EVERYONE!!! Including the MSM that should KNOW better! The difference between absentee voting and JUNK MAIL voting!

thats his definition....

Junk mail - unrequested mail.

The issue is that the democrat fraud scheme relies on sending a hundred million unrequested ballots based on registration roles that the same democrats have blocked from being purged for decades. This will send out millions of ballots to dead and relocated voters. Now what do you suppose the Maoist democrats intend for those invalid and unrequested ballots?
The ballots are the same whether you request them or not

LMAO @ the Stupid Shit Leftist believe .....

Folks you can't make this shit up.

They don't call 'em Useful Idiots for 'nuffin !!!!

They are EXACTLY the same.
they look the same.....but if the states register of voters does not keep up with their mailing lists,and not all of them do,then there could be problems.....
Same as with in person voting

Lot of people on the rolls who have moved
They just don’t vote
the fear is someone may take that ballot and send it in....so its not the same as in person....
You're right it's not. Signatures aren't checked at the polls, but they are if you vote by mail. Nobody can take your ballot and send it in...unless they are excellent forgers.
i am only talking about what i have seen in my years as a letter carrier.....if the registar of voters does their job and keeps their lists up to date,very little problems.....i used to have a route that had 8 apt complexes and the turnover was pretty high,and its kinda hard to keep up with all the name changes....and many people would move and leave no address....and there would be quite a few voter registration cards addressed to the apts with people i had never heard of,but the address was correct,i had to deliver those,if the person was there or not i did not know.....i would put a question mark on them and let the person who i know lived there give it back or do what ever.....many times they would leave it at the box with a "not here" written on it and they would be sent back "unknown" .....but many times i never got anything back....those are the ballots that the anti mailers are afraid of....
Thanks for your expertise in delivering mail. Appreciate your years of service.
The issue is magnified though by the shear volume of actual ballots being mailed out to the addresses the election office has on hand.
In the past most of the ballots that you delivered WERE requested, i.e. ABSENTEE Ballots where from my experience, I was asked to REQUEST an
absentee ballot, a form was sent to me and I completed the form and THEN I received the actual ballot.
JUNK MAIL balloting does NOT depend on a request. The election office sends all the voters on their rolls actual ballots and then the office compares
signatures with signatures on hand. With your experiences especially with 8 apt. complexes the turn over rate is probably higher than the 10% national average.
and also if the forms i got were from people who did not live there,who requested those?......when i was delivering i was told that renters in Apts move on the avg of every 2 years....and the amount of changes i got monthly i can believe that....

Appreciate you experience. The whole issue is NOT absentee ballots BUT JUNK MAIL where ballots are sent en masse to names on the roll.
With Population and Voting Rates for Congressional Districts: 2018 over 233 million supposedly registered
voters??? ... Just 10% having moved during the year or 23 million votes would be misaddressed.
you might call them junk mail but ballots whether they were requested or not,are sent first class,junk mail is the advertising 3rd class mail you get sent even if your name is on them...
"JUNK MAIL" is mail I didn't request. The same will be for the "JUNK MAIL ballot". I didn't request a ballot YET I get one and If I don't live there anymore,
where does that "JUNK MAIL ballot" end up?
thats your definition.....where does it end up?....it depends....if the carrier recognizes the name as a former tenant it gets returned to the sender,most of the time the registra does not care were they moved because you are supposed to re-register at your new address........if not known but the address is good, the carrier is supposed to attempt delivery,if the person who lives there does not know who that person is,the great majority of the time they give it back usually with a "not here" written on it then it gets returned to the sender with "attempted unknown" stamped on it.... if they dont give it back then either that is someone they know or they shit canned it or who knows....
Again I believe your personal experiences as a mail carrier is believable. The issue though and YOU'D have to agree, if there is a concerted effort to do
JUNK MAIL voting then more ballots will be involved yes in all the steps you outlined...and who will be doing that? It will change the vote count after many many days, maybe months! Look at the Bush/Gore 2000 election one state held up the whole process while examining the ballots!
View attachment 397579
Why do you keep misrepresenting FIRST CLASS MAIL as "junk mail"? That's patently false.
thats his definition....

YOU ask..."Why do you keep misrepresenting FIRST CLASS MAIL as "junk mail"? That's patently false."

THE ANSWER is simple!
Question... In the absentee voting process, which is done:
1) Election office mails out Absentee ballot with out the voter's request?
2) Election office ONLY mails out Absentee ballot AFTER voter has completed form to request.

Now which method is like JUNK MAIL? Method 1 where the voter receives a ballot WITHOUT requesting, I.E. like a piece of JUNK MAIL?
Or does the election office ONLY send out when voter REQUESTS?

Do you NOW understand the distinction? Election office mails out unsolicited ballots... who gets the ballots? ANY ONE dead, someone else living there?

Does it make sense now why it is called JUNK MAIL ballots?
like i said....thats your definition....those are unsolicited ballots...as long as they are first class,they aint junk mail....junk mail is third class .....
The ballots are the same whether you request them or not

LMAO @ the Stupid Shit Leftist believe .....

Folks you can't make this shit up.

They don't call 'em Useful Idiots for 'nuffin !!!!

They are EXACTLY the same.
they look the same.....but if the states register of voters does not keep up with their mailing lists,and not all of them do,then there could be problems.....
Same as with in person voting

Lot of people on the rolls who have moved
They just don’t vote
the fear is someone may take that ballot and send it in....so its not the same as in person....
You're right it's not. Signatures aren't checked at the polls, but they are if you vote by mail. Nobody can take your ballot and send it in...unless they are excellent forgers.
i am only talking about what i have seen in my years as a letter carrier.....if the registar of voters does their job and keeps their lists up to date,very little problems.....i used to have a route that had 8 apt complexes and the turnover was pretty high,and its kinda hard to keep up with all the name changes....and many people would move and leave no address....and there would be quite a few voter registration cards addressed to the apts with people i had never heard of,but the address was correct,i had to deliver those,if the person was there or not i did not know.....i would put a question mark on them and let the person who i know lived there give it back or do what ever.....many times they would leave it at the box with a "not here" written on it and they would be sent back "unknown" .....but many times i never got anything back....those are the ballots that the anti mailers are afraid of....
Thanks for your expertise in delivering mail. Appreciate your years of service.
The issue is magnified though by the shear volume of actual ballots being mailed out to the addresses the election office has on hand.
In the past most of the ballots that you delivered WERE requested, i.e. ABSENTEE Ballots where from my experience, I was asked to REQUEST an
absentee ballot, a form was sent to me and I completed the form and THEN I received the actual ballot.
JUNK MAIL balloting does NOT depend on a request. The election office sends all the voters on their rolls actual ballots and then the office compares
signatures with signatures on hand. With your experiences especially with 8 apt. complexes the turn over rate is probably higher than the 10% national average.
and also if the forms i got were from people who did not live there,who requested those?......when i was delivering i was told that renters in Apts move on the avg of every 2 years....and the amount of changes i got monthly i can believe that....

