everybody should be packing iron

And three more pages later this is why I don't care. Because it's not about whether guns save people or whether someone would do such in what case. It's about Leftytoon retards wanting everyone's guns.
No, they're not, and I never insinuated that they are. Even though they are used for the same purpose, they are definitely not the same.
And I've never met a military trained person who would dare misidentify either.

I was in the military and training is always important ... It becomes the foundation that gets you through the tough spots ... It makes it easier to think in combat.
At the same time when shit hits the fan ... If you holler, "I need another clip" ... The other soldiers know what you are talking about ... And if they have any to spare, they won't argue with you about what you called it.


When I had my training back in 78 two things regarding terminology was hammered into everyone:

1) You have a rifle, not a gun. 'This is my rifle, this is my gun, this for killing and this is for fun.'

2) There are no clips any more. You have a MAGAZINE, not a clip. If you said 'clip' in front of your drill sergeant you got a sudden application of audio stress.

Those were two things no one left AIT confused about, not one person.

'Clip' is a word used by amateurs who glean their info from Hollywood movies.
I was in the military and training is always important ... It becomes the foundation that gets you through the tough spots ... It makes it easier to think in combat.
At the same time when shit hits the fan ... If you holler, "I need another clip" ... The other soldiers know what you are talking about ... And if they have any to spare, they won't argue with you about what you called it.


When I had my training back in 78 two things regarding terminology was hammered into everyone:

1) You have a rifle, not a gun. 'This is my rifle, this is my gun, this for killing and this is for fun.'

2) There are no clips any more. You have a MAGAZINE, not a clip. If you said 'clip' in front of your drill sergeant you got a sudden application of audio stress.

Those were two things no one left AIT confused about, not one person.

'Clip' is a word used by amateurs who glean their info from Hollywood movies.

Yepper... And the gunny hollered... 'When that POS M-16 jams all you have is a 7.5 lb club'

Bull shit you fucking moron. The military never trained you to call a firearm magazine a clip. They are very much into detail, it's what they do.

Fort Sill Oklahoma, 1981.

Yes, they did...

And, yes, lots of guys said, "Clips" and "Magazines" interchangeably, and no one batted an eye.

You just didn't say "Gun" for "Rifle". (This is my rifle, this is my gun...)

You can name off any fucking military training base you want to. I know for a fact if you were in the military they never allowed you to call a magazine a clip. so shut your god damn pie hole the smell is nauseating
Ask him which side of the M16A1/A2 uppoer has the bolt release.
Fort Sill Oklahoma, 1981.

Yes, they did...

And, yes, lots of guys said, "Clips" and "Magazines" interchangeably, and no one batted an eye.

You just didn't say "Gun" for "Rifle". (This is my rifle, this is my gun...)

You can name off any fucking military training base you want to. I know for a fact if you were in the military they never allowed you to call a magazine a clip. so shut your god damn pie hole the smell is nauseating
Ask him which side of the M16A1/A2 uppoer has the bolt release.

Joey was a Second Luey on latrine detail. Good ole lime and JP-5 huh Joe?




All of those "trustworthy" men were hypocrites. I trust the ones that were upfront.

When I had my training back in 78 two things regarding terminology was hammered into everyone:

1) You have a rifle, not a gun. 'This is my rifle, this is my gun, this for killing and this is for fun.'

2) There are no clips any more. You have a MAGAZINE, not a clip. If you said 'clip' in front of your drill sergeant you got a sudden application of audio stress.

Those were two things no one left AIT confused about, not one person.

'Clip' is a word used by amateurs who glean their info from Hollywood movies.

Yeah, guy.

You probably washed out after AIT, if you made it that far.

Real world. When it becomes a regular job at a regular unit, people said "Gun" and "clip".

You called your fellow soldiers by their first names, too. All sorts of rules you learned in Boot Camp got put by the wayside.
And three more pages later this is why I don't care. Because it's not about whether guns save people or whether someone would do such in what case. It's about Leftytoon retards wanting everyone's guns.
The ones who wish to expropriate guns are neither looney nor retarded. They're targeting America's conscience on false pretenses in order to take away our Samson's secret. ;)

Keeping big government thieves at bay is what guns do. And wise founders of this nation knew it to the equal power of government soldiers. If we fail to believe that, big government will eat those who stand up to bureaucrats and make them be what the founders intended--servants to the public good, and not tyrants to the public's demise.
To bad no one had a gun in Co. Would of saved lives.


