Everyone Except Russia & Republicans want Hillary to be POTUS

If the populations of the rest of the world's G20 countries could vote in the US election, they'd overwhelmingly vote for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump.

That's according to a recent poll by Germany's Handelsblatt publishing group and YouGov, the online pollster.

But there's one country where the former First Lady takes a backseat to Trump and that's Russia.

What do Russians think of Donald Trump? - BBC News

Congrats Republicans. You are now officially communist sympathizers.

Makes complete sense.

We are the world's bitch when it comes to trade, as demonstrated by the recent WTO Airbus ruling.

ON the other hand, Trump is not living in the past fighitng the Cold War, like that old hag, Hillary.

And only a fool would call Russia communist today. Or a partisan hack. You should be ashamed of that.
I'm just dishing out what you Republicans like to dish.

What have we republicans done that is as dishonest as

a. Pretending that Russia is still communist.


b. pretending that NOT wanting to have conflict with non-communist them is being a sympathizers


c putting them together to equal communist sympathizers,

D with it's overtones of genocide, mass murder and totalitarianism?

I thought you weren't a Republican. I thought Trump was different than the Republicans. You know, tariffs and all that? Now you are back to being a republican again?

What you guys have done is cheered on Russian espionage and you actually thought that a Putin endorsement would be good for Trump but you forget they are the enemy.

You guys don't ever care what the rest of the world thinks, unless they agree with you and then you guys shout it out! Am I wrong? You guys seemed to love it that Putin was endorsing Trump but if you ask me, that's not a good endorsement. Not at all.

I like it that Putin doesn't prefer Hillary. She won't take his shit and she won't embarrass the USA. In other words Putin thought Trump would make him look good by comparison.

1. I never said anything that should have led you to think that I was not a Republican.

2. Trump is a big change in policy from previous Republican Presidential Candidates and should be judged on HIS policies and positions, not those of his defeated primary enemies. Would you not agree with that?

3. Cheered russian espionage? I'm not aware of anyone doing that. I certainly have not.

4. Putin endorsement good? I'm not aware of anyone saying that.

5. Care what the rest of the world thinks? Generally NOT. The rest of the world is mostly more fucked up than we are, and their support of HIllary is part of that.

6. The Cold War is over. Trump knows this. Hillary, now that RUssia is NOT the communist soviet union, NOW is getting tough with them. A dangerous and unneeded move.

7. Putin does not want conflict with the US. Hillary want's that conflict. YOu should NOT want conflict with a large nuclear power.

8. Hillary has already embarrassed the US with that reset button. Has she ever apologized to GWBush for telling the world that our conflict with Russia was his fault?

9. Putin likes Trump, because a Trump election means America choosing to NOT confront needlessly, Russia. Which is a good thing. Unless you like world wars.

you did the best job besides myself of schooling him and taking him to school WHY Trump is a 100 times a better choice than the mass murdering witch HELLERY.

That is why this election unlike other elections in the past between the two finalists I actually am pulling for one of them to win.

Dating all the way to the early 90's when I became awake to how corrupt our government is and what a dictaership it is we live in,how we have been brainwashed in our public schools that we live in a free country,this is the first time where I am actually pulling for one to win where dating back to clinton and bush in 92 since then I did not care which one from which party won and became POTUS because every candidate since then has been part of the establishment.the round table to destroy america so i never cared who got elected.

Bush sr,clinton in 92? both evil and part of the establishment so i did not care. Clinton and Dole in 96? same story. 2000 with Bush and Gore? same old same old story. 2008 between Obama and Mccain? same old same old story, 2012 between Obama and Romney,as always choices might as well have been stalin or hitler,flip a coin,doesnt matter.royally screwed either way,no difference in the two as there never is.

However THIS election is different than all those others in the past wit the future of the freedom of americans at stake with the witch running since this is the first time as far as we know, one of the two finalists is not part of the establishment and round table,not part of the elite so there is a lot of stake here in this election unlike in elections in the past.

I dont know why people think Trump has a chance.If he somehow did get elected and he really has the intent of following the constitution and serving the people instead of the establishment and not starting wars for them,he will suffer the same fate as JFK,our last REAL president we had not a puppet for the establishment which he paid the price for.

If Trump really IS on the level with americans,he sure as hell wont get elected,the establishment will make sure of that through rigged elections as they always do,case closed,end of story.
Makes complete sense.

We are the world's bitch when it comes to trade, as demonstrated by the recent WTO Airbus ruling.