Appreciate you experience. The whole issue is NOT absentee ballots BUT JUNK MAIL where ballots are sent en masse to names on the roll.
With Population and Voting Rates for Congressional Districts: 2018 over 233 million supposedly registered
voters??? ... Just 10% having moved during the year or 23 million votes would be misaddressed.
you might call them junk mail but ballots whether they were requested or not,are sent first class,junk mail is the advertising 3rd class mail you get sent even if your name is on them...
"JUNK MAIL" is mail I didn't request. The same will be for the "JUNK MAIL ballot". I didn't request a ballot YET I get one and If I don't live there anymore,
where does that "JUNK MAIL ballot" end up?
thats your definition.....where does it end up?....it depends....if the carrier recognizes the name as a former tenant it gets returned to the sender,most of the time the registra does not care were they moved because you are supposed to re-register at your new address........if not known but the address is good, the carrier is supposed to attempt delivery,if the person who lives there does not know who that person is,the great majority of the time they give it back usually with a "not here" written on it then it gets returned to the sender with "attempted unknown" stamped on it.... if they dont give it back then either that is someone they know or they shit canned it or who knows....
Again I believe your personal experiences as a mail carrier is believable. The issue though and YOU'D have to agree, if there is a concerted effort to do
JUNK MAIL voting then more ballots will be involved yes in all the steps you outlined...and who will be doing that? It will change the vote count after many many days, maybe months! Look at the Bush/Gore 2000 election one state held up the whole process while examining the ballots!
View attachment 397579
Why do you keep misrepresenting FIRST CLASS MAIL as "junk mail"? That's patently false.
thats his definition....

YOU ask..."Why do you keep misrepresenting FIRST CLASS MAIL as "junk mail"? That's patently false."

THE ANSWER is simple!
Question... In the absentee voting process, which is done:
1) Election office mails out Absentee ballot with out the voter's request?
2) Election office ONLY mails out Absentee ballot AFTER voter has completed form to request.

Now which method is like JUNK MAIL? Method 1 where the voter receives a ballot WITHOUT requesting, I.E. like a piece of JUNK MAIL?
Or does the election office ONLY send out when voter REQUESTS?

Do you NOW understand the distinction? Election office mails out unsolicited ballots... who gets the ballots? ANY ONE dead, someone else living there?

Does it make sense now why it is called JUNK MAIL ballots?

Nope. Still makes zero sense. Do you live in one of the 5 states that only this election decided to go all VBM? If not, it's not up to you but the voters of those states to determine if they like it or not. If they don't, the voters will let them know. We went all Vote by Mail in 2017 and there has been zero outcry and no problems once we got new equipment. What you should be screaming for is Federal assistance to states to upgrade equipment.

How do you know there have been zero problems with the mail in ballots? How would you know if hundreds had been tossed in dumpsters by mail carriers? You claim to "know", where do you get this amazing knowledge?
hundreds?.....how many ballots do you think a carrier gets on his route in a day?...and if one was stupid enough to actually throw hundreds away he/she is toast.....when found they know exactly what route they were from and who was the carrier....
How do you know there have been zero problems with the mail in ballots? How would you know if hundreds had been tossed in dumpsters by mail carriers? You claim to "know", where do you get this amazing knowledge?
They don't know.

They are LYING as usual.
The ballots are the same whether you request them or not

LMAO @ the Stupid Shit Leftist believe .....

Folks you can't make this shit up.

They don't call 'em Useful Idiots for 'nuffin !!!!

They are EXACTLY the same.
they look the same.....but if the states register of voters does not keep up with their mailing lists,and not all of them do,then there could be problems.....
Same as with in person voting

Lot of people on the rolls who have moved
They just don’t vote
the fear is someone may take that ballot and send it in....so its not the same as in person....
You're right it's not. Signatures aren't checked at the polls, but they are if you vote by mail. Nobody can take your ballot and send it in...unless they are excellent forgers.
i am only talking about what i have seen in my years as a letter carrier.....if the registar of voters does their job and keeps their lists up to date,very little problems.....i used to have a route that had 8 apt complexes and the turnover was pretty high,and its kinda hard to keep up with all the name changes....and many people would move and leave no address....and there would be quite a few voter registration cards addressed to the apts with people i had never heard of,but the address was correct,i had to deliver those,if the person was there or not i did not know.....i would put a question mark on them and let the person who i know lived there give it back or do what ever.....many times they would leave it at the box with a "not here" written on it and they would be sent back "unknown" .....but many times i never got anything back....those are the ballots that the anti mailers are afraid of....
Thanks for your expertise in delivering mail. Appreciate your years of service.
The issue is magnified though by the shear volume of actual ballots being mailed out to the addresses the election office has on hand.
In the past most of the ballots that you delivered WERE requested, i.e. ABSENTEE Ballots where from my experience, I was asked to REQUEST an
absentee ballot, a form was sent to me and I completed the form and THEN I received the actual ballot.
JUNK MAIL balloting does NOT depend on a request. The election office sends all the voters on their rolls actual ballots and then the office compares
signatures with signatures on hand. With your experiences especially with 8 apt. complexes the turn over rate is probably higher than the 10% national average.
and also if the forms i got were from people who did not live there,who requested those?......when i was delivering i was told that renters in Apts move on the avg of every 2 years....and the amount of changes i got monthly i can believe that....

Appreciate you experience. The whole issue is NOT absentee ballots BUT JUNK MAIL where ballots are sent en masse to names on the roll.
With Population and Voting Rates for Congressional Districts: 2018 over 233 million supposedly registered
voters??? ... Just 10% having moved during the year or 23 million votes would be misaddressed.
you might call them junk mail but ballots whether they were requested or not,are sent first class,junk mail is the advertising 3rd class mail you get sent even if your name is on them...
"JUNK MAIL" is mail I didn't request. The same will be for the "JUNK MAIL ballot". I didn't request a ballot YET I get one and If I don't live there anymore,
where does that "JUNK MAIL ballot" end up?
thats your definition.....where does it end up?....it depends....if the carrier recognizes the name as a former tenant it gets returned to the sender,most of the time the registra does not care were they moved because you are supposed to re-register at your new address........if not known but the address is good, the carrier is supposed to attempt delivery,if the person who lives there does not know who that person is,the great majority of the time they give it back usually with a "not here" written on it then it gets returned to the sender with "attempted unknown" stamped on it.... if they dont give it back then either that is someone they know or they shit canned it or who knows....
Again I believe your personal experiences as a mail carrier is believable. The issue though and YOU'D have to agree, if there is a concerted effort to do
JUNK MAIL voting then more ballots will be involved yes in all the steps you outlined...and who will be doing that? It will change the vote count after many many days, maybe months! Look at the Bush/Gore 2000 election one state held up the whole process while examining the ballots!
View attachment 397579
Why do you keep misrepresenting FIRST CLASS MAIL as "junk mail"? That's patently false.
thats his definition....

