything. Even in East Jerusalem the people their are very friendily (although they see Americans like all foreigners - as $$$$$$$). Israel has some of the best beaches in the world. Even on the West Bank you don't feal nervous, even when you see alot of Arabs walking by. Most of the time the Arabs and the Jewish settlers are working together. Little known fact: Most of the buildings in the Jewish cities in the West Bank were made with Arab labor!

Check the homicide stats! Lowest in the world!
According to a study conducted by the University of Haifa’s Center for the Study of Crime, Law & Society, Israel’s murder rate is one of the world’s lowest, which shows the murder rate in Israel is declining. The murder rate per 100,000 residents has remained virtually unchanged over the past 28 years, and has declined during the past few years. The study says that the crime rates have to be examined in relation to the population size. From this perspective, the research shows that the number of murders per 100,000 people was 2.35 in 1980 and 2.29 in 2006. This data is low compared to other countries. For instance, in Russia, the number of murders per 100,000 people was 18 in 2004, and in the United States, the number of murders per 100,000 people was 7.5 during the same year.

You have no chance of penetrating the self-imposed and rigidly self-enforced ignorance of IMA but the normal, rational posters thank you.
Every third child in Gaza stunted by hunger": interview with renowned doctor Mads Gilbert

SK: What is the healthcare situation in the Gaza Strip like now?

MG: As a result of the Israeli siege, there has been widespread development of anemia among children and women due to malnutrition as a result of siege and poverty. Stunting, where a child is more than two standard deviations shorter than what it should be, is sharply on the rise. In 2006, around 13.5 percent of children were stunted. In 2009, 31.4 percent under age two were stunted.

In other words, every third child is less developed than he or she should be. And stunting does not only affect growth. It also affects brain development and the ability to learn. This is a direct consequence of malnutrition. Remember, this is not caused by drought or natural disasters, but a deliberate, man-made lack of food and water, imposed, planned, and executed in the most detailed way by the Israeli government. They even calculate how many calories to let in to Gaza to avoid outright starvation but to “just” cause malnutrition since that goes under the radar of human rights abuses

This article is reported on Electronic Intifada website

Hmmm. It's that age old governmental quandry: guns or butter.
And perhaps you could do better than the camel crap you find at Electronic Intifada.

Is there anything in particular that was reported in Electronic Intifada that you think is false, or is just "discredit the source" propaganda crap.

No rational poster, least of all me, would waste his or her time trying to wean you or Sherri from the propaganda websites to which you are so addicted. Sherri already stated she has considered that EI may be biased - based on the source - but doesn't seem to care. The fact is normal people need fools like you to remind us of what is abnormal.
Carry on, Princess.

You state:

Hamas controls the Government, they openly call for the destruction of Israel, they ship in tons of armaments by any means possible. They openly set up their launchers in school yards, Hospitals and the roofs of Apartment buildings.

Of the two groups ONLY ONE calls for the death and destruction of the other. And it is not Israel that makes that call. It is not Israel that has as its charter the demand that a Sovereign Nation be destroyed and all its peoples murdered. It is not Israel that tries to achieve that goal by any means possible.

Only one of the two groups sends suicide bombers to blow up women and children in Pizza parlors. Only one of the two groups purposefully targets schools and day care centers for rocket mortar and missile attacks. Only one of the groups sends handicapped children strapped with bombs to do their killing.

My response:

Hamas has a right to resist the Occupation with armed resistance under intl law. People fighting use fighting words, so what individuals might say about what they would like as they are fighting is not particularly important, in addition what I find is words are often misstated and mistranslated. Gaza is a very densely populated area, so the fact some arms may be fired close to civilians is not surprising. I think typically weapons are fired from fields and open spaces, not civilian objects. Amnesty carried out an extensive investigation of Cast Lead, and found little or no evidence to support what you are alleging happened. Schools were widely bombed, NGO workers denied any military operations were being carried out from those schools and shelters and hospitals that were extensively bombed. So, much of what you say is simply untrue , propaganda, in your first paragraph.

Second paragraph, what is important is actions and who is destroying whom, and what we see is Israel is stealing land and ethnically cleansing Palestine and killing Palestinians.

