Every time I form a mental picture of how evil liberals are...

Every time I form a mental picture of how evil liberals are...

They do something, or say something, so incredibly despicable that I realize my previous mental picture of how evil they are is totally inaccurate, because they are even more evil than I imagined, and I must form a new mental picture of how evil liberals are.

But then this process is repeated, over and over again.

Today, someone posted a video of black teenage boys kicking a car, and then punching black teenage girls in the face.

Liberals came on the thread to defend these boys, saying the girl who parked her car went in the wrong neighborhood, interrupted the boy's basketball game, and was looking for trouble.

And then another liberal accused conservatives of being racists for condemning these vicious attacks.

So really, I give up. I must abandon all efforts to form a mental picture of how evil liberals are, and just assume they are as evil as Satan himself, and there is no way to form a useful mental picture of how evil Satan is, though you could see the movie Exorcist to get a small taste of that.

And I refuse to see the movie Exorcist, because I really don't want those images in my mind.
Republican Presidential Candidates went to "Kill the Gays" Rallies. But that's OK. Because Republicans think it really is cool to kill the gays.
Every time I form a mental picture of how evil liberals are...

They do something, or say something, so incredibly despicable that I realize my previous mental picture of how evil they are is totally inaccurate, because they are even more evil than I imagined, and I must form a new mental picture of how evil liberals are.

But then this process is repeated, over and over again.

Today, someone posted a video of black teenage boys kicking a car, and then punching black teenage girls in the face.

Liberals came on the thread to defend these boys, saying the girl who parked her car went in the wrong neighborhood, interrupted the boy's basketball game, and was looking for trouble.

And then another liberal accused conservatives of being racists for condemning these vicious attacks.

So really, I give up. I must abandon all efforts to form a mental picture of how evil liberals are, and just assume they are as evil as Satan himself, and there is no way to form a useful mental picture of how evil Satan is, though you could see the movie Exorcist to get a small taste of that.

And I refuse to see the movie Exorcist, because I really don't want those images in my mind.
Republican Presidential Candidates went to "Kill the Gays" Rallies. But that's OK. Because Republicans think it really is cool to kill the gays.

Stone the freaks.
Republican candidates do not want to kill gay people and they do not attend "kill the gays' rallies. Rdean, you are a liar, and it is a stupid lie because no one who is not as stupid as you would believe it. You are, basically, a complete moron, and an argument could be made that an IQ test should be administered to disqualify people like you from voting.
Every time I form a mental picture of how evil liberals are...

They do something, or say something, so incredibly despicable that I realize my previous mental picture of how evil they are is totally inaccurate, because they are even more evil than I imagined, and I must form a new mental picture of how evil liberals are.

But then this process is repeated, over and over again.

Today, someone posted a video of black teenage boys kicking a car, and then punching black teenage girls in the face.

Liberals came on the thread to defend these boys, saying the girl who parked her car went in the wrong neighborhood, interrupted the boy's basketball game, and was looking for trouble.

And then another liberal accused conservatives of being racists for condemning these vicious attacks.

So really, I give up. I must abandon all efforts to form a mental picture of how evil liberals are, and just assume they are as evil as Satan himself, and there is no way to form a useful mental picture of how evil Satan is, though you could see the movie Exorcist to get a small taste of that.

And I refuse to see the movie Exorcist, because I really don't want those images in my mind.
Bitch, you need to get a fuckin life and find some therapy.....you reek of mental illness....CIA, FBI please flag this sorry mf!!!
Every time I form a mental picture of how evil liberals are...

They do something, or say something, so incredibly despicable that I realize my previous mental picture of how evil they are is totally inaccurate, because they are even more evil than I imagined, and I must form a new mental picture of how evil liberals are.

But then this process is repeated, over and over again.

Today, someone posted a video of black teenage boys kicking a car, and then punching black teenage girls in the face.

Liberals came on the thread to defend these boys, saying the girl who parked her car went in the wrong neighborhood, interrupted the boy's basketball game, and was looking for trouble.

And then another liberal accused conservatives of being racists for condemning these vicious attacks.

So really, I give up. I must abandon all efforts to form a mental picture of how evil liberals are, and just assume they are as evil as Satan himself, and there is no way to form a useful mental picture of how evil Satan is, though you could see the movie Exorcist to get a small taste of that.

And I refuse to see the movie Exorcist, because I really don't want those images in my mind.
Bitch, you need to get a fuckin life and find some therapy.....you reek of mental illness....CIA, FBI please flag this sorry mf!!!
So you want the federal government to put me under surveillance because you disagree with what I have to say? What a fascist you are.
people with a mental disorder tend to do evil things.....and the uber-progressives should definitely be on a watch list. Mofu's are dangerous......all our lives we've seen people around us snap and its always the most miserable ones. All progressives are miserable.:2up:
Violent videos have a big impact on me. When I was a kid, I saw an Irish Catholic mob surround a police car and drag out two British policemen. Then the reporter told us the mob had murdered those two policemen. I saw the policemen's faces, I saw the faces of the mob. It was real to me, I wondered if those policemen had wives and kids. That video made me turn against the IRA and the Irish Catholic cause, even though I'm an Irish Catholic. Once, I almost got beat up at my Catholic school by an Irish kid for expressing in our school newspaper anti-IRA views. I know that there was violence on both sides, but the IRA bombings made me hate the IRA, and I was glad when the violence finally ended.
Republican candidates do not want to kill gay people and they do not attend "kill the gays' rallies. Rdean, you are a liar, and it is a stupid lie because no one who is not as stupid as you would believe it. You are, basically, a complete moron, and an argument could be made that an IQ test should be administered to disqualify people like you from voting.
Okay, now you've got it covered.

Evil and moronic.
Every time I form a mental picture of how evil liberals are...

They do something, or say something, so incredibly despicable that I realize my previous mental picture of how evil they are is totally inaccurate, because they are even more evil than I imagined, and I must form a new mental picture of how evil liberals are.

But then this process is repeated, over and over again.

Today, someone posted a video of black teenage boys kicking a car, and then punching black teenage girls in the face.

Liberals came on the thread to defend these boys, saying the girl who parked her car went in the wrong neighborhood, interrupted the boy's basketball game, and was looking for trouble.

And then another liberal accused conservatives of being racists for condemning these vicious attacks.

So really, I give up. I must abandon all efforts to form a mental picture of how evil liberals are, and just assume they are as evil as Satan himself, and there is no way to form a useful mental picture of how evil Satan is, though you could see the movie Exorcist to get a small taste of that.

And I refuse to see the movie Exorcist, because I really don't want those images in my mind.
Bitch, you need to get a fuckin life and find some therapy.....you reek of mental illness....CIA, FBI please flag this sorry mf!!!
So you want the federal government to put me under surveillance because you disagree with what I have to say? What a fascist you are.
You sir, are a mental case and I pity you. Your anger is just stupid and you need to get a fuckin life

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