Actually, it may have cost even more lives. Have you ever had to shoot at a moving target that was only 8 inches square (about what the area would have been for the Aurora shooter who was wearing body armor and a gas mask), while it was moving around and shooting back at you?

I'm guessing not, because even when I was a member of the Security Force in Newport RI, we had a larger target to shoot at (around 18 inches square), and it wasn't shooting back at us and moving around.

It's even harder to do if you have to shoot in the dark.

I'm amazed at those of you who claim that they could have taken this person out, when many of you have never even had firearms training, much less had to take out a target under the conditions that would have been required in the movie theater.

Me? I had to shoot off several hundred rounds per month, and many of those were in combat and tactical drills, and even the best of us (including the Gunny who trained us) couldn't make those kind of shots.

I'm guessing you never served in the military, because if you had, you'd understand how stupid your post was.
Actually, had my father been there with his gun, the criminal shooter would have been gone forthwith. He was one of the most decorated sharpshooters in WWII Pacific Theatre and Korea. My guess is you are using your own service as a political tool for demoralizing the enemy you conceive conservatives to be, when actually, we're the friend. I'm sorry you bought the impoverished farm that the Democrats make of themselves in order to gain power even they cannot control for the love of what's in the US Treasury and the thrill of taking it away from taxpaying people they consider too ignorant to figure it out.
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To bad no one had a gun in Co. Would of saved lives.


Actually, it may have cost even more lives. Have you ever had to shoot at a moving target that was only 8 inches square (about what the area would have been for the Aurora shooter who was wearing body armor and a gas mask), while it was moving around and shooting back at you?

I'm guessing not, because even when I was a member of the Security Force in Newport RI, we had a larger target to shoot at (around 18 inches square), and it wasn't shooting back at us and moving around.

It's even harder to do if you have to shoot in the dark.

I'm amazed at those of you who claim that they could have taken this person out, when many of you have never even had firearms training, much less had to take out a target under the conditions that would have been required in the movie theater.

Me? I had to shoot off several hundred rounds per month, and many of those were in combat and tactical drills, and even the best of us (including the Gunny who trained us) couldn't make those kind of shots.

I'm guessing you never served in the military, because if you had, you'd understand how stupid your post was.
Actually, had my father been there with his gun, the criminal shooter would have been gone forthwith. He was one of the most decorated sharpshooters in WWII Pacific Theatre and Korea. My guess is you are using your own service as a political tool for demoralizing the enemy you conceive conservatives to be, when actually, we're the friend. I'm sorry you bought the impoverished farm that the Democrats make of themselves in order to gain power even they cannot control for the love of what's in the US Treasury and the thrill of taking it away from taxpaying people they consider too ignorant to figure it out.

Okay.........................so your father was one of the most decorated sharpshooters in WWII and in Korea.

There is a reason he was so highly decorated, it's because he was good at his job.

Sorry, but most civilians who state that they could have taken out this shooter aren't up to the standards that your father was, nor do they have his skills.

Sorry, but your father was a man out of many who could have possibly done the job, because he practiced on a regular basis and was proficient. Can you name me anyone on this board who was as practiced and proficient as your father?
There were vets at Aurora. There was a whole base of them at Ft. Hood. Guess what the common denominator was?
There were vets at Aurora. There was a whole base of them at Ft. Hood. Guess what the common denominator was?

The common denominator was surprise. Not only did the shooter at Ft. Hood surprise those who were formed up, but the Aurora shooter surprised those in the theater.

However......................most of those in the civilian world aren't prepared for surprise. And yeah....................those in the military ARE trained to receive surprise attacks on them, just not on their own home turf. Most of the times I felt "safe" was on the base I was currently serving with, because I felt that security was doing their job.

Interestingly enough, we didn't really have to deal with insurgents until after 9/11. Trouble is, we have to now, because they are trying to infiltrate where they can as of now.

And..................the last place I would figure to be attacked would be on my own ship. The Army folks probably felt pretty secure on their own turf (meaning the base) so they let their guard down. I'd probably do the same thing on my own turf (meaning my ship) because it's pretty well guarded (at least while I was in).

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