ON the other hand, Trump is not living in the past fighitng the Cold War, like that old hag, Hillary.

And only a fool would call Russia communist today. Or a partisan hack. You should be ashamed of that.
I'm just dishing out what you Republicans like to dish.

What have we republicans done that is as dishonest as

a. Pretending that Russia is still communist.


b. pretending that NOT wanting to have conflict with non-communist them is being a sympathizers


c putting them together to equal communist sympathizers,

D with it's overtones of genocide, mass murder and totalitarianism?

I thought you weren't a Republican. I thought Trump was different than the Republicans. You know, tariffs and all that? Now you are back to being a republican again?

What you guys have done is cheered on Russian espionage and you actually thought that a Putin endorsement would be good for Trump but you forget they are the enemy.

You guys don't ever care what the rest of the world thinks, unless they agree with you and then you guys shout it out! Am I wrong? You guys seemed to love it that Putin was endorsing Trump but if you ask me, that's not a good endorsement. Not at all.

I like it that Putin doesn't prefer Hillary. She won't take his shit and she won't embarrass the USA. In other words Putin thought Trump would make him look good by comparison.

1. I never said anything that should have led you to think that I was not a Republican.

2. Trump is a big change in policy from previous Republican Presidential Candidates and should be judged on HIS policies and positions, not those of his defeated primary enemies. Would you not agree with that?

3. Cheered russian espionage? I'm not aware of anyone doing that. I certainly have not.

4. Putin endorsement good? I'm not aware of anyone saying that.

5. Care what the rest of the world thinks? Generally NOT. The rest of the world is mostly more fucked up than we are, and their support of HIllary is part of that.

6. The Cold War is over. Trump knows this. Hillary, now that RUssia is NOT the communist soviet union, NOW is getting tough with them. A dangerous and unneeded move.

7. Putin does not want conflict with the US. Hillary want's that conflict. YOu should NOT want conflict with a large nuclear power.

8. Hillary has already embarrassed the US with that reset button. Has she ever apologized to GWBush for telling the world that our conflict with Russia was his fault?

9. Putin likes Trump, because a Trump election means America choosing to NOT confront needlessly, Russia. Which is a good thing. Unless you like world wars.

you did the best job besides myself of schooling him and taking him to school WHY Trump is a 100 times a better choice than the mass murdering witch HELLERY.

That is why this election unlike other elections in the past between the two finalists I actually am pulling for one of them to win.

Dating all the way to the early 90's when I became awake to how corrupt our government is and what a dictaership it is we live in,how we have been brainwashed in our public schools that we live in a free country,this is the first time where I am actually pulling for one to win where dating back to clinton and bush in 92 since then I did not care which one from which party won and became POTUS because every candidate since then has been part of the establishment.the round table to destroy america so i never cared who got elected.

Bush sr,clinton in 92? both evil and part of the establishment so i did not care. Clinton and Dole in 96? same story. 2000 with Bush and Gore? same old same old story. 2008 between Obama and Mccain? same old same old story, 2012 between Obama and Romney,as always choices might as well have been stalin or hitler,flip a coin,doesnt matter.royally screwed either way,no difference in the two as there never is.

However THIS election is different than all those others in the past wit the future of the freedom of americans at stake with the witch running since this is the first time as far as we know, one of the two finalists is not part of the establishment and round table,not part of the elite so there is a lot of stake here in this election unlike in elections in the past.

I dont know why people think Trump has a chance.If he somehow did get elected and he really has the intent of following the constitution and serving the people instead of the establishment and not starting wars for them,he will suffer the same fate as JFK,our last REAL president we had not a puppet for the establishment which he paid the price for.

If Trump really IS on the level with americans,he sure as hell wont get elected,the establishment will make sure of that through rigged elections as they always do,case closed,end of story.
IT'S A CONSPIRACEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! Absolute idiocy...
I thought you weren't a Republican. I thought Trump was different than the Republicans. You know, tariffs and all that? Now you are back to being a republican again?

What you guys have done is cheered on Russian espionage and you actually thought that a Putin endorsement would be good for Trump but you forget they are the enemy.

You guys don't ever care what the rest of the world thinks, unless they agree with you and then you guys shout it out! Am I wrong? You guys seemed to love it that Putin was endorsing Trump but if you ask me, that's not a good endorsement. Not at all.

I like it that Putin doesn't prefer Hillary. She won't take his shit and she won't embarrass the USA. In other words Putin thought Trump would make him look good by comparison.