YOU ask..."Why do you keep misrepresenting FIRST CLASS MAIL as "junk mail"? That's patently false."

THE ANSWER is simple!
Question... In the absentee voting process, which is done:
1) Election office mails out Absentee ballot with out the voter's request?
2) Election office ONLY mails out Absentee ballot AFTER voter has completed form to request.

Now which method is like JUNK MAIL? Method 1 where the voter receives a ballot WITHOUT requesting, I.E. like a piece of JUNK MAIL?
Or does the election office ONLY send out when voter REQUESTS?

Do you NOW understand the distinction? Election office mails out unsolicited ballots... who gets the ballots? ANY ONE dead, someone else living there?

Does it make sense now why it is called JUNK MAIL ballots?

Nope. Still makes zero sense. Do you live in one of the 5 states that only this election decided to go all VBM? If not, it's not up to you but the voters of those states to determine if they like it or not. If they don't, the voters will let them know. We went all Vote by Mail in 2017 and there has been zero outcry and no problems once we got new equipment. What you should be screaming for is Federal assistance to states to upgrade equipment.

How do you know there have been zero problems with the mail in ballots? How would you know if hundreds had been tossed in dumpsters by mail carriers? You claim to "know", where do you get this amazing knowledge?
hundreds?.....how many ballots do you think a carrier gets on his route in a day?...and if one was stupid enough to actually throw hundreds away he/she is toast.....when found they know exactly what route they were from and who was the carrier....

If large amounts of people are reporting they did not receive their ballots or find their ballots are not received......Does anyone think it would not be investigated?
Easy enough to link to a mail carrier?

Why would a Mail Carrier risk his career when he has no idea who those people are voting for?
thats his definition....

Junk mail - unrequested mail.

The issue is that the democrat fraud scheme relies on sending a hundred million unrequested ballots based on registration roles that the same democrats have blocked from being purged for decades. This will send out millions of ballots to dead and relocated voters. Now what do you suppose the Maoist democrats intend for those invalid and unrequested ballots?
Junk mail - is unrequested mail that is 3rd class......unrequested ballot mail is first class ....i have said this a few times here.....if the register of voters keeps up their lists there will be few problems.....Apt complexes are the most vulnerable for that because of their turnover.... in my experience the great majority of people simply leave shit that isnt theirs on top of the box or in the out going box....and i had 1100 deliveries with lots of registered voters....
If large amounts of people are reporting they did not receive their ballots or find their ballots are not received......Does anyone think it would not be investigated?
Easy enough to link to a mail carrier?

Why would a Mail Carrier risk his career when he has no idea who those people are voting for?
How can these Leftist be so naive?
The ballots are the same whether you request them or not

LMAO @ the Stupid Shit Leftist believe .....

Folks you can't make this shit up.

They don't call 'em Useful Idiots for 'nuffin !!!!

They are EXACTLY the same.
they look the same.....but if the states register of voters does not keep up with their mailing lists,and not all of them do,then there could be problems.....
Same as with in person voting

Lot of people on the rolls who have moved
They just don’t vote
the fear is someone may take that ballot and send it in....so its not the same as in person....
You're right it's not. Signatures aren't checked at the polls, but they are if you vote by mail. Nobody can take your ballot and send it in...unless they are excellent forgers.
i am only talking about what i have seen in my years as a letter carrier.....if the registar of voters does their job and keeps their lists up to date,very little problems.....i used to have a route that had 8 apt complexes and the turnover was pretty high,and its kinda hard to keep up with all the name changes....and many people would move and leave no address....and there would be quite a few voter registration cards addressed to the apts with people i had never heard of,but the address was correct,i had to deliver those,if the person was there or not i did not know.....i would put a question mark on them and let the person who i know lived there give it back or do what ever.....many times they would leave it at the box with a "not here" written on it and they would be sent back "unknown" .....but many times i never got anything back....those are the ballots that the anti mailers are afraid of....
Thanks for your expertise in delivering mail. Appreciate your years of service.
The issue is magnified though by the shear volume of actual ballots being mailed out to the addresses the election office has on hand.
In the past most of the ballots that you delivered WERE requested, i.e. ABSENTEE Ballots where from my experience, I was asked to REQUEST an
absentee ballot, a form was sent to me and I completed the form and THEN I received the actual ballot.
JUNK MAIL balloting does NOT depend on a request. The election office sends all the voters on their rolls actual ballots and then the office compares
signatures with signatures on hand. With your experiences especially with 8 apt. complexes the turn over rate is probably higher than the 10% national average.
and also if the forms i got were from people who did not live there,who requested those?......when i was delivering i was told that renters in Apts move on the avg of every 2 years....and the amount of changes i got monthly i can believe that....

Appreciate you experience. The whole issue is NOT absentee ballots BUT JUNK MAIL where ballots are sent en masse to names on the roll.
With Population and Voting Rates for Congressional Districts: 2018 over 233 million supposedly registered
voters??? ... Just 10% having moved during the year or 23 million votes would be misaddressed.
you might call them junk mail but ballots whether they were requested or not,are sent first class,junk mail is the advertising 3rd class mail you get sent even if your name is on them...
"JUNK MAIL" is mail I didn't request. The same will be for the "JUNK MAIL ballot". I didn't request a ballot YET I get one and If I don't live there anymore,
where does that "JUNK MAIL ballot" end up?
thats your definition.....where does it end up?....it depends....if the carrier recognizes the name as a former tenant it gets returned to the sender,most of the time the registra does not care were they moved because you are supposed to re-register at your new address........if not known but the address is good, the carrier is supposed to attempt delivery,if the person who lives there does not know who that person is,the great majority of the time they give it back usually with a "not here" written on it then it gets returned to the sender with "attempted unknown" stamped on it.... if they dont give it back then either that is someone they know or they shit canned it or who knows....
Again I believe your personal experiences as a mail carrier is believable. The issue though and YOU'D have to agree, if there is a concerted effort to do
JUNK MAIL voting then more ballots will be involved yes in all the steps you outlined...and who will be doing that? It will change the vote count after many many days, maybe months! Look at the Bush/Gore 2000 election one state held up the whole process while examining the ballots!
View attachment 397579
Why do you keep misrepresenting FIRST CLASS MAIL as "junk mail"? That's patently false.
thats his definition....

YOU ask..."Why do you keep misrepresenting FIRST CLASS MAIL as "junk mail"? That's patently false."

THE ANSWER is simple!
Question... In the absentee voting process, which is done:
1) Election office mails out Absentee ballot with out the voter's request?
2) Election office ONLY mails out Absentee ballot AFTER voter has completed form to request.

Now which method is like JUNK MAIL? Method 1 where the voter receives a ballot WITHOUT requesting, I.E. like a piece of JUNK MAIL?
Or does the election office ONLY send out when voter REQUESTS?

Do you NOW understand the distinction? Election office mails out unsolicited ballots... who gets the ballots? ANY ONE dead, someone else living there?

Does it make sense now why it is called JUNK MAIL ballots?