Third paragraph, suicide bombings are a thing of the past, and were themselves a response to targeted assassinations, an unlawful practice Israel still carries out, where they target a person not engaged in the hostilities when targeted, in their homes with their families there. In the Lebanon War, an Iranian cleric, not even a militant and fighter, was targeted in his home, and he was killed with his 12 children, ages 1 to 18. The last person killed in a suicide bombing was a woman killed in Diamona about 5 years ago. Only Israel is targeting schools and day care centers, the rockets are so unsophisrticated they cannot be aimed at a target, they are war crimes because they are indiscriminate attacks into civilain areas, but they do not constitute deliberate targeting of schools. So, there are no suicide bombings occurring and the only one targeting schools and day care centers is Israel.


i find it incredibly unfair, that people think, that since Palestinians are under occupation, Hamas can do whatever they like with innocent people's lives.

First of all, the word "occupation" concerning Gaza is pure propaganda. There is no occupation in Gaza. There is a blockade. But Gaza is not occupied, there is no occupying IDF soldier inside the strip cities, and there are no "settlers"

So Hamas does not respond to any "occupation" in Gaza.

That's first.

Second, Hamas targets women and children. They have no "right" to do that, anymore than Israel does. If "resisting" the siege is legal, so does RESPONDING to the terror attack Hamas brings forth on south Israel (The siege is a response to terror from the strip. Any more of it won't make things better).

Or is it possible that people would think that they can launch rockets without response? that is for the fools and naives.

There is no occupation in Gaza.

Everybody in the world, except Israel, says that it is.

Everyone in the world, eh? Is that "fact" from EI?
i find it incredibly unfair, that people think, that since Palestinians are under occupation, Hamas can do whatever they like with innocent people's lives.

First of all, the word "occupation" concerning Gaza is pure propaganda. There is no occupation in Gaza. There is a blockade. But Gaza is not occupied, there is no occupying IDF soldier inside the strip cities, and there are no "settlers"

So Hamas does not respond to any "occupation" in Gaza.

That's first.

Second, Hamas targets women and children. They have no "right" to do that, anymore than Israel does. If "resisting" the siege is legal, so does RESPONDING to the terror attack Hamas brings forth on south Israel (The siege is a response to terror from the strip. Any more of it won't make things better).

Or is it possible that people would think that they can launch rockets without response? that is for the fools and naives.

There is no occupation in Gaza.

Everybody in the world, except Israel, says that it is.

Everyone in the world, eh? Is that "fact" from EI?

Who says that Gaza is no longer occupied?
Do you approve or disapprove of attacks against US civilian targets?

Egypt: 8% Approve
Indonesia: 5% Approve
Pakistan: 9% Approve
Morocco: 7% Approve
Jordan: 11% Approve
Palestinian Territories: 24% Approve

What this tells me is that the US need not fear Islam - it only needs to do some better bridgebuilding in Palestine.

What that tells me is the US needs to stop fucking around and sending all that aid money to the Palestinian territories.

I'm not so sure....I see this as being a kind of PR exercise, and if the US can publicaly be seen to be direcing money towards peaceful purposes within Gaza (i.e. building clinics and schools), Palestinians may change their opinion of the US.

This is in everyones interests...not a million miles away from what China is doing in parts of Africa.
Last edited:
Hmmm. It's that age old governmental quandry: guns or butter.
And perhaps you could do better than the camel crap you find at Electronic Intifada.

Is there anything in particular that was reported in Electronic Intifada that you think is false, or is just "discredit the source" propaganda crap.

No rational poster, least of all me, would waste his or her time trying to wean you or Sherri from the propaganda websites to which you are so addicted. Sherri already stated she has considered that EI may be biased - based on the source - but doesn't seem to care. The fact is normal people need fools like you to remind us of what is abnormal.
Carry on, Princess.

I will take that to mean that you don't have squat.
It is disturbing reading through this thread, how few comments address the fact that children are dying of malnutrition.

I don't care whose kids they are, and I don't care if they are Jewish, Muslim, black or white - given the wealth we have on this planet, it is completely unacceptable that any child should die of malnutrition.