1. I never said anything that should have led you to think that I was not a Republican.

2. Trump is a big change in policy from previous Republican Presidential Candidates and should be judged on HIS policies and positions, not those of his defeated primary enemies. Would you not agree with that?

3. Cheered russian espionage? I'm not aware of anyone doing that. I certainly have not.

4. Putin endorsement good? I'm not aware of anyone saying that.

5. Care what the rest of the world thinks? Generally NOT. The rest of the world is mostly more fucked up than we are, and their support of HIllary is part of that.

6. The Cold War is over. Trump knows this. Hillary, now that RUssia is NOT the communist soviet union, NOW is getting tough with them. A dangerous and unneeded move.

7. Putin does not want conflict with the US. Hillary want's that conflict. YOu should NOT want conflict with a large nuclear power.

8. Hillary has already embarrassed the US with that reset button. Has she ever apologized to GWBush for telling the world that our conflict with Russia was his fault?

9. Putin likes Trump, because a Trump election means America choosing to NOT confront needlessly, Russia. Which is a good thing. Unless you like world wars.

The many problems with Donald Trump’s call for Russia to spy on Hillary Clinton

What spin.

Trump's constant hyperbole is well known. Russian intelligence is not taking their orders from him, even if they have the information in question.

THe rest of my points stand.

I don't believe Trump for one minute. Or where I do believe him I don't like him.

A. Will he overturn roe v wade? I believe yes

B. Will he fix nafta I believe no. He said that to get elected.

C. My internet is slow I must have messed with the wrong person today.

D. No way I buy what Trumps selling.

a. THe most he can do is appoint a justice or two who MIGHT rule against Roe v Wade, out of 9 justices.

b. Trade is him number one issue. He will have tremendous leverage over Mexico. Your blind skepticism is unsupported.

c. Ok.

d. I see that. It's great for the dems. THey have convinced you to not trust anything that anyone else says. Your pretense of independent thought is wearing very thin.
Ill admit, after sitting in that long voting line trump might pull this off.

Or all those people were there voting against him. We will see
I thought you weren't a Republican. I thought Trump was different than the Republicans. You know, tariffs and all that? Now you are back to being a republican again?

What you guys have done is cheered on Russian espionage and you actually thought that a Putin endorsement would be good for Trump but you forget they are the enemy.

You guys don't ever care what the rest of the world thinks, unless they agree with you and then you guys shout it out! Am I wrong? You guys seemed to love it that Putin was endorsing Trump but if you ask me, that's not a good endorsement. Not at all.

I like it that Putin doesn't prefer Hillary. She won't take his shit and she won't embarrass the USA. In other words Putin thought Trump would make him look good by comparison.

1. I never said anything that should have led you to think that I was not a Republican.

2. Trump is a big change in policy from previous Republican Presidential Candidates and should be judged on HIS policies and positions, not those of his defeated primary enemies. Would you not agree with that?

3. Cheered russian espionage? I'm not aware of anyone doing that. I certainly have not.

4. Putin endorsement good? I'm not aware of anyone saying that.

5. Care what the rest of the world thinks? Generally NOT. The rest of the world is mostly more fucked up than we are, and their support of HIllary is part of that.

6. The Cold War is over. Trump knows this. Hillary, now that RUssia is NOT the communist soviet union, NOW is getting tough with them. A dangerous and unneeded move.

7. Putin does not want conflict with the US. Hillary want's that conflict. YOu should NOT want conflict with a large nuclear power.

8. Hillary has already embarrassed the US with that reset button. Has she ever apologized to GWBush for telling the world that our conflict with Russia was his fault?

9. Putin likes Trump, because a Trump election means America choosing to NOT confront needlessly, Russia. Which is a good thing. Unless you like world wars.

The many problems with Donald Trump’s call for Russia to spy on Hillary Clinton

What spin.

Trump's constant hyperbole is well known. Russian intelligence is not taking their orders from him, even if they have the information in question.

THe rest of my points stand.

I don't believe Trump for one minute. Or where I do believe him I don't like him.

A. Will he overturn roe v wade? I believe yes

B. Will he fix nafta I believe no. He said that to get elected.

C. My internet is slow I must have messed with the wrong person today.

D. No way I buy what Trumps selling.

a. THe most he can do is appoint a justice or two who MIGHT rule against Roe v Wade, out of 9 justices.

b. Trade is him number one issue. He will have tremendous leverage over Mexico. Your blind skepticism is unsupported.

c. Ok.

d. I see that. It's great for the dems. THey have convinced you to not trust anything that anyone else says. Your pretense of independent thought is wearing very thin.
Ill admit, after sitting in that long voting line trump might pull this off.

