Everybody can learn from hard manual labor-Not just blacks picked cotton

Growing up should include we stop telling blacks they should be ashamed of their past.

Meaning what? Saying yes slavery was cool and if we dont we're "ashamed"? Fuck you.

They have nothing to be ashamed of. So stop acting like mentioning COTTON PICKING is some horrible taboo, like mentioning past incest or something.

Mention cotton? You're pretending that he was talking about a cotton t-shirt and everyone went ape shit. Blacks werent better under slavery to think so is to be racist and against the freedom itself.

To mention cotton picking is not innately racist. Nor is it racist to compare cotton picking to the welfare lifestyle, that the left touts as so superior to slavery.

There you go again. Blacks werent better under slavery to think so is to be racist and against the freedom itself. You use "tout as superior" suggests you dont believe it. Dont be chicken shit

Do you believe blacks were better off as being slaves?

It's a valid comparison. Leftist assholes are the ones who maintain that we need welfare to keep the black population afloat...so they should be able to describe how much better it is than slavery...it's the same two groups of people arguing the same things only a hundred fifty years apart.

Dont be chicken shit. Do you believe blacks were better off as being slaves?

In the 1860s, the democrats maintained that blacks NEEDED slavery for their own good, because they were not capable of caring for themselves.

Today, the democrats insist that blacks NEED welfare for their own good, because they aren't capable of caring for themselves.

And it's just a coinicidence that the same people are still benefiting from maintaining a whole population of uneducated, desperately poor people, concentrated together in projects, and isolated in neighborhoods where white people just don't go.

You tell me who the racists are.

Dont be chicken shit. Do you believe blacks were better off as being slaves?
No. I think their living conditions in some cases are worse..but today they can climb out if they are properly motivated.

But there are decades of programming and system-generated dysfunction to overcome, and that makes their outlook fairly bleak, since they are constantly surrounded by people telling them they are incapable of making it without assistance.
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Will everyone please stop this? This is such a ridiculous topic of debate. "Were black people better off as slaves?" "White people picked cotton, too, y'know?" "Did slaves really have it that bad?"

This is the year 2014. We have robots on Mars. We have the internet with virtually every piece of information known to all of history literally at our fingertips. Grow up.
That's the point, some make money of this idiocy, like people on CNN who invite him and keep milking it.
My thoughts exactly. The first thing that came to my mind when I heard his quote as along those lines. if you trace back to the beginning of this standoff, I never posted any responses because I did not care about this story too much, BUT WHEN THE LEFT GOT OUTRAGED OVER SOMEONE SAYING SOMETHING ABOUT WORK, I GOT OUTRAGED!!! - this degenerate class that is ok with rappers, ball players making 1000 more than ordinary people, these hypocrites who moan about the rich people, get outraged about an old man stating opinion on something like that? this is degeneracy that has gone too far. When your country, when your negro liberal president will pull all troops out of other nations, then you can talk about morality and justice - in Philippines the slaves are picking your rice even today, the children are being sold to the highest bidder, it never ended, and what have you done about it? what has your liberal black president done about it? Now run away and pretend you did not hear the truth that you can't touch.

You gotta wonder...

If manual labor is good for everyone then why do these same idiots keep focusing on blacks only? Oh oh oh...its NOT because they are on some racial bullshit...No sir ree....They are promoting "hard work" yeppers

Especially when the large majority of Black people are WORKING. Some of these cocksuckers specialize in trying to make the MINORITY of Black people not doing well, represent or be the "face" of , the MAJORITY of Black people who are WORKING and pursuing the American Dream.

Based on the documentation provided , the Black male is lowest participating entity in the labor force at this time .... how much clearer does one have to be before you unintelligent people finally make the connection??

So tell what ever lies suit you best, but my statistics and facts say exactly what I have previously stated!!
Black Labor Force Participation Rate Under Obama Hits Rock Bottom – Lowest Level Ever Recorded
Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, January 13, 2014, 7:34 AM

Five years in to Barack Obama’s presidency, the number of African-Americans participating in the labor force has hit rock bottom.

