Everybody can learn from hard manual labor-Not just blacks picked cotton

Hard physical work is great for the body and mind.

Especially if you don't get paid, have no freedom of movement, your children are sold off, and you get severely beaten or killed for trying to escape.

Great stuff! We really should return to our Roots!
So your sarcasm should prove that physical work is BAD?
Hard physical work is great for the body and mind.

Especially if you don't get paid, have no freedom of movement, your children are sold off, and you get severely beaten or killed for trying to escape.

Great stuff! We really should return to our Roots!
So your sarcasm should prove that physical work is BAD?

My sarcasm was intended to point out that Bundy made a linkage between slavery and picking cotton, from which you rubes are working very hard to delink him.

It isn't working.
The only heavy lifting 99% of the conservatives on this board ever do is lifting their fat asses up off the toilet seat.

What is it with you people? Do you think dementia is less demented if all your pals are also demented?

No. Slavery is not a wholesome, healthy, socially acceptable alternative to not having a job.

No, slavery is not the cure for poverty.
Maybe not 99%, but definitely more than 70%
Especially if you don't get paid, have no freedom of movement, your children are sold off, and you get severely beaten or killed for trying to escape.

Great stuff! We really should return to our Roots!
So your sarcasm should prove that physical work is BAD?

My sarcasm was intended to point out that Bundy made a linkage between slavery and picking cotton, from which you rubes are working very hard to delink him.

It isn't working.
He said it ONCE, the media is OBSESSED WITH IT, THAT is where the problem begins. it has already been pointed out that we agree that "he chose his words poorly, but the message was good" - you can twist it any way you want, but the truth remains the same - black people are not much better off today on welfare, they are still owned by those who control the money supply and the media: if sitting on porch doing nothing but waiting for welfare check makes you wealthier, then you indeed are poor - ALL OF US ARE FATTER, work less, sit more etc. And all of us are taught that thanks be given not to people who built this nation ("slave owners") but people such as Bernie Maddoff, Straus Khan, Mitt Romney and other "great businessmen" who control federal reserve and everything that is dependent on it
While I was in college I used to work as a mover during the summer time. I really liked it. I wish I could do it again.
That doesnt answer why everyone of these threads are focusing only on blacks tho while claiming they arent making this about race
The focus of this thread is the rancher who has been made out to look like racist, it is not about blacks and not about Obama, YOU are focusing on racism, not us.

The OP mentions blacks only. Did you forget?

Actually, the OP says that not only blacks picked cotton.

Did you forget?
You idiot, are all you loons on drugs?

You said...and I quote..."The OP mentions blacks only. Did you forget?"

So I pointed out that the OP did NOT mention blacks only. In fact, the OP said it was NOT restricted to blacks.

You guys are like fucking brick walls. Hello? Is there anybody in there?
Will everyone please stop this? This is such a ridiculous topic of debate. "Were black people better off as slaves?" "White people picked cotton, too, y'know?" "Did slaves really have it that bad?"

This is the year 2014. We have robots on Mars. We have the internet with virtually every piece of information known to all of history literally at our fingertips. Grow up.
Growing up should include we stop telling blacks they should be ashamed of their past.

They have nothing to be ashamed of. So stop acting like mentioning COTTON PICKING is some horrible taboo, like mentioning past incest or something.

To mention cotton picking is not innately racist. Nor is it racist to compare cotton picking to the welfare lifestyle, that the left touts as so superior to slavery. It's a valid comparison. Leftist assholes are the ones who maintain that we need welfare to keep the black population afloat...so they should be able to describe how much better it is than slavery...it's the same two groups of people arguing the same things only a hundred fifty years apart.

In the 1860s, the democrats maintained that blacks NEEDED slavery for their own good, because they were not capable of caring for themselves.

Today, the democrats insist that blacks NEED welfare for their own good, because they aren't capable of caring for themselves.

And it's just a coinicidence that the same people are still benefiting from maintaining a whole population of uneducated, desperately poor people, concentrated together in projects, and isolated in neighborhoods where white people just don't go.

You tell me who the racists are.
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Will everyone please stop this? This is such a ridiculous topic of debate. "Were black people better off as slaves?" "White people picked cotton, too, y'know?" "Did slaves really have it that bad?"

This is the year 2014. We have robots on Mars. We have the internet with virtually every piece of information known to all of history literally at our fingertips. Grow up.

You lost me at the dreaded word......'Robots'......, and then you throw Mars into the conversation?

All I gotta say is, :321:
Many of you make great points. Its true, HARD WORK is the American way. Labor. Low wage work. Honorable work. Work that gives you arthritis and back pain. Its noble, and self-rewarding. Just plain math, most people never become "the boss" or CEO. 1 Chief, many Indians. Its how the world works.

To succeed in America, its true, you will likely have to put in hard work. Some manual labor. Wake up early. Work hard. Get home. Eat dinner, sleep, repeat. You wont get rich. But you'll get by and live a good life.

It is the life MOST Americans will have, and it can be a very good, rewarding life.



Amazingly I pay taxes every year. I make good money at it. So you can stick your little quote in the third port-o-let on the right comment section. Basement section of course.
Yes there are still pockets of Americans who work hard at low-paying jobs, raise their kids and have never had foodstamps.

Hard to believe, and Obama and the progressive left is working hard to indoctrinate them into the foodstamp culture, but they do still exist. The damn renegades, how dare they presume to be proud of their work ethic and the fact that they make their own way. Don't they know they should be miserable and demand $$ from the government?
Everybody can learn from hard manual labor.

Not just blacks picked cotton, you know.
My thoughts exactly. The first thing that came to my mind when I heard his quote as along those lines. if you trace back to the beginning of this standoff, I never posted any responses because I did not care about this story too much, BUT WHEN THE LEFT GOT OUTRAGED OVER SOMEONE SAYING SOMETHING ABOUT WORK, I GOT OUTRAGED!!! - this degenerate class that is ok with rappers, ball players making 1000 more than ordinary people, these hypocrites who moan about the rich people, get outraged about an old man stating opinion on something like that? this is degeneracy that has gone too far. When your country, when your negro liberal president will pull all troops out of other nations, then you can talk about morality and justice - in Philippines the slaves are picking your rice even today, the children are being sold to the highest bidder, it never ended, and what have you done about it? what has your liberal black president done about it? Now run away and pretend you did not hear the truth that you can't touch.

You gotta wonder...

If manual labor is good for everyone then why do these same idiots keep focusing on blacks only? Oh oh oh...its NOT because they are on some racial bullshit...No sir ree....They are promoting "hard work" yeppers

Especially when the large majority of Black people are WORKING. Some of these cocksuckers specialize in trying to make the MINORITY of Black people not doing well, represent or be the "face" of , the MAJORITY of Black people who are WORKING and pursuing the American Dream.
Uh huh..you have the stats and the source to back that statement up, right?

And *working* isn't working 15 hours a week at taco bell.
Uh huh..you have the stats and the source to back that statement up, right?

And *working* isn't working 15 hours a week at taco bell.

So you "think" that the majority of Black people aren't working and if they are working, they work 15 hours a week @ Taco Bell? Is that what you think about the majority of Black people? If so, that's not Kosher at all!
Uh huh..you have the stats and the source to back that statement up, right?

And *working* isn't working 15 hours a week at taco bell.

P.S.: I forgot to add this link showing that the Black unemployment rate is 12.4%, lets do the math:
100-12.4= 87.6 percent of Black being................................EMPLOYED. If you feel better defining that 87.6% of Black people who are working by the 12.4% who aren't working, what does that say about you? :)


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