Everybody is forgetting that Clinton allies did the same thing as Don Jr

It's as if the entire district of DC is out to get Trump but they have a very big problem...Clinton has committed real crimes not just accusations from unnamed sources. I would like to send a message to the swamp creatures, if you try and impeach Trump over this nonsense made up Russia BS you will have to take up arms against his supporters. Trump's voters will not stand down just because.
It's as if the entire district of DC is out to get Trump but they have a very big problem...Clinton has committed real crimes not just accusations from unnamed sources. I would like to send a message to the swamp creatures, if you try and impeach Trump over this nonsense made up Russia BS you will have to take up arms against his supporters. Trump's voters will not stand down just because.

I think you are right-------the anti-trump movement is PUSHING IT
Everybody Is Forgetting That Clinton Allies Did The Same Thing As Don Jr.

Oh they aren't forgetting they are just hypocrites and this is why the people don't trust the media.

No one is forgetting here! Does anyone really think Hillary did not look for dirt on Trump? They are STILL looking for it!!! That if someone came to her with dirt on Trump she wouldn't want to hear what it was? C'mon! That is Method Of Operation Number One in American Politics!!! Dig! Dig! Dig! And what you can't find, make up! But that isn't even quite what happened in the case of Donald Jr. He was set up.

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