Nope. Still makes zero sense. Do you live in one of the 5 states that only this election decided to go all VBM? If not, it's not up to you but the voters of those states to determine if they like it or not. If they don't, the voters will let them know. We went all Vote by Mail in 2017 and there has been zero outcry and no problems once we got new equipment. What you should be screaming for is Federal assistance to states to upgrade equipment.

How do you know there have been zero problems with the mail in ballots? How would you know if hundreds had been tossed in dumpsters by mail carriers? You claim to "know", where do you get this amazing knowledge?
hundreds?.....how many ballots do you think a carrier gets on his route in a day?...and if one was stupid enough to actually throw hundreds away he/she is toast.....when found they know exactly what route they were from and who was the carrier....

If large amounts of people are reporting they did not receive their ballots or find their ballots are not received......Does anyone think it would not be investigated?
Easy enough to link to a mail carrier?

Why would a Mail Carrier risk his career when he has no idea who those people are voting for?
most career letter carriers can care less about who you are voting for,they are trying to get done before it gets dark or go into OT... during this time of the year you dont have time to do anything but get done......and when the political mail starts flowing along with the Christmas stuff,its even worse....and political mail is fucked and the politicians abuse the shit out of their franking privilege....
Junk mail - unrequested mail.
Is a census form Junk Mail?
i dont remember whats up on the right hand corner....but they get treated like first class....i have been through 4 census's and every address gets one unless its vacant or a bad address and those get marked with why they are undeliverable and sent back...as long as the address is good it gets delivered.....when we pick them up they all go into a special bin at the office.....
Junk mail - unrequested mail.
Is a census form Junk Mail?
i dont remember whats up on the right hand corner....but they get treated like first class....i have been through 4 census's and every address gets one unless its vacant or a bad address and those get marked with why they are undeliverable and sent back...as long as the address is good it gets delivered.....when we pick them up they all go into a special bin at the office.....
I really appreciate your expertise in mail delivery. And you are I'm sure 100% correct in everything you are stating.
Which means then based on the predictions that :
1) about 80 million mail ballots would be sent to election offices this fall, a figure that is more than double the number of ballots that were returned four years ago. 75% of Americans can vote by mail in 2020, report says
2) National moving average is 10.1%
32 million people in the US moved in 2018. To put that in perspective, that’s 10.1% of the population of 319 million US residents.
So... Returned ballots will be nearly double 2016 and simply based on 10.1% people moved per year, that's about 40% move or near 32 million of the 80 million will be incorrectly addressed. and how many will be going into the "special bin"!
Junk mail - unrequested mail.
Is a census form Junk Mail?
i dont remember whats up on the right hand corner....but they get treated like first class....i have been through 4 census's and every address gets one unless its vacant or a bad address and those get marked with why they are undeliverable and sent back...as long as the address is good it gets delivered.....when we pick them up they all go into a special bin at the office.....
I really appreciate your expertise in mail delivery. And you are I'm sure 100% correct in everything you are stating.
Which means then based on the predictions that :
1) about 80 million mail ballots would be sent to election offices this fall, a figure that is more than double the number of ballots that were returned four years ago. 75% of Americans can vote by mail in 2020, report says
2) National moving average is 10.1%
32 million people in the US moved in 2018. To put that in perspective, that’s 10.1% of the population of 319 million US residents.
So... Returned ballots will be nearly double 2016 and simply based on 10.1% people moved per year, that's about 40% move or near 32 million of the 80 million will be incorrectly addressed. and how many will be going into the "special bin"!
when i was working there was no special bin for ballots....we just brought the outgoing we picked up in and dumped it in the hamper were all the outgoing mail went.....at 5:00 the truck driver came in and put the hamper in the back of his truck and brought it to the processing plant....
10.1% people moved per year, that's about 40% move or near 32 million of the 80 million will be incorrectly addressed.
when people move it doesnt mean the card is incorrectly addressed....if it had a bad address it would not have been delivered......
Junk mail - unrequested mail.
Is a census form Junk Mail?
i dont remember whats up on the right hand corner....but they get treated like first class....i have been through 4 census's and every address gets one unless its vacant or a bad address and those get marked with why they are undeliverable and sent back...as long as the address is good it gets delivered.....when we pick them up they all go into a special bin at the office.....
I really appreciate your expertise in mail delivery. And you are I'm sure 100% correct in everything you are stating.
Which means then based on the predictions that :
1) about 80 million mail ballots would be sent to election offices this fall, a figure that is more than double the number of ballots that were returned four years ago. 75% of Americans can vote by mail in 2020, report says
2) National moving average is 10.1%
32 million people in the US moved in 2018. To put that in perspective, that’s 10.1% of the population of 319 million US residents.
So... Returned ballots will be nearly double 2016 and simply based on 10.1% people moved per year, that's about 40% move or near 32 million of the 80 million will be incorrectly addressed. and how many will be going into the "special bin"!
when i was working there was no special bin for ballots....we just brought the outgoing we picked up in and dumped it in the hamper were all the outgoing mail went.....at 5:00 the truck driver came in and put the hamper in the back of his truck and brought it to the processing plant....
10.1% people moved per year, that's about 40% move or near 32 million of the 80 million will be incorrectly addressed.
when people move it doesnt mean the card is incorrectly addressed....if it had a bad address it would not have been delivered......
OH I AM one of those 32 million that have moved in the last 4 years. My address is different than it was 4 years ago. But the election office doesn't know
that IF they JUNK MAIL ballots, i.e. mail to the address that I had 4 years ago. So if the new address occupant (which is obviously NOT me!) doesn't do anything with the ballot OR may fraudulently out of stupidity signs my ballot for Biden. Regardless the volume of JUNK MAIL ballots will be increased and the volume of wrong JUNK MAIL addresses will INCREASE... again assuming 80 million absentee ballots of which 32 million moved like me...what happens or trash bins?
Junk mail - unrequested mail.
Is a census form Junk Mail?
i dont remember whats up on the right hand corner....but they get treated like first class....i have been through 4 census's and every address gets one unless its vacant or a bad address and those get marked with why they are undeliverable and sent back...as long as the address is good it gets delivered.....when we pick them up they all go into a special bin at the office.....
I really appreciate your expertise in mail delivery. And you are I'm sure 100% correct in everything you are stating.
Which means then based on the predictions that :
1) about 80 million mail ballots would be sent to election offices this fall, a figure that is more than double the number of ballots that were returned four years ago. 75% of Americans can vote by mail in 2020, report says
2) National moving average is 10.1%
32 million people in the US moved in 2018. To put that in perspective, that’s 10.1% of the population of 319 million US residents.
So... Returned ballots will be nearly double 2016 and simply based on 10.1% people moved per year, that's about 40% move or near 32 million of the 80 million will be incorrectly addressed. and how many will be going into the "special bin"!
when i was working there was no special bin for ballots....we just brought the outgoing we picked up in and dumped it in the hamper were all the outgoing mail went.....at 5:00 the truck driver came in and put the hamper in the back of his truck and brought it to the processing plant....
10.1% people moved per year, that's about 40% move or near 32 million of the 80 million will be incorrectly addressed.
when people move it doesnt mean the card is incorrectly addressed....if it had a bad address it would not have been delivered......
OH I AM one of those 32 million that have moved in the last 4 years. My address is different than it was 4 years ago. But the election office doesn't know
that IF they JUNK MAIL ballots, i.e. mail to the address that I had 4 years ago. So if the new address occupant (which is obviously NOT me!) doesn't do anything with the ballot OR may fraudulently out of stupidity signs my ballot for Biden. Regardless the volume of JUNK MAIL ballots will be increased and the volume of wrong JUNK MAIL addresses will INCREASE... again assuming 80 million absentee ballots of which 32 million moved like me...what happens or trash bins?
you are blowing this way out of proportion.....but dont worry so have the democrats and the postal unions....
Junk mail - unrequested mail.
Is a census form Junk Mail?
i dont remember whats up on the right hand corner....but they get treated like first class....i have been through 4 census's and every address gets one unless its vacant or a bad address and those get marked with why they are undeliverable and sent back...as long as the address is good it gets delivered.....when we pick them up they all go into a special bin at the office.....
I really appreciate your expertise in mail delivery. And you are I'm sure 100% correct in everything you are stating.
Which means then based on the predictions that :
1) about 80 million mail ballots would be sent to election offices this fall, a figure that is more than double the number of ballots that were returned four years ago. 75% of Americans can vote by mail in 2020, report says
2) National moving average is 10.1%
32 million people in the US moved in 2018. To put that in perspective, that’s 10.1% of the population of 319 million US residents.
So... Returned ballots will be nearly double 2016 and simply based on 10.1% people moved per year, that's about 40% move or near 32 million of the 80 million will be incorrectly addressed. and how many will be going into the "special bin"!

