“Everyone in the Western community wanted Shokin sacked.”

The facts behind Trump’s bogus accusations about Biden and Ukraine
Trump claims Biden threatened Ukraine to aid his son’s business interests. The facts suggest otherwise.
The facts behind Trump’s bogus accusations about Biden and Ukraine
I hesitate to bring the matter of Shokin's firing up again for a couple of reasons. One being, no matter what the facts are, and the article I linked to provides a comprehensive examination of the facts, Trumper's are going to believe what they want to believe. The same could be said for every other nutbag conspiracy theory and lie Don and right wing media has ever spewed. So there's that.
Secondly, because it keeps this particular lie about Biden getting discussed even though it is without merit.

But.............there is an important takeaway here for anyone with an open mind, a lesson to be learned about how Trump operates. A lesson that should have been learned by Trumpette's back when Don was peddling the nonsense about Obama's citizenship. It's about his use of baseless innuendo to achieve his goal........at the time, to use smearing Obama as a means to attract attention to himself and his burgeoning campaign. He would often say, "I hear people say Obama was born in Kenya" or "I hear people say his birth certificate isn't real." All of which is meant to create suspicion, to suggest something is wrong by implying there is doubt and that it is a matter that should be looked in to.

If that has a familiar ring it's because he has done the same thing with Biden. Naturally, The Following has come along for the ride. They mindlessly repeat the notion Biden needs to be investigated but can't explain exactly why based on any specific, credible facts. That which they believe is true is completely debunked by the information in the article I provided a link for. An article Trumpette's will not read. Because the truth is boring and conspiracy theories are fun. Besides, once you begin to realize just how much of the entire construct of Trumpery is founded on a steaming pile of shit (fictions like the "Deep State" "fake news" "I am a stable genius" "I will never leave the WH to play golf") you are left with the unavoidable conclusion Trump is an orange fraud and a conman. Obviously, no Trumpette wants to go there. I mean, that would require Trumpette's admit to themselves they have been duped. Manipulated. Yanked around like puppets on a string. They might even have to admit the call wasn't so perfect. They may never admit aspects of it were illegal, but we can all agree it was certainly not the kind of thing (abusing the power of the presidency) the prez should be engaging in, right?

I realize it's heresy to say these things about Dear Leader. But what really hurts a Trumpette is to hear these things about themselves.
It started out of John Kerry’s office ,, John sent out the fake news to get him fired. They knew he was going to get the bidens
So because he didn’t want to send taxpayer dollars to a corrupt regime

One more time... He corruptly used tax payer funds to coerce or shakedown an ally to try and publicly smear Joe Biden, the DNC and the all of the US Intelligence Agencies. The real question should be "does he needs a little jail time to reflect on what he did?"
It never happened. That's the part democrats can't stop lying about.
Blah blah Trump bad #15664437788


Trump voters are even WORSE. Democrats have a bound duty and need to take up arms and rid themselves of the deplorable Republicans. The cowards just don't have the guts.

Yet another 1000 post a month club member advocating violence. Fucking Russians!
Better Russian than democrat.

If you don't like it get off your fat ass and do something about it.

Better KKK than democrat.
So because he didn’t want to send taxpayer dollars to a corrupt regime

One more time... He corruptly used tax payer funds to coerce or shakedown an ally to try and publicly smear Joe Biden, the DNC and the all of the US Intelligence Agencies. The real question should be "does he needs a little jail time to reflect on what he did?"
He coerced? Not what Zelensky said. He said us and our country not me and my campaign. Stupid boo.

Maybe ya'll should ask Zelensky to testify under oath during Trumpybears' Impeachment trial.
So because he didn’t want to send taxpayer dollars to a corrupt regime

One more time... He corruptly used tax payer funds to coerce or shakedown an ally to try and publicly smear Joe Biden, the DNC and the all of the US Intelligence Agencies. The real question should be "does he needs a little jail time to reflect on what he did?"
It never happened. That's the part democrats can't stop lying about.

So you believe the Ghouliguy and Mulvaney were cooking up an actual drug deal?
Trump won because people got tired of people like you.
But............the minority voted for a corrupt conman who has filled the swamp to over flowing. They were duped.

Stock market and my 401k and IRA state otherwise. How was I duped? Do tell. LOL.
I see. So you sold your country down the river for money. Got it.
Money makes my country better. How did I “sell it down the river?” LOL

What a stupid statement.
You were willing to vote for a guy who is tearing the country apart for the sake of some extra change in your pocket due to a tax cut that is causing unprecedented budget deficits at a time a GDP growth. Deficits that will harm the country long term (along with everything else the Orange Fraud is doing). *Note: please don't bring up Obama's deficits (the ones he inherited due to the Bush recession) or I'll have choice but to humiliate you again.
So the obama admin allowed other countries to choose our foreign policy?
Thats all I get out of this justification.
It explains why you are a member of the Trump cult.