Or all those people were there voting against him. We will see
If the populations of the rest of the world's G20 countries could vote in the US election, they'd overwhelmingly vote for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump.

That's according to a recent poll by Germany's Handelsblatt publishing group and YouGov, the online pollster.

But there's one country where the former First Lady takes a backseat to Trump and that's Russia.

What do Russians think of Donald Trump? - BBC News

Congrats Republicans. You are now officially communist sympathizers.

Thanks for expresssing your loyalty to your masters. :whip:

That's exactly what Hitler supporters said when Germans mentioned that the rest of the world didn't like Hitler. Hitler supporters said the same thing you just did.

If the rest of the free world hates Trump, maybe he shouldn't be president.

Funny you guys thought it was good that Russia liked Trump. You idiots didn't realize of course the enemy wants us to make a huge fucking mistake.

Anyways, get ready for the butt hurt bitch. It's coming. I can smell it.
uhh except the rest of the free world DOESNT hate him.lol and hate to break your heart but I already took you to school in post# 9 why our only chance to get out of this facist dictatership we have been living in since 1913 is if Trump gets elected.do you selectively not read posts that take you to school or something? lol

That's absolutely untrue. Just going by my circle of influence, which is pretty diverse (including Democrats and minorities) Trump would win in a landslide. Only the hard line Democrats are sticking with Hillary. People who usually vote Democrat are voting for Trump. These are professional people, not idiots as the left would like to portray them as. They are just sick of the bullshit.

you nailed it my man.:udaman::thup::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::mm:
We will see here in a couple hours.

Man will I be eating Crow if trump wins.
"Everyone Except Russia & Republicans want Hillary to be POTUS"

Be that as it may, who Russians want doesn't matter in our Presidential election. Thank goodness for that.
Did you notice the months of Russians releasing hacked Dem/Hillary e-mails?

I did. What is your point? What has whatever it be to do with my remark? Please don't respond with some sort of remark that relies upon an equivocal interpretation of "matter." I no longer have tolerance for such foolishness.
It only caused a 5% swing toward the big orange idiot is all...does that matter?
"Everyone Except Russia & Republicans want Hillary to be POTUS"

Be that as it may, who Russians want doesn't matter in our Presidential election. Thank goodness for that.
Isn't it something that Republicans don't care that the rest of the world wants Hillary. They don't want to know that? Talk about having your head buried in the sand. Or it doesn't bother them that Putin thinks it'd be a goof if Trump won?

I'm going to vote. Wish me luck.

Not all Republicans feel that way. That said, I don't think Republicans or Democrats should necessarily care which candidate the rest of the world wants to see win.

What you've essentially set up in your thread title is part of a fallacious argumentum ad populum/numerum. That you have is specifically why my original remark was only obliquely related to the central theme. I'm not about to support a claim or inference based such a line, unless, of course, the correlation between the claim and its popularity is germane.

That too is why I wrote that what Russians want from our election results doesn't matter. Doing so was my subtle attempt at making the point you later forced me to make "with a hammer over the head" in the preceding paragraph.

I don't want Trump to win. I happen to think the rest of the world is correct to prefer literally anyone over him. All the same, I can't credibly say that and use a fallacious line of argument to make my case in that regard. The argument for or against Trump needs to stand soundly on the man's positive and negative qualities, not on what a ton of non-Americans -- not one of whom can rightfully vote in our election -- think of him nor on the qualities of his opponents or supporters.
Just sayin
Everyone Except Russia & Republicans want Hillary to be POTUS

If the populations of the rest of the world's G20 countries could vote in the US election, they'd overwhelmingly vote for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump.

That's according to a recent poll by Germany's Handelsblatt publishing group and YouGov, the online pollster.

But there's one country where the former First Lady takes a backseat to Trump and that's Russia.

What do Russians think of Donald Trump? - BBC News

Congrats Republicans. You are now officially communist sympathizers.
What about Bernie fans and the Independents who find her unfavorable as a candidate?
Everyone Except Russia & Republicans want Hillary to be POTUS

If the populations of the rest of the world's G20 countries could vote in the US election, they'd overwhelmingly vote for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump.

That's according to a recent poll by Germany's Handelsblatt publishing group and YouGov, the online pollster.

But there's one country where the former First Lady takes a backseat to Trump and that's Russia.