People who move will register in their new community if they want to vote.

If a mail in ballot is sent to their old address, it will be discarded by the new occupant or sent back. If the new resident tries to open it and vote fraudulently, his signature will not match and the ballot will be challenged.
Could lead to someone knocking on your door trying to verify the signature. If they find out the person had moved......You got some splain’n to do.
Junk mail - unrequested mail.
Is a census form Junk Mail?
i dont remember whats up on the right hand corner....but they get treated like first class....i have been through 4 census's and every address gets one unless its vacant or a bad address and those get marked with why they are undeliverable and sent back...as long as the address is good it gets delivered.....when we pick them up they all go into a special bin at the office.....
I really appreciate your expertise in mail delivery. And you are I'm sure 100% correct in everything you are stating.
Which means then based on the predictions that :
1) about 80 million mail ballots would be sent to election offices this fall, a figure that is more than double the number of ballots that were returned four years ago. 75% of Americans can vote by mail in 2020, report says
2) National moving average is 10.1%
32 million people in the US moved in 2018. To put that in perspective, that’s 10.1% of the population of 319 million US residents.
So... Returned ballots will be nearly double 2016 and simply based on 10.1% people moved per year, that's about 40% move or near 32 million of the 80 million will be incorrectly addressed. and how many will be going into the "special bin"!

People who move will register in their new community if they want to vote.

If a mail in ballot is sent to their old address, it will be discarded by the new occupant or sent back. If the new resident tries to open it and vote fraudulently, his signature will not match and the ballot will be challenged.
Could lead to someone knocking on your door trying to verify the signature. If they find out the person had moved......You got some splain’n to do.
OH definitely "COULD have" in the past when JUNK MAIL wasn't be done. But today... the projection is nearly double the JUNK MAIL voting i.e. nearly 80 million and when you consider these types of people relish digging through trash cans to find ballots and GET PAID for them...
Ilhan Omar(D) Connected Cash-For-Ballots Voter Fraud Scheme Corrupts Elections: 'These Here Are All Absentee Ballots...Look...My Car Is Full..." 'Money Is The King Of Everything'
  • Mohamed: “Numbers Do Not Lie. Numbers Do Not Lie. You Can See My Car is Full. All These Here Are Absentee Ballots. Can’t You See? Look at All These, My Car is Full.”
  • Paid Voter: “When We Sign The Voting Document and They Fill It Out Is When They Give Us The Money,”… “The Minute We Signed The Thing [Ballot] For The Election. That’s When We Get paid.”
  • Ballot Harvesting Triangle: River Plaza Apartments, Horn Towers seniors Community and 980 Hennepin Polling Site All Subject to Fraud
  • Minneapolis Somali Community Insider: “It’s an Open Secret” … “She [Ilhan Omar] Will Do Anything That She Can Do To Get Elected and She [Omar] Has Hundreds of People on The Streets Doing That.”
  • Seniors at Horn Towers Ballots Compromised; Harvester: We “Request” Ballots For The Seniors and Then Take Them Away.
The ballots are the same whether you request them or not

LMAO @ the Stupid Shit Leftist believe .....

Folks you can't make this shit up.

They don't call 'em Useful Idiots for 'nuffin !!!!

They are EXACTLY the same.
they look the same.....but if the states register of voters does not keep up with their mailing lists,and not all of them do,then there could be problems.....
Same as with in person voting

Lot of people on the rolls who have moved
They just don’t vote
the fear is someone may take that ballot and send it in....so its not the same as in person....
You're right it's not. Signatures aren't checked at the polls, but they are if you vote by mail. Nobody can take your ballot and send it in...unless they are excellent forgers.
i am only talking about what i have seen in my years as a letter carrier.....if the registar of voters does their job and keeps their lists up to date,very little problems.....i used to have a route that had 8 apt complexes and the turnover was pretty high,and its kinda hard to keep up with all the name changes....and many people would move and leave no address....and there would be quite a few voter registration cards addressed to the apts with people i had never heard of,but the address was correct,i had to deliver those,if the person was there or not i did not know.....i would put a question mark on them and let the person who i know lived there give it back or do what ever.....many times they would leave it at the box with a "not here" written on it and they would be sent back "unknown" .....but many times i never got anything back....those are the ballots that the anti mailers are afraid of....
Thanks for your expertise in delivering mail. Appreciate your years of service.
The issue is magnified though by the shear volume of actual ballots being mailed out to the addresses the election office has on hand.
In the past most of the ballots that you delivered WERE requested, i.e. ABSENTEE Ballots where from my experience, I was asked to REQUEST an
absentee ballot, a form was sent to me and I completed the form and THEN I received the actual ballot.
JUNK MAIL balloting does NOT depend on a request. The election office sends all the voters on their rolls actual ballots and then the office compares
signatures with signatures on hand. With your experiences especially with 8 apt. complexes the turn over rate is probably higher than the 10% national average.
and also if the forms i got were from people who did not live there,who requested those?......when i was delivering i was told that renters in Apts move on the avg of every 2 years....and the amount of changes i got monthly i can believe that....