He's not, actually, but that comment provides even further proof (not that we needed it) that you lack basic critical thinking skills.
So because he didn’t want to send taxpayer dollars to a corrupt regime

One more time... He corruptly used tax payer funds to coerce or shakedown an ally to try and publicly smear Joe Biden, the DNC and the all of the US Intelligence Agencies. The real question should be "does he needs a little jail time to reflect on what he did?"
He coerced? Not what Zelensky said. He said us and our country not me and my campaign. Stupid boo.

Maybe ya'll should ask Zelensky to testify under oath during Trumpybears' Impeachment trial.
Ya’ll? You’re an idiot.
The point of an investigation is the uncover facts.
Then why was Don's focus on getting his minions to work on getting Ukraine to announce an investigation? Answer, in order to create an air of suspicion based on absolutely nothing. He saw how effective the endless smear campaign worked in the 2016 election and was going back to a reliable playbook.
IDGAF what other countries think. They also agreed to the Iran deal (stupid) and Europe is so bad, the UK voted for Brexit. Berg is such a little childish dolt.
Clearly, YDGAF about the facts either.

Did you not even read your own link?
The article states that Burisma claimed it hired Hunter for a lawyer team, and Hunter himself contradicted that.

It even says that the fact that Hunter was hired by the company looks bad, then it just dismisses it by saying this is just “routine business” in Washington.

In the midst of these troubles, Hunter Biden accepted a Burisma board seat, and was paid for his trouble, sometimes as much as $50,000 per month. It is unclear what he did for the company. Burisma said at the time that Biden — a lawyer — would be “in charge of” a legal unit. Biden told the New York Times in May 2019 that this was incorrect: “At no time was I in charge of the company’s legal affairs.”

Though none of this looks great for the Bidens, it is, unfortunately, routine business in Washington to hire the family members of powerful officials in hopes of gaining influence over public policy. For example, President Jimmy Carter’s brother, Billy; President George W. Bush’s brother, Neil; and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s brothers, Tony and Hugh Rodham were all involved in business interests that once drew concern
So........your point is H. Biden was honest about what he did for Burisma? Remind me not to have you on my debate team.
The point is your link doesn’t dispute anything our President is saying, along with the rest of us. In fact it only supports it.
He was not trying to hide anything.
That is the best you got? Really? Yes really. It was all in the open to see. He said do us a favor, our country has been through a lot. You idiot.

pompeo initially lied when asked about that phone call. turns out he was among 11 people in on it. the 'transcript' is only a memorandum ... with ellipses ... which means it was edited. colonel vindmen, tasked with transcribing that call said it was altered & was denied the ability to correct it.

donny has denied every person & every piece of hard copy docs to be examined that could get him off the hook. huh - one who has nothing to hide is hiding everything.

funny dat.
Last edited:

In 2015, Shokin became the prosecutor general, inheriting the investigation.

That is a fact, you little wimp. You said he was not investigating Burisma. Dormant because the Ukraine is still corrupt? LOL.
Like I said. You’ll ignore anything that doesn’t fit your narrative.

Yeah, he inherited it. Then did nothing. Ukrainian prosecutors leave cases open to extort oligarchs for bribes. That’s how its been for decades. Shokin wasn’t doing anything to clean it up.

Like I said, you ignore anything that doesn’t fit your narrative.

Pot to kettle...you're black. You ignore everything that doesn't fit YOUR narrative, Leftist. You said he was not investigating it. But he was. He inherited and you do not know what he did or did not do and if he was not doing anything then why did Biden threaten to hold $1Bn of aid until he was fired? Hmmmm....walks like a duck, talks like a duck, flies like a duck....it is a duck.

So you think the Senate will convict? If it is so obvious why was the impeachment 100% partisan and two Democrats disagreed with it? One switched parties. LOL. How does that fit your leftist, sissy narrative?

What have I ignored? Yeah. He inherited an investigation and did nothing with it. That was the statement from the anti-corruption lead prosecutor Kosko. It was also the opinion of the career State Dept officials.

All you have is one sentence clipped from a larger article that you’re pointing to. The rest of the article doesn’t fit your narrative so it was disregarded.

The second half of your post is a subtle walk back. You initially claimed he was definitely investigating. Now you’re claiming no one has any idea what they were doing. Which is it?

The Senate won’t convict. Republicans are afraid of the Trump cultists like you who don’t live in reality anymore.

The Senate will not convict and the House was 100% biased with one member switching parties and another voting "present". Cultists? LOL. No. I am anti Left. Trump triggers you more than any other person I have seen. If it were Mark Cuban then I would have voted for him. People like you are ruining this country and whatever makes you miserable makes me happy.

You’re straying from facts to politics.

This is all emotion. Look at your post. It’s all emotion, hatred of the left. Trump gives you what you crave. You’re addicted to him.

Now, are you going to get back to the issue or not? Giving up?