What do Russians think of Donald Trump? - BBC News

Congrats Republicans. You are now officially communist sympathizers.
What about Bernie fans and the Independents who find her unfavorable as a candidate?
If they were Bernie fans they'll vote for hillary/democrats
That's absolutely untrue. Just going by my circle of influence, which is pretty diverse (including Democrats and minorities) Trump would win in a landslide. Only the hard line Democrats are sticking with Hillary. People who usually vote Democrat are voting for Trump. These are professional people, not idiots as the left would like to portray them as. They are just sick of the bullshit.
Sounds like every single poll is wrong and Trump will win in a landslide!
Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates

Donald Trump does really well among white voters without a college degree. Indeed, he is on track to carry that group by a wider margin than Mitt Romney did over President Obama four years ago. But there’s another side to that coin: While Trump is outperforming your run-of-the-mill Republican among whites without a college degree, he’s underperforming among white voters with a college degree. In fact, he is on a track to lose white college graduates.

That means you USMB white fools voting for Trump are fucking retarded!

you are one to call people retarded when you refuse to look at the facts that the Clintons are mass murderers and facist pigs intent on destroying america and how the first clinton did just that betraying americans shipping jobs overseass with NAFTA as well as the fact they have killed off people like vince foster,ron brown and countless other americans who knew too much about their scandals as well as starting wars and murdering women and children in the waco fire.they are the ones that got the fire started with the blessing of clinton.
IT'S A CONSPIRACEEEEEE!!!!!!! ^^ Brainwashed and misinformed out of your tiny mind....this is why the New BS GOP is a disgrace...all the con man orange thug had to do was repeat some of that crap to get their nomination- ....bring back a Fairness Doctrine and some debate on Rush/Savage etc etc etc.
I'm just dishing out what you Republicans like to dish.

What have we republicans done that is as dishonest as

a. Pretending that Russia is still communist.


b. pretending that NOT wanting to have conflict with non-communist them is being a sympathizers


c putting them together to equal communist sympathizers,

D with it's overtones of genocide, mass murder and totalitarianism?

I thought you weren't a Republican. I thought Trump was different than the Republicans. You know, tariffs and all that? Now you are back to being a republican again?

What you guys have done is cheered on Russian espionage and you actually thought that a Putin endorsement would be good for Trump but you forget they are the enemy.

You guys don't ever care what the rest of the world thinks, unless they agree with you and then you guys shout it out! Am I wrong? You guys seemed to love it that Putin was endorsing Trump but if you ask me, that's not a good endorsement. Not at all.

I like it that Putin doesn't prefer Hillary. She won't take his shit and she won't embarrass the USA. In other words Putin thought Trump would make him look good by comparison.

1. I never said anything that should have led you to think that I was not a Republican.

2. Trump is a big change in policy from previous Republican Presidential Candidates and should be judged on HIS policies and positions, not those of his defeated primary enemies. Would you not agree with that?

3. Cheered russian espionage? I'm not aware of anyone doing that. I certainly have not.

4. Putin endorsement good? I'm not aware of anyone saying that.

5. Care what the rest of the world thinks? Generally NOT. The rest of the world is mostly more fucked up than we are, and their support of HIllary is part of that.

6. The Cold War is over. Trump knows this. Hillary, now that RUssia is NOT the communist soviet union, NOW is getting tough with them. A dangerous and unneeded move.

7. Putin does not want conflict with the US. Hillary want's that conflict. YOu should NOT want conflict with a large nuclear power.

8. Hillary has already embarrassed the US with that reset button. Has she ever apologized to GWBush for telling the world that our conflict with Russia was his fault?

9. Putin likes Trump, because a Trump election means America choosing to NOT confront needlessly, Russia. Which is a good thing. Unless you like world wars.

you did the best job besides myself of schooling him and taking him to school WHY Trump is a 100 times a better choice than the mass murdering witch HELLERY.

That is why this election unlike other elections in the past between the two finalists I actually am pulling for one of them to win.

Dating all the way to the early 90's when I became awake to how corrupt our government is and what a dictaership it is we live in,how we have been brainwashed in our public schools that we live in a free country,this is the first time where I am actually pulling for one to win where dating back to clinton and bush in 92 since then I did not care which one from which party won and became POTUS because every candidate since then has been part of the establishment.the round table to destroy america so i never cared who got elected.

Bush sr,clinton in 92? both evil and part of the establishment so i did not care. Clinton and Dole in 96? same story. 2000 with Bush and Gore? same old same old story. 2008 between Obama and Mccain? same old same old story, 2012 between Obama and Romney,as always choices might as well have been stalin or hitler,flip a coin,doesnt matter.royally screwed either way,no difference in the two as there never is.