Appreciate you experience. The whole issue is NOT absentee ballots BUT JUNK MAIL where ballots are sent en masse to names on the roll.
With Population and Voting Rates for Congressional Districts: 2018 over 233 million supposedly registered
voters??? ... Just 10% having moved during the year or 23 million votes would be misaddressed.
you might call them junk mail but ballots whether they were requested or not,are sent first class,junk mail is the advertising 3rd class mail you get sent even if your name is on them...
"JUNK MAIL" is mail I didn't request. The same will be for the "JUNK MAIL ballot". I didn't request a ballot YET I get one and If I don't live there anymore,
where does that "JUNK MAIL ballot" end up?
thats your definition.....where does it end up?....it depends....if the carrier recognizes the name as a former tenant it gets returned to the sender,most of the time the registra does not care were they moved because you are supposed to re-register at your new address........if not known but the address is good, the carrier is supposed to attempt delivery,if the person who lives there does not know who that person is,the great majority of the time they give it back usually with a "not here" written on it then it gets returned to the sender with "attempted unknown" stamped on it.... if they dont give it back then either that is someone they know or they shit canned it or who knows....
Again I believe your personal experiences as a mail carrier is believable. The issue though and YOU'D have to agree, if there is a concerted effort to do
JUNK MAIL voting then more ballots will be involved yes in all the steps you outlined...and who will be doing that? It will change the vote count after many many days, maybe months! Look at the Bush/Gore 2000 election one state held up the whole process while examining the ballots!
View attachment 397579
Why do you keep misrepresenting FIRST CLASS MAIL as "junk mail"? That's patently false.
thats his definition....

YOU ask..."Why do you keep misrepresenting FIRST CLASS MAIL as "junk mail"? That's patently false."

THE ANSWER is simple!
Question... In the absentee voting process, which is done:
1) Election office mails out Absentee ballot with out the voter's request?
2) Election office ONLY mails out Absentee ballot AFTER voter has completed form to request.

Now which method is like JUNK MAIL? Method 1 where the voter receives a ballot WITHOUT requesting, I.E. like a piece of JUNK MAIL?
Or does the election office ONLY send out when voter REQUESTS?

Do you NOW understand the distinction? Election office mails out unsolicited ballots... who gets the ballots? ANY ONE dead, someone else living there?

Does it make sense now why it is called JUNK MAIL ballots?

Nope. Still makes zero sense. Do you live in one of the 5 states that only this election decided to go all VBM? If not, it's not up to you but the voters of those states to determine if they like it or not. If they don't, the voters will let them know. We went all Vote by Mail in 2017 and there has been zero outcry and no problems once we got new equipment. What you should be screaming for is Federal assistance to states to upgrade equipment.

How do you know there have been zero problems with the mail in ballots? How would you know if hundreds had been tossed in dumpsters by mail carriers? You claim to "know", where do you get this amazing knowledge?
Can’t you read? My county was over 65% vote by mail when we became an all mailed ballot county in 2017. We have been mailing ballots to all our registered voters for four elections now. We had some issues in June 2018 because of older equipment. It took us the full 29 days to certify our election. After that election we bought new equipment and didn’t have any issues.

Voters can track their ballots.If their ballot ended up in the dumpster, they would be able to go in and vote on election day as long as their ballot hadn’t been counted
The ballots are the same whether you request them or not

LMAO @ the Stupid Shit Leftist believe .....

Folks you can't make this shit up.

They don't call 'em Useful Idiots for 'nuffin !!!!

They are EXACTLY the same.
they look the same.....but if the states register of voters does not keep up with their mailing lists,and not all of them do,then there could be problems.....
Same as with in person voting

Lot of people on the rolls who have moved
They just don’t vote
the fear is someone may take that ballot and send it in....so its not the same as in person....
You're right it's not. Signatures aren't checked at the polls, but they are if you vote by mail. Nobody can take your ballot and send it in...unless they are excellent forgers.
i am only talking about what i have seen in my years as a letter carrier.....if the registar of voters does their job and keeps their lists up to date,very little problems.....i used to have a route that had 8 apt complexes and the turnover was pretty high,and its kinda hard to keep up with all the name changes....and many people would move and leave no address....and there would be quite a few voter registration cards addressed to the apts with people i had never heard of,but the address was correct,i had to deliver those,if the person was there or not i did not know.....i would put a question mark on them and let the person who i know lived there give it back or do what ever.....many times they would leave it at the box with a "not here" written on it and they would be sent back "unknown" .....but many times i never got anything back....those are the ballots that the anti mailers are afraid of....
Thanks for your expertise in delivering mail. Appreciate your years of service.
The issue is magnified though by the shear volume of actual ballots being mailed out to the addresses the election office has on hand.
In the past most of the ballots that you delivered WERE requested, i.e. ABSENTEE Ballots where from my experience, I was asked to REQUEST an
absentee ballot, a form was sent to me and I completed the form and THEN I received the actual ballot.
JUNK MAIL balloting does NOT depend on a request. The election office sends all the voters on their rolls actual ballots and then the office compares
signatures with signatures on hand. With your experiences especially with 8 apt. complexes the turn over rate is probably higher than the 10% national average.
and also if the forms i got were from people who did not live there,who requested those?......when i was delivering i was told that renters in Apts move on the avg of every 2 years....and the amount of changes i got monthly i can believe that....

Appreciate you experience. The whole issue is NOT absentee ballots BUT JUNK MAIL where ballots are sent en masse to names on the roll.
With Population and Voting Rates for Congressional Districts: 2018 over 233 million supposedly registered
voters??? ... Just 10% having moved during the year or 23 million votes would be misaddressed.
you might call them junk mail but ballots whether they were requested or not,are sent first class,junk mail is the advertising 3rd class mail you get sent even if your name is on them...
"JUNK MAIL" is mail I didn't request. The same will be for the "JUNK MAIL ballot". I didn't request a ballot YET I get one and If I don't live there anymore,
where does that "JUNK MAIL ballot" end up?
thats your definition.....where does it end up?....it depends....if the carrier recognizes the name as a former tenant it gets returned to the sender,most of the time the registra does not care were they moved because you are supposed to re-register at your new address........if not known but the address is good, the carrier is supposed to attempt delivery,if the person who lives there does not know who that person is,the great majority of the time they give it back usually with a "not here" written on it then it gets returned to the sender with "attempted unknown" stamped on it.... if they dont give it back then either that is someone they know or they shit canned it or who knows....
Again I believe your personal experiences as a mail carrier is believable. The issue though and YOU'D have to agree, if there is a concerted effort to do
JUNK MAIL voting then more ballots will be involved yes in all the steps you outlined...and who will be doing that? It will change the vote count after many many days, maybe months! Look at the Bush/Gore 2000 election one state held up the whole process while examining the ballots!
View attachment 397579
Why do you keep misrepresenting FIRST CLASS MAIL as "junk mail"? That's patently false.
thats his definition....

YOU ask..."Why do you keep misrepresenting FIRST CLASS MAIL as "junk mail"? That's patently false."

