Everybody can learn from hard manual labor-Not just blacks picked cotton

I worked a week on the floor of a Drilling Rig once....no thank you.
Many of you make great points. Its true, HARD WORK is the American way. Labor. Low wage work. Honorable work. Work that gives you arthritis and back pain. Its noble, and self-rewarding. Just plain math, most people never become "the boss" or CEO. 1 Chief, many Indians. Its how the world works.

To succeed in America, its true, you will likely have to put in hard work. Some manual labor. Wake up early. Work hard. Get home. Eat dinner, sleep, repeat. You wont get rich. But you'll get by and live a good life.

It is the life MOST Americans will have, and it can be a very good, rewarding life.

I have many times. If your body is a wreck you likely suffered injuries from poor execution (like not lifting properly) or repetition injuries.
He's suffering from drinking too much, from pulling down his shorts and gay love. these things don't mix with hard labor.

Try laying 300 12" block all day every day for a year and then tell me the virtues of hard labor...

I was gonna ridicule you about the grass cutting and wood splitin' stuff, but you redeemed yourself with the concrete work. The hardest work I ever did was with concrete, concrete blocks, bricks and stone. Anything that required mixing, moving or the use of concrete. After that comes roofing. Hauling roofing material up ladders is hard lifting that requires balance so as not to fall from a great height and die. Wrestling hogs comes in a distant 3rd place.
Let's get this straight people. Bundy was talking about BLACKS BEING BETTER OFF AS SLAVES picking cotton. You seem to be conveniently forgetting that part.

Bundy may be an inartful speaker, but he raises some interesting and sad realities about blacks. Blacks are the perpetual underclass. Every minority that has come after them has surpassed them on the whole. They watch as stores in their neighborhoods go from Irish to Jewish to Indian to Pakistani ownership. They see Chinese owning businesses working hard and thriving. Always left behind, the Blacks. Are they better off now that the out of wedlock birth rate is 75%? Are they better off that the males have a higher chance of getting shot or going to prison now, than fifty years ago when they were more oppressed?

There are reasons for that, and not the ones you think. Alexis de Tocqueville explained and predicted this 180 years ago:

It is important to make an accurate distinction between slavery itself and its consequences. The immediate evils produced by slavery were very nearly the same in antiquity as they are among the moderns, but the consequences of these evils were different. The slave among the ancients belonged to the same race as his master, and was often the superior of the two in education and intelligence. Freedom was the only distinction between them; and when freedom was conferred, they were easily confounded together. The ancients, then, had a very simple means of ridding themselves of slavery and its consequences: that of enfranchisement; and they succeeded as soon as they adopted this measure generally. Not but that in ancient states the vestiges of servitude subsisted for some time after servitude itself was abolished. There is a natural prejudice that prompts men to despise whoever has been their inferior long after he has become their equal; and the real inequality that is produced by fortune or by law is always succeeded by an imaginary inequality that is implanted in the manners of the people. But among the ancients this secondary consequence of slavery had a natural limit; for the freedman bore so entire a resemblance to those born free that it soon became impossible to distinguish him from them.

The greatest difficulty in antiquity was that of altering the law; among the moderns it is that of altering the customs, and as far as we are concerned, the real obstacles begin where those of the ancients left off. This arises from the circumstance that among the moderns the abstract and transient fact of slavery is fatally united with the physical and permanent fact of color. The tradition of slavery dishonors the race, and the peculiarity of the race perpetuates the tradition of slavery. No African has ever voluntarily emigrated to the shores of the New World, whence it follows that all the blacks who are now found there are either slaves or freedmen Thus the Negro transmits the eternal mark of his ignominy to all his descendants; and although the law may abolish slavery, God alone can obliterate the traces of its existence.

The modern slave differs from his master not only in his condition but in his origin. You may set the Negro free, but you cannot make him otherwise than an alien to the European. Nor is this all we scarcely acknowledge the common features of humanity in this stranger whom slavery has brought among us. His physiognomy is to our eyes hideous, his understanding weak, his tastes low; and we are almost inclined to look upon him as a being intermediate between man and the brutes. The moderns, then, after they have abolished slavery, have three prejudices to contend against, which are less easy to attack and far less easy to conquer than the mere fact of servitude: the prejudice of the master, the prejudice of the race, and the prejudice of color.
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You gotta wonder...

If manual labor is good for everyone then why do these same idiots keep focusing on blacks only? Oh oh oh...its NOT because they are on some racial bullshit...No sir ree....They are promoting "hard work" yeppers
Who are "THESE same idiots"?
out of shape? I had 12 years of football with weightlifting before 20 how about you?