However THIS election is different than all those others in the past wit the future of the freedom of americans at stake with the witch running since this is the first time as far as we know, one of the two finalists is not part of the establishment and round table,not part of the elite so there is a lot of stake here in this election unlike in elections in the past.

I dont know why people think Trump has a chance.If he somehow did get elected and he really has the intent of following the constitution and serving the people instead of the establishment and not starting wars for them,he will suffer the same fate as JFK,our last REAL president we had not a puppet for the establishment which he paid the price for.

If Trump really IS on the level with americans,he sure as hell wont get elected,the establishment will make sure of that through rigged elections as they always do,case closed,end of story.
IT'S A CONSPIRACEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! Absolute idiocy...

a paid shill on the government payroll no less who cant counter pesky facts wring them off as theories.:up_yours::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

yes you are an idiot dismissing facts as theories agent no need to brag about it.:thup:

yeah I know you are brainwashed and misinformed no need to brag about it.:D
What have we republicans done that is as dishonest as

a. Pretending that Russia is still communist.


b. pretending that NOT wanting to have conflict with non-communist them is being a sympathizers


c putting them together to equal communist sympathizers,

D with it's overtones of genocide, mass murder and totalitarianism?

I thought you weren't a Republican. I thought Trump was different than the Republicans. You know, tariffs and all that? Now you are back to being a republican again?

What you guys have done is cheered on Russian espionage and you actually thought that a Putin endorsement would be good for Trump but you forget they are the enemy.

You guys don't ever care what the rest of the world thinks, unless they agree with you and then you guys shout it out! Am I wrong? You guys seemed to love it that Putin was endorsing Trump but if you ask me, that's not a good endorsement. Not at all.

I like it that Putin doesn't prefer Hillary. She won't take his shit and she won't embarrass the USA. In other words Putin thought Trump would make him look good by comparison.

1. I never said anything that should have led you to think that I was not a Republican.

2. Trump is a big change in policy from previous Republican Presidential Candidates and should be judged on HIS policies and positions, not those of his defeated primary enemies. Would you not agree with that?

3. Cheered russian espionage? I'm not aware of anyone doing that. I certainly have not.

4. Putin endorsement good? I'm not aware of anyone saying that.

5. Care what the rest of the world thinks? Generally NOT. The rest of the world is mostly more fucked up than we are, and their support of HIllary is part of that.

6. The Cold War is over. Trump knows this. Hillary, now that RUssia is NOT the communist soviet union, NOW is getting tough with them. A dangerous and unneeded move.

7. Putin does not want conflict with the US. Hillary want's that conflict. YOu should NOT want conflict with a large nuclear power.

8. Hillary has already embarrassed the US with that reset button. Has she ever apologized to GWBush for telling the world that our conflict with Russia was his fault?

9. Putin likes Trump, because a Trump election means America choosing to NOT confront needlessly, Russia. Which is a good thing. Unless you like world wars.

you did the best job besides myself of schooling him and taking him to school WHY Trump is a 100 times a better choice than the mass murdering witch HELLERY.

That is why this election unlike other elections in the past between the two finalists I actually am pulling for one of them to win.

Dating all the way to the early 90's when I became awake to how corrupt our government is and what a dictaership it is we live in,how we have been brainwashed in our public schools that we live in a free country,this is the first time where I am actually pulling for one to win where dating back to clinton and bush in 92 since then I did not care which one from which party won and became POTUS because every candidate since then has been part of the establishment.the round table to destroy america so i never cared who got elected.

Bush sr,clinton in 92? both evil and part of the establishment so i did not care. Clinton and Dole in 96? same story. 2000 with Bush and Gore? same old same old story. 2008 between Obama and Mccain? same old same old story, 2012 between Obama and Romney,as always choices might as well have been stalin or hitler,flip a coin,doesnt matter.royally screwed either way,no difference in the two as there never is.

However THIS election is different than all those others in the past wit the future of the freedom of americans at stake with the witch running since this is the first time as far as we know, one of the two finalists is not part of the establishment and round table,not part of the elite so there is a lot of stake here in this election unlike in elections in the past.

I dont know why people think Trump has a chance.If he somehow did get elected and he really has the intent of following the constitution and serving the people instead of the establishment and not starting wars for them,he will suffer the same fate as JFK,our last REAL president we had not a puppet for the establishment which he paid the price for.