THE ANSWER is simple!
Question... In the absentee voting process, which is done:
1) Election office mails out Absentee ballot with out the voter's request?
2) Election office ONLY mails out Absentee ballot AFTER voter has completed form to request.

Now which method is like JUNK MAIL? Method 1 where the voter receives a ballot WITHOUT requesting, I.E. like a piece of JUNK MAIL?
Or does the election office ONLY send out when voter REQUESTS?

Do you NOW understand the distinction? Election office mails out unsolicited ballots... who gets the ballots? ANY ONE dead, someone else living there?

Does it make sense now why it is called JUNK MAIL ballots?

Nope. Still makes zero sense. Do you live in one of the 5 states that only this election decided to go all VBM? If not, it's not up to you but the voters of those states to determine if they like it or not. If they don't, the voters will let them know. We went all Vote by Mail in 2017 and there has been zero outcry and no problems once we got new equipment. What you should be screaming for is Federal assistance to states to upgrade equipment.

How do you know there have been zero problems with the mail in ballots? How would you know if hundreds had been tossed in dumpsters by mail carriers? You claim to "know", where do you get this amazing knowledge?
Can’t you read? My county was over 65% vote by mail when we became an all mailed ballot county in 2017. We have been mailing ballots to all our registered voters for four elections now. We had some issues in June 2018 because of older equipment. It took us the full 29 days to certify our election. After that election we bought new equipment and didn’t have any issues.

Voters can track their ballots.If their ballot ended up in the dumpster, they would be able to go in and vote on election day as long as their ballot hadn’t been counted
Hahahah.... YOU are recommending what Trump did when you wrote.. their ballot ended up in the dumpster, they would be able to go in and vote on election day as long as their ballot hadn’t been counted
Trump told people that if they vote by mail,
they should also go to polling places to check whether their mailed-in ballot had been tabulated (advice that election officials do not agree with), and if it hadn't: Vote in person.
The ballots are the same whether you request them or not

LMAO @ the Stupid Shit Leftist believe .....

Folks you can't make this shit up.

They don't call 'em Useful Idiots for 'nuffin !!!!

They are EXACTLY the same.
they look the same.....but if the states register of voters does not keep up with their mailing lists,and not all of them do,then there could be problems.....
Same as with in person voting

Lot of people on the rolls who have moved
They just don’t vote
the fear is someone may take that ballot and send it in....so its not the same as in person....
You're right it's not. Signatures aren't checked at the polls, but they are if you vote by mail. Nobody can take your ballot and send it in...unless they are excellent forgers.
i am only talking about what i have seen in my years as a letter carrier.....if the registar of voters does their job and keeps their lists up to date,very little problems.....i used to have a route that had 8 apt complexes and the turnover was pretty high,and its kinda hard to keep up with all the name changes....and many people would move and leave no address....and there would be quite a few voter registration cards addressed to the apts with people i had never heard of,but the address was correct,i had to deliver those,if the person was there or not i did not know.....i would put a question mark on them and let the person who i know lived there give it back or do what ever.....many times they would leave it at the box with a "not here" written on it and they would be sent back "unknown" .....but many times i never got anything back....those are the ballots that the anti mailers are afraid of....
Thanks for your expertise in delivering mail. Appreciate your years of service.
The issue is magnified though by the shear volume of actual ballots being mailed out to the addresses the election office has on hand.
In the past most of the ballots that you delivered WERE requested, i.e. ABSENTEE Ballots where from my experience, I was asked to REQUEST an
absentee ballot, a form was sent to me and I completed the form and THEN I received the actual ballot.
JUNK MAIL balloting does NOT depend on a request. The election office sends all the voters on their rolls actual ballots and then the office compares
signatures with signatures on hand. With your experiences especially with 8 apt. complexes the turn over rate is probably higher than the 10% national average.
and also if the forms i got were from people who did not live there,who requested those?......when i was delivering i was told that renters in Apts move on the avg of every 2 years....and the amount of changes i got monthly i can believe that....

Appreciate you experience. The whole issue is NOT absentee ballots BUT JUNK MAIL where ballots are sent en masse to names on the roll.
With Population and Voting Rates for Congressional Districts: 2018 over 233 million supposedly registered
voters??? ... Just 10% having moved during the year or 23 million votes would be misaddressed.
you might call them junk mail but ballots whether they were requested or not,are sent first class,junk mail is the advertising 3rd class mail you get sent even if your name is on them...
"JUNK MAIL" is mail I didn't request. The same will be for the "JUNK MAIL ballot". I didn't request a ballot YET I get one and If I don't live there anymore,
where does that "JUNK MAIL ballot" end up?
thats your definition.....where does it end up?....it depends....if the carrier recognizes the name as a former tenant it gets returned to the sender,most of the time the registra does not care were they moved because you are supposed to re-register at your new address........if not known but the address is good, the carrier is supposed to attempt delivery,if the person who lives there does not know who that person is,the great majority of the time they give it back usually with a "not here" written on it then it gets returned to the sender with "attempted unknown" stamped on it.... if they dont give it back then either that is someone they know or they shit canned it or who knows....
Again I believe your personal experiences as a mail carrier is believable. The issue though and YOU'D have to agree, if there is a concerted effort to do
JUNK MAIL voting then more ballots will be involved yes in all the steps you outlined...and who will be doing that? It will change the vote count after many many days, maybe months! Look at the Bush/Gore 2000 election one state held up the whole process while examining the ballots!
View attachment 397579
Why do you keep misrepresenting FIRST CLASS MAIL as "junk mail"? That's patently false.
thats his definition....

YOU ask..."Why do you keep misrepresenting FIRST CLASS MAIL as "junk mail"? That's patently false."

THE ANSWER is simple!
Question... In the absentee voting process, which is done:
1) Election office mails out Absentee ballot with out the voter's request?
2) Election office ONLY mails out Absentee ballot AFTER voter has completed form to request.

Now which method is like JUNK MAIL? Method 1 where the voter receives a ballot WITHOUT requesting, I.E. like a piece of JUNK MAIL?
Or does the election office ONLY send out when voter REQUESTS?

Do you NOW understand the distinction? Election office mails out unsolicited ballots... who gets the ballots? ANY ONE dead, someone else living there?

Does it make sense now why it is called JUNK MAIL ballots?

Nope. Still makes zero sense. Do you live in one of the 5 states that only this election decided to go all VBM? If not, it's not up to you but the voters of those states to determine if they like it or not. If they don't, the voters will let them know. We went all Vote by Mail in 2017 and there has been zero outcry and no problems once we got new equipment. What you should be screaming for is Federal assistance to states to upgrade equipment.

How do you know there have been zero problems with the mail in ballots? How would you know if hundreds had been tossed in dumpsters by mail carriers? You claim to "know", where do you get this amazing knowledge?
Can’t you read? My county was over 65% vote by mail when we became an all mailed ballot county in 2017. We have been mailing ballots to all our registered voters for four elections now. We had some issues in June 2018 because of older equipment. It took us the full 29 days to certify our election. After that election we bought new equipment and didn’t have any issues.