It's a failure for all of us, for all peoples and governments.

It really disturbs me how cheaply people on this thread seem to hold those lives.

I guess a lot of you don't have kids.
It is disturbing reading through this thread, how few comments address the fact that children are dying of malnutrition.

I don't care whose kids they are, and I don't care if they are Jewish, Muslim, black or white - given the wealth we have on this planet, it is completely unacceptable that any child should die of malnutrition.

It's a failure for all of us, for all peoples and governments.

It really disturbs me how cheaply people on this thread seem to hold those lives.

I guess a lot of you don't have kids.

The siege on Gaza started before Hamas was elected. Blaming it on Hamas is just propaganda.
Hamas won, like the Muslim Brotherhood, but that doesn't make them any least of terrorist organizations!

No, I agree - it doesn't.

I also agree about Hezbollah - but the fact they have a major stake in the Lebanese parliament also affords them legitimacy as a political movement - if not as a military one, much like with Sinn Fein and the IRA.

I disagree strongly. Hezbollah has absolutely no legitimacy. It is a criminal and terrorist organization and must be destroyed.
Sherri -

I do consider Hamas as a terrorist organisation, because they commit terror attacks.

However, they are also democratically elected, and this bestows upon them a certain legitimacy.

Rather than just kill 'em all, as a few posters here want to do, I'd like to see them convinced that peace offered more to them than war. This seemed to work with Sinn Fein, and I think it can work again. It's a carrot and stick approach.

It is not possible to make peace as long as Hamas is in charge.

Not. Ever.

I have to agree with that.
Sherri -

I do consider Hamas as a terrorist organisation, because they commit terror attacks.

However, they are also democratically elected, and this bestows upon them a certain legitimacy.

Rather than just kill 'em all, as a few posters here want to do, I'd like to see them convinced that peace offered more to them than war. This seemed to work with Sinn Fein, and I think it can work again. It's a carrot and stick approach.


I see Hamas and the Israeli government as very much alike, they are like each other, they choose fighting as a way to resolve matters, and they, at times, both unlawfully target civilians, they both at times choose to engage in terrorism.

I do not support anyone's killings, whether it be lawful or unlawful (ie terrorism). I support each side talking to one another, I support Diplomacy.

I mostly agree with what you are saying, too.

But what you leave out is the fact that the Occupation is the primary event that keeps the fighting going. East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza are essentially what is left of what was set aside for a Palestinian State by the UN, the people have a right of self determination to have a state in those lands, a state free of Israeli Occupation, that is pretty clearly established by the intl legal authorities such as the International Court of Justice, either that scenario or Israel gives them equal rights iin one democratic state
(this latter option also effectively gives them their rights of self dtermination, because they become part of a democratic system, like all other residents).

Those Occupied always are oppressed, and the natural tendency is for an occupied people to resist their Occupations.

When we look right now at all of Israel and Palestine, the demographics are interesting, we have about 7 million Jews, 5.5 million Palestinians, and the birth rate of Palestinians has historically always been very high. And we today have both a Jewish and Palestinian population outside Palestine greater in numbers than those inside Palestine.

I also find myself thinking now about what happened in 70 AD, when a people in another time chose fighting, and how all that turned out.

I just started posting here, I do not know if you have been discussing the Palestinian political prisoners/hunger strikers. we are seeing militants more and more choose nonviolence, that is a positive development and this may change everything.

There is a Palestinian football player on a hunger strike right now, 80+ days on his hunger strike, likely on the verge of death, held for over 3 years as an enemy combatant, never charged with any crimes, not allowed visits with his family in Gaza. One cannot help but admire a man choosing such a road to take, I do not even think he is a Christian, but I have never encountered any person who looks more like Jesus.

Nonviolent self sacrifice as a response to Injustice, I think there is power in that, power to change the course of History.


Those Occupied always are oppressed, and the natural tendency is for an occupied people to resist their Occupations.

The citizens of an occupying power are not considered "civilians" by the Forth Geneva Convention.

More racist lies.