If Trump really IS on the level with americans,he sure as hell wont get elected,the establishment will make sure of that through rigged elections as they always do,case closed,end of story.
IT'S A CONSPIRACEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! Absolute idiocy...

a paid shill on the government payroll no less who cant counter pesky facts wring them off as theories.:up_yours::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

yes you are an idiot dismissing facts as theories agent no need to brag about it.:thup:

yeah I know you are brainwashed and misinformed no need to brag about it.:D
Take Foster- There were FIVE investigations, including one be Kenneth Starr, and they al found absolutely no evidence of ANYTHING- same with all your other nuttiness. Take a five year break...
That's absolutely untrue. Just going by my circle of influence, which is pretty diverse (including Democrats and minorities) Trump would win in a landslide. Only the hard line Democrats are sticking with Hillary. People who usually vote Democrat are voting for Trump. These are professional people, not idiots as the left would like to portray them as. They are just sick of the bullshit.
Sounds like every single poll is wrong and Trump will win in a landslide!
Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates

Donald Trump does really well among white voters without a college degree. Indeed, he is on track to carry that group by a wider margin than Mitt Romney did over President Obama four years ago. But there’s another side to that coin: While Trump is outperforming your run-of-the-mill Republican among whites without a college degree, he’s underperforming among white voters with a college degree. In fact, he is on a track to lose white college graduates.

That means you USMB white fools voting for Trump are fucking retarded!

you are one to call people retarded when you refuse to look at the facts that the Clintons are mass murderers and facist pigs intent on destroying america and how the first clinton did just that betraying americans shipping jobs overseass with NAFTA as well as the fact they have killed off people like vince foster,ron brown and countless other americans who knew too much about their scandals as well as starting wars and murdering women and children in the waco fire.they are the ones that got the fire started with the blessing of clinton.
Is that the same NAFTA that was written and passed by a republican congress?


What part of this is confusing to you?

Are you afraid of change?
"Everyone Except Russia & Republicans want Hillary to be POTUS"

Be that as it may, who Russians want doesn't matter in our Presidential election. Thank goodness for that.
Did you notice the months of Russians releasing hacked Dem/Hillary e-mails?

I did. What is your point? What has whatever it be to do with my remark? Please don't respond with some sort of remark that relies upon an equivocal interpretation of "matter." I no longer have tolerance for such foolishness.
It only caused a 5% swing toward the big orange idiot is all...does that matter?

How did I know that your response would depend on equivocation with regard to "matters?" That's all I have to say. You figure out why; doing so will be didactically useful for you, and it'll be so well past my departure from USMB.
OP- Because Russians and GOPers are brainwashed dupes of greedy idiot oligarchs...

The 1% are supporting HIllary the status quo candidate.
Not the greedy idiot oligarchs who run your propaganda machine, and your party at the moment duh...The Dem 1% who want higher taxes on themselves and help for the nonrich, yes...

THe "greedy oligarchs" who run our party wanted Jeb Bush.

We told them to go pound salt.

In response they have been effectively supporting hillary.

THe GOP LEADERSHIP has been effectively supporting Hillary.

Think about that.
I thought you weren't a Republican. I thought Trump was different than the Republicans. You know, tariffs and all that? Now you are back to being a republican again?

What you guys have done is cheered on Russian espionage and you actually thought that a Putin endorsement would be good for Trump but you forget they are the enemy.

You guys don't ever care what the rest of the world thinks, unless they agree with you and then you guys shout it out! Am I wrong? You guys seemed to love it that Putin was endorsing Trump but if you ask me, that's not a good endorsement. Not at all.

I like it that Putin doesn't prefer Hillary. She won't take his shit and she won't embarrass the USA. In other words Putin thought Trump would make him look good by comparison.

1. I never said anything that should have led you to think that I was not a Republican.

2. Trump is a big change in policy from previous Republican Presidential Candidates and should be judged on HIS policies and positions, not those of his defeated primary enemies. Would you not agree with that?

3. Cheered russian espionage? I'm not aware of anyone doing that. I certainly have not.

4. Putin endorsement good? I'm not aware of anyone saying that.

5. Care what the rest of the world thinks? Generally NOT. The rest of the world is mostly more fucked up than we are, and their support of HIllary is part of that.

6. The Cold War is over. Trump knows this. Hillary, now that RUssia is NOT the communist soviet union, NOW is getting tough with them. A dangerous and unneeded move.

7. Putin does not want conflict with the US. Hillary want's that conflict. YOu should NOT want conflict with a large nuclear power.