Voters can track their ballots.If their ballot ended up in the dumpster, they would be able to go in and vote on election day as long as their ballot hadn’t been counted
Hahahah.... YOU are recommending what Trump did when you wrote.. their ballot ended up in the dumpster, they would be able to go in and vote on election day as long as their ballot hadn’t been counted
Trump told people that if they vote by mail,
they should also go to polling places to check whether their mailed-in ballot had been tabulated (advice that election officials do not agree with), and if it hadn't: Vote in person.

Sure. If someone has tracked their ballot and it has not yet been received by the election office ...absolutely go in and vote a provisional.
The ballots are the same whether you request them or not

LMAO @ the Stupid Shit Leftist believe .....

Folks you can't make this shit up.

They don't call 'em Useful Idiots for 'nuffin !!!!

They are EXACTLY the same.
they look the same.....but if the states register of voters does not keep up with their mailing lists,and not all of them do,then there could be problems.....
Same as with in person voting

Lot of people on the rolls who have moved
They just don’t vote
the fear is someone may take that ballot and send it in....so its not the same as in person....
You're right it's not. Signatures aren't checked at the polls, but they are if you vote by mail. Nobody can take your ballot and send it in...unless they are excellent forgers.
i am only talking about what i have seen in my years as a letter carrier.....if the registar of voters does their job and keeps their lists up to date,very little problems.....i used to have a route that had 8 apt complexes and the turnover was pretty high,and its kinda hard to keep up with all the name changes....and many people would move and leave no address....and there would be quite a few voter registration cards addressed to the apts with people i had never heard of,but the address was correct,i had to deliver those,if the person was there or not i did not know.....i would put a question mark on them and let the person who i know lived there give it back or do what ever.....many times they would leave it at the box with a "not here" written on it and they would be sent back "unknown" .....but many times i never got anything back....those are the ballots that the anti mailers are afraid of....
Thanks for your expertise in delivering mail. Appreciate your years of service.
The issue is magnified though by the shear volume of actual ballots being mailed out to the addresses the election office has on hand.
In the past most of the ballots that you delivered WERE requested, i.e. ABSENTEE Ballots where from my experience, I was asked to REQUEST an
absentee ballot, a form was sent to me and I completed the form and THEN I received the actual ballot.
JUNK MAIL balloting does NOT depend on a request. The election office sends all the voters on their rolls actual ballots and then the office compares
signatures with signatures on hand. With your experiences especially with 8 apt. complexes the turn over rate is probably higher than the 10% national average.
and also if the forms i got were from people who did not live there,who requested those?......when i was delivering i was told that renters in Apts move on the avg of every 2 years....and the amount of changes i got monthly i can believe that....

Appreciate you experience. The whole issue is NOT absentee ballots BUT JUNK MAIL where ballots are sent en masse to names on the roll.
With Population and Voting Rates for Congressional Districts: 2018 over 233 million supposedly registered
voters??? ... Just 10% having moved during the year or 23 million votes would be misaddressed.
you might call them junk mail but ballots whether they were requested or not,are sent first class,junk mail is the advertising 3rd class mail you get sent even if your name is on them...
"JUNK MAIL" is mail I didn't request. The same will be for the "JUNK MAIL ballot". I didn't request a ballot YET I get one and If I don't live there anymore,
where does that "JUNK MAIL ballot" end up?
thats your definition.....where does it end up?....it depends....if the carrier recognizes the name as a former tenant it gets returned to the sender,most of the time the registra does not care were they moved because you are supposed to re-register at your new address........if not known but the address is good, the carrier is supposed to attempt delivery,if the person who lives there does not know who that person is,the great majority of the time they give it back usually with a "not here" written on it then it gets returned to the sender with "attempted unknown" stamped on it.... if they dont give it back then either that is someone they know or they shit canned it or who knows....
Again I believe your personal experiences as a mail carrier is believable. The issue though and YOU'D have to agree, if there is a concerted effort to do
JUNK MAIL voting then more ballots will be involved yes in all the steps you outlined...and who will be doing that? It will change the vote count after many many days, maybe months! Look at the Bush/Gore 2000 election one state held up the whole process while examining the ballots!
View attachment 397579
Why do you keep misrepresenting FIRST CLASS MAIL as "junk mail"? That's patently false.
thats his definition....

YOU ask..."Why do you keep misrepresenting FIRST CLASS MAIL as "junk mail"? That's patently false."

THE ANSWER is simple!
Question... In the absentee voting process, which is done:
1) Election office mails out Absentee ballot with out the voter's request?
2) Election office ONLY mails out Absentee ballot AFTER voter has completed form to request.

Now which method is like JUNK MAIL? Method 1 where the voter receives a ballot WITHOUT requesting, I.E. like a piece of JUNK MAIL?
Or does the election office ONLY send out when voter REQUESTS?

Do you NOW understand the distinction? Election office mails out unsolicited ballots... who gets the ballots? ANY ONE dead, someone else living there?

Does it make sense now why it is called JUNK MAIL ballots?

Nope. Still makes zero sense. Do you live in one of the 5 states that only this election decided to go all VBM? If not, it's not up to you but the voters of those states to determine if they like it or not. If they don't, the voters will let them know. We went all Vote by Mail in 2017 and there has been zero outcry and no problems once we got new equipment. What you should be screaming for is Federal assistance to states to upgrade equipment.

How do you know there have been zero problems with the mail in ballots? How would you know if hundreds had been tossed in dumpsters by mail carriers? You claim to "know", where do you get this amazing knowledge?
Can’t you read? My county was over 65% vote by mail when we became an all mailed ballot county in 2017. We have been mailing ballots to all our registered voters for four elections now. We had some issues in June 2018 because of older equipment. It took us the full 29 days to certify our election. After that election we bought new equipment and didn’t have any issues.

Voters can track their ballots.If their ballot ended up in the dumpster, they would be able to go in and vote on election day as long as their ballot hadn’t been counted
Hahahah.... YOU are recommending what Trump did when you wrote.. their ballot ended up in the dumpster, they would be able to go in and vote on election day as long as their ballot hadn’t been counted
Trump told people that if they vote by mail,
they should also go to polling places to check whether their mailed-in ballot had been tabulated (advice that election officials do not agree with), and if it hadn't: Vote in person.

Sure. If someone has tracked their ballot and it has not yet been received by the election office ...absolutely go in and vote a provisional.
Which is exactly what Trump said ...BUT because he said it... the MSM accused him of encouraging illegal voting!
AND for the first time... Google is NOT showing how many results in a search!
I searched "Trump encourages double voting" and thought I'd get what I use to the actual number of results... from now on NOTHING! Google is
afraid to show how the biased MSM bloviates the news!
But here is a screen shot of the first page of the search:
Just look at these headlines by the BIASED MSM accusing Trump of what YOU are suggesting!
Screen Shot 2020-10-06 at 4.27.47 PM.png

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