First of all, you responded to a post I wrote to some other asshole. I was a wrestler and a tackle in football if you care to know. That help?

yes, I was in track and wrestling also. I never really like baseball even though I played it for 4 years, but my problem is spinal degeneration disease, spinal stenosis, crushed neck discs and bulging/herniated disks.. I tried being Atlas until I was 50...look at ol Arnold Schwarzenegger he has many problems from years of being a weightlifter/body builder..I do admire those that can still do it into their later years like my Papa. He was 90 when he retired from farmer/rancher work..

My mom said years later, had she known what we were doing to our bodies she would not have allowed my brothers and I to lift weights as teenagers. My neck sounds like it is filled with gravel thanks to 7 years of neck bridges.

Sorry about your ailments. My father's knees and shoulders are shot from laying stone and other labors in which he was not as cautious as he should have been. He used to lift refrigerators by himself. Even at 80 he has hands of steel. He could crush my hand in three seconds if he wanted.
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How does one get a job doing labor when:

A) SO many jobs are outsourced overseas so corporate profits can soar
B) SO many jobs are taken by immigrants (Both sides are at fault for the open border)

We don't manufacture shit anymore. Its all shipped in from overseas. Companies make a lot more profit doing it that way; But, look at the steel industry for example. Its all from overseas. Too bad more CEO's aren't patriotic enough to keep it in the US, give Americans jobs, even if it means shareholder payouts are a tad bit smaller.

Yes sir.
Good manufacturing jobs used to be 20% of the jobs.
Now.....9%....and dwindling.
Let's get this straight people. Bundy was talking about BLACKS BEING BETTER OFF AS SLAVES picking cotton. You seem to be conveniently forgetting that part.

Bundy may be an inartful speaker, but he raises some interesting and sad realities about blacks. Blacks are the perpetual underclass. Every minority that has come after them has surpassed them on the whole. They watch as stores in their neighborhoods go from Irish to Jewish to Indian to Pakistani ownership. They see Chinese owning businesses working hard and thriving. Always left behind, the Blacks. Are they better off now that the out of wedlock birth rate is 75%? Are they better off that the males have a higher chance of getting shot or going to prison now, than fifty years ago when they were more oppressed?

There are reasons for that, and not the ones you think. Alexis de Tocqueville explained and predicted this 180 years ago:

It is important to make an accurate distinction between slavery itself and its consequences. The immediate evils produced by slavery were very nearly the same in antiquity as they are among the moderns, but the consequences of these evils were different. The slave among the ancients belonged to the same race as his master, and was often the superior of the two in education and intelligence. Freedom was the only distinction between them; and when freedom was conferred, they were easily confounded together. The ancients, then, had a very simple means of ridding themselves of slavery and its consequences: that of enfranchisement; and they succeeded as soon as they adopted this measure generally. Not but that in ancient states the vestiges of servitude subsisted for some time after servitude itself was abolished. There is a natural prejudice that prompts men to despise whoever has been their inferior long after he has become their equal; and the real inequality that is produced by fortune or by law is always succeeded by an imaginary inequality that is implanted in the manners of the people. But among the ancients this secondary consequence of slavery had a natural limit; for the freedman bore so entire a resemblance to those born free that it soon became impossible to distinguish him from them.

The greatest difficulty in antiquity was that of altering the law; among the moderns it is that of altering the customs, and as far as we are concerned, the real obstacles begin where those of the ancients left off. This arises from the circumstance that among the moderns the abstract and transient fact of slavery is fatally united with the physical and permanent fact of color. The tradition of slavery dishonors the race, and the peculiarity of the race perpetuates the tradition of slavery. No African has ever voluntarily emigrated to the shores of the New World, whence it follows that all the blacks who are now found there are either slaves or freedmen Thus the Negro transmits the eternal mark of his ignominy to all his descendants; and although the law may abolish slavery, God alone can obliterate the traces of its existence.

The modern slave differs from his master not only in his condition but in his origin. You may set the Negro free, but you cannot make him otherwise than an alien to the European. Nor is this all we scarcely acknowledge the common features of humanity in this stranger whom slavery has brought among us. His physiognomy is to our eyes hideous, his understanding weak, his tastes low; and we are almost inclined to look upon him as a being intermediate between man and the brutes. The moderns, then, after they have abolished slavery, have three prejudices to contend against, which are less easy to attack and far less easy to conquer than the mere fact of servitude: the prejudice of the master, the prejudice of the race, and the prejudice of color.

And this helps them how?
How does one get a job doing labor when:

A) SO many jobs are outsourced overseas so corporate profits can soar
B) SO many jobs are taken by immigrants (Both sides are at fault for the open border)

We don't manufacture shit anymore. Its all shipped in from overseas. Companies make a lot more profit doing it that way; But, look at the steel industry for example. Its all from overseas. Too bad more CEO's aren't patriotic enough to keep it in the US, give Americans jobs, even if it means shareholder payouts are a tad bit smaller.

