Everybody can learn from hard manual labor-Not just blacks picked cotton

Hard physical work is great for the body and mind.


Every day I wake up and get shooting pains that traverse my back and legs, while my hands have a dull ache that lasts all through the day, I thank the fates I had the "privilege" of driving a moving truck for 11 years.

Humping furniture and appliances up 6 flight walkups was a "great" experience, you betcha.

You never learned to lift properly or you were in poor shape.

Who held a gun to your head and forced this horrible work upon you?
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Everybody can learn from hard manual labor.

Not just blacks picked cotton, you know.
My thoughts exactly. The first thing that came to my mind when I heard his quote as along those lines. if you trace back to the beginning of this standoff, I never posted any responses because I did not care about this story too much, BUT WHEN THE LEFT GOT OUTRAGED OVER SOMEONE SAYING SOMETHING ABOUT WORK, I GOT OUTRAGED!!! - this degenerate class that is ok with rappers, ball players making 1000 more than ordinary people, these hypocrites who moan about the rich people, get outraged about an old man stating opinion on something like that? this is degeneracy that has gone too far. When your country, when your negro liberal president will pull all troops out of other nations, then you can talk about morality and justice - in Philippines the slaves are picking your rice even today, the children are being sold to the highest bidder, it never ended, and what have you done about it? what has your liberal black president done about it? Now run away and pretend you did not hear the truth that you can't touch.

You gotta wonder...

If manual labor is good for everyone then why do these same idiots keep focusing on blacks only? Oh oh oh...its NOT because they are on some racial bullshit...No sir ree....They are promoting "hard work" yeppers
Everybody can learn from hard manual labor.

Not just blacks picked cotton, you know.
My thoughts exactly. The first thing that came to my mind when I heard his quote as along those lines. if you trace back to the beginning of this standoff, I never posted any responses because I did not care about this story too much, BUT WHEN THE LEFT GOT OUTRAGED OVER SOMEONE SAYING SOMETHING ABOUT WORK, I GOT OUTRAGED!!! - this degenerate class that is ok with rappers, ball players making 1000 more than ordinary people, these hypocrites who moan about the rich people, get outraged about an old man stating opinion on something like that? this is degeneracy that has gone too far. When your country, when your negro liberal president will pull all troops out of other nations, then you can talk about morality and justice - in Philippines the slaves are picking your rice even today, the children are being sold to the highest bidder, it never ended, and what have you done about it? what has your liberal black president done about it? Now run away and pretend you did not hear the truth that you can't touch.

You gotta wonder...

If manual labor is good for everyone then why do these same idiots keep focusing on blacks only? Oh oh oh...its NOT because they are on some racial bullshit...No sir ree....They are promoting "hard work" yeppers

I don't know about the idiots, but us reasonable and prudent members of society base it on facts and statistics....


I used a picture, no way to fuck this up through bad comprehension ....
That doesnt answer why everyone of these threads are focusing only on blacks tho while claiming they arent making this about race
That doesnt answer why everyone of these threads are focusing only on blacks tho while claiming they arent making this about race

No you moron, that chart does not show the blacks as being the lowest participating faction in the national labor pool ...

You did manage to fuck it up ... mind boggling

By the way, use FF, it has built in spell check, looking illiterate is not helping your cause ...
How many of you posters have actually done hard labor? I did it from 1978-2012....my body is a wreck from it...

I have many times. If your body is a wreck you likely suffered injuries from poor execution (like not lifting properly) or repetition injuries.
He's suffering from drinking too much, from pulling down his shorts and gay love. these things don't mix with hard labor.

Try laying 300 12" block all day every day for a year and then tell me the virtues of hard labor...
Hard physical work is great for the body and mind.


Every day I wake up and get shooting pains that traverse my back and legs, while my hands have a dull ache that lasts all through the day, I thank the fates I had the "privilege" of driving a moving truck for 11 years.

Humping furniture and appliances up 6 flight walkups was a "great" experience, you betcha.

You never learned to lift properly or you were in poor shape.

Who held a gun to your head and forced this horrible work upon you?

out of shape? I had 12 years of football with weightlifting before 20 how about you?
That doesnt answer why everyone of these threads are focusing only on blacks tho while claiming they arent making this about race

No you moron, that chart does not show the blacks as being the lowest participating faction in the national labor pool ...

You did manage to fuck it up ... mind boggling

By the way, use FF, it has built in spell check, looking illiterate is not helping your cause ...

Well see I asked why is everyone focusing on blacks ONLY and you respond with a pic that has nothing to do with my question. Maybe thats why I didnt understand. You quoted me then provided something that has nothing to do with what you quoted.

Your bad

Edit: Good thing we have affirmative action laws to change that btw
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Hard physical work is great for the body and mind.

Especially if you don't get paid, have no freedom of movement, your children are sold off, and you get severely beaten or killed for trying to escape.

Great stuff! We really should return to our Roots!
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Every since those lazy goddam negroes have been allowed to wander off the plantation, they've been good for nothing! They are all a bunch of porch monkeys now, according to our messiah Clive Bundy.

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A good dose of Spinal Deterioration Disease is in order for those slackers...throw in some spinal stenosis also just for fun...
Yeah biden said they were all a bunch of inarticulate, dirty, ugly people until O came along. That was along the same timeline that wild bill said O would have been fetching coffee 10 years earlier.
Hard physical work is great for the body and mind.

Especially if you don't get paid, have no freedom of movement, your children are sold off, and you get severely beaten or killed for trying to escape.

Great stuff! We really should return to our Roots!

There are no people today that can claim that in this country. You'd think it just happened last week from the way you talk. Slavery ended despite Democrats voting to keep it going. And equal rights are a reality despite Democrats voting against them.

There are still hard labor jobs, like picking cotton, and doing them makes people more apt to work at building their resume so they can get out of it and find something better. As long as people are trying, that's great.

I think Bundy chose his words poorly, but the message was good. Too bad the essence of it was lost on most because of a few words.

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