If Biden wanted Shokin fired because of his son, how does that explain all the other people who wanted him fired?

zog is easily triggered, being the poor snowflake that he is.
They mindlessly repeat the notion Biden needs to be investigated but can't explain exactly why based on any specific, credible facts

The point of an investigation is to uncover facts. If someone robbed a bank in your neighborhood and you just happened to upgrade your Geo Storm with a Lamborghini the next day, you may be investigated, even though no facts exist proving your guilt. Same thing happened with Biden. It looks fishy and should be investigated.

So the investigation should start with a public smear campaign? If you really were the target of credible allegations the last thing investigators would want to do is give you a heads up that you're is under investigation, right?

it was democrats that made it public,,,

A public announcement of a Ukrainian Investigation into the Bidens by the new Ukrainian President was Trumpybears' demand in the Shakedown Scheme.


They mindlessly repeat the notion Biden needs to be investigated but can't explain exactly why based on any specific, credible facts

The point of an investigation is to uncover facts. If someone robbed a bank in your neighborhood and you just happened to upgrade your Geo Storm with a Lamborghini the next day, you may be investigated, even though no facts exist proving your guilt. Same thing happened with Biden. It looks fishy and should be investigated.

So the investigation should start with a public smear campaign? If you really were the target of credible allegations the last thing investigators would want to do is give you a heads up that you're is under investigation, right?

it was democrats that made it public,,,

A public announcement of a Ukrainian Investigation into the Bidens by the new Ukrainian President was Trumpybears' demand in the Shakedown Scheme.

thats been proven false by all the democrat witness's,,,



“Everyone in the Western community wanted Shokin sacked.”
So the Democrat's latest main 'witness' is a criminal walking around wearing an electronic ankle bracelet....
- One of the FBI's previous main informants was ex-crack head Halper
- Another Democrat 'main witness' was a convicted perjurer on his way to prison...who committed perjury under oath AGAIN
- Another FBI 'main informant' was a biased, Trump-hating personal agenda-driven, known lying / untrustworthy foreign spy
- Schiff's 2 main witnesses turned out to be a non-existent nameless/faceless non-qualifying whistle blower and HIMSELF (personal evidence / his 'parody')


Government has passed laws making this sort of thing ILLEGAL even in appearance. It easily meets that threshold.

Great. Then you should have no problem citing the law.

I work in this area so one of us knows what we are talking about. Hint, its not you.
And given your knowledge, that means it should be trivial for you to cite the relevant law.

Do I look like your first year law professor? Apparently you are a helpless snowflake incapable of educating yourself.
And you claim to know what you’re talking about but push comes to shove you don’t.

Color me surprised.

See my sig line libwit.
So the Democrat's latest main 'witness' is a criminal walking around wearing an electronic ankle bracelet....
- One of the FBI's previous main informants was ex-crack head Halper
- Another Democrat 'main witness' was a convicted perjurer on his way to prison...who committed perjury under oath AGAIN
- Another FBI 'main informant' was a biased, Trump-hating personal agenda-driven, known lying / untrustworthy foreign spy
- Schiff's 2 main witnesses turned out to be a non-existent nameless/faceless non-qualifying whistle blower and HIMSELF (personal evidence / his 'parody')


We could look at the list of witnesses with exculpatory information.

turns out it doesn’t exist.
Great. Then you should have no problem citing the law.

I work in this area so one of us knows what we are talking about. Hint, its not you.
And given your knowledge, that means it should be trivial for you to cite the relevant law.

Do I look like your first year law professor? Apparently you are a helpless snowflake incapable of educating yourself.
And you claim to know what you’re talking about but push comes to shove you don’t.

Color me surprised.

See my sig line libwit.
Sticks and stones, cousin. Sticks and stones.
So the investigation should start with a public smear campaign? If you really were the target of credible allegations the last thing investigators would want to do is give you a heads up that you're is under investigation, right?

it was democrats that made it public,,,

A public announcement of a Ukrainian Investigation into the Bidens by the new Ukrainian President was Trumpybears' demand in the Shakedown Scheme.

thats been proven false by all the democrat witness's,,,


SCHIFF: But he had to get those two investigations if that official act was going to take place, correct?

SONDLAND: He had to announce the investigations. He didn’t actually have to do them, as I understood it.


GOLDMAN: Giuliani and President Trump didn’t actually care if they did them, right?

SONDLAND: I never heard, Mr. Goldman, anyone say that the investigations had to start or be completed. The only thing I heard from Mr. Giuliani or otherwise was that they had to be announced. ... President Trump presumably, communicated through Mr. Giuliani, wanted the Ukrainians on-record publicly that they were going to do those investigations.

GOLDMAN: You never heard anyone say that they really wanted them to do the investigations.

SONDLAND: I didn’t hear either way.

Trump didn’t want an investigation into Biden. He wanted a political show.

So you can impeach someone based on opinion that they wanted a political show? LOL

you can impeach for donny trying to shake down zelinsky. no announcement?

no cash.
Everyone who was Getting Bribes from Russia and their Corrupt Puppets in Ukraine wanted Shokin Gone.

Here is a memo the Biden Wrote during The Clinton Campaign. Honest it's his handwriting.


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