Hamas is considered a terrorist organization by about 4 nations in the world, the EU is not a nation. The rest of the world does not call Hamas a terrorist organization. I see them as human beings. When Israel targets and kills and injures civilians, they act as a Terrorist State. I do not really have much use for the terrorist label. The US is involved in many terrorist attacks, too. We are always hearing about civilians they bomb and kill.

It is kind of funny, about the US, we become terrorists to fight terrorism. That is pathetic, actually, not really funny at all, but there is a lot of irony in all of that.


You agreeing with Hamas makes you a terrorist sympathizer. Yet you say you're against terrorism.

Or is Palestinian terrorism not "terrorism"? You're not being completely fair, and your claims are very hypocritical.

Hamas targets and terrorize Israeli children. Ignoring that is ignoring the situation completely, you cannot expect fair complete view when you're not completely honest with yourself.

Hamas should be destroyed.


This has nothing to do with Hamas or agreeing with Hamas (the doctor's findings about stunted growth had nothing to do with Hamas, nor do UNICEF's findings about the condition of children in Gaza have anything to do with Hamas), Israel occupies Gaza, they have an obligation owed to the civilian population under the Fourth Geneva Convention, that prevents them from deliberately starving babies, that prevents them from deliberately causing Malnutrition in children and stunted growth in children. Israel still enforces a siege against Gaza, they destroyed their airport years ago, they shoot fishermen if they go beyond even a short way from their shores to fish, they prevent human aid groups from bringing humanitarian aid to Gaza by ship, they have attacked and destroyed infrastructure over and over, infrastructure, like water faciliries, like electric power plants.

I am not reading of children being killed by Hamas, am I missing a news report? I do not think so. I cannot ignore something that is not happening.

I know we have rockets launched into Israel by militants, that sometimes includes persons associated with Hamas. But mostly they fall into empty fields, and the threats posed are so small that I was recently reading of a growth surge in Sderot, Israelis are moving there in increasing numbers. In the 10 years rockets have been launched, they have only killed about two dozen Israelis, actually the figure is 31 since 2001 according to Wikipedia, in that same time period Israel has killed thousands of Palestinian civilians in her terror attacks against civilians. One can identify the numbers of civilians Israel has unlawfully killed from Btselem statistics tables, one category they track in their tables is persons killed while not participating in the hostilities. Proper targets in Occupation military strikes only include persons when they are participating in the hostilities, the law on this is set forth in the Fourth Geneva Convention.

Terrorism is terrorism, it is bad whether it is carried out by militants or Israel, my definition of terrorism in a conflict between two sides like the Israeli Palestinian conflict, being acts that unlawfully target civilians and civilian objects.

And children should never be made to pay for acts of terrorism of anyone, Terrorism does not justify Israel in starving children in Gaza.


You are a very disgusting liar or a very stupid and ignorant person.
It is disturbing reading through this thread, how few comments address the fact that children are dying of malnutrition.

I don't care whose kids they are, and I don't care if they are Jewish, Muslim, black or white - given the wealth we have on this planet, it is completely unacceptable that any child should die of malnutrition.

It's a failure for all of us, for all peoples and governments.

It really disturbs me how cheaply people on this thread seem to hold those lives.

I guess a lot of you don't have kids.

No, this is exclusively a failure of the Palestinians. There is plenty of aid available. The Palestinians in Gaza simply put other priorities (like supporting terrorism) first.
Do you approve or disapprove of attacks against US civilian targets?

Egypt: 8% Approve
Indonesia: 5% Approve
Pakistan: 9% Approve
Morocco: 7% Approve
Jordan: 11% Approve
Palestinian Territories: 24% Approve

What this tells me is that the US need not fear Islam - it only needs to do some better bridgebuilding in Palestine.

What that tells me is the US needs to stop fucking around and sending all that aid money to the Palestinian territories.

I'm not so sure....I see this as being a kind of PR exercise, and if the US can publicaly be seen to be direcing money towards peaceful purposes within Gaza (i.e. building clinics and schools), Palestinians may change their opinion of the US.

This is in everyones interests...not a million miles away from what China is doing in parts of Africa.

On the contrary. those schools will simply be used to indoctrinate the Palestinian children with hate against Israel and the US.

All Western countries should cut off all and any aid and support to Gaza as long as Hamas runs the place.

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