everybody should be packing iron

Your facts are wrong. Again.

Lanza did not lawfully posses the rifle.

Lanza was not adjudicated mentally incompetent.

OODA, these two are perfect examples of why we cannot allow liberals to control our liberties.
Liberals are guided by their feelings and emotions.

There is absolutely no evidence of criminal insanity re:the shooters at Sandy Hook or Wesley Chapel, yet since they FEEL it, it should be so.

I agree, people should have to pass a mental exam to buy a gun.

But fact is, Lanza had a bunch of legally purchased semi-automatic guns. Proving once again that gun laws in the US are too lax.

That he probably obtained illegally.

I say probably because we don't know.
OODA, these two are perfect examples of why we cannot allow liberals to control our liberties.
Liberals are guided by their feelings and emotions.

There is absolutely no evidence of criminal insanity re:the shooters at Sandy Hook or Wesley Chapel, yet since they FEEL it, it should be so.

I agree, people should have to pass a mental exam to buy a gun.

But fact is, Lanza had a bunch of legally purchased semi-automatic guns. Proving once again that gun laws in the US are too lax.

That he probably obtained illegally.

I say probably because we don't know.

You have to be 21 to posses a semi-auto in CT.

Lanza was 20
According to our board fruitloops, everbody should be packing iron. Then the won't be any more violence. Sure, fellas, sure thing.

AOL.com Article - Man fatally shot at movie theater after texting his daughter

Cummings said the man in the back row - later identified as Reeves - got up and left the auditorium, presumably to get a manager. But he came back after a few minutes, without a manager and appearing upset. Moments later, the argument between the two men resumed, and the man in the front row stood up.

Officials said Oulson asked Reeves if he reported him to management for using his phone.

Cummings said the men started raising their voices and popcorn was thrown. Authorities said Reeves took out a gun, and Oulson's wife put her hand over her husband, and that's when Reeves fired his weapon, striking Nichole Oulson in the hand and her husband in the chest.

"I can't believe people would bring a pistol, a gun, to a movie," Cummings said. "I can't believe they would argue and fight and shoot one another over popcorn. Over a cellphone."

Well not everyone should pack iron. Lefties should be prevented from carrying because by their very nature, they are mentally incapable.

And...we know from recent history, that leftists are the most murderous demographic known to man.



Christians aren't leftists.

Christians have nothing to do with it. The reigning mass murder champs were all commie secular atheists, each and every one from Stalin to Mao to Pol Pot, you fucking libtard.

And the rest of you libtards never speak out against them any more, not like the old Progressives like George Bernard Shaw.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mW-iy-9m9SU&list=PLC6514882D640F457]George Bernard Shaw Speaks on Hitler and Germany 1935 - YouTube[/ame]

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Your facts are wrong. Again.

Lanza did not lawfully posses the rifle.

Lanza was not adjudicated mentally incompetent.

OODA, these two are perfect examples of why we cannot allow liberals to control our liberties.
Liberals are guided by their feelings and emotions.

There is absolutely no evidence of criminal insanity re:the shooters at Sandy Hook or Wesley Chapel, yet since they FEEL it, it should be so.

I agree, people should have to pass a mental exam to buy a gun.

Yeah, like people used to believe that you should have to pass a reading test in order to vote.

That worked really fairly and equitably, now didn't it?

OODA, these two are perfect examples of why we cannot allow liberals to control our liberties.
Liberals are guided by their feelings and emotions.

There is absolutely no evidence of criminal insanity re:the shooters at Sandy Hook or Wesley Chapel, yet since they FEEL it, it should be so.

I agree, people should have to pass a mental exam to buy a gun.

Yeah, like people used to believe that you should have to pass a reading test in order to vote.

That worked really fairly and equitably, now didn't it?

You're comparing gun deaths to voting? :lmao:
I support the opinion of the NRA regarding the need for info from mental professionals to allow us to not sell guns to the crazies. Most of the mass shootings by the way were done by ones on psycho-trophic drugs, or they had just came off them!
To bad no one had a gun in Co. Would of saved lives.


You mean like all those armed folks did when Gabby Gifford's was shot?

Oh wait..

They didn't.

Why should I defend the life of a anti gunner like her or any liberal?

And if someone had taken a shot that day and it injured someone in the crowd people like Sallow would have called them irresponsible trigger happy nuts.

There's no way to win with people like that. The fact is people who were armed showed proper restraint by NOT shooting into a crowd.
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You mean like all those armed folks did when Gabby Gifford's was shot?

Oh wait..

They didn't.

Why should I defend the life of a anti gunner like her or any liberal?

And if someone had taken a shot that day and it injured someone in the crowd people like Sallow would have called then irresponsible trigger happy nuts.

There's no way to win with people like that. The fact is people who were armed showed proper restraint by NOT shooting into a crowd.

This was a rally for a democrat isn't this correct? I would actually say good shot. :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
I support the opinion of the NRA regarding the need for info from mental professionals to allow us to not sell guns to the crazies. Most of the mass shootings by the way were done by ones on psycho-trophic drugs, or they had just came off them!

If the criteria is that they are taking such drugs, sure, but not based on the mere opinion of some shrink who could be just another gun grabbing fascist looking for any excuse to disarm even one more American.

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