The news media has ignored this stunning revelation from Friday’s monthly jobs report by the Labor Department.

The exception has been PBS, which interviewed economist Dean Baker who had written about it in a report published Friday.

“The drop in labor force participation was sharpest for African Americans, who saw a decline of 0.3 percentage points to 60.2 percent, the lowest rate since December of 1977. The rate for African American men fell 0.7 percentage points to 65.6 percent, the lowest on record. The decline in labor force participation was associated with a drop in the overall African American unemployment rate of 0.5 percentage points to 11.9, and a drop of 0.6 percentage points to 11.6 percent for African American men.”

Baker, Co-Director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, told PBS’s Judy Woodruff Friday that contrary to those who spin the falling labor force participation rate as mainly coming from retiring Baby Boomers, young workers are dropping out by the millions.

“…it is easy to see the big falloff in labor force participation is among prime age workers, 25-to-54-years-olds. That is down by four full percentage points. That is equivalent to five million people in their prime ages. They are not retiring at age 50.”

The White House fed black media the news that black unemployment was down five points from its 2010 high of 16.9% but did not say that this was largely the result of more African-Americans giving up on finding jobs in the Obama economy.

While black support for Obama is over 80%, some in the African-American community put their desire for a job ahead of their pride in the first black president in the 2012 election. According to Pew Research, 19% of young black men voted for Republican Mitt Romney—a loss of 14% for Obama from 2008.

Economist Walter Williams put black labor force participation in historical context in a column published last April by pointing out that up until the 1960s blacks were as well or better represented in the labor force than whites.

“From 1900 to 1954, blacks were more active than whites in the labor market. Until about 1960, black male labor force participation in every age group was equal to or greater than that of whites. During that period, black teen unemployment was roughly equal to or less than white teen unemployment. As early as 1900, the duration of black unemployment was 15 percent shorter than that of whites; today it’s about 30 percent longer.”

What happened after that? Liberalism–and now Obama.
Black Labor Force Participation Rate Under Obama Hits Rock Bottom ? Lowest Level Ever Recorded | The Gateway Pundit

Here is my thinking ....
African American Labor Force Participation Hits 31-Year Low
November 12, 2013 - 9:20 AM
By Ali Meyer

(CNSNews.com) - The labor force participation rate for African Americans hit a 31-year low in October, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

At the same time, the overall labor force participation rate in the United States hit a 35-year low (see related story).

In September, the African American labor force participation rate was 61.3 percent. In October, it dropped to 60.7 percent--the lowest it has been since June 1982.

The labor force, according to BLS, is that part of the civilian non-institutional population that either has a job or has actively sought one in the last four weeks. The civilian non-institutional population consists of people 16 or older, who are not in the military or an institution.


The BLS has tracked African American participation in the labor force since 1972. Since than, African American participation peaked at 66.4 percent in September 1999, when Bill Clinton was president and Republicans controlled both houses of Congress.

In January 2009, when President Barack Obama took office, the African American labor force participation rate was 63.3 percent. By January of this year, it had declined to 61.7 percent, and since then has dropped another full point to 60.7 percent.

The overall labor force participation rate has also been declining. It peaked at 67.3 percent in each of the first four months of 2000, and dropped to 65.7 percent by the time Obama took office in January 2009. Since then, it has dropped to 62.8 percent.

The overall national unemployment rate was 7.3 percent in October and the unemployment rate among African Americans was 13.1 That is up from an unemployment rate of 12.9 percent for African Americans in September. In January 2009, when Obama took office, the unemployment rate for African Americans was 12.7 percent.

Individuals who have stopped looking for work do not count in the unemployment rate or in the labor force participation rate.

Since President Obama took office, the overall number of people not in the labor force has increased from 80,507,000 to 91,541,000. During that same period, the number of African Americans not in the labor force increased from 10,305,000 to 11,988,000.

African American Labor Force Participation Hits 31-Year Low | CNS News

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