Yes sir.
Good manufacturing jobs used to be 20% of the jobs.
Now.....9%....and dwindling.

"We don't manufacture shit anymore" is a complete lie. We make as much shit as we ever did.

It just takes less people to do it.

The days of growing up to work in your daddy's factory are over, kids. Those jobs have been, and should be, sent offshore or outsourced to machines.
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That doesnt answer why everyone of these threads are focusing only on blacks tho while claiming they arent making this about race
The focus of this thread is the rancher who has been made out to look like racist, it is not about blacks and not about Obama, YOU are focusing on racism, not us.
First of all, you responded to a post I wrote to some other asshole. I was a wrestler and a tackle in football if you care to know. That help?

yes, I was in track and wrestling also. I never really like baseball even though I played it for 4 years, but my problem is spinal degeneration disease, spinal stenosis, crushed neck discs and bulging/herniated disks.. I tried being Atlas until I was 50...look at ol Arnold Schwarzenegger he has many problems from years of being a weightlifter/body builder..I do admire those that can still do it into their later years like my Papa. He was 90 when he retired from farmer/rancher work..

My mom said years later, had she known what we were doing to our bodies she would not have allowed my brothers and I to lift weights as teenagers. My neck sounds like it is filled with gravel thanks to 7 years of neck bridges.

Sorry about your ailments. My father's knees and shoulders are shot from laying stone and other labors in which he was not as cautious as he should have been. He used to lift refrigerators by himself. Even at 80 he has hands of steel. He could crush my hand in three seconds if he wanted.

My shoulders, elbows and knees shot from Wrestling and Weight Lifting.

It all adds up.
If you're white and conservative, you're racist by birth. The only way to salvation is to vote and support dems. You can then enjoy endless outbursts of racism but all will be forgiven.
First of all, you responded to a post I wrote to some other asshole. I was a wrestler and a tackle in football if you care to know. That help?

yes, I was in track and wrestling also. I never really like baseball even though I played it for 4 years, but my problem is spinal degeneration disease, spinal stenosis, crushed neck discs and bulging/herniated disks.. I tried being Atlas until I was 50...look at ol Arnold Schwarzenegger he has many problems from years of being a weightlifter/body builder..I do admire those that can still do it into their later years like my Papa. He was 90 when he retired from farmer/rancher work..

My mom said years later, had she known what we were doing to our bodies she would not have allowed my brothers and I to lift weights as teenagers. My neck sounds like it is filled with gravel thanks to 7 years of neck bridges.

Sorry about your ailments. My father's knees and shoulders are shot from laying stone and other labors in which he was not as cautious as he should have been. He used to lift refrigerators by himself. Even at 80 he has hands of steel. He could crush my hand in three seconds if he wanted.

yes, I was in track and wrestling also. I never really like baseball even though I played it for 4 years, but my problem is spinal degeneration disease, spinal stenosis, crushed neck discs and bulging/herniated disks.. I tried being Atlas until I was 50...look at ol Arnold Schwarzenegger he has many problems from years of being a weightlifter/body builder..I do admire those that can still do it into their later years like my Papa. He was 90 when he retired from farmer/rancher work..

My mom said years later, had she known what we were doing to our bodies she would not have allowed my brothers and I to lift weights as teenagers. My neck sounds like it is filled with gravel thanks to 7 years of neck bridges.

Sorry about your ailments. My father's knees and shoulders are shot from laying stone and other labors in which he was not as cautious as he should have been. He used to lift refrigerators by himself. Even at 80 he has hands of steel. He could crush my hand in three seconds if he wanted.

My shoulders, elbows and knees shot from Wrestling and Weight Lifting.

It all adds up.

Yes, especially when you are doing those things and still growing. Plus back in the day it was all about power. I wish I could still bench 360 like when I was 19. My damn chest looks like I swallowed a keg, but my shoulders pop something fierce.
How does one get a job doing labor when:

A) SO many jobs are outsourced overseas so corporate profits can soar
B) SO many jobs are taken by immigrants (Both sides are at fault for the open border)

We don't manufacture shit anymore. Its all shipped in from overseas. Companies make a lot more profit doing it that way; But, look at the steel industry for example. Its all from overseas. Too bad more CEO's aren't patriotic enough to keep it in the US, give Americans jobs, even if it means shareholder payouts are a tad bit smaller.

Yes sir.
Good manufacturing jobs used to be 20% of the jobs.
Now.....9%....and dwindling.

"We don't manufacture shit anymore" is a complete lie. We make as much shit as we ever did.

It just takes less people to do it.

The days of growing up to work in your daddy's factory are over, kids. Those jobs have been, and should be, sent offshore or outsourced to machines.

9% is less than half of 20%. Don't thank me, I did the math for ya'.

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