8. Hillary has already embarrassed the US with that reset button. Has she ever apologized to GWBush for telling the world that our conflict with Russia was his fault?

9. Putin likes Trump, because a Trump election means America choosing to NOT confront needlessly, Russia. Which is a good thing. Unless you like world wars.

you did the best job besides myself of schooling him and taking him to school WHY Trump is a 100 times a better choice than the mass murdering witch HELLERY.

That is why this election unlike other elections in the past between the two finalists I actually am pulling for one of them to win.

Dating all the way to the early 90's when I became awake to how corrupt our government is and what a dictaership it is we live in,how we have been brainwashed in our public schools that we live in a free country,this is the first time where I am actually pulling for one to win where dating back to clinton and bush in 92 since then I did not care which one from which party won and became POTUS because every candidate since then has been part of the establishment.the round table to destroy america so i never cared who got elected.

Bush sr,clinton in 92? both evil and part of the establishment so i did not care. Clinton and Dole in 96? same story. 2000 with Bush and Gore? same old same old story. 2008 between Obama and Mccain? same old same old story, 2012 between Obama and Romney,as always choices might as well have been stalin or hitler,flip a coin,doesnt matter.royally screwed either way,no difference in the two as there never is.

However THIS election is different than all those others in the past wit the future of the freedom of americans at stake with the witch running since this is the first time as far as we know, one of the two finalists is not part of the establishment and round table,not part of the elite so there is a lot of stake here in this election unlike in elections in the past.

I dont know why people think Trump has a chance.If he somehow did get elected and he really has the intent of following the constitution and serving the people instead of the establishment and not starting wars for them,he will suffer the same fate as JFK,our last REAL president we had not a puppet for the establishment which he paid the price for.

If Trump really IS on the level with americans,he sure as hell wont get elected,the establishment will make sure of that through rigged elections as they always do,case closed,end of story.
IT'S A CONSPIRACEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! Absolute idiocy...

a paid shill on the government payroll no less who cant counter pesky facts wring them off as theories.:up_yours::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

yes you are an idiot dismissing facts as theories agent no need to brag about it.:thup:

yeah I know you are brainwashed and misinformed no need to brag about it.:D
Take Foster- There were FIVE investigations, including one be Kenneth Starr, and they al found absolutely no evidence of ANYTHING- same with all your other nuttiness. Take a five year break...
hey agent,starr didnt give a shit about the clintons being mass murderers,he is part of the establishment dumbfuck idiot.
wow your bosses are fools the stuff they ask you to post.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

starr investigating the clintons? talk about a keystone cop investigation.That investigation was every bit as much a farce as the warren commission which you no doubt think was truthful and objective as well right?:rofl::rofl::rofl:

starr investigating that iwas the same thing as asking a bank robber with a long hitory of robbing banks to watch over your vault of money while you are away from home.:rofl::rofl::rofl:
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OP- Because Russians and GOPers are brainwashed dupes of greedy idiot oligarchs...

The 1% are supporting HIllary the status quo candidate.
Not the greedy idiot oligarchs who run your propaganda machine, and your party at the moment duh...The Dem 1% who want higher taxes on themselves and help for the nonrich, yes...

THe "greedy oligarchs" who run our party wanted Jeb Bush.

We told them to go pound salt.

In response they have been effectively supporting hillary.

THe GOP LEADERSHIP has been effectively supporting Hillary.

Think about that.

this troll probably thinks the clintons and bushs have never been friends with each other and never had connections to the CIA.
Yeah, add the U.S. Military, the Border Patrol, about a dozen Medal of Honor recipients, most of the Police Officers in the United States, farmers, coal miners and Christian Church goers.
If the populations of the rest of the world's G20 countries could vote in the US election, they'd overwhelmingly vote for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump.

That's according to a recent poll by Germany's Handelsblatt publishing group and YouGov, the online pollster.

But there's one country where the former First Lady takes a backseat to Trump and that's Russia.

What do Russians think of Donald Trump? - BBC News

Congrats Republicans. You are now officially communist sympathizers.


Saudi Arabia wants Hillary to be POTUS.
Kuwait wants Hillary to be POTUS.
Libya wants Hillary to be POTUS.
Mexico wants Hillary to be POTUS.
ISIS wants Hillary to be POTUS.
China wants Hillary to be POTUS.
South Korea wants Hillary to be POTUS.
Iran wants Hillary to be POTUS.
Pakistan wants Hillary to be POTUS.
India wants Hillary to be POTUS.

Every country that is fucking us up the ass wants Hillary to be POTUS.

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