Everybody can learn from hard manual labor-Not just blacks picked cotton

The only heavy lifting 99% of the conservatives on this board ever do is lifting their fat asses up off the toilet seat.

What is it with you people? Do you think dementia is less demented if all your pals are also demented?

No. Slavery is not a wholesome, healthy, socially acceptable alternative to not having a job.

No, slavery is not the cure for poverty.
Anything in excess can be a bad thing for the body too (especially picking cotton by hand all day in the southern heat). I thank my lucky stars for my healthy and strong body. After recovering from a knee injury I'll never take the ability to do strenuous work, exercise or just running ever again.
Let's not forget about the hillary busting out in some sweet southern dialect in selma.

She is from Arkanass....some does talks funny....after I moved to SW Mizzouri a cop stopped me and told me not to let my tires loose. He was referring to me gunning the Camaro in town..the speed limit is 20 mph..
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Hard physical work is great for the body and mind.

Especially if you don't get paid, have no freedom of movement, your children are sold off, and you get severely beaten or killed for trying to escape.

Great stuff! We really should return to our Roots!

There are no people today that can claim that in this country. You'd think it just happened last week from the way you talk.

You mean the way BUNDY talks. He's the reason we're all talking about slavery right now. He broached the subject, dumbass.

Every day I wake up and get shooting pains that traverse my back and legs, while my hands have a dull ache that lasts all through the day, I thank the fates I had the "privilege" of driving a moving truck for 11 years.

Humping furniture and appliances up 6 flight walkups was a "great" experience, you betcha.

You never learned to lift properly or you were in poor shape.

Who held a gun to your head and forced this horrible work upon you?

out of shape? I had 12 years of football with weightlifting before 20 how about you?

First of all, you responded to a post I wrote to some other asshole. I was a wrestler and a tackle in football if you care to know. That help?
Let me say again,

75% of the people in America in poverty are NOT black.

Bundy goes blind when he is near any non-blacks sitting around on porches.

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Anything in excess can be a bad thing for the body too (especially picking cotton by hand all day in the southern heat). I thank my lucky stars for my healthy and strong body. After recovering from a knee injury I'll never take the ability to do strenuous work, exercise or just running ever again.

MY old Grandma had skin cancer from pickin' cotton when she was younger. That's why you see pictures from many years ago where farmers wore long sleeved shirts and some jackets, even in the summer heat.
My son has been a laborer for years. He started before he was 20, working in a trailer manufacturing plant...he went to college for two years when that closed, and become a diesel mechanic...his schooling was hard physical labor in and of itself.

Then he got a duii and got to go back to work at the trailer plant for a while...

Then he moved where he could get work as a mechanic. He moved to live in the town where he found a job (this is an alien concept to today's unemployed...looking for work where there are jobs available, and then moving to work them) that would let him work as a mechanic, despite the fact his license was suspended. He started at the bottom, essentially changing tires on logging trucks, and welding. He got a couple of raises within the first year....and this week he got a promotion with another considerable pay hike, and his own minion.

His body is torn up, his hands are a mess from being in grease and grime all day (and he has psoriasis). But he's advancing, and he's proud of what he has accomplished.

That's how it works. We are a nation of working people. Not everybody is born a boss, and you put yourself through hell to become one. Get over it. It's the leftist disdain for work that convinces them that it's a BAD thing to be reminded of your humble roots. It's their racism that leads them to believe that black people should be ashamed of their past.
Let's get this straight people. Bundy was talking about BLACKS BEING BETTER OFF AS SLAVES picking cotton. You seem to be conveniently forgetting that part.
And there are many people who do the same thing all their lives...and who are you people to tell them they should be ashamed of their body of work, just because YOU wouldn't do it?
You never learned to lift properly or you were in poor shape.

Who held a gun to your head and forced this horrible work upon you?

out of shape? I had 12 years of football with weightlifting before 20 how about you?

First of all, you responded to a post I wrote to some other asshole. I was a wrestler and a tackle in football if you care to know. That help?

yes, I was in track and wrestling also. I never really like baseball even though I played it for 4 years, but my problem is spinal degeneration disease, spinal stenosis, crushed neck discs and bulging/herniated disks.. I tried being Atlas until I was 50...look at ol Arnold Schwarzenegger he has many problems from years of being a weightlifter/body builder..I do admire those that can still do it into their later years like my Papa. He was 90 when he retired from farmer/rancher work..
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Let's get this straight people. Bundy was talking about BLACKS BEING BETTER OFF AS SLAVES picking cotton. You seem to be conveniently forgetting that part.

Let's get this straight, person. How *good* does the 12 year old daughter of a crack whore and her pimp have it in ghettoland, America?

Because that's where progressives have *rehomed* the slaves. And they devote a lot of time, effort and resources to keeping them there.
Anything in excess can be a bad thing for the body too (especially picking cotton by hand all day in the southern heat). I thank my lucky stars for my healthy and strong body. After recovering from a knee injury I'll never take the ability to do strenuous work, exercise or just running ever again.

Are you saying that ObieCare won't pay for a knee replacement?
If it does, get back in those fields bitch........or...raise cattle.
How does one get a job doing labor when:

A) SO many jobs are outsourced overseas so corporate profits can soar
B) SO many jobs are taken by immigrants (Both sides are at fault for the open border)

We don't manufacture shit anymore. Its all shipped in from overseas. Companies make a lot more profit doing it that way; But, look at the steel industry for example. Its all from overseas. Too bad more CEO's aren't patriotic enough to keep it in the US, give Americans jobs, even if it means shareholder payouts are a tad bit smaller.
Let's get this straight people. Bundy was talking about BLACKS BEING BETTER OFF AS SLAVES picking cotton. You seem to be conveniently forgetting that part.

Bundy may be an inartful speaker, but he raises some interesting and sad realities about blacks. Blacks are the perpetual underclass. Every minority that has come after them has surpassed them on the whole. They watch as stores in their neighborhoods go from Irish to Jewish to Indian to Pakistani ownership. They see Chinese owning businesses working hard and thriving. Always left behind, the Blacks. Are they better off now that the out of wedlock birth rate is 75%? Are they better off that the males have a higher chance of getting shot or going to prison now, than fifty years ago when they